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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Season 17 What GIF by America's Got Talent's Got Talent

Well, I am surprised by how they do not care, and it is in a bad way XD!!!!

i know it's people dying, but I laughed when the drone saw the soldiers, and the munition popped up on the screen like pulling an erection out of your boxers.


Gold Member


He could've easily sought a protection deal from the west, but those sweet ruzzian siren whores are just too good to pass.
He could've taken his money/family, fucked off to some non-extradition place (basically pull an Idi Amin) and let the Tikhanovskis win, but no, he just had to do the dictatorial bullshit unto the end. Well, now that "unto the end" phrase has turned rather literal.
And, the bitterest irony is, none of his sons are likely to end up in the driver's seat (he, apparently, had envisioned going for a Nicolae -> Nicu Ceaușescu trick with one of his sons).


Probably better to be an orphan than raped and burned, though.

It’s been a while since an orc supporter did the whole “won’t somebody think of the Russians?” schtick. Good times.
interestingly, some people in this thread are showing the very 'orc' behavior you say you hate. What's your personal horse in this race? You live in ukraine?


Gold Member
interestingly, some people in this thread are showing the very 'orc' behavior you say you hate. What's your personal horse in this race? You live in ukraine?

People saying something and doing something are very different things.

And while wishing Russians dead is pretty nasty, the people it is in support of overwhelmingly seem to be treating the Russians well enough so long as they don't try to kill them. Those Russians who do and have invaded their country... well, are you really saying it's wrong to wish them dead?

So, what's your agenda?
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
interestingly, some people in this thread are showing the very 'orc' behavior you say you hate. What's your personal horse in this race? You live in ukraine?

Not many here have a horse in this race, but it's pretty clear Russia are the aggressor. The Russians stated this conflict and are also committing war crimes on a daily basis. They're evil and anybody defending them should be ostracized forever.


Gold Member
interestingly, some people in this thread are showing the very 'orc' behavior you say you hate. What's your personal horse in this race? You live in ukraine?
Make sense on an ethics and emotions level.

If someone broke into your house and killed everyone inside to boot, I dont think you'd feel chill about villains taking over saying to the world the next logical step is hiring a lawyer and taking them to court.
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The U.S might send Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDBs) to Ukraine. These can be fired from HIMARS and M270s and are an alternative to the regular rockets they use, but with several advantages. For one they can hit targets up to 150KM away and are also accurate within just one meter! If that wasn't good enough, each unit is significantly cheaper to manufacture than a standard GMLRS rocket

This could be the best addition to Ukraine's arsenal since HIMARS/GMLRS. Its only unfortunate that if they do get sent over, it won't be until Spring.
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Gold Member

"What's your super power?" "I'm Ukrainian!"... good in the trench video.

I've seen some alleged videos of retreating from shelters in Bakhamut. Hard to confirm it, but pressure is growing on that region. I suspect it will trade lines for awhile.

In the end it's not much ground for Russia considering all their losses for this region. Hope Ukrainians hold - need to get up their gear to help more during this trench battle.


Gold Member

"What's your super power?" "I'm Ukrainian!"... good in the trench video.

I've seen some alleged videos of retreating from shelters in Bakhamut. Hard to confirm it, but pressure is growing on that region. I suspect it will trade lines for awhile.

In the end it's not much ground for Russia considering all their losses for this region. Hope Ukrainians hold - need to get up their gear to help more during this trench battle.

Channel 4 News showing their worth again. They're fantastic when they stay away from the culture war stuff.

I used to watch Dispatches on Channel 4 as well, and that was pretty ballsy and intense.



"What's your super power?" "I'm Ukrainian!"... good in the trench video.

I've seen some alleged videos of retreating from shelters in Bakhamut. Hard to confirm it, but pressure is growing on that region. I suspect it will trade lines for awhile.

In the end it's not much ground for Russia considering all their losses for this region. Hope Ukrainians hold - need to get up their gear to help more during this trench battle.

"My children will grow up in a free country." Hits hard man. That video got me for some reason. Really affecting.
interestingly, some people in this thread are showing the very 'orc' behavior you say you hate. What's your personal horse in this race? You live in ukraine?

I wouldn't bother trying to reason with the uncritical "Slava Ukraini" hivemind. None of them will see the hypocrisy of dehumanizing an entire country of people while living in a countries whose militaries regularly help to destabilize entire regions and turn them into open air slave markets and jihadist paradises.


Gold Member
I wouldn't bother trying to reason with the uncritical "Slava Ukraini" hivemind. None of them will see the hypocrisy of dehumanizing an entire country of people while living in a countries whose militaries regularly help to destabilize entire regions and turn them into open air slave markets and jihadist paradises.

Slava Ukraini. Fuck Putin, and all who support him.



Gold Member
I wouldn't bother trying to reason with the uncritical "Slava Ukraini" hivemind. None of them will see the hypocrisy of dehumanizing an entire country of people while living in a countries whose militaries regularly help to destabilize entire regions and turn them into open air slave markets and jihadist paradises.

Where are you going with this reeking shit strawman. We already went over this multiple times; Most of us are not happy with invasions, especially the ones involving genocide, mass-like torture and mass-like rape of friendly neighbors. If it was the US we'd condemn them too. Perhaps just ask us next time instead of the willy-nilly knee-jerk accusations.

Edit: And there are actual Ukrainians posting here btw.. Some of us have close relations to Ukraine, family, friends. So, take your whataboutism and shove it.
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I wouldn't bother trying to reason with the uncritical "Slava Ukraini" hivemind. None of them will see the hypocrisy of dehumanizing an entire country of people while living in a countries whose militaries regularly help to destabilize entire regions and turn them into open air slave markets and jihadist paradises.
Fuck off with this obvious burner account, Pro Putin pussy.
Where are you going with this reeking shit strawman. We already went over this multiple times; Most of us are not happy with invasions, especially the ones involving genocide, mass-like torture and mass-like rape of friendly neighbors. If it was the US we'd condemn them too. Perhaps just ask us next time instead of the willy-nilly knee-jerk accusations.

Edit: And there are actual Ukrainians posting here btw.. Some of us have close relations to Ukraine, family, friends. So, take your whataboutism and shove it.

Nothing about my comment was a "strawman" or even whataboutism, you simply missed my point champ. I don't have a problem with people criticizing Russia, I do have a problem with uncritically demonizing and dehumanizing a nation of 143 million as "orcs" and [insert derogatory ethnic slurs here]. I'd say the same thing if we lived in the 1940s or 70s and you were calling Japanese/Vietnamese people [insert derogatory ethnic slurs here]. It simply isn't a good look and makes you look just as stupid and bloodthirsty as the "orcs" you decry especially considering the majority of users here have no connection to this conflict.
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Gold Member
Nothing about my comment was a "strawman" or even whataboutism, you simply missed my point champ. I don't have a problem with people criticizing Russia, I do have a problem with uncritically demonizing and dehumanizing a nation of 143 million as "orcs" and [insert derogatory ethnic slurs here]. I'd say the same thing if we lived in the 1940s and you were calling Japanese people as [insert derogatory ethnic slurs here]. It simply isn't a good look and makes you look just as stupid and bloodthirsty as the "orcs" you decry especially considering the majority of users here have no connection to this conflict.

Sorry. Guess we hurt the orcs feelings, huh? Maybe they can get out of Ukraine, and reclaim their official names like... Rapists, murderers, and war criminals.
Sorry. Guess we hurt the orcs feelings, huh? Maybe they can get out of Ukraine, and reclaim their official names like... Rapists, murderers, and war criminals.

He says without a hint of critical thought while living comfortably in a nation whose military regularly invades other sovereign nations helping to destabilize entire regions and turn them into open air slave markets and ISIS/Extremsist playgrounds lmao

Russian collaborants should really find some other argument than what about....

Whataboutism - Wikipedia

It's pretty old and I know that your favorite empire came up with that, but we don't care

Slava Ukraini hiveminders should really find another argument other than "WhAtAboUTISm!!" whenever somebody points out their blatant hypocrisy and lack of critical thinking skills

PS from the wikipedia article you linked:


Some commentators have defended the usage of whataboutism and tu quoque in certain contexts. Whataboutism can provide necessary context into whether or not a particular line of critique is relevant or fair. In international relations, behavior that may be imperfect by international standards may be quite good for a given geopolitical neighborhood, and deserves to be recognized as such.[16]

Christian Christensen, Professor of Journalism in Stockholm, argues that the accusation of whataboutism is itself a form of the tu quoque fallacy, as it dismisses criticisms of one's own behavior to focus instead on the actions of another, thus creating a double standard. Those who use whataboutism are not necessarily engaging in an empty or cynical deflection of responsibility: whataboutism can be a useful tool to expose contradictions, double standards, and hypocrisy.[88]

A number of commentators, among them Forbes columnist Mark Adomanis, have criticized the usage of accusations of whataboutism by American news outlets, arguing that accusations of whataboutism have been used to simply deflect criticisms of human rights abuses perpetrated by the United States or its allies.[90] Vincent Bevins and Alex Lo argue that the usage of the term almost exclusively by American outlets is a double standard,[91][92] and that moral accusations made by powerful countries are merely a pretext to punish their geopolitical rivals in the face of their own wrongdoing.[93]

The scholars Kristen Ghodsee and Scott Sehon posit that mentioning the possible existence of victims of capitalism in popular discourse is often dismissed as "whataboutism", which they describe as "a term implying that only atrocities perpetrated by communists merit attention." They also argue that such accusations of "whataboutism" are invalid as the same arguments used against communism can also be used against capitalism.[94]

Scholars Ivan Franceschini and Nicholas Loubere noted the prevalence of whataboutist arguments as well as essentialist counterarguments[further explanation needed] in the context of political debates between China and the US. They argue that it is not whataboutism to document and denounce authoritarianism in different countries, and noted global parallels such as the role Islamophobia played in China's Xinjiang internment camps and the US's War on terror and travel bans targeting Muslim countries, as well as influence of corporations and other international actors in the documented abuses which is becoming more obscured. Franceschini and Loubere conclude that authoritarianism "must be opposed everywhere", and that "only by finding the critical parallels, linkages, and complicities can we develop immunity to the virus of whataboutism and avoid its essentialist hyperactive immune response, achieving the moral consistency and holistic perspective that we need in order to build up international solidarity and stop sleepwalking towards the abyss."[95]
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Gold Member
He says without a hint of critical thought while living comfortably in a nation whose military regularly invades other sovereign nations helping to destabilize entire regions and turning them into open air slave markets and ISIS/Extremsist playgrounds lmao

Slava Ukraini hiveminders should really find another argument other than "WhAtAboUTISm!!" whenever somebody points out their blatant hypocrisy and lack of critical thinking skills

Where do I live? Seem to assume a lot.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
He says without a hint of critical thought while living comfortably in a nation whose military regularly invades other sovereign nations helping to destabilize entire regions and turning them into open air slave markets and ISIS/Extremsist playgrounds lmao

Slava Ukraini hiveminders should really find another argument other than "WhAtAboUTISm!!" whenever somebody points out their blatant hypocrisy and lack of critical thinking skills
Lol ok Vatnik, it's always you, who crack the code, never lies, always truthful and shit like that. Carry on
Where do I live? Seem to assume a lot.
I simply make the assumption that you live in a US/NATO-aligned country like a majority of this forum's userbase. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

Lol ok Vatnik, it's always you, who crack the code, never lies, always truthful and shit like that. Carry on

Oh look, more poor critical thinking skills and derogatory ethnic slurs from the bloodthirsty bigot. Yes, every person who opposes dehumanizing a nation of 143 million people as orcs surely must be a Russian.. Nice job using that smooth brain of yours, carry on!
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Gold Member
I simply make the assumption that you live in a US/NATO-aligned country like a majority of this forum's userbase. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

Oh look, more poor critical thinking skills and derogatory ethnic slurs from the bloodthirsty bigot. Yes, every person who opposes dehumanizing a nation of 143 million people as orcs surely must be a Russian.

The whole world would be better off if Putin turned heel back to Russia. This isn't a NATO versus Russia discussion, it's pretty evident that Russia is behaving in an evil entity causing all sorts of bullshit for the world to now deal with.
The whole world would be better off if Putin turned heel back to Russia. This isn't a NATO versus Russia discussion, it's pretty evident that Russia is behaving in an evil entity causing all sorts of bullshit for the world to now deal with.

I wholeheartedly agree that the world would be better off if there was no war in Ukraine and I don't deny that Russia is ultimately the aggressive party in this conflict though

Again my problem is with the dehumanizing "Russians are all smelly stinky evil orcs" rhetoric, it really isn't a good look and it's funny how I have to point out that it really isn't much different than when Russians call all Ukrainians "hohols" and "nazis". It all stems from the same nationalist brainrot


I wouldn't bother trying to reason with the uncritical "Slava Ukraini" hivemind. None of them will see the hypocrisy of dehumanizing an entire country of people while living in a countries whose militaries regularly help to destabilize entire regions and turn them into open air slave markets and jihadist paradises.

You assume a lot. And its ruZZia who dehumanized themself. Its a literally genocidal nazi country now.


Gold Member
I wholeheartedly agree that the world would be better off if there was no war in Ukraine and I don't deny that Russia is ultimately the aggressive party in this conflict though

Again my problem is with the dehumanizing "Russians are all smelly stinky evil orcs" rhetoric, it really isn't a good look and it's funny how I have to point out that it really isn't much different than when Russians call all Ukrainians "hohols" and "nazis". It all stems from the same nationalist brainrot

Ok, but read the room. We aren't here for finding any sympathy for Russian orcs. Until they return to behaving like humans I'll call them what they are - literal trash murdering kids, women, and innocents.

So if you want to find a place of like minded people - create a thread elsewhere.
Ok, but read the room. We aren't here for finding any sympathy for Russian orcs. Until they return to behaving like humans I'll call them what they are - literal trash murdering kids, women, and innocents.

I can read the room until my face I'm blue in the face. I'd still reach the same conclusions about the braindead nationalist rhetoric. I don't give a shit about anyone feeling sympathy for Russians, notice how I've said nothing about the people who are simply happy about Ukraine's military success and Russia's failures/losses.

I stand by my point though, which is that you look like a bloodthirsty idiot and dumbass bigot whenever you call all Russians "orcs", literally no different than Russians who call all Ukrainians "holol" and "nazis" and no different than the Americans who used to call Vietnamese "g**ks" and Arabs savages and [insert ethnic slurs here]. Personally I don't care if anyone gets upset having that pointed out to them.
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Gold Member
I wouldn't bother trying to reason with the uncritical "Slava Ukraini" hivemind. None of them will see the hypocrisy of dehumanizing an entire country of people while living in a countries whose militaries regularly help to destabilize entire regions and turn them into open air slave markets and jihadist paradises.

1. Ukraine have been invaded.

2. Those other countries chose their own path of slave markets and being jihadist paradises. If you hadn't noticed, the 'West' tried to end both of those. The cheeky fuckers in return let the worst of theirs live down the road from their elite military academy.


Gold Member
I can read the room until my face I'm blue in the face. I'd still reach the same conclusions about the braindead nationalist rhetoric. I don't give a shit about anyone feeling sympathy for Russians, notice how I've said nothing about the people who are simply happy about Ukraine's military success and Russia's failures/losses.

I stand by my point though, which is that you look like a bloodthirsty idiot and dumbass bigot whenever you call all Russians "orcs", literally no different than Russians who call all Ukrainians "holol" and "nazis" and no different than the Americans who used to call Vietnamese "g**ks" and Arabs savages and [insert ethnic slurs here]. Personally I don't care if anyone gets upset having that pointed out to them.


Time to find another thread to shit up, ok.


I can read the room until my face I'm blue in the face. I'd still reach the same conclusions about the braindead nationalist rhetoric. I don't give a shit about anyone feeling sympathy for Russians, notice how I've said nothing about the people who are simply happy about Ukraine's military success and Russia's failures/losses.

I stand by my point though, which is that you look like a bloodthirsty idiot and dumbass bigot whenever you call all Russians "orcs", literally no different than Russians who call all Ukrainians "holol" and "nazis" and no different than the Americans who used to call Vietnamese "g**ks" and Arabs savages and [insert ethnic slurs here]. Personally I don't care if anyone gets upset having that pointed out to them.

Video games are two forums over. You're better off sticking with games with hot takes like that.
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