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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I'm not following this war closely at all except for whatever posts people do in this thread.

But I just googled Bahkmut. It's got no more than 5000 people living there. Google maps shows its a super small town with not even that many streets or neighbourhoods. And Russia is having trouble taking this area over? Wow.
Yes , it was a nice place to kill orcs easy 🤣

Btw : It does have important routes for supplies .


Good news: The UK is apparently doubling the number of Challenger 2s they're giving to Ukraine from 14 to 28. I can't say im too surprised and I expect the number to continue to increase over time. I read a while ago that the UK is planning to upgrade most of their Challenger 2s, but had planned to decommission around 90 of them. So potentially most of those 90 could eventually end up in Ukraine

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Looking forward to seeing the effect the Leoparden, Challengers, Bradleys and CV90s have on the ruzzians.

Let the ruzzian defeat be swift and painful.

Reduce Climate Change GIF by Bhumi Pednekar


Gold Member
What the fuck is that?

That shit music over the footage of POWs?!

It's just a game to the Twitter slugs that post this shit, it's embarrassing.

It's tasteless and a shit choice in music.

But this is a war in the 21st century. There are good reasons to concern about the welfare of POWs. This isn't one of them.


Shovels are for digging the trenches, lol. Russia deploys 8/16-man teams on the frontlines with their infantry, they run a few meters forward from previous positions and furiously start digging, all while under artillery, drone, and small-arm to medium weaponry fire. As others have said this is old trench warfare tactics and it isn't working logistically, not even close, its shredding any expertise and capabilities within the Russian military (and causing a ton of rivalry infighting causing major headaches for pootin tootin). Life expectancy on the frontlines is about 4 hours btw if I recall that correctly.

Russia's heavy armor/elite forces are doing no better. They are just straight up just plowing head on with their tanks after making what they think to be flanking maneuvers
if only it weren't for the eyes in the sky telling the Ukraine military of these super top secret movements in advance
right into minefields, right into enemy fire already set up for the ambush.

Entire Russian brigades are getting decimated by Ukraine's reserve/national guard etc.
Ukraine's main army is currently being trained/rested for that counter offensive that will cause massive gains over the summer and that 10+/1 kill/loss ratio

The only worry I have about the outcome is if China gets involved. I like to think that won't happen if China acts in it's self-interest, but with ol pooh bear going all cold war rhetoric and their recent acts of aggression with the balloons it's now a wild card ...I guess?


Can't recommend this channel enough for anyone wanting more detailed day-to-day info focusing on the hottest areas on the battlefields of the war. (Edit) Major news on his latest video about Bakhmut, Ukraine will safely get all their infantry evacuated out of the city. Absolute superb tactics from their high command, that city was only supposed to last until late January and bleed so much from Russia.
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What the fuck is that?

That shit music over the footage of POWs?!

It's just a game to the Twitter slugs that post this shit, it's embarrassing.

You mean, people living in a warzone and actually are assisting and helping out against a invasion with genocidal aims and goals, think it's a game?

You seriously have no grasp of the reality of what is going on, but interesting take. :messenger_clapping::messenger_clapping:
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Shovels are for digging the trenches, lol. Russia deploys 8/16-man teams on the frontlines with their infantry, they run a few meters forward from previous positions and furiously start digging, all while under artillery, drone, and small-arm to medium weaponry fire. As others have said this is old trench warfare tactics and it isn't working logistically, not even close, its shredding any expertise and capabilities within the Russian military (and causing a ton of rivalry infighting causing major headaches for pootin tootin). Life expectancy on the frontlines is about 4 hours btw if I recall that correctly.

Russia's heavy armor/elite forces are doing no better. They are just straight up just plowing head on with their tanks after making what they think to be flanking maneuvers
if only it weren't for the eyes in the sky telling the Ukraine military of these super top secret movements in advance
right into minefields, right into enemy fire already set up for the ambush.

Entire Russian brigades are getting decimated by Ukraine's reserve/national guard etc.
Ukraine's main army is currently being trained/rested for that counter offensive that will cause massive gains over the summer and that 10+/1 kill/loss ratio

The only worry I have about the outcome is if China gets involved. I like to think that won't happen if China acts in it's self-interest, but with ol pooh bear going all cold war rhetoric and their recent acts of aggression with the balloons it's now a wild card ...I guess?


Can't recommend this channel enough for anyone wanting more detailed day-to-day info focusing on the hottest areas on the battlefields of the war. (Edit) Major news on his latest video about Bakhmut, Ukraine will safely get all their infantry evacuated out of the city. Absolute superb tactics from their high command, that city was only supposed to last until late January and bleed so much from Russia.

This doesn't accurately reflect the reality of the situation. There is increasing evidence that Ukraine is experiencing significant losses in Bakhmut as well due to similar reasons (throwing poorly trained and inexperienced troops into the meatgrinder with little support)

Im not trying to be a debbie downer, but I think its important to bring these issues to light so Ukrainian command knows that this kind of thing shouldn't be acceptable and they need to put more value on the lives of their soldiers

If Ukraine wants to join the west and abide by those same principals then they need to do away with the soviet union era mentality of just throwing huge numbers of soldiers at a problem regardless of the potential losses and then calling it a day.
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Your will need to give specifics in my post about the not reflecting reality part. Which part are you referring to specifically? If you would quote/bold that part.

That's not say that I haven't left out any and all news of Ukraine's losses, which I did, but that doesn't mean I'm trying to paint a different picture that Ukraine doesn't have or isn't suffering losses.

But if you're suggesting that something different is happening currently or has happened with what was stated in my previous post that was just focusing on Russia's losses then I would like to know. Been following that specific youtuber for a few weeks and what has been reported there has come to be pretty accurate thus far.
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Your will need to give specifics in my post about the not reflecting reality part. Which part are you referring to specifically? If you would quote/bold that part.

That's not say that I haven't left out any and all news of Ukraine's losses, which I did, but that doesn't mean I'm trying to paint a different picture that Ukraine doesn't have or isn't suffering losses.

But if you're suggesting that something different is happening currently or has happened with what was stated in my previous post that was just focusing on Russia's losses then I would like to know. Been following that specific youtuber for a few weeks and what has been reported there has come to be pretty accurate thus far.

The unfortunate reality is that on places like Twitter and youtube we're being exposed to too many Ukranian sources that stretch the truth and make it seem like everything is A-OK for Ukraine on the frontlines when it isn't. For example, there is absolutely no way that the loss ratio is anywhere near 10:1 in Ukraine's favor. And none of the tactics being implemented by Ukrainian command can be considered 'superb' at least when you look at the accounts from soldiers on the ground like the ones in that Kyiv Independent article I posted.

Of course Russia is still in a worse position but there are too many Ukrainian soldiers needlessly dying just because the leadership wants to hold onto Bakhmut as long as possible even when the situation over there is no longer in their favor and an orderly withdrawal should have already been carried out.
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The unfortunate reality is that on places like Twitter and youtube we're being exposed to too many Ukranian sources that stretch the truth and make it seem like everything is A-OK for Ukraine on the frontlines when it isn't. For example, there is absolutely no way that the loss ratio is anywhere near 10:1 in Ukraine's favor. And none of the tactics being implemented by Ukrainian command can be considered 'superb' at least when you look at the accounts from soldiers on the ground like the ones in that Kyiv Independent article I posted.

Of course Russia is still in a worse position but there are too many Ukrainian soldiers needlessly dying just because the leadership wants to hold onto Bakhmut as long as possible even when the situation over there is no longer in their favor and an orderly withdrawal should have already been carried out.

The bold is a forecast, more specifically a prediction of things to come when western tanks come. If those tanks were in the hands of experience british/american fighters from the middle east wars I would shoot that forecast to a 100/1 with no problem. As that has already been demonstrated when russian mercenaries tried going up against nato soldiers. You misread my sentence there or I didn't make it clear enough and I apologize.

Secondly, that specific youtuber is from Ukraine so yes there might be bias on what he focuses on. However he doesn't omit losses suffered by Ukraine's forces, that was just me, in that specific post, focusing on a specific angle that I felt would be good info for the board. With that said, right now all the focus is on Bakhmut and Vuhledar, and more specifically the concern was that Russia would be able to seize it by the anniversary and/or encircle and trap hundreds if not thousands of Ukraine troops. This apparently no longer being the case. Russia won't be able to pull another Bakhmut unless they do another mass conscription, and when western firepower completely obsoletes the trench/zerg warfare ....well you surely get the idea. I've no doubt it will result in such a catastrophic ratio kill/loss not in Russia's favor to make putin's ass start sweating bullets, which I think will be the point.

You didn't quote/bold anything specific, was there anything?


The unfortunate reality is that on places like Twitter and youtube we're being exposed to too many Ukranian sources that stretch the truth and make it seem like everything is A-OK for Ukraine on the frontlines when it isn't. For example, there is absolutely no way that the loss ratio is anywhere near 10:1 in Ukraine's favor. And none of the tactics being implemented by Ukrainian command can be considered 'superb' at least when you look at the accounts from soldiers on the ground like the ones in that Kyiv Independent article I posted.

Of course Russia is still in a worse position but there are too many Ukrainian soldiers needlessly dying just because the leadership wants to hold onto Bakhmut as long as possible even when the situation over there is no longer in their favor and an orderly withdrawal should have already been carried out.
i think ukrainian generals know better then you or anyone here what's situation in bachmut is this isn't mariupol where russians had surrounded city from all sides 50km deep, i don't think soldiers wan't to give up bachmut also, neither any ukrainian death are needless when they defending theyr country, kill ratio is at least 7:1 possible more in bachmut that why defending cities like bachmut is worth it as much as possible if supplies get through.


i think ukrainian generals know better then you or anyone here what's situation in bachmut is this isn't mariupol where russians had surrounded city from all sides 50km deep, i don't think soldiers wan't to give up bachmut also, neither any ukrainian death are needless when they defending theyr country, kill ratio is at least 7:1 possible more in bachmut that why defending cities like bachmut is worth it as much as possible if supplies get through.
Yes, just keep shooting stupid orcs in waves, it’s like Gears of war horde mode 🤣



"The Russian military has failed to achieve any of its primary objectives. Russian President Vladimir Putin constantly reiterates his maximalist goals in Ukraine, suggesting that the war will go on for months, if not years. What that means for the Russian soldier on the ground is that the prospect of him getting killed or maimed in Ukraine not only continues to exist but is becoming more likely."

Knowing this and that Russia is low/running out of ammo/supplies enough maybe to last sometime in the spring, the war is not going to last longer than this year. At the very least it's over for the aggressors as they lose the logistics to even wage it. Even with last year's conscriptions and 90+% of Russia's military all inside Ukraine they've been unable to achieve any main offensive goals. Russia has already started it's "counter-offense" weeks ago and have gained a few hundred/thousand meter of land/rubble for it. Ukraine on the other hand is still waiting for the right moments to align to start it's counters. These factors are western armor/firepower gets into positions, and the main army troops (who were part of fall's offensives last year) to finish training/resting, and Russia's forces depleted at a point to no longer be a threat.

Bahkmut & Vulhedar have been critical for exhausting russian forces and is the main reason Ukraine command continues using these two cities tactically for a long a possible resulting in:

"There has been an upward trend in Russian casualties lately. Starting in November, every month, the Russian forces are taking more dead and wounded. Indeed, in November, the Russian forces suffered 16,400 casualties; in December, they took 16,520 casualties; and in January, they lost 20,230 troops. Western intelligence assessments put the number of Russian losses at around 200,000 killed and wounded, with Ukrainian losses around the same range. However, the Ukrainians have more wounded than killed compared to the Russians, indicating a better emergency medical system as well as different tactics."

This is extremely important to note. If people think that Ukraine is on a back foot and the situation is grim/etc for them your being misled. Tough yes, but while both Ukraine/Russia are suffering casualties, Russia's casualties are way worse in context and in trends because of the whole being dead thing. Which is what happens when you use people as meatshields. As Ukraine continues receiving aid and Russia continues to lose its capacity wage war this will not only get worse for Russia, but the losses will start to snowball for them. Putin's only hope is receiving an immense amount aid/support at this point.


I’m not that informed on a countries military might but Russia had always been touted as a significant military power in the world and I’m reading articles of Russian soldiers fighting WW1 style….

Is Putin holding back and has not launched total war yet?

Where are all the ICBMs (non-nuclear)? Russian Airforce? Naval bombardments? Heavy Artillery? Are these weapons of war not being used by Russia for a reason or does Russia not have them?
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I’m not that informed on a countries military might but Russia had always been touted as a significant military power in the world and I’m reading articles of Russian soldiers fighting WW1 style….

Is Putin holding back and has not launched total war yet?

Where are all the ICBMs (non-nuclear)? Russian Airforce? Naval bombardments? Heavy Artillery? Are these weapons of war not being used by Russia for a reason or does Russia not have them?

Things are simpler than that



Gold Member
I’m not that informed on a countries military might but Russia had always been touted as a significant military power in the world and I’m reading articles of Russian soldiers fighting WW1 style….

Is Putin holding back and has not launched total war yet?

Where are all the ICBMs (non-nuclear)? Russian Airforce? Naval bombardments? Heavy Artillery? Are these weapons of war not being used by Russia for a reason or does Russia not have them?

ICBM are very expensive Russian air force is vulnerable
most of the navy is not in the Black Sea, heavy artillery is running out of ammunition


I’m not that informed on a countries military might but Russia had always been touted as a significant military power in the world and I’m reading articles of Russian soldiers fighting WW1 style….

Is Putin holding back and has not launched total war yet?

Where are all the ICBMs (non-nuclear)? Russian Airforce? Naval bombardments? Heavy Artillery? Are these weapons of war not being used by Russia for a reason or does Russia not have them?
Russia is not in a state of total war (they denied they were even at war for the longest time).
I wouldn't say they are holding back though. Putin wants to pretend that everything in Russia is fine. Total war could potentially result in large widespread political unrest, and would also be terrible for the Russian economy that is trying to stay afloat amongst all the sanctions.

Non-nuclear ICBMs aren't a thing. The whole purpose of the ICBM is to deliver nuclear warheads very far away. They are also incredibly expensive, and would serve no real purpose against Ukraine.
Russia has an airforce, and has been using it. But anti-air makes it difficult to attack Ukraine willy nilly with it.
Russia doesn't have an especially large navy really, and their use is limited. They are susceptible to missile attacks and drone attacks from Ukraine. They have been using the navy to launch missiles now and then, but yeah.
Russia has been making a lot of use of heavy artillery. It has been one of their significant advantages in this war.

Russia's significant military power comes from all their soviet era stock and nuclear capabilities. After the collapse of the USSR, Russia has had a pretty small military budget up until the last decade or so.


Gold Member
I’m not that informed on a countries military might but Russia had always been touted as a significant military power in the world and I’m reading articles of Russian soldiers fighting WW1 style….

Is Putin holding back and has not launched total war yet?

Where are all the ICBMs (non-nuclear)? Russian Airforce? Naval bombardments? Heavy Artillery? Are these weapons of war not being used by Russia for a reason or does Russia not have them?
When it comes to Russia, I'd take any government statement or image with a grain of salt.

Remember 30 or so years ago? The world didn't really know much about Russia. I think everyone got the impression they were communist, but had a decent economy and society.

Turns out they transition to a market economy or whatever and you got shitloads of grocery stores empty and people lining up at empty shelves like it's a giant food bank of desperate people who cant even buy apples or bread. McDonalds comes around and people line up for hours to try it. Whereas McD's has been considered junky cheap fast food since the company got founded, where people treat it as midnight trash to eat while drunk, people in Russia had trouble affording it. Kids in Russia would bring empty McD's brown bags to school to show off they went to Mcdonalds. Fuck, you'd think the family just bought a Mercedes or something. Boris Yeltsin visited a US grocery store (I think it was a Food Lion or something) and was amazed stores had so much food. He thought the grocery store staged as he didn't believe any store could be stocked with so much food at once.
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When it comes to Russia, I'd take any government statement or image with a grain of salt.

Remember 30 or so years ago? The world didn't really know much about Russia. I think everyone got the impression they were communist, but had a decent economy and society.

Turns out they transition to a market economy or whatever and you got shitloads of grocery stores empty and people lining up at empty shelves like it's a giant food bank of desperate people who cant even buy apples or bread. McDonalds comes around and people line up for hours to try it. Whereas McD's has been considered junky cheap fast food since the company got founded, where people treat it as midnight trash to eat while drunk, people in Russia had trouble affording it. Kids in Russia would bring empty McD's brown bags to school to show off they went to Mcdonalds. Fuck, you'd think the family just bought a Mercedes or something. Boris Yeltsin visited a US grocery store (I think it was a Food Lion or something) and was amazed stores had so much food. He thought the grocery store staged as he didn't believe any store could be stocked with so much food at once.

You're conflating USSR with Russia. The supermarket visit was during the tail end of the USSR and an alleged catalyst for that country's last ditch effort at reform. Western stuff was a status symbol after the dissolution of the USSR because it was forbidden previously. People indulged in everything they had been denied by the iron curtain. Post 2000s Russia isn't really like that. Foreign chains were normalized and people chased the same status brands as everybody else.


Gold Member
You're conflating USSR with Russia. The supermarket visit was during the tail end of the USSR and an alleged catalyst for that country's last ditch effort at reform. Western stuff was a status symbol after the dissolution of the USSR because it was forbidden previously. People indulged in everything they had been denied by the iron curtain. Post 2000s Russia isn't really like that. Foreign chains were normalized and people chased the same status brands as everybody else.
Thats what Im trying to get at.

The image of Russia/USSR/Soviets being powerful may be all bogus. They cant even steamroll Ukraine and it's been a year. Unless all the pics and videos shown showing poorly equipped soldiers and crummy vehicles are all bogus, Russian military doesnt seem so formidable. You never know. Maybe they are doing the video game tactic in strategy games to go through all the shitty peons first, and then bring in all the beast units later to mop up, but it sure doesnt seem like it.

And going by what I said back then, it probably showed for the first time many people what USSR is like. At that time and before that, most people probably only knew about USSR through military power struggles with the US and them winning lots of medals at Olympic Games and world tournaments.
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Thats what Im trying to get at.

The image of Russia/USSR/Soviets being powerful may be all bogus. They cant even steamroll Ukraine and it's been a year. Unless all the pics and videos shown showing poorly equipped soldiers and crummy vehicles are all bogus, Russian military doesnt seem so formidable. You never know. Maybe they are doing the video game tactic in strategy games to go through all the shitty peons first, and then bring in all the beast units later to mop up, but it sure doesnt seem like it.

And going by what I said back then, it probably showed for the first time many people what USSR is like. At that time and before that, most people probably only knew about USSR through military power struggles with the US and them winning lots of medals at Olympic Games and world tournaments.

Oh I get you. It's definitely a generational thing. I grew up thinking the USSR was actually worse than it was. Seeing photos of my in-laws drinking Pepsi over a summer picnic shocked me. People only started fetishizing Russia and the USSR after Putin came to power. Some segment bought that propaganda hook line and sinker.


Gold Member
I’m not that informed on a countries military might but Russia had always been touted as a significant military power in the world and I’m reading articles of Russian soldiers fighting WW1 style….

Is Putin holding back and has not launched total war yet?

Where are all the ICBMs (non-nuclear)? Russian Airforce? Naval bombardments? Heavy Artillery? Are these weapons of war not being used by Russia for a reason or does Russia not have them?

Russia has, or it seems mostly had, a lot of military power.

They've been shelling and striking away for over a year now.

But shear force alone is not enough to win most battles. After they initial very visual destruction and death, the opponent either already has or starts to dig in and carry on.

Mass bombardment didn't work in WWI. Mass bombing in WWII didn't cause much pause to the German wear machine. It's not working now.

Targeted strikes from good intelligence and good strategy win.

tl;dr: Russia has the brawn, but not the brains. Then mix in a heap of corruption, lack of trust within, and the bed to appease the dictator (or end up falling out a window).


Reports are that Russia didn’t order Iran ballistic rockets because of fears of the USA might supply ATACMS 🤣 its starting to work, people , the west (well mostly USA) just have to keep going .
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