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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Even is they were to get Iran's missiles, it would be just like the drones where the stockpile built up over years is fired in a few weeks in the hope they can knock out Ukraine and after that it's the trickle of new production which is severely limited by sanctions and attacks on the production facilities.

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Just to give some context to this and yes this bit of propo by the russians is so fucking insane it is ridiculous. It is almost as bad as that advert they did where people in Britain were freezing to death in -40c temperatures (an unheard of low temperature that could not possibly happen in the bloody UK). Oddly enough there is some "truth" to what pig features is saying. Some POSH restaurants in LONDON sell grey squirrel based meals for like 200 quid a go. In the UK the native squirrel is the RED squirrel but they have been pushed to extinction by the invasive GREY squirrel. So the posh lot came up with this eco/sustainable/we are better than the plebs bullshit thing of making eating grey squirrels a delicacy.

I am still enjoying my bacon and egg sarnies like I usually do. I often guzzle down on beans, egg, bacon and toast and if any Russians are reading this I can assure you the Great British Artery clogging breakfast is alive and well everywhere. and I enjoy my heart stopping breakfast that little bit more knowing 28 Chally 2's are coming your way to fuck up your day.
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As a Russian who left the country, it's painful to say that this is where I am from. There was a good reason I fled my so called "homeland" 23 years ago.
I hear ya Elder Legend but then there are Russians and then there are Ruzzians. Since this war started I have watched a fair few Russian youtubers to get a "sense" of just what the hell is going on. I regular check out Constantaine and NFKRZ along with a few others like Vlad Vexler (seriously like that guy is deep deep makes my head hurt sometime) and Niki Proshin. There are fantastic Russians and I hate what this war is doing to them. But the "other" Ruzzians they seriously need to be slapped silly with a god damn root vegetable or something. I honestly can't imagine what it must be like to be in your shoes. As a brit I am used to looking at the shit my government does and just shake my head, However Putler and co are taking it to new levels that ole Boris and the Tories can only dream of, We can but hope when this ends (and it will end) it will be in such a way as to show the people in Russia what complete fuckwits they have been and maybe something good could come out of it.
Afaik it's not about the range, it's about the size of the BOOM. (200 lbs rocket vs 2000lbs bombs)
Yup, essentially this allows much larger bombs. The rockets they have now, warhead is around 200lbs, where as the mk84 which is the largest a jdam will fit is 2000lbs(1000lbs of actual explosives..)

Patrick S.

I hear ya Elder Legend but then there are Russians and then there are Ruzzians. Since this war started I have watched a fair few Russian youtubers to get a "sense" of just what the hell is going on. I regular check out Constantaine and NFKRZ along with a few others like Vlad Vexler (seriously like that guy is deep deep makes my head hurt sometime) and Niki Proshin. There are fantastic Russians and I hate what this war is doing to them. But the "other" Ruzzians they seriously need to be slapped silly with a god damn root vegetable or something. I honestly can't imagine what it must be like to be in your shoes. As a brit I am used to looking at the shit my government does and just shake my head, However Putler and co are taking it to new levels that ole Boris and the Tories can only dream of, We can but hope when this ends (and it will end) it will be in such a way as to show the people in Russia what complete fuckwits they have been and maybe something good could come out of it.
I usually like NFKRZ but his latest video made me lose a bit of respect for him. He’s an entitled ass who gets free money via donations, Patreon and YouTube ads, he left the country and has options, yet he’s complaining how his life is ruined and he has no future and is losing the best years of his life. Seriously, he is SO much better off than most of his fellow Russians, not to mention all the Ukranians!
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Russia already had one of the lowest birth rates in the world. This war is going to make it even worse.
The men that died on this war. The men that ran away from Russia. And the couples that are avoiding having kids during war time.
Putin is just accelerating the Russian population decline, into overdrive.
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I usually like NFKRZ but his latest video made me lose a bit of respect for him. He’s an entitled ass who gets free money via donations, Patreon and YouTube ads, he left the country and has options, yet he’s complaining how his life is ruined and he has no future and is losing the best years of his life. Seriously, he is SO much better off than most of his fellow Russians, not to mention all the Ukranians!
Yeah his last video was a bit tone deaf. However I get the feeling he is feeling the stress of his visa running out. I don't know the rules very well but from what I understand his visa is only good for a year. He can reapply for another one year visa but has to travel back to Russia to do that which erm well you can imagine where he is gonna get carted too if he sets foot in Russia again. I don't think he explained it well enough in the video and it got lost in the whining about not being able to visit Italy.

Still not much in the way of good or bad news from Ukraine today though Bakhmut is still semi holding. I really hope the Ukrainians can turn the tide of things and start making progress. I am under no illusion that things will get a lot worse for Europe if Ukraine falls. This is why even I get frustrated at the slowness of weapons delivery. Every country in Europe should be funnelling every last bullet and gun to Ukrainians so they can beat back these butchers, because if Ukraine falls the rest of Europe will be next.


Simps for Amouranth
I've been following NFKR for ages and I like the guy, gotta feel for him and his situation, yes he has it slightly better than most of his peers but the guy is 100% aware of the entire situation with Russia and I can only imagine it really fucks with his head knowing how utterly evil his government and fellow countrymen are being and how that reflects on Russians in the wider world, especially as he's more European leaning, so I'd cut the dude some slack, he's no doubt struggling mentally


Fyi a Bradley autocannon can pierce the t62 armor except the bit near the turret at the front.

Anyways citing nato sources, a British newspaper reported that the Bahkmut campaign losses were 5:1 in favor of Ukraine.

That was the ratio when Ukraine had control of the flanks and the defense lines along the outer edges of the city were still intact. It is unfortunately worse now.
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There's been ongoing missile and drone attacks all over the country for the last several hours apparently. This could very well be Russia's biggest air attack of the war so far. Explosions are being reported in every region.
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Ostneba bans human rights protests because it "can't guarantee public safety" but it's always able to whip up a few thousand jack boots to attack peaceful protestors. The cops are oprichniks. They are not even wearing their legally required uniform with their ID number and unit displayed. It's appalling.


Shit. Why didn’t Ukraine think of that?

Bruh- call them right now! Peace by tomorrow!
Won’t happen , first the democratic west needs to talk for about a year 🤣 and by then these parts of Ukraine are Russian . As was the outcome when this war started .
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One thing I'm curious is about Wagner and their prison recruits. They were recruited with the promise that their sentence would be null if they served for 6 months with Wagner.
A lot of them have died, but many survived and are close to the 6 month limit. So the question is, will Wagner break their side of the contract and keep these prison recruits on the battlefield, or are they going to release a bunch of serial rapist and murderers into the Russian population.
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Here we go again with the nuclear power plants, don't the idiots see where the wind is blowing in the region??

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Simps for Amouranth
One thing I'm curious is about Wagner and their prison recruits. They were recruited with the promise that their sentence would be null if they served for 6 months with Wagner.
A lot of them have died, but many survived and are close to the 6 month limit. So the question is, will Wagner break their side of the contract and keep these prison recruits on the battlefield, or are they going to release a bunch of serial rapist and murderers into the Russian population.
Do you honestly think Wagner is actually gonna release prisoners back into the wild? That they simply aren't gonna keep getting used or redeployed until they are dead, ordinary Russians don't care about one another ffs what you makes you think a guy like Prigozhin cares about prisoners?


ChatGPT 0.1
China doesn’t want sanctions they’re the face of corporate business they’re probably glued permanently to the world economy they want to put this war behind them ASAP.


Gold Member
Russia already had one of the lowest birth rates in the world. This war is going to make it even worse.
The men that died on this war. The men that ran away from Russia. And the couples that are avoiding having kids during war time.
Putin is just accelerating the Russian population decline, into overdrive.

Russian/Soviet governments never cared about the people but population decline will hit economy super hard. They keep this bullshit war in motion for what reason exactly? Even if Putin had some good reason for this it was only worth it if Ukrainians surrended in first days of war, now it's a fucking disaster for Russia (and of course even worse for Ukraine).

This country was always ruled by stupid people.


Russian/Soviet governments never cared about the people but population decline will hit economy super hard. They keep this bullshit war in motion for what reason exactly? Even if Putin had some good reason for this it was only worth it if Ukrainians surrended in first days of war, now it's a fucking disaster for Russia (and of course even worse for Ukraine).

This country was always ruled by stupid people.

Truth be told, Putin is Russia and Russians biggest enemy.
His obsession with conquest and domination will be the death of their country. And the world will be better for it.


Gold Member
China doesn’t want sanctions they’re the face of corporate business they’re probably glued permanently to the world economy they want to put this war behind them ASAP.

They don't but with Xinnie the Pooh in charge and desperate for a legacy, they might just be stupid enough to try for Taiwan.

As well as Xinnie getting older, the founding of the PRC is coming up, their population is declining, labour costs are rising (so businesses have already started leaving), their military has advanced a lot, and as their shiny equipment starts to age they will have to use more of their budget to maintain it instead of building more.


Gold Member
Russian/Soviet governments never cared about the people but population decline will hit economy super hard. They keep this bullshit war in motion for what reason exactly? Even if Putin had some good reason for this it was only worth it if Ukrainians surrended in first days of war, now it's a fucking disaster for Russia (and of course even worse for Ukraine).

This country was always ruled by stupid people.
Thats Soviet/Russian government for ya.

Just think what that region of the world could have done the past few centuries if they had good government. The country has this:

- Lots of people

- I think a pretty academic society with stereotyped smart people (at least thats what the media shows)

- By far the biggest land mass in the world

- Shit loads of natural resources, which for every country is the first building block to success. When you got tons of natural resources, the people should have easier access to buy it, tons of companies creating jobs, export revenue, and tons of taxes and tariff fees collected. A good cycle of success. From there, countries take the next step to higher value services and products beyond commodities, but you still got all this as a backbone

What a waste of people and land.
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