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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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"Ukrainian Air Force destroyed three enemy aircraft in the eastern direction!

🔥 two Su-34 💥 one Su-35"

The situation in Avdiivka, given Ukraine's withrawal, as of 17/02.

Ukraine’s forces withdraw from key eastern town of Avdiivka after months of fighting.

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Some western news sites are also using the fall of Avdiivka as some major Russian victory which is likely intended to further turn public opinion against supporting Ukraine. Fox News even called it a 'pivotal turn in the war'....come on now. Thats just ridiculous. Its not insignificant but its still a small settlement thats even smaller than Bakhmut and might have cost more Russian lives to take.
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Some western news sites are also using the fall of Avdiivka as some major Russian victory which is likely intended to further turn public opinion against supporting Ukraine. Fox News even called it a 'pivotal turn in the war'....come on now. Thats just ridiculous. Its not insignificant but its still a small settlement thats even smaller than Bakhmut and might have cost more Russian lives to take.
Avdiivka is literally 15 km away from Donetsk City. The Russians spent 10 years trying to take it, and they have only now finally managed to take it, thanks to outside support. If that's a victory, then what does defeat look like?


Avdiivka is literally 15 km away from Donetsk City. The Russians spent 10 years trying to take it, and they have only now finally managed to take it, thanks to outside support. If that's a victory, then what does defeat look like?
Zelensky says that the losses were 7 to 1, so 7 russian casualties for every Ukrainian.
Its been confirmed:

I was his supporter. I would not support an ultra-nationalist war-hungry politician. Whatever nationalist rhetoric he had, he didn't use it during 2010s and that's when he came to prominence and the forefront of russian opposition.

Russian people inside russia will do nothing because they actually can't. The one thing the enlightened commenters seem to not understand about current authoritarian regimes is that population pretty much can do nothing. The population is powerless, weaponless, frightened and divided. Your telephone calls are easily accessible by authorities, your social networks too, soon they're gonna implement and enforce their own SSL certificates issued by government agency and that's the end of any protected internet communication. It's done, they will find you by cameras long before you get to the place of protest. If you protest en masse, they just wait till the protest dies down, then the authorities will find out every participant and arrest you at the safety of your home.

As for russians outside russia. We're doing what we can. We're helping Ukrainian refugees and not paying taxes to support putin regime. Plenty of protests today at the russian embassies as well.
The thing that ticks me off the most about this, as an onlooker, is how seemingly the "judicial system" and "police" (mafioso henchmen in neat uniforms, if we're being honest) don't acknowledge or realize what they're doing to their own countrymen.

Putin and his inner circle has systematically, gradually and slowly robbed Russians of fundamental humane rights while the "law enforcement", your supposed fellow countrymen, don't even bat an eye or think about it twice. Its sickening and disturbing to watch/read.


Another issue is that the revolution in Belarus failed because Russian military intervened. If it wasn't for that, the Belarussian people could now have a democracy and be on their way to prosperity and freedom.
But because Russians allow dictators to control their country, other countries have to suffer for it.
A good example of this was the fall of the USSR. Several countries did their own revolutions, when they realized that Russia wasn't sending the army to protect the dictators in their respective countries.
So don't blame the Belarussians for failing their revolution, when the reason for that, was the Russian army and the passivity of the Russian people.
At this point, we're really derailing a thread.

But I'll bite one last time.

First of all, I don't blame brave people of Belarus, nor do I blame anyone who fought and lost against dictatorship because I happen to know what's it's like. The fact that you can't empathize with that is really telling.

Secondly, painting 1917 russian revolution as a positive is rich, the regime that followed is responsible for too many horrors, including the kgb, fsb and putin.

Thirdly, about current russians lacking the spirit. It's incredibly frustrating seeing people who didn't have to fight for their own freedoms, giving you history lessons and throwing judgements at you for not doing it correctly. I'd like to see you try. We've been at it since 2010s and we lost. Just consider this, it's possible to do everything you could've done and still lose. The fact that western democracies continued engorging putin's regime with money, even after 2014, didn't help. The fact that western democracies sold riot gear to russian riot police (omon) didn't help either, we've been beaten into submission by the batons of eu making.

Now to my point. I'm not conflating protest with revolution attempts. The point is, protests barely achieve anything in democracies and they absolutely do not work in authoritarian regime. With the current technology the revolution is pretty much impossible. putin and his cronies seem to have learned all the necessary lessons from history to keep himself in power. Revolutions happen

And now, my turn to cast a little bit of judgement on you. Where's the western spirit? Are you going to finally get a clue and realize putin is a world threat, not just some far-away problem you can continue to ignore? Are you going to provide everything Ukraine needs to win? Are you going to stand with them until they regain control of all their territories including Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk? Or are your principles that fickle? Because I'm not so sure anymore. You don't seem to be the same west capable of uniting against a common enemy. You seem to be too busy laughing at our expense and pretending the threat will go away on its own if you just keep your eyes closed for long enough.

Rather than ridiculing the hero who died twice opposing putin, do something useful and donate to Ukraine and keep doing that until they win.


The thing that ticks me off the most about this, as an onlooker, is how seemingly the "judicial system" and "police" (mafioso henchmen in neat uniforms, if we're being honest) don't acknowledge or realize what they're doing to their own countrymen.

Putin and his inner circle has systematically, gradually and slowly robbed Russians of fundamental humane rights while the "law enforcement", your supposed fellow countrymen, don't even bat an eye or think about it twice. Its sickening and disturbing to watch/read.
They consider us traitors and are very willing to torture the living shit out of us. It's impossible to reason with them and they do not realize that after all the enemies of the regime are dead or prisoned, the regime is going to eat the executioners and the jailors.

I've been at the Navalny memorial at russian embassy today. Heart-wrenching. Thank you for your empathy.


Gold Member
At this point, we're really derailing a thread.

But I'll bite one last time.

First of all, I don't blame brave people of Belarus, nor do I blame anyone who fought and lost against dictatorship because I happen to know what's it's like. The fact that you can't empathize with that is really telling.

I empathize with the Belarussians. Not with the Russians.
At least the Belarussians did make a proper attempt to free themselves. But that effort was curbed by the Russians.

Secondly, painting 1917 russian revolution as a positive is rich, the regime that followed is responsible for too many horrors, including the kgb, fsb and putin.

The 1917 revolution succeeded for a while. you might remember that the communist only received a small portion of the votes.
Kerensky formed a democratic government, but he also made several mistakes, such as continuing to push for the army to attack, when the soldiers just wanted to defend.
And he managed to insult and alienate a few generals, that when the communists attacked the capital, turned their backs on him.
The communists took power by violence, after the revolution and after the first elections. Of course, that when in power, they claimed they had done the whole thing by themselves.
You might also want to remember that many Russians (white) fought against the Reds, to restore democratic rule. The USA even sent a few battalions to Russia to help the Whites.
But the Communists won, the revolution failed and Russia went to another autocratic regime.

Curious that you would associate Putin with the communists, when he openly criticizes the USSR and the Communist party. And while he praises Alexandre III and references Ivan Ilyin.
In case you haven't noticed, Putin is ideologically closer to fascism. Not to communism.
The similarity is that both systems are autocratic and use violence and repression to control the people.

Thirdly, about current russians lacking the spirit. It's incredibly frustrating seeing people who didn't have to fight for their own freedoms, giving you history lessons and throwing judgements at you for not doing it correctly. I'd like to see you try. We've been at it since 2010s and we lost. Just consider this, it's possible to do everything you could've done and still lose. The fact that western democracies continued engorging putin's regime with money, even after 2014, didn't help. The fact that western democracies sold riot gear to russian riot police (omon) didn't help either, we've been beaten into submission by the batons of eu making.

Now to my point. I'm not conflating protest with revolution attempts. The point is, protests barely achieve anything in democracies and they absolutely do not work in authoritarian regime. With the current technology the revolution is pretty much impossible. putin and his cronies seem to have learned all the necessary lessons from history to keep himself in power. Revolutions happen

All democratic countries had to fight for their freedoms. Some started a couple of centuries ago, so for people lacking historical knowledge, it might seem like they didn't earn it.
My country fought for it and got it, less than half a century ago.

Russia had a great opportunity at a change in regime in the 90s, when the Communist regime fell.
Russians could have had democracy and freedom. For a while it really seemed like you would manage to get it.
But somehow Russians managed to grab defeat from the jaws of victory and allowed a KGB agent to become the next dictator.

And now, my turn to cast a little bit of judgement on you. Where's the western spirit? Are you going to finally get a clue and realize putin is a world threat, not just some far-away problem you can continue to ignore? Are you going to provide everything Ukraine needs to win? Are you going to stand with them until they regain control of all their territories including Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk? Or are your principles that fickle? Because I'm not so sure anymore. You don't seem to be the same west capable of uniting against a common enemy. You seem to be too busy laughing at our expense and pretending the threat will go away on its own if you just keep your eyes closed for long enough.

Rather than ridiculing the hero who died twice opposing putin, do something useful and donate to Ukraine and keep doing that until they win.

And in case you haven't noticed, a lot of people in this thread, including me, have said that the west is not doing enough to help Ukraine. And that all territories must be retaken. We have been saying it for a long time.
So don't pretend that you have some special moral high ground.

You might consider Navalny a hero. A lot of people in the west don't.
But admittedly, it doesn't matter what the people in the west think about him.
More important, is what are the Russians going to do about it? And the answer is to put some flowers in a memorial and walk away.
Russians won't do anything more. They will just go back to being serfs under Putin.
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They consider us traitors and are very willing to torture the living shit out of us. It's impossible to reason with them and they do not realize that after all the enemies of the regime are dead or prisoned, the regime is going to eat the executioners and the jailors.
The ultra-nationalistic tendencies Putin has fed and indoctrinated some Russians with is sending off some unsettling Nazi Germany vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if Putin has Mein kampf lying on his nightstand.

I've been at the Navalny memorial at russian embassy today. Heart-wrenching. Thank you for your empathy.
Не беспокойтесь, это обычная человеческая порядочность.
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Russia had a great opportunity at a change in regime in the 90s, when the Communist regime fell.
Russians could have had democracy and freedom. For a while it really seemed like you would manage to get it.
But somehow Russians managed to grab defeat from the jaws of victory and allowed a KGB agent to become the next dictator.
Lol, no bro. The moment USSR started falling all the factory bosses started grabbing property left and right.
Chodorovsky was instrumental in designing a system to sell vast amounts of Russian state property to oligarchs.

There was a good book about it, forgot the name.

They are all thieves and got what they deserved.


Gold Member
Lol, no bro. The moment USSR started falling all the factory bosses started grabbing property left and right.
Chodorovsky was instrumental in designing a system to sell vast amounts of Russian state property to oligarchs.

There was a good book about it, forgot the name.

They are all thieves and got what they deserved.

You are right.
But all that thievery was already present before the USSR fell. It just got amplified because Russians lost the rule of law, so they only had their morals.


Czech Republic seeks funding to supply millions of ammunition rounds to Ukraine.

Combat report of the Third Assault Brigade: Since the redeployment of the Third Separate Assault Brigade to Avdiivka, Ukrainian Defenders have inflicted significant losses on the key strike group of the russian army. Despite a significant advantage in artillery, attack drones and the regular use of up to a hundred KAB per day, the enemy lost:
  • more than 1500 dead;
  • more than 3500 wounded;
  • and more than 20 armored vehicles.
By the time of the withdrawal, the soldiers of the Third Assault Brigade didn’t allow the enemy to completely encircle the positions.

The Brigade retreated to prepared positions in the vicinity of Avdiivka and straightened the front line. So far the russians are not slowing down their offensive momentum. The Defenders continue to hold the defense in the Avdiivka direction.

That concludes Avdiivka. The AFU has completely withdrawn from all parts of the city, including from the AKHZ (Coke and Chemical Plant) and the 9th quarter. New defensive lines were taken up. In coming days, it will become known how the exact defensive lines looks like.

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Curious that you would associate Putin with the communists, when he openly criticizes the USSR and the Communist party. And while he praises Alexandre III and references Ivan Ilyin.
In case you haven't noticed, Putin is ideologically closer to fascism. Not to communism.
The similarity is that both systems are autocratic and use violence and repression to control the people.
USSR was at its very core fascist. Communism was just a pretty front. putin himself called the dissolution of USSR the greatest tragedy of the 20th century, he is the product of soviet era. He doesn't have an ideology. He uses whatever narrative suits him and whatever people are eating up. In the late 90s-early 00s he was a democrat, now he's a religious tsar. Whatever furthers his goals that's what he is.

All democratic countries had to fight for their freedoms. Some started a couple of centuries ago, so for people lacking historical knowledge, it might seem like they didn't earn it.
My country fought for it and got it, less than half a century ago.
The countries earned it, but I'm talking to you personally who so freely casts the stones. Did you have to fight for it? Do you know what it's like to go protesting and not know whether you're gonna get home tonight, get arrested or end up detained and brutally beaten down and raped with a broomstick at the police station? It's convenient to use your ancestors' deeds to feel empowered, but it's the same flawed logic ruzzians use - "our cause is just because our granddads fought the nazis in ww2 and won". The single person's measure is a bit more complex than the glorious deeds of one's ancestors.

And in case you haven't noticed, a lot of people in this thread, including me, have said that the west is not doing enough to help Ukraine. And that all territories must be retaken. We have been saying it for a long time.
So don't pretend that you have some special moral high ground.
It's funny how the turntables. So you have the right to speak to me condescendingly and I don't? You have some special moral high ground over me just for the simple fact that your passport is prettier than mine? No, that doesn't work like that. I've sacrificed more than you in this. I missed many birthdays, left many friends, and every single day is a reminder I'm nowhere near home. This is a cursed existence, a traitor to your country and an undesirable alien to everyone else. Wouldn't wish it upon anyone. And before you start comparing me to Ukranians, who absolutely have it worse than me, rather compare me to yourself. Was it fun just living your life these 2 years? Was it fun donating to Ukraine and not feeling afraid you might get imprisoned for life for treason? Was it fun being on the right side of history without any price attached to it? I bet it was. The thing is, when the simple act of speaking the truth has dire consequences, every little thing towards opposing putin is a heroic act. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

More important, is what are the Russians going to do about it? And the answer is to put some flowers in a memorial and walk away.
Russians won't do anything more. They will just go back to being serfs under Putin.
In case you haven't kept up with the news, more than 300 people were detained for the simple act of leaving flowers in russia. You will not applaud them for their bravery and you will not even perceive this act as anything important. Just some imperialist fascists honoring their imperialist fascist icon. That's all we are for you. You wouldn't even give Navalny a fair chance. Why bother, someone made a thread about him being an imperialist war hungry ultra-nationalist, must be true. Why take your time out of the day and actually make your own opinion about him? God forbid he may turn out a bit more complex than that and he's actually worthy of respect. Can't have that, nuh-uh.

It's very easy to look down upon us from the comfort of your home far away from the conflict. But imagine for a moment, you were born in the 90s russia, and the first time you had to have a say in elections was during 2010s and by that time most of your freedoms were already taken away from you, you just didn't get the memo until 2020s.

Anyway, good talking to you. See you around. Don't forget to donate to Ukraine, this is the only way the putin will be stopped.
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The ultra-nationalistic tendencies Putin has fed and indoctrinated some Russians with is sending off some unsettling Nazi Germany vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if Putin has Mein kampf lying on his nightstand.
It has so many parallels to Nazi Germany it's eerie. St Petersburg and Moscow in the beginning of war with huge Z posters all over the central streets was absolutely disturbing. Wouldn't be surprised either, his whole "Poland left no choice to Hitler but to attack in 1939" during Carlson interview is veeeery telling.


He's right, you know. Communism what just a fancy name and mask for russian fascism, nothing more. Just look at telltale signs of fascism like ultra-nationalism, leader cult, etc and look at Russia during 'communism' and now. Both names for the same shit, absolute power and control.

A 'communist' is just a Nazi who thinks himself a saint of the downtrodden. There was long ago during the Soviet Union, and there are papers about it, how the Soviet Supreme had to come with a clean idea and naming convention...to keep 'hating' jews, more or less, because you know, hating jews was bad and Nazi and oh no siree Komrad is no Nazi and anti-semite, and after WWII hating those little shits, wishing their destruction and being anti-semite was bad PR and being Nazi...

So the Russians came with the name and notion of 'anti-zionism', spread it and so left people can keep hating jews like TRUE NAZIS and believing themselves good.


Gold Member
USSR was at its very core fascist. Communism was just a pretty front. putin himself called the dissolution of USSR the greatest tragedy of the 20th century, he is the product of soviet era. He doesn't have an ideology. He uses whatever narrative suits him and whatever people are eating up. In the late 90s-early 00s he was a democrat, now he's a religious tsar. Whatever furthers his goals that's what he is.

Don't try some BS revisionist non-sense.
Authoritarian regimes have very similar methods., But that does not make fascism and communism the same.

Usually we represent fascism on one side of the scale, with communism on the other side, with democracy in the middle.
The reality, would be more similar to a triangle. With communism and fascism closer to each other, than to democracy.
A good historical example of this is that communist Russia and Nazi Germany, started WW2 by invading Poland, as allies in September 1939.
Hitler and Stalin even wrote to each other calling "my dear friend".

The countries earned it, but I'm talking to you personally who so freely casts the stones. Did you have to fight for it? Do you know what it's like to go protesting and not know whether you're gonna get home tonight, get arrested or end up detained and brutally beaten down and raped with a broomstick at the police station? It's convenient to use your ancestors' deeds to feel empowered, but it's the same flawed logic ruzzians use - "our cause is just because our granddads fought the nazis in ww2 and won". The single person's measure is a bit more complex than the glorious deeds of one's ancestors.

Oh no. Now in the west we don't have to make a revolution, so we don't earn the right to have democracy.
That is just complete BS, from someone that wants to make things personal, because you know the Russian people have lost their courage to fight, for over a century. Russian serfs in the early XX century had more balls than modern day Russians.
Just remember that a century ago, the Russian people were told to march from their trenches, into enemy fire, in a waste of human live and said no. They turned their guns against the officers, against the Tsar and marched into Moscow.
Today the same is happening and Russians just do as they are told.

And you could easily have avoided making a fool of yourself, by just saying you are but one person and can't do much.
But still, you try to defend a century of cowardice of the Russian people. A century of accepting some of the very worst dictators that humankind has ever seen.

It's funny how the turntables. So you have the right to speak to me condescendingly and I don't? You have some special moral high ground over me just for the simple fact that your passport is prettier than mine? No, that doesn't work like that. I've sacrificed more than you in this. I missed many birthdays, left many friends, and every single day is a reminder I'm nowhere near home. This is a cursed existence, a traitor to your country and an undesirable alien to everyone else. Wouldn't wish it upon anyone. And before you start comparing me to Ukranians, who absolutely have it worse than me, rather compare me to yourself. Was it fun just living your life these 2 years? Was it fun donating to Ukraine and not feeling afraid you might get imprisoned for life for treason? Was it fun being on the right side of history without any price attached to it? I bet it was. The thing is, when the simple act of speaking the truth has dire consequences, every little thing towards opposing putin is a heroic act. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

In case you haven't kept up with the news, more than 300 people were detained for the simple act of leaving flowers in russia. You will not applaud them for their bravery and you will not even perceive this act as anything important. Just some imperialist fascists honoring their imperialist fascist icon. That's all we are for you. You wouldn't even give Navalny a fair chance. Why bother, someone made a thread about him being an imperialist war hungry ultra-nationalist, must be true. Why take your time out of the day and actually make your own opinion about him? God forbid he may turn out a bit more complex than that and he's actually worthy of respect. Can't have that, nuh-uh.

It's very easy to look down upon us from the comfort of your home far away from the conflict. But imagine for a moment, you were born in the 90s russia, and the first time you had to have a say in elections was during 2010s and by that time most of your freedoms were already taken away from you, you just didn't get the memo until 2020s.

Anyway, good talking to you. See you around. Don't forget to donate to Ukraine, this is the only way the putin will be stopped.

All of that is self inflicted by the Russian people, for their willingness to constantly accept dictators.
Russians have wasted the few opportunities they had at democracy, freedom and prosperity. And now you resent that other countries managed to do what you could not.
You talk about the things you have lost. But you forget the things so many other countries have lost because of constant Russian aggression.
Many Ukrainians will miss their birthdays and their families, because they got raped, tortured and murdered, by Russians. In comparison, what you have is a mere inconvenience.
Don't try to play the victim, when we have centuries were Russia is the constant aggressor in Europe.

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Usely it is one tank lost for two armorn personnel vehicals but this time its 5 to one, this may mean something.
There is footage of a large armored attack getting blasted near Robotnye that has mainly APC's killed, it also included a T-55 in the attack.

While this indicates a possible depletion of operational tanks on that part of the front I'd be careful to put too much into one attack at one part of the front.


"After the capture of Avdiivka, the Russians are actively trying to take Lastochkyne", - the speaker of the Defense Forces of Tauria, Likhovy, 14 enemy attacks were repulsed in 24 hours."

"In the coming weeks, Ukraine will be one of the first to receive new kamikaze drones. This also presents an opportunity for combat testing of this new generation of equipment," French Defense Minister Sebastian Lecorne said.

"Footage of an armored Russian attack in Zaporizhzhia region. Several MBTs and IFVs were involved in this attack which ended in several vehicles being knocked out.
The most telling thing is, however, the usage of T-55 tanks which have not even the common upgrades such as ERA Kontakt bricks. It also proves that the Russian claim to use this vehicles as field artillery was a lie. Instead, they are used as common standard MBTs in which they are completely outdated. "

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"In the coming weeks, Ukraine will be one of the first to receive new kamikaze drones. This also presents an opportunity for combat testing of this new generation of equipment," French Defense Minister Sebastian Lecorne said.
The first (semi)autonomous kamikaze drones can't be far off. There was some footage of a Polish kamikaze drone that highlighted targets and a Ukrainian one that analyzed what the camera saw and tried to identify targets with a confidence percentage.
With jamming becoming ever more problematic, a drone you can say 'fly 15 minutes northwest and dive into any target within these parameters' is a really nice thing to have. Putting the computing power to do that in real time will cost a bit more then strapping an RPG round on a DJI but it's certainly possible with today's tech.


"After the capture of Avdiivka, the Russians are actively trying to take Lastochkyne", - the speaker of the Defense Forces of Tauria, Likhovy, 14 enemy attacks were repulsed in 24 hours."

"In the coming weeks, Ukraine will be one of the first to receive new kamikaze drones. This also presents an opportunity for combat testing of this new generation of equipment," French Defense Minister Sebastian Lecorne said.

"Footage of an armored Russian attack in Zaporizhzhia region. Several MBTs and IFVs were involved in this attack which ended in several vehicles being knocked out.
The most telling thing is, however, the usage of T-55 tanks which have not even the common upgrades such as ERA Kontakt bricks. It also proves that the Russian claim to use this vehicles as field artillery was a lie. Instead, they are used as common standard MBTs in which they are completely outdated. "

Thought so. Not long ago a dude was saying that a T-55 tank was still a tank, and Russia had tons of those, and I guessed, and wondered about telling him the cannibalizing rate to make a working T-55s would be much higher than that of T-64s, which were the true MVP, and T-72s, which were made as cheaply as possible due to the problems the Soviet Union was already facing since the 50s and 60s, but still had 20 years less than T-54/55s. Also, he mistook their ammo for the current one, when T-55s used high velocity 100mm tank shells vs the current 120/125mm, and guess who wasn't making 100mm HV tank shells anymore or had functioning stockpiles? Russia. North Korea may be/is making them/has a huge stockpile, but it's anyone's guess how much and how good they are. In the open, you may survive a stuck shell in the barrel of a howitzer, since the explosion may dissipate and you're km from the fight. In the field, a stuck shell on a tank barrel either kills you directly, is a technical kill of the tank or makes you easy prey.

Add the lack of sights, engines, transmissions, electronics, bearings, etc etc due to decay, destruction or good ol' Russian corruption, and I thought...these things are gonna be used as nothing more than an uparmored and reeeeally tight BMP with a meat shield on top.

I guessed correctly.

PS: Recently I saw a pic of Uralvangozagod or whatever it's called the tank factory. They were very telling signs of T-72s and other tanks now are using limbs from others. I think I saw a, what appears to be a T-72, at least in outside shell and name, sporting what could perfectly be a 100mm barrel and I thought 'No fucking way!'...

They're scrapping everything to gain as much in as little time they have left and give themselves a time-out.
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Prime Minister: Denmark to supply all its artillery to Ukraine
Danish Prime Minister also calls on Europe to provide Ukraine with ammunition and air defense systems, saying, “We have weapons, ammunition, and air defense systems that we are not using yet. They should be transferred to Ukraine.”

[9:20PM]: Eastern Front, Bakhmut Operational Sector: The Russians are attempting to storm the settlement of Ivanivske."

In the Robotyne axis, massive bombardments and artillery barrages are carried out on Ukrainian positions. This 'leveling the front line' tactics is often used by Russia to prepare for large scale mechanized and infantry assaults.


Looks like several major attacks are taking place. Wish the western world could give what is needed, allready. Ammo shortages makes this situation extreme.
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Prime Minister: Denmark to supply all its artillery to Ukraine
Danish Prime Minister also calls on Europe to provide Ukraine with ammunition and air defense systems, saying, “We have weapons, ammunition, and air defense systems that we are not using yet. They should be transferred to Ukraine.”

[9:20PM]: Eastern Front, Bakhmut Operational Sector: The Russians are attempting to storm the settlement of Ivanivske."

In the Robotyne axis, massive bombardments and artillery barrages are carried out on Ukrainian positions. This 'leveling the front line' tactics is often used by Russia to prepare for large scale mechanized and infantry assaults.


Looks like several major attacks are taking place. Wish the western world could give what is needed, allready. Ammo shortages makes this situation extreme.

The west will do shit. Maybe in 10 years if this Ruzzian Nazis invade another country maybe they wake up.


Thought so. Not long ago a dude was saying that a T-55 tank was still a tank, and Russia had tons of those, and I guessed, and wondered about telling him the cannibalizing rate to make a working T-55s would be much higher than that of T-64s, which were the true MVP, and T-72s, which were made as cheaply as possible due to the problems the Soviet Union was already facing since the 50s and 60s, but still had 20 years less than T-54/55s. Also, he mistook their ammo for the current one, when T-55s used high velocity 100mm tank shells vs the current 120/125mm, and guess who wasn't making 100mm HV tank shells anymore or had functioning stockpiles? Russia. North Korea may be/is making them/has a huge stockpile, but it's anyone's guess how much and how good they are. In the open, you may survive a stuck shell in the barrel of a howitzer, since the explosion may dissipate and you're km from the fight. In the field, a stuck shell on a tank barrel either kills you directly, is a technical kill of the tank or makes you easy prey.

Add the lack of sights, engines, transmissions, electronics, bearings, etc etc due to decay, destruction or good ol' Russian corruption, and I thought...these things are gonna be used as nothing more than an uparmored and reeeeally tight BMP with a meat shield on top.

I guessed correctly.

PS: Recently I saw a pic of Uralvangozagod or whatever it's called the tank factory. They were very telling signs of T-72s and other tanks now are using limbs from others. I think I saw a, what appears to be a T-72, at least in outside shell and name, sporting what could perfectly be a 100mm barrel and I thought 'No fucking way!'...

They're scrapping everything to gain as much in as little time they have left and give themselves a time-out.

And still... Russia continues on the offensive, gaining ground and socking Ukrainian defenses with 60 years tanks without era or moderns optics because Ukraine has to ration on arty, ATGMs, armor and even troops.

Sadly, nothing on this discussion matters if the situation remains like this.

Lets see if this year Rasputitsa improves the situation for the Ukrainians.

Ps. The last of the T-55 variants uses the same cannon as the T-72b and even if they are still using the old 100mm, NK probably has tons of ammo to supply.
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US Congressman just put Russia's loses during recent offensive as 13:1

He's part of security on Foreign Affairs.

That reminds me of an interview with a Ukrainian SOF at the very start of the war when they told him that Russia had much more weapons, loads of armor and 3 times the population, what hope could Ukraine have to persevere over such a threat that could trade Ukraine's lives 1:1 and still would have 2/3rds of their population intact, and he told the reporter:

'Well, for every one of us they kill, we will kill 10 of them orcs. Guess who will run out of population first' 🤷🏻‍♂️😇
RIP the poor guy. His fate was sealed the moment he went back. I understand the reason why he returned, but the price paid was too high.

Navalny knew the risks. Perhaps he was prepared to die for something much greater than him and for that he's a fucking badass. His wife just confirmed she will continue his work and hopefully his tragic passing will motivate more to join the cause.


Russia found a new source of soldiers, they must have burrowed right down to a dwarven city. Time stamped to make that comment make sense.

Back on topic, At this point the european countries need to move any of their military production that rely on anything from the usa to sources from european allies. Improve their own economies with any new jobs it creates and reduce the stranglehold usa has on the arms supply for allies. They can't be trusted to help you when you need it even with agreements in place. They will fly bombers around the world to bomb shit in a country they apparently liberated decades ago but wont supply ammo to a country they agreed to defend if it disarms.

I hope the assholes blocking the aid have kids, they probably wont suffer the consequences themselves but their kids will probably enjoy some of the consequences in a decade or 2. A democrat should put forward a motion to give alaska back to russia lol just to make sure johnson knows how to say yes, that sounds like the kind of thing he would have no issues moving to a vote ;)



Ukrainian withdrawal from Avdiivka and whether the momentum on the frontlines in #Ukraine has fundamentally shifted. Troops bitter about the lack of manpower and ammunition. Our report on @OutFrontCNN

Ukrainian troops, reeling from the loss of a key town, now face "extremely difficult" conditions all along the frontline with Russia because of delayed foreign aid, President Volodymyr Zelensky says

Media: Sweden to unveil its largest military aid package for Ukraine.


Polish farmers expand protests primarily focusing on blockading the Ukrainian border, targeting 100 locations across Poland including borders, ports, and rail to restrict Ukrainian agricultural imports they say undercut domestic producers.



Today Sweden announced the largest support package to Ukraine yet. Package 15 will be worth 7,1 billion SEK (~$683 mln), bringing 🇸🇪 combined value of military assistance to Ukraine to 30 billion SEK. (~$2,9 bln). Continuing support is crucial for both 🇺🇦 and 🇸🇪 security. (1/6)


10 Coastdefense boat 90

20 other assist boats

Mines and torpedoes, ammunition for artillery, Robot 70, Antitank missiles, more Carl Gustaf grenade launchers, handgrenades, medkits and ambulances, 1 billion SEK for various military equipment purchases, 1 billion SEK for more boats, 400 million SEK for training.
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Операция «Декабрь» (Operation December)​

Assorted intelligence from an operation which objective was to free Navalny.






Мы предоставляем эти данные общественности с несколькими целями:
1) Псы режима должны знать, что у Русского Добровольческого Корпуса длинные руки. Мы много знаем и можем, а наши ресурсы растут с каждым днем. Многие из тех, кто работает в системе, разделяют наши идеалы и видение будущего, а значит будут помогать нам самоотверженно и запугать их не получится.
2) К сожалению, мы не успели спасти Алексея, но сотни политзаключенных и узников совести остаются в неволе. Мы верим и работаем над тем, чтобы вырвать их из лап режима так или иначе.
3) Возможно эти и другие данные, оказавшиеся в наших руках, смогут помочь другим организациям, которые ведут борьбу против преступного режима Кремля. Мы готовы к сотрудничеству.


We make this data available to the public for several purposes:
1) The dogs of the regime should know that the Russian Volunteer Corps has long arms. We know and can do a lot, and our resources are growing every day. Many of those who work in the system share our ideals and vision of the future, which means they will help us selflessly and will not be intimidated.
2) Unfortunately, we did not manage to save Alexei, but hundreds of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience remain in captivity. We believe and are working to wrest them from the clutches of the regime one way or another.
3) Probably these and other data which have appeared in our hands, can help other organizations which are fighting against criminal regime of the Kremlin. We are ready for cooperation.

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Has Fucker Carlson come home yet?
No, but the Bulls are coming to Ukraine. 😗🏀 🐂


Already integrated with F-16s. Ruling majority coalition in Germany is taking a bill before Bundestag where, among other things, there are 'long-range cruise missiles'. 🤔 😗

Ukraine has signed 'cooperation' with Taurus manufacturer. 🤔 😗

It's funny, it's full name is Taurus KEPD 350. In spanish, KEPD is a shortened slang acronym for Ke En Paz Descanse...May He Rest In Peace. 🙏🏻😞

I say that because there's 450km from Ukraine's borders to Moscow and this horned bastard has a range of +500km. ☝🏻😗
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No, but the Bulls are coming to Ukraine. 😗🏀 🐂


Already integrated with F-16s. Ruling majority coalition in Germany is taking a bill before Bundestag where, among other things, there are 'long-range cruise missiles'. 🤔 😗

Ukraine has signed 'cooperation' with Taurus manufacturer. 🤔 😗

It's funny, it's full name is Taurus KEPD 350. In spanish, KEPD is a shortened slang acronym for Ke En Paz Descanse...May He Rest In Peace. 🙏🏻😞

I say that because there's 450km from Ukraine's borders to Moscow and this horned bastard has a range of +500km. ☝🏻😗

Ah. Fingers crossed.

No need for Moscow. These can take down that bloody Kerch bridge
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