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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member
So you're saying that if Russia wanted to install bases in Canada, a logical course of action for America would be to declare all Canadians as Nazis and attack their apartment buildings with missiles?

The funny thing is that these Russian bots make the most outlandish claims, don't provide concrete sources, and pretend it's always someone else's fault for Russian aggression.
These constant false flag claims are getting a bit boring.



Attention! Dear residents of Belgorod and the region! Today at 17:00 a massive strike (!) will be carried out on military installations and positions of the Russian Armed Forces in Belgorod.", - Legion Freedom of Russia

"Continuous bombardment ongoing in Bilhorod at this moment."

A massive attack on Belgorod began.

Overnight, Ukrainian drones attacked two oil refineries in the Samara region in Russia. According to the governor of the region, UAVs attacked the Syzran and Novokuibyshev refineries in the Samara region. As a result, a fire broke out at the oil processing plant.

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Attention! Dear residents of Belgorod and the region! Today at 17:00 a massive strike (!) will be carried out on military installations and positions of the Russian Armed Forces in Belgorod.", - Legion Freedom of Russia

"Continuous bombardment ongoing in Bilhorod at this moment."

A massive attack on Belgorod began.

Overnight, Ukrainian drones attacked two oil refineries in the Samara region in Russia. According to the governor of the region, UAVs attacked the Syzran and Novokuibyshev refineries in the Samara region. As a result, a fire broke out at the oil processing plant.


Yep, Belgorod is being exquisitely Belgorodded right now.

In other news, human prey hunters Finns say 'don't rule out troops in Ukraine'. 🤨🇫🇮

Winter Warring intensifies!


Tick tock Russia, too much ball breaking is about to get your cock cut.
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The funny thing is that these Russian bots make the most outlandish claims, don't provide concrete sources, and pretend it's always someone else's fault for Russian aggression.
These constant false flag claims are getting a bit boring.

The fact it's still a strategy that the Kremlin are employing rather suggests they are slow on the uptake. We're long past the point where anyone with half a brain the west knows damned well that there are Russian troll farms in many places in that impoverished shit hole of a country.

You had your time in the sun, tovarisch. Nobody believes your shit anymore.



Domodedovo Airport in Moscow is attacked by drones, there is heavy smoke after the explosions. Drones also attacked another Russian oil refinery in Krasnodar Territory.

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Domodedovo Airport in Moscow is attacked by drones, there is heavy smoke after the explosions. Drones also attacked another Russian oil refinery in Krasnodar Territory.

make millions of these things and swarm there entire country with it


Depends how you look at it. I only see a country getting destroyed and that could have been prevented.
I really don`t see how giving them weapons can help them. It looks like everyone here wants a war.
If people want it, go play cod or arma. Here are real people and soldiers dying on both sides.
So yeah, what the pope said the other day wasn`t that bad of an idea in this world of crazies.

Do you live in Europe, do you pay taxes, do you have a family? If yes, then I don`t understand these reactions in this thread.

And if you want to see a bit of history of Nato, why does it still exist and why is it the cause of the problem? Watch this video
How to stop World War 3
And for people that knows history that have been there knows its more then true.

The problem with your approach is that if you give an inch to a dictator like Putin, they take a mile.

Giving them ground just encourages them and they see it as weakness and then just try to take more.

Why does NATO exist? Because Russia is a dangerous basketcase of serfs.



Torbjörn Törnqvist estimates about 600,000 barrels of Russia’s daily oil-refining capacity has been knocked out by Ukrainian drone strikes.
Weekend drone strikes hit multiple plants in Russia, some deep inside its borders.

You won’t see it in the news, but last night alone Russia launched 144 attacks on Ukraine’s Sumy region.
This northern region has suffered 2,000 attacks just in March alone.
Entire settlements are being evacuated because the intensity of attacks makes these areas uninhabitable. 1/2
Sumy is not in the South or East of Ukraine, it doesn’t have an “active frontline” based on most OSINT maps — but it shares a border with Russia.
This devastation is left almost invisible to the foreign eye, and media largely ignores these attacks.
(Map by @TheStudyofWar) 2/2

Russian forces appear to be making slow, continued, grinding advances west out of Avdiivka. Defense Ministry says forces captured village of Orlivka today. No confirmation from Ukraine yet.



Finland has handed over an unspecified number of landing crafts to Ukraine. The boats will be delivered to Romania first where the Ukrainian crews will be receiving necessary training. Finnish media speculate that the vessels to be transferred are "similar to Swedish CB90 military assault crafts." This assumption is valid because, Sweden has allocated 10 CB90 CB90-class fast assault craft as well as 20 smaller G-class assault craft to Ukraine in February 2024. Later, the Netherlands announced it would add some more CB90 boats from its own stock. The CB90 assault watercraft, also known as Stridsbåt 90, has a hull 15,9 meters long and 3,8 meters wide. The displacement is up to 23 tons. Dimensions allow this vessel to be transported by land without any logistical difficulties. The crew is 3 people. The craft also can carry the landing force of up to 21 people.

As for the weapons that can be used on the CB90 crafts, there are three turrets for a 12,7 mm machine gun or a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. But some sources claim that CB90s can also carry four mines or six depth charges. If it is true, then in theory the CB90 crafts could also be used for maritime security tasks.

After Sweden and the Netherlands, Finland Also Provides Ukraine with CB90 and Other Boats | Defense Express | March 2024

The partially recognized Republic of Kosovo will provide two packages of military aid to Ukraine, Kosovo’s Defense Minister Ejup Maqedonci said during the 20th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG) held on 19 March at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

Kosovo announces its first-ever military aid packages for Ukraine | EuroMaidenPress | March 2024

Johnson is killing off US aid to Ukraine through constant delay. It’s deliberate and he will keep doing it. It serves Trump’s wishes.



I never thought I would see the US being allies to the Russians. LOL
How can people vote for Trump? I don't know what's happening in the US but things must be pretty horrible around there when the only exit is to vote for Putin...err... Trump.
In Brazil I can understand they vote for Bolsonaro, but the US? Wow...


Russian Heroes De-rusifying Russia 🫡🇷🇺

Not any of the rebel groups fighting for Ukraine, although supposedly they're inside the building, but true Russian Retarded Patriots De-Rusifying themselves.

Yep, and that's la creme de la creme of the Russian Empire, because these bozos are either KGB/FSB or Putin's Private Army Rosvgardiya, the Russian Guard that only answers to Putin.

From this, it's down 👎🏻 so you can imagine how efficient the Arabs, Indians, Chinese and Iranians are gonna be in that 'Coalition' Putin wants to put together. 😚


Russian Lt. Captured in Belgorod by RVC being dumb as a brick

There's a link to full interview in comments and also highlights from full interview.

Yep, still think they're fighting NATO.

Fuck, you're gonna find soon enough you've just been fighting a few western volunteers and AWOL, a few chechen, belarrusian and russian patriots, and more than a few strong willed Ukrainian brothers and sisters, with a little bit of help from us, but it's them doing the hard and painful work...but just a fraction of the shit deluge you're gonna get once NATO deploys.

Russia, and any other who is retarded enough to jump onto that 'Coalition' bandwagon won't have enough shit covered assess for us to hand them. 😚
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Cuba's February +500% raise on diesel and gasoline( think everything +500%) fucking them so hard, they now will have isle-wide blackouts. Who gives fuel to Cuba? 🙂

YES. 🙃

Add to that Cuba receives near or over 80% of it's food from outside, and near 100% of it's technology. 🙂


Not looking too good being retarded friends of retarded Russia, right? 🤭

Dayum, Ukraine fucking refineries having obligatory Half-Life reference...'Unforeseen Consequences' 🫣🫣

Well, I'm sure Arabs and Iran and Venezuela will pick up the Russian slack with Sensible Socialists Prices...or not. 🥹🥹

Well, if they're unhappy about it, they can do whatever they did in the 1950s, you know, massive repression and killings from rulers then revolution or some shit like that, they're already skilled. Or maybe they can just die or something.

I've been thinking for the past two years, when looking at economic indicators, that the real western Special Forces were deployed even before the start of the war, and they weren't military, but economists, bankers and accountants. Because the execution of the Russian economy and that all of it's friends has been exquisite and brutal.

Each month I'm more sure we've just achieved the last phase of warfare, killing without a bullet. Because from this it's either total surrender, or keeping forward and condemning yourself and your country to poverty, famine and death.


Parnas: I have been trying to share the truth with you. The American people have been lied to by Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and various cohorts of individuals in government and media positions. They created falsehoods to serve their own interests…

#Spain is preparing a new batch of combat tanks for transfer to #Ukraine, La Vanguardia reports citing sources in the defense ministry.
These will be 19 Leopard 2A4 tanks, which are to be prepared at the Santa Bárbara Sistemas factory in Alcalá de Guadaíra (Seville).

French troops are ready for "the toughest engagements," the commander of the country's ground forces has said, as President Emmanuel Macron mulls an official military deployment to Ukraine despite repeated Russian threats of retaliation.
In an op-ed published by French daily Le Monde on Tuesday, General Pierre Schill—France's ground forces chief—said his forces are "ready" if called upon, and that a display of French military muscle would "deter any attack on France."
Macron is at the forefront of a nascent proposal by a handful of NATO nations to discuss sending allied forces into Ukraine in training and advisory roles, though not as combat troops. The Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, as well as Poland, have expressed support of Paris' position, though large NATO states like the U.S. and Germany are opposed.
Schill said France could engage a division of 20,000 troops within 30 days to operate as part of an allied coalition. Paris, he added, would be able to command a force of around 60,000 soldiers made up of French and other allied troops. The French army comprises some 121,000 soldiers, with 24,000 reservists. "If you want peace, prepare for war," the general wrote, quoting a well-known Latin adage. "The sources of crisis are multiplying and carry with them risks of spiraling or extending," the commander added, though he did not specifically refer to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

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Russian missile attack on Kyiv injures at least 13, including child

Kids in the Kyiv subway this morning while the massive missile attack on Kyiv by Russia is ongoing. Even in the subway explosions were heard and floor vibrated.



Unique super duper battle management footage

Gotta love me some battle intelligence. K-2 Batallion Command handing assess and scorching steel.

Soldiers usually get the spotlight, but strategists, tacticians and command officers are shown here doing what they do BEST, directing their warriors where they can punch a hole through the armored soul of the Russian Swamp Leeches. 🫡🇺🇦

'We will burn everything at night, it will be a night of fires' 🫡🫡🫡🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
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This morning, Russia launched over 90 missiles and 60 Shahed drones across Ukraine, hitting critical infrastructure. Their aggression knows no bounds. Ukraine needs to be provided with whatever it needs so it can resist the invasion and defend peace in Europe.

Kremlin spokesperson: We are in the state of war now. It has became a war, when The West became a party on the side of Ukraine

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How does usa think ukraine can have any chance if they're telling them not to attack oil refineries? Fucking oil and america, fucking beverly hillbillies through and through.



Russia is planning to recruit 300,000 soldiers for a renewed offensive to seize the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, the investigative news outlet Vyorstka reported Friday, citing sources in the Kremlin, Defense Ministry and regional governments.

“We’re 300,000 snouts short, that’s why everything’s ready for ‘mobilization 2.0’,” one Kremlin source was quoted as saying by the outlet.

“Kharkiv is next on the plan, with [the intention to] preserve the city. That’s only possible in case of encirclement,” the source said, claiming that Moscow seeks to avoid turning Kharkiv into a “second Mariupol” and showcase that Russia “knows how to fight in a civilized manner.”


"Claiming that Moscow seeks to avoid turning Kharkiv into a “second Mariupol” and showcase that Russia “knows how to fight in a civilized manner.”


Russia has never fought in a "civilized manner." I wouldn't be surprised at all if they level the entire city.
Exactly. 😞
Is this the terror attack the western countries were warning about? Hard to feel sad for these people though, enjoying their theater whilst their country is murdering innocents next door.
are you for real ? This is innocent people getting killed, if they are russians, ukrains or another doesnt mather.. a life is a life ffs.
Yes I'm for real. Is putin's life and his enablers worth as much as a Ukrainian? No.

I feel sorry for the innocents caught up in all of this, but most Russian's are definitly not innocent. Maybe this will wake them up from their slave hiveminds.

Probably not, they'll blame the evil west, even though they actually warned them this would happen...., and swallow whatever gunk Putin feeds them.
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I feel sorry for the innocents caught up in all of this, but most Russian's are definitly not innocent. Maybe this will wake them up from their slave hiveminds.

People take decades to wake up from worse.


Gold Member
Yes I'm for real. Is putin's life and his enablers worth as much as a Ukrainian? No.

I feel sorry for the innocents caught up in all of this, but most Russian's are definitly not innocent. Maybe this will wake them up from their slave hiveminds.

Probably not, they'll blame the evil west, even though they actually warned them this would happen...., and swallow whatever gunk Putin feeds them.

Why should non-combatant, innocent lives be held accountable for Putin's regime? What lessons do you really think the people who just died in this attack will learn? How will they wake up if they're dead? I really don't get why you'd have this stance.
Why should non-combatant, innocent lives be held accountable for Putin's regime? What lessons do you really think the people who just died in this attack will learn? How will they wake up if they're dead? I really don't get why you'd have this stance.

Their families will hopefully see now that Putin is the cause of all this misery. But likely not, they'll eat up their propaganda TV show threatening to nuke another western country like usual and be lapdogs.
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Gold Member
are you for real ? This is innocent people getting killed, if they are russians, ukrains or another doesnt mather.. a life is a life ffs.

Curious how you never posted anything on this thread, about the thousands of innocent Ukrainians being killed by the Russian army, but as soon as some Russians are getting killed in Russia, you suddenly gain a conscience and talk about the tragic loss of life.
Seems to me that you were very comfortable with the loss of Ukrainian lives at the hands of Russians. But as soon as something affects you comfy life in Russia, you get all moral. Be it a game not launching in Russia, or a madman going on a killing spree.
Its this kind of utter hypocrisy and selfishness, that makes it very hard to have any sympathy for Russians and the problems they cause to other and themselves.
And this killing might just be one of those criminals released by Wagner, returning to Russia and doing what criminals do.
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