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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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No Russian.

Someone lit a firework in Moscow.
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To be fair, it's a Friday evening, I'm sure there are some normal-ish Russians that were going out to a music concert that do not deserve to be caught up in this. Very reminiscent of Manchester and Paris
I go to a lot of gigs, they are very soft targets realistically...its scary to think about
I'm hoping it isn't Ukraine as it doesn't look good having "normal people" dead on TV and socials


Hmmm, guess this is the "new" turning point, which is fucked when you think about it considering Russia has been murdering Ukrainian citizens since the start of the "war". Also, I would not put this past Russia killing their own to make it seem like Ukraine.


Bet these are veterans from an outlying region of Russia or their satellite states.

There's tons of people taken against their will by the Russian secret services. Or it could be prisoners that were in the army.

I'm surprised that this isn't happening more often. I bet there's a ton of crime that goes unreported since these criminals went back to their communities
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1 hour response time? Yeasch.

Here is a live feed from Reuters, showing the burning building.
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Insane Russia just handwaved warnings from the West.

A significant intelligence failure for the FSB aswell with the mass surveillance Russia carries out.

Even with ISIS claiming responsibility, it feels like the 99 apartment bombings. It's not asif Russia don't have allies that have ties to terror groups.


Moscow were privately and then publicly warned.

They're waging war upon Ukraine, and in the process maiming, murdering, raping, and stealing from others.

And the everyday Russian is either complicit in this, or too fucking chicken to do anything about it and just goes about their daily life.

I'm not happy about and cheering this attack on, but excuse me if I just don't fucking care.
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Certainly not. Whatever your thoughts on Russia may be ISIS is still scum.
No, I meant in the sense the blame is not on Ukraine as I think Russia would have used it to inflict even more indiscriminate damage on the civilian population....if that is even possible considering they have already killed thousands.


So, excuse me if I just don't fucking care ab

My only feelings about it are 'You reap what you sow and what goes around, comes around'

Moscow is the epicentre of Putins powerbase, complicit, apathetic corrupt Moscovites do his dirty work and keep him in power...so either grow a spine and rise up or expect things to only get worse as the War comes closer to your doorstep each day.


Gold Member
They just recently also claimed that big attack on the funeral in Iran. I believe the US also warned Iran because indiscriminate things like this just raise tensions.

But Iran is right next to Iraq, the home base of ISIS. Russia is a bit away from home for them.

Not strange at all. Russia has annexed a lot of muslim territories over the centuries and those territories are a big source of current ISIS terrorists.

OK, but Muslims don't really care if other Muslims are getting killed, especially if they are from a different sect.
The only time we see Muslims around the world get riled up, is if Israel is involved. But that is unity from racism against one group of people, not unity from being a part of the same religion.


Gold Member
Why did Russia try to blame Ukraine for this 🤨
115 death now...

Of course Russia is going to try to blame Ukraine and the West. Even after ISIS claimed full responsibility for the attack.
Truth and reality are mere obstacles to Russian propaganda.
And Putin is eager to mobilize more and more men. So if they blame Ukraine, then Putin can force a full scale mobilization under a false flag pretense.
Russia has made so many false flag attacks in it's history, that it's second nature for their governments.


Gold Member
There’s footage circulating on twitter of some of the captured terrorists. In one of the footages they interrogate one of them and claims he was hired through telegram, not sure how authentic it is though.


Gold Member
There’s footage circulating on twitter of some of the captured terrorists. In one of the footages they interrogate one of them and claims he was hired through telegram, not sure how authentic it is though.

You can be certain that these guys are going to get tortured and forced to sign a confession that suits what the Kremlin wants. Then they will mysteriously die in a prison in Siberia.
Just another Tuesday in Russia.



1/7. US warns that Russia will invade Ukraine. General disbelief, daily Russian mockery. (December 3, 2021-February 24, 2022).
2/7. Russia invades Ukraine, kills tens of thousands of people, kidnaps tens of thousands of children, commits other ongoing war crimes (February 24, 2022-present).
3/7. Russia blames US for Russia's invasion of Ukraine (March 2022-present).
4/7. US warns of terror attack in Moscow. Putin denies any risk and mocks the United States. (March 7 and March 19, 2024).
5/7. Terror attack in Moscow, ISIS takes responsibility, Russia meanwhile kills Ukrainian citizens with drones and missiles as it has for more than two years. (today, March 22, 2024).
6/7. Russia's security apparatus, focused on carnage in Ukraine, has failed in Moscow. Russia's leaders, focused on demonizing the US, did not protect Russians. What next?
7/7. It would not be very surprising if the Kremlin blames Ukraine and the United States and uses the Moscow attack to justify continuing and future atrocities in Ukraine.

Explosions and fire at the Novokuibyshevsk Refinery in Samara Oblast of Russia, in what appears to be yet another Ukrainian drone strike on Russian oil infrastructure.




ISIS must be pissed, lol. I bet they weren't expecting this amount of delusion from the Russians.

It's pretty fucked up, but a sign of the times, when fucking ISIS seem to have more logic than a nation state.

That said, could this end up encouraging ISIS to commit more attacks? Or couod it just put them off if it looks like the Russians will just shrug ISIS off and try to blame Ukraine and the US?


So the guys go around for an hour shooting people and then the police show up and some how they are all captured alive?

This seems like they grabbed some prisoners and forced them to confess. American police kill mass shooters all the time; im supposed to believe that the Russians are better at disarming murderous terrorists? And that they wouldn't just kill them on site?


So the guys go around for an hour shooting people and then the police show up and some how they are all captured alive?

This seems like they grabbed some prisoners and forced them to confess. American police kill mass shooters all the time; im supposed to believe that the Russians are better at disarming murderous terrorists? And that they wouldn't just kill them on site?

During the Dubrovka Theater hostage crisis, they preferred to kill everyone with gas (including the civilians, of course).


Gold Member
isis must be pissed 😂 cant even get credit for the terrorist plot they claim. And worse, their enemy (the west/us!) gets the cred 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Its similar to Cady Heron sabotaging Regina George, and the plan backfiring making Regina be even more popular.


Sadly the terrorist attack in Moscow is more to justify Putin using more force on Ukraine, even nukes. He already stated his country is "ready". Dude is a paranoid nutcase. All that wanking not only killed his hair but his mind.
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Gold Member
Sadly the terrorist attack in Moscow is more to justify Putin using more force on Ukraine, even nukes. He already stated his country is "ready". Dude is a paranoid nutcase. All that wanking not only killed his hair but his mind.
Putin is certainly out of his element, but he will not nuke Ukraine.


There’s footage circulating on twitter of some of the captured terrorists. In one of the footages they interrogate one of them and claims he was hired through telegram, not sure how authentic it is though.

Officer: What were you doing at Crocus City Hall yesterday?
Detainee: Shooter.
Officer: What did you shoot?
Detainee: People. Custom.
Officer: Why?
Detainee: For money.
Officer: For how much?
Detainee: For half a million
Officer: Half a million what?
Detainee: Half a million rubles.
Officer: Who did you get that money from?
Detainee: I only got half.
Officer: How did you get it?
Detainee: To the card.
Officer: Transferred to your bank card?
Officer: Where's the card?
Detainee: I lost it, I lost it there in the forest, I couldn't make it.
Officer: Lost?
Detainee: Yes.
Officer: And where did you get the weapons?
Detainee: They gave us.
Officer: Who are they?
Detainee: I don't know, wrote via Telegram. I don't know the name, the surname, nothing.
Officer: Did you look for them or did they find you?
Detainee: They wrote to me.
Officer: Why did they write to you?
Detainee: I don't know, I listened to such lessons there.
Officer: Just started and offered to kill people? It's just that no one offers such things.
Detainee: I listened to Telegram lessons. Lessons. I listened to sermons.
Officer: Are you listening to the preacher?
Detainee: Preacher's.
Officer: And he wrote to you?
Detainee: No, his assistant.
Officer: What's the assistant's name?
Detainee: I don't know his name, I don't know anything about him.
Officer: When did they write to you?
Detainee: About a month ago.
Officer: What exactly did he write to you?
Detainee: Well, he wrote, he promised half a million. Called and then offered. I agreed. He promised me money.
Officer: How did you start your speech? What was the money offered for?
Detainee: To kill.
Officer: What would you kill? Who did you have to kill for that money?
Detainee: In that place, said where.
Officer: Said to kill whom specifically?
Detainee: People.
Officer: Which people specifically?
Detainee: It doesn't matter, you're building people.
Officer: Go and just kill? Detainee: Yes.

idk seems kinda fishy that they release video like this, but it's clearly authentic that detainee is shaking and is stressed out so it's not staged, it's 50/50 for me.
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Officer: What were you doing at Crocus City Hall yesterday?
Detainee: Shooter.
Officer: What did you shoot?
Detainee: People. Custom.
Officer: Why?
Detainee: For money.
Officer: For how much?
Detainee: For half a million
Officer: Half a million what?
Detainee: Half a million rubles.
Officer: Who did you get that money from?
Detainee: I only got half.
Officer: How did you get it?
Detainee: To the card.
Officer: Transferred to your bank card?
Officer: Where's the card?
Detainee: I lost it, I lost it there in the forest, I couldn't make it.
Officer: Lost? Detainee: Yes.
Officer: And where did you get the weapons?
Detainee: They gave us.
Officer: Who are they?
Detainee: I don't know, wrote via Telegram. I don't know the name, the surname, nothing.
Officer: Did you look for them or did they find you?
Detainee: They wrote to me.
Officer: Why did they write to you?
Detainee: I don't know, I listened to such lessons there.
Officer: Just started and offered to kill people? It's just that no one offers such things.
Detainee: I listened to Telegram lessons. Lessons. I listened to sermons.
Officer: Are you listening to the preacher?
Detainee: Preacher's.
Officer: And he wrote to you?
Detainee: No, his assistant.
Officer: What's the assistant's name?
Detainee: I don't know his name, I don't know anything about him.
Officer: When did they write to you?
Detainee: About a month ago.
Officer: What exactly did he write to you?
Detainee: Well, he wrote, he promised half a million. Called and then offered. I agreed. He promised me money.
Officer: How did you start your speech? What was the money offered for?
Detainee: To kill.
Officer: What would you kill? Who did you have to kill for that money?
Detainee: In that place, said where.
Officer: Said to kill whom specifically?
Detainee: People.
Officer: Which people specifically?
Detainee: It doesn't matter, you're building people.
Officer: Go and just kill? Detainee: Yes.

idk seems kinda fishy that they release video like this, but it's clearly authentic that detainee is shaking and is stressed out so it's not staged, it's 50/50 for me.

Going with some assumptions... that makes a Russian civilian's serf's life only worth $150.38 (13,853 rubles) to take.


Gold Member


Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K), named after an old term for the region that included parts of Iran, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, emerged in eastern Afghanistan in late 2014 and quickly established a reputation for extreme brutality.

One of the most active regional affiliates of the Islamic State militant group, ISIS-K has seen its membership decline since peaking around 2018. The Taliban and U.S. forces inflicted heavy losses.
But the United States sees the group as an ongoing threat. General Michael Kurilla, the commander of U.S. Central Command, told Congress last March that ISIS-K was quickly developing the ability to conduct "external operations" in Europe and Asia. He predicted it would be able to attack U.S. and Western interests outside Afghanistan "in as little as six months and with little to no warning."

Attacks within the U.S. itself were less likely, he said.
The United States has said its ability to develop intelligence against extremist groups in Afghanistan such as ISIS-K has been reduced since the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country in 2021. The U.S. military has said it can see the "broad contours" of an impending attack, but does not have the specific detail it did previously.


While the attack by ISIS-K in Russia on Friday was a dramatic escalation, experts said the group has opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin in recent years.

"ISIS-K has been fixated on Russia for the past two years, frequently criticizing Putin in its propaganda," said Colin Clarke of Soufan Center, a New York-based research group.
Michael Kugelman of the Washington-based Wilson Center said ISIS-K "sees Russia as being complicit in activities that regularly oppress Muslims."
He added that the group also counts as members a number of Central Asian militants with their own grievances against Moscow.


The west is at fault AGAIN! :messenger_face_screaming:
In a followup tweet he blames the JEWS & Obama and so forth.

Why don't these self hating people just move to Russia where they can drink themselves to death like regular Ivans?


The whole situation would be hilarious, if it weren't so horrifically terrible. Which I guess is just par for the course with Russia.

ISIS - Khorasan: Haha, suck it, you gawur pigdogs!
ISIS - Khorasan: AYO WTF
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Gold Member
ISIS profited from a CIA program under Obama.

Russia, China and the USA sponsored so many "freedom fighters" that eventually turned on them.
And you might want to consider that the USA was spying on ISIS-K, found about the attack, warned Russia and they ignored it.
The reality is that this attack could have been prevented, if the Russian government wasn't so utterly incompetent.
Now, as usual, they are trying to deflect blame onto others.

But the thing is, because Russia still has the biggest colonial empire in the world, there are so many oppressed people inside and outside the country, willing to attacks like this one.
You might remember that this is not the first, nor the biggest terrorist attack in Russia.


Simps for Amouranth
The west is at fault AGAIN! :messenger_face_screaming:
In a followup tweet he blames the JEWS & Obama and so forth.

Why don't these self hating people just move to Russia where they can drink themselves to death like regular Ivans?

As much as he's a horrible human being as well as being a danger to America, there's a small thread of truth to his statement
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