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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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These are basically similar to the glide bombs the Russians use, right?
Yeh although they seem to have a small rocket booster strapped to the back, I guess that gives it the extended range. I'm not sure if the russians are doing that aswell, but I recall seeing something a while back that they increased the range of their glide bombs so i'm guessing that's how they increased the range aswell.


i've got no idea how trustworthy this channel is for actual news and info, but i'm not posting it for that. I'm posting it for the fantastic comedy section at the start of the russian megaforce soldiers. If your too young to know what that is going to youtube and search for megaforce trailer.

Anyone onto the russian motocross champions. In an effort to save your keyboard or screens getting sprayed with drink, don't be drinking while watching ;)



I am Become Bilbo Baggins

As the Commander of a Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit, he fought in Ukraine’s surprise offensive in Kharkiv in the autumn of 2022, which pushed back an initial Russian invasion all the way back to the border.

But now Denys and his men are facing the prospect of doing the same all over again.

Russian forces have, in recent days, made small but significant gains right along the border in the Kharkiv region.

Their advances are only a few miles deep but have swallowed up around 100km (62 miles) of Ukrainian territory. In the more heavily defended east of Ukraine, it’s taken Russia months to achieve the same.

Denys wants to know what happened to Ukraine’s defences.

“There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined fields” he says.

He shows me video from a drone feed taken a few days ago of small columns of Russian troops simply walking across the border, unopposed.

He says officials had claimed that defences were being built at huge cost, but in his view, those defences simply weren’t there. “Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasn’t a failure. It was a betrayal”.

I feel like Ukraine are taken one step forward and two steps back. They need more support and funds. The 60 odd billion sent by the US isn't enough. Europe needs to wake up and pump more money and equipment into this. We can't just let the US do all the heavy lifting. They need a lot more funds and also more equipment. Give them more tanks, ammunition, F-16s and give them now, otherwise this war drags on a lot longer or worse Russia wins.

Phobos Base

I feel like Ukraine are taken one step forward and two steps back. They need more support and funds. The 60 odd billion sent by the US isn't enough. Europe needs to wake up and pump more money and equipment into this. We can't just let the US do all the heavy lifting. They need a lot more funds and also more equipment. Give them more tanks, ammunition, F-16s and give them now, otherwise this war drags on a lot longer or worse Russia wins.

In fairness , they are. UK's latest package



I don't understand what Ukraine is doing. It took Russia almost no time at all to build practically impenetrable defense lines in the entirety of the southern frontline, but almost 2 years after Kharkiv was liberated Ukraine has seemingly put almost no effort into the defenses in that area. What exactly is going on? Russia is increasingly becoming more competent while Ukraine seems to have no idea what they're doing anymore. These aren't small mistakes either, they can have a significant impact on the course of the war and will inevitably lead to greater costs when it comes to military and civilian casualties.
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Gold Member
I don't understand what Ukraine is doing. It took Russia almost no time at all to build practically impenetrable defense lines in the entirety of the southern frontline, but almost 2 years after Kharkiv was liberated Ukraine has seemingly put almost no effort into the defenses in that area. What exactly is going on? Russia is increasingly becoming more competent while Ukraine seems to have no idea what they're doing anymore. These aren't small mistakes either, they can have a significant impact on the course of the war and will inevitably lead to greater costs when it comes to military and civilian casualties.

During WW1, when Germany invaded France, that meant that the initiative was always on the French side to recapture their own territory. Germany went into the hold mentality.
Because of that, the trench lines created by France were simpler. The idea being, that it was just a temporary defensive fortification.
Germany created the most advanced and complex trenches of the war, because they saw it as a place to hold, while bleeding the French and British armies.
I think that Ukraine also got into the temporary mentality of trench warfare. While Russia decided to hold ground.
But there is also the problem with the west. Both Russia and Ukraine were betting on the west supplying more aid and weapons. And that did not happen.
Ukraine was not able to mount the offensive it was hopping for, with western weapons. While Russia was bracing for a much stronger attack.
The EU has been supportive, but not enough. And the blockage in the US congress, that lasted so many months, really hurt Ukraine.


Yeah, it’s all over the Internet, and Zelensky and the Ukrainian military leadership have to be asking themselves what they’re doing. The whole border should have been extensively mined and fortifications built. We’ve known for months that the Russians were planning an invasion around Kharkiv.

These massive own goals willl cost Ukrainian lives.


I can understand if it wasn't the most suitable area to build fortifications whether it be because of terrain, logistical issues, or something else. But I don't understand why it wouldn't have been at least mined or something.
Fucking disgusting, absolutely no excuses for this balls up. The Russians can't move an inch without a western satellite picking them up so they would have known something was building.


Keep in mind russian glide bombs, building anything within ~70km of the border or frontline is going to probably come under attack especially if they try use any earth moving vehicles. Russia could build their defenses without the larger risk ukraine face and then ontop russia wouldn't care if those people get killed building defenses either.

one of the bigger glide bombs dropped on a defensive line is also going to pretty much turn it into a crater, russia are too busy dropping them in civilian areas currently but if they needed to focus on a frontline defensive position a few glide bombs will make it untenable, you read what the frontline troops say is the biggest the problem the last few months and they say glide bombs. Ukraine needed at the very least more air defense and ammo 5 months ago when they had the russian planes on the back foot.

Until they can negate russian air and also start dropping their own glide bombs on russian defensive lines ukraine will have to keep ceding land while trying to inflict maximum russian loses and take minimum loses.

I'm not saying Ukraine have not or are not making mistakes, i'm just saying some of the things we may perceive as obvious and logical may not quite be as straight forward if we had all the information and look at the whole scenario especially with ukraine trying to limit their own loses.


Managed to double post that edit, will clean it up.

But I don't understand why it wouldn't have been at least mined or something.
Some of it was mined, there has been images of vehicles in the northern attack destroyed just over the border with tracks blown off typical of a mine hit. I think ammunition shortage hindered it aswell, they only seemed to have started mining places again (especially the artillery delivered mines) since the aid started trickling back in.
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If numbers are straight, then...



Also remember that things, when shit hits the fan, get image several days if not a week later, OPSEC and all that.


Todays numbers..


Ukraine intercepts 46% of Russian missiles launched over past 6 months. Compared to the previous half-year, Ukrainian air defence has intercepted far fewer Russian missiles, with 46% of missiles shot down over the last six months and 73% over the six months before that.


Ukraine warns northern front has ‘significantly worsened’ as Russia claims capture of several villages.

Can confirm weapons from USA are coming in FAST... so that's a big plus
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Todays numbers..


Ukraine intercepts 46% of Russian missiles launched over past 6 months. Compared to the previous half-year, Ukrainian air defence has intercepted far fewer Russian missiles, with 46% of missiles shot down over the last six months and 73% over the six months before that.


Ukraine warns northern front has ‘significantly worsened’ as Russia claims capture of several villages.

Flows and ebbs of warfare. I know, and I wish, like lots of people, for a definite victory, but sadly warfare never is as straight as we would like. We must always remember Ukraine is the underdog punching above their weight against a *supposedly* Heavy Weight juggernaut.

What we're seeing right now is the same Corrosive Strategy Ukraine has employed since the start of the war, trade a bit of land for A LOT OF BLOOD AND STEEL.

Example ( you wanna see this one ) :


What in the Seven Fucks are they feeding drones today?
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My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
Why won't the Ukrainians attack into Russia? Give the Russians something to sorry about? Imagine fighting WW2 but the allies can't cross into Germany.



Highest number of casualties over 2 days. 1740+1400. Also, pretty numbers of Steel-on-wheels.

Getting serious 'Kyiv in two days' vibes here, folks. For comparison, first two weeks of the invasion were something like 22.000-25.000 casualties, and those weren't rookie numbers, ukrainians are pumping Russians up right now like fuck. 🙌🏻🙌🏻


At least 15 injured in Russian strike on high-rise in Ukraine's Kharkiv
May 14 (Reuters) - A Russian air attack on Kharkiv city centre in Ukraine hit a high-rise residential building, injuring at least 15 people, including two children, local officials said on Tuesday.
It was not immediately clear what kind of weapon was used in the strike, but it landed on the 10th floor of the 12-storey apartment block, officials said on Telegram.
Ihor Terekhov, the city's major, said rescuers were searching for the injured.
One person was hospitalized in a serious condition, Oleh Syniehubov, the regional governor, added.
A fire broke out at another strike site, and at least ten garages were affected, Syniehubov said.
Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, and the surrounding region have long been targeted by Russian attacks but the strikes have become more intense in recent months, hitting civilian and energy infrastructure.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported on Monday evening that Russian units "continued to make tactically significant advances north and northeast of Kharkiv City on May 13 and currently appear to be prioritizing the rapid establishment of a 'buffer zone' along the international border over setting conditions for deeper penetrations into northern Kharkiv Oblast."



Another day with insane numbers.
I'm waiting for Belbek Airfield confirmations, and it could be a GRRREAT day.

As of now, 2 S-300/400 launchers and radars are PRRRT per visual confirmation. Russki Orki channels report of a Tutti Frutti of birds either destroyed, damaged or state unknown. Su-25, Su-30, Tu-95, Su-35Sm...take your pick, there's a flavor of flying shit for everyone!! 🥳


France is sending second batch of...

Aster 30 two-stage, Mach 4.5, stealth interceptor, long range missile together with radars, control and launchers. This is pretty much one of the best interceptors Europe can offer, this is meant to intercept anything high value that flies(ballistic, reaction, etc) but I'm betting my shiny metal ass some high value birds are going down with these. This dart is highly maneuverable at high Machs and also smart as fuck and EW interdiction hardened, has it's own brain so pretty much you give it the mission and it goes and kills the mission.
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Another nutso day.

But, holy crap, how on earth have they not been able to build proper defense lines?!?

I think it's just a simple case of underestimating your opponent. Ukraine should have built extensive defensive lines prior to the counter offensive last year when Russia was in a more precarious position. They likely didn't because they probably did not believe that the offensive would fail after witnessing Russian incompetents early on. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia opens another front somewhere else along the border to divert Ukrainian man power as they know that this is one thing the West can't replenish, and they might only need 20,000 troops as there won't be adequate defenses. Could just walk in again. It's an easy way to nullify Western aid by spreading Ukraine man power thinly which is what I think they are doing. Not nearly enough troops to actually take any extensive amount of territory.


The good news is because of the way russian staged the northern attack and ukraine had to sit and wait for them to cross the border before attacking Blinkin has given the greenlight for u.s supplied arms to be used on russian land. They try this shit again they are going to be getting hit before they leave russia (probably a visit from krampus atacm).

The defense argument is a tough one, i'm not sure how you build fortifications that can be hit by artillery but can't attack back because they are on russian land. It's even harder when u add in glide bombs. There's pictures of unfinished defense lines 15km from the border with artillery craters all around them so they may have been trying and either got killed or had to retreat and that's why they never got finished.

It's a bit of a shitshow, but russia seems to be slowing in the north and they havn't made progress in chasiv yar or robotyne or west of avdiivka so if this was to weaken other fronts they havn't seemed to be able to capatalise on it.
The good news is because of the way russian staged the northern attack and ukraine had to sit and wait for them to cross the border before attacking Blinkin has given the greenlight for u.s supplied arms to be used on russian land. They try this shit again they are going to be getting hit before they leave russia (probably a visit from krampus atacm).

The defense argument is a tough one, i'm not sure how you build fortifications that can be hit by artillery but can't attack back because they are on russian land. It's even harder when u add in glide bombs. There's pictures of unfinished defense lines 15km from the border with artillery craters all around them so they may have been trying and either got killed or had to retreat and that's why they never got finished.

It's a bit of a shitshow, but russia seems to be slowing in the north and they havn't made progress in chasiv yar or robotyne or west of avdiivka so if this was to weaken other fronts they havn't seemed to be able to capatalise on it.
The problem with Ukraine's strategy is that because they are so afraid to cede territory to Russia, they aren't willing to build defensive lines 30km back so it will be at least be beyond accurate artillery fire. Yes, Russia would be able to take 30km or so if they go in the offensive but then they would come up against three lines of trenches etc so they wouldn't be able to any further. Fighting for every random village or tree line only benefits the country with the demographic advantage. There was also a huge lull when Russia went on retreat in 2022 where they could have built defences as Russia was too busy with its own at the time and there is no excuses for that. They should be turning the rest of the Donbass into a giant mine field and if need be retreating behind that. I worry that Ukraine will lose thousands of soldiers and resources trying to defend Chasiv Yar to lose it anyway, and because they spent all their resources defending the town, they won't have built the defenses needed for the remainder of the Donbass if it falls which has basically happened with every battle before now. If stretching out the front line will mitigate Western aid as even 500 of the best tanks isn't not going to do much if it's spread out across 100s Km, man power advantage is also diminished by highly concentrated defences.


Too much going on right now. First, casualties report.


As I said, Belbek Airbase got Belbekued again BBK and here's Maxxar with their tasty Satellite passes.

And now, Novorrosiisk, Krasnodar Krai, one of the main porst in Russia, the new Black Sea Fleet Naval Base after Ukraine made clear Sevastopol is Ukraine, is getting their share of smoked. Can't wait for the crown jewel of Russia to be confined to and be renamed as the Azov Sea Fleet and eventually, since it will be pretty much apples in a barrel, be fucked up and sunk there without escape. 😘

But there's MOAR! Also in Krasnodar Krai, the railway station and fuel thingies got hot. 🥵 🔥

Lets remember this is still not NATO guys with NATO toys, NATO logistics and all their NATO friends and might. 😙

You're welcome Russia. 🫡🇺🇦
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Denmark has announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine worth €750 million, — the Ministry of Defense of the country.

"Ukraine is no longer capable of shooting down Russian reconnaissance drones that regularly fly over Ukrainian cities and help destroy military equipment", - The Guardian

Russian oil is being massively routed to the EU via Turkey, which has become a key transit point. From February 2023 to February 2024, Turkey's purchases of Russian oil increased by 105%, and its fuel exports to the EU rose by 107%.



Gold Member
Russian oil is being massively routed to the EU via Turkey, which has become a key transit point. From February 2023 to February 2024, Turkey's purchases of Russian oil increased by 105%, and its fuel exports to the EU rose by 107%.

Turkey has been so often colluding with Russia, even before the invasion, that it's really impressive how they still are allowed to be in NATO.

A good overview and the Kharkiv 'offensive' being internal Russian power politics is the most likely one.
To remain relevant and get part of the support handed out from the ministry that group of forces needs to show some achievements greater then taking weeks to root out a bunch of Free Russia Legion guys.

Another theory of mine is that Putin assigned some of Kadyrov's goons to guard the border and the locals got angry at these thugs in their towns so they were sent to die in Ukraine. General Lapin also has an axe to grind with Kadyrov who is rumored to be ill.

Following the Second Battle of Lyman, which saw a Ukrainian victory, Lapin was heavily criticized by the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. Kadyrov blamed Lapin for the Russian retreat, saying he would demote Lapin to the rank of private, strip him of his medals, and send him to the front line barefoot with a light machine gun to "wipe away his shame with blood". The Kremlin told Kadyrov to "set aside emotions" during the special military operation.[12]

edit: it's also funny how the entry of Sweden and Finland happened and still Russia draws forces away from the north to grab some ruined villages in Ukraine at the cost of a division.
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The UK has rushed 1 million rounds of ammunition, air defence missiles & drones to Ukraine’s frontline to help hold Putin’s army back.
Russia’s new offensive must be a wake up call for the world so that every nation fast tracks their deliveries.



Applies here, since ammo provider. Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abu Whatever 'crash landed', state unknown.

I will create a desert curse just for him:

'May your beard burn and your PIG fumes molest the Prophet in Paradise' 🙏🏻🫠🔥🥓
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Project 22800 Cyclone missile ship Karakurt class Corvette, the spanking new of the spanking new since it's commission can be counted IN MONTHS ate several Storm Shadows/ATACMS and had serious gastric problems.

Russian warship shitted itself. Along with several whole Russian corn seeds. It's sunk.

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