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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I think NATO should go ahead and provide Ukraine with our longest-range armaments and just let them let loose on Russia. Because Putin is not playing by any rules, and if things remain as they are Russia can eventually just waste 50% (or more) of their entire forces to eventually wear down Ukraine via attrition.



The russians bombed a packed hyper market in Kharkiv on a Saturday afternoon. This is blatant terrorism. There is no military target in sight. There is no purpose to this other than to kill civilians.

The video of the moment of Russian bombing of a hypermarket in Kharkiv was published by the head of the investigation department of the Kharkiv regional police.
14 people are reported killed at the moment.
📹: Serhii Bolvinov
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12-year-old Mariia and her mom, Iryna, were killed yesterday when the Russians bombed the mall they were shopping at. Mariia’s dad survived and is in the hospital

Across Ukraine almost 2000 children have been injured or killed since Vladimir Putin ordered a full-scale invasion. But not all the pain is visible.

The fact that Russia has removed the buoys demarking its maritime border with Estonia matters far beyond Estonia.
Challenging/violating maritime borders is as serious as doing it to land borders.

Missing Baltic buoys mark out maritime border faultlines
Russia and China are challenging the global system of national boundaries at sea and in inland waters
In the early hours of May 23, Russian officials appeared in the Narva River, which divides Russia and Estonia, and removed the buoys that mark the maritime border. With this simple act, Russia demonstrated its intention to challenge such boundaries. China is already fiercely contesting the maritime borders of several countries in its neighbourhood. This matters because if nations don’t respect them, the global maritime system will falter.
How can the Russians keep going at this rate. I guess we don't know about Ukrainian losses but still. The two things I have gathered from this are Russians are still as aver accepting of high casualties and the Soviet Union must have built a lot of military equipment. How the hell do you destroy this many artillery systems and still have more than your opponent. Where is it coming from. The Russians either have a Star Trek replicator or the Soviets must have built stuff for the sake of it. I am half expecting a mega tank built of a dozen T72 welded together as they seem to keep pulling them out of their arss.


UK, France and surprisingly Germany allow striking military targets inside Russia with their weapons. So do Czech Republic, Poland, etc etc. Others like USA still didn't talk I think, but expected to fall like the rest of chad dominoes.

Inb4 Russia Hamasses their military bases, launch sites, etc inside schools, hospitals and civilian buildings, taking those civilians as human shields, we bomb the fuck out of those and they cry WAR CRIMES!!!

It went superb like that for the Serbs and others because, as the Geneva Convention consecrates, military use of civilian whatever makes it military and legitimate target under international laws.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
How can the Russians keep going at this rate. I guess we don't know about Ukrainian losses but still. The two things I have gathered from this are Russians are still as aver accepting of high casualties and the Soviet Union must have built a lot of military equipment. How the hell do you destroy this many artillery systems and still have more than your opponent. Where is it coming from. The Russians either have a Star Trek replicator or the Soviets must have built stuff for the sake of it. I am half expecting a mega tank built of a dozen T72 welded together as they seem to keep pulling them out of their arss.

They built insane, stupidly insane amounts of hardware. Their whole doctrine was that against a nato invasion they would be ready to arm like 10 million civilians or something silly like that. They are feeling the pinch already in some categories like tanks, since these days they're mostly used as stationary artillery as far as i know.


They built insane, stupidly insane amounts of hardware. Their whole doctrine was that against a nato invasion they would be ready to arm like 10 million civilians or something silly like that. They are feeling the pinch already in some categories like tanks, since these days they're mostly used as stationary artillery as far as i know.
There's quite the video from a push in wherever recently, where you can see an armored column being pounced to the Hallelujah and beyond from afar with high velocity APFSDS Armor Piercing Carbide Tungsten lances rounds spit out by either Leopards 2s or M1A1 Abrams.

That's not AT like stugna or Javelin, that's good ol' total penetration by a high velocity armor piercing lance. Which also tells they're getting pretty low on drones and artillery support if we can see tanks doing what tanks do.



Swedens latest package includes 2 Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890).


Just to add.

These "radar planes" are equipped with the NATO standard Link-16, so they will integrate well with the other NATO equipment such as the Patriot, NASAMS, SAMP/T, etc, and the long awaited F-16. ASC 890 will provide with a new capability against both airborne and maritime targets. Ukraines capability to identify targets at long range will be strengthened. They will act as a force multiplier with the introduction of F-16. AMRAAMs will also be donated.

Sweden to transfer *all* its Pansarbandvagn 302 APCs to Ukraine

Sweden will also deliver surplus tank vehicles from the armed forces, maintenance of previously donated Swedish materiel, financial support to capability coalitions and to funds and temporary initiatives to enable swift and large-scale procurement of materiel to Ukraine. Furthermore, Ukraine’s command and control capability will be strengthened in the package through a donation of terminals with subscriptions for satellite communications.

Sweden just joined NATO and it has done so much more to support Ukraine properly and defend Europe than some of the oldest NATO members.

:messenger_smiling_hearts: :messenger_beaming::messenger_clapping::messenger_ok:
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
There's quite the video from a push in wherever recently, where you can see an armored column being pounced to the Hallelujah and beyond from afar with high velocity APFSDS Armor Piercing Carbide Tungsten lances rounds spit out by either Leopards 2s or M1A1 Abrams.

That's not AT like stugna or Javelin, that's good ol' total penetration by a high velocity armor piercing lance. Which also tells they're getting pretty low on drones and artillery support if we can see tanks doing what tanks do.

Insane accuracy as well.


Czech scheme rounds getting to 'where it should inminently'.

Probably meaning some Ukrainian barrels are already sending gifts downrange.

What a turn of events, from starving them and 'we don't have many rounds' to flooding them eventually.

BONUS: Russians using a bathtub in the frontline for for 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Probably passing supplies between them, or just that new batch of Trench Vodka 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
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Those 2 new awacs are one HUGE boost to Ukraine AF.

At the same time they will become a prime target for the Russian AF. I wouldn't be surprised if they begin to use the SU-57s to hunt them inside Ukraine


Those 2 new awacs are one HUGE boost to Ukraine AF.

At the same time they will become a prime target for the Russian AF. I wouldn't be surprised if they begin to use the SU-57s to hunt them inside Ukraine
Be funny if it was a ruse to get russian aircraft into ukraine so they can be engaged with patriots without Germany and usa throwing a bitch fit.
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Russia is beating western capitals to third-country ammunition supplies that have been earmarked for Ukraine, warns Prague, as Moscow gets cash to arms companies faster than NATO governments.

Russia sources ammunition faster than west, says Prague
Czech government warns that payment delays to international arms makers could deprive Kyiv of millions of shells
Prague is coordinating purchases of ammunition from arms companies in non-Nato countries on behalf of many western allies, but is struggling to compete with Moscow, which has proved it can get financing to manufacturers faster.
“There are some countries that are supplying [Ukraine] from the same stockpiles that the Russians are [buying from],” Tomáš Kopečný, Prague’s envoy for the reconstruction of Ukraine, told journalists Thursday. “If you have the cash to do the pre-payment faster than the Russians, then the products go to the Ukrainian side. If you don’t have the cash on the account, then sometimes it goes to the Russians.”
The Czech warning comes as its domestic arms producer Czechoslovak Group, the largest ammunition supplier in central Europe, warned that rising prices and poor quality meant that half the shells it had received could not be sent to Ukraine’s battlefields as quickly as planned.
Michal Strnad, owner and chair of CSG, told the Financial Times that about 50 per cent of the parts acquired by his company on behalf of the Czech government in places such as Africa and Asia were not good enough to be sent to Ukraine without further work. For some shells, CSG is being forced to add missing components from its own production.
“Every week the price is going up and there are big issues with the components,” Strnad said during an interview in his company’s Prague offices. “It’s not an easy job.”
However, he stressed that the Czech initiative remained “on track” and that CSG was committed to delivering its assigned part of the supplies.
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Not sure it's a huge issue, Ukraine are apparently using mostly 155mm shells now, hopefully allies solve the issue by just supplying more 155mm hardware so the soviet shit can rust or be used as decoys, also fuck those lancets that problem needs to be solved next.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
So the US and Germany have finally decided to grow a fucking pair, and allow the Ukrainians to target Russians in Russia. Only about a year too late, you feckless cowards.

The US have only allowed strikes around the Kharkiv region though which is still fucking half-arsed, but better than nothing. It will at least discourage the Russians from staging enmasse close along that border region.

In a similar vein, are there any limitations imposed by the Germans with their weapons?



Frontline report: Ukraine launches counteroffensive in Vovchansk against Russians.

Ukraine has used Neptun anti-ship missiles against the oil terminal of the Kavkaz port (the 2nd-largest Russian port in the Black Sea) and a ferry crossing in Krasnodar region.

260 km from the border.
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In a similar vein, are there any limitations imposed by the Germans with their weapons?
Yeh Germany has had them on a leash as tight as usa. People were saying they said they could when Macron was doing his map thing with schultz the other day, sounded pretty ambiguous from the translation I read. Maybe now the yanks have given them some leeway in the north Germany will follow seeing they are pretty much the only ones still not.

edit: Unless they have come out and given permission more clearly which FunkMiller FunkMiller might be saying above.
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F-16s on play mean also AD. They can stablish air superiority on the frontline but for that they will need good AD so bombers can do their runs, because I don't think we're gonna see dogfighting (please make me wrong UAF). That's why we've seen so many Russki AD being popped lately, preparing the ground for that.

Which meaaaans...


And we all know what happened last time Ukraine poked some batteries close to the frontline.


Suffers with mild autism
This thread is gross (scrolled back a bit and saw dead soldier posts, what is this, liveleak?) and also obsessively political on every page despite the no-politics policy.

It's like a weirdly fanatical echo chamber, that no one else wants to step into since it's filled with nutcases who somehow think this questionable proxy war is an epic battle between good and evil.

I don't really know why it continues to stand on the forum.


Gold Member
This thread is gross (scrolled back a bit and saw dead soldier posts, what is this, liveleak?) and also obsessively political on every page despite the no-politics policy.

It's like a weirdly fanatical echo chamber, that no one else wants to step into since it's filled with nutcases who somehow think this questionable proxy war is an epic battle between good and evil.

I don't really know why it continues to stand on the forum.

It has been a while since we had a Russian bot around here, pretending top be a proponent of balance and peace.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we already know your whole shtick.


Suffers with mild autism
It has been a while since we had a Russian bot around here, pretending top be a proponent of balance and peace.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we already know your whole shtick.
Holy hell, that's exactly the fanaticism I'm talking about. Do you people listen to yourselves?

This thread is 100% indistinguishable from its twin thread over on ree, I went there just now out of sociological curiosity.


Suffers with mild autism
LOL. Do you really think we haven't heard the same thing you are claiming, several times over.
Don't event try it. We already know your kind.
Frankly, hearing you speak this way with zero apparent irony or self-awareness is a bit disturbing. It's exactly what is found throughout this thread, and is nothing like the rest of the forum thankfully.


Gold Member
Frankly, hearing you speak this way with zero apparent irony or self-awareness is a bit disturbing. It's exactly what is found throughout this thread, and is nothing like the rest of the forum thankfully.

Dude, we already know all your arguments of how Russians are the victim, and all those lies...
Don't bother, we are not dumb enough to believe in Putin's propaganda.


Suffers with mild autism
Dude, we already know all your arguments of how Russians are the victim, and all those lies...
Don't bother, we are not dumb enough to believe in Putin's propaganda.
"anyone who isn't invested in my proxy war is a Russian spy" somewhere a room of neocons is toasting to your useful fanaticism for the cause
This thread is gross (scrolled back a bit and saw dead soldier posts, what is this, liveleak?) and also obsessively political on every page despite the no-politics policy.

It's like a weirdly fanatical echo chamber, that no one else wants to step into since it's filled with nutcases who somehow think this questionable proxy war is an epic battle between good and evil.

I don't really know why it continues to stand on the forum.
I would like to hear your justification as to why Ukraine is not a victim in this war.


Suffers with mild autism
And here we go, the proxy war argument. You are so transparent.
Some of the previous bots we had here were a bit smarter than you, as they managed to hide their propaganda a bit better.
You've more than proven my point about this thread.

I'm not only saying that you've proven yourself paranoid and fanatical, but that you're clearly not well. To be clear: I'm saying that you're a borderline psychopath here and would do well to get off the internet entirely for a while. I pray for the people in your personal life, I genuinely believe that anyone around you is likely in danger.


Gold Member
You've more than proven my point about this thread.

I'm not only saying that you've proven yourself paranoid and fanatical, but that you're clearly not well. To be clear: I'm saying that you're a borderline psychopath here and would do well to get off the internet entirely for a while. I pray for the people in your personal life, I genuinely believe that anyone around you is likely in danger.

You are boring. At least the previous bots did try to put up a better fight, with better arguments.


Suffers with mild autism
What's so amusing is that you think I'm here to fight for Russia. I'm here to make a point about this forum, and how this thread is anathema to good discourse and to our whole environment here. And you've spectacularly made my point.


Gold Member
This thread is gross (scrolled back a bit and saw dead soldier posts, what is this, liveleak?) and also obsessively political on every page despite the no-politics policy.

It's like a weirdly fanatical echo chamber, that no one else wants to step into since it's filled with nutcases who somehow think this questionable proxy war is an epic battle between good and evil.

I don't really know why it continues to stand on the forum.

You see it the way you because you failed to put enough effort into your own education but feel confident about speaking on issues.

Russia is a fascist, imperialist country invading yet another neighbouring country and yet you find placing the culpability of the war wholly onto Russia is “extreme”. That’s your problem.


Nice to see, lots of support coming in..

Ukraine and Iceland signed a security agreement

Ukraine signed a security agreement with Norway

“Russia must understand that it cannot wait us out” — NATO Chief Stoltenberg after the foreign ministerial

Stoltenberg says NATO foreign ministers made “significant progress” on plans for the alliance to play a “greater coordinating role” in providing weapons and training to Ukraine

“We are working on how to move Ukraine closer to membership” in NATO, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says

NATO annual Ukraine aid must remain 'at least' 40 billion euros ($43 billion): Stoltenberg

Ukrainian forces report 'tense situation' near Orikhiv, Zaporizhzhya Oblast | New Voice of Ukraine | May 2024

Fighting is "tense" near Orikhiv in Zaporizhzhya Oblast, the Ukrainian Armed Forces General staff said at 11:53 p.m. on May 30.
49 combat clashes were reported along the front lines earlier on May 30, with the highest activity observed in the Pokrovsk sector, the General Staff added.
8 enemy attempts to push Ukrainian units near Krynky back in the Prydniprovske sector were repelled, they said.
The number of Russian assault attempts in the Orikhiv sector has increased to 5.
2 attacks were repelled in the Mala Tokmachka area. Fighting continues near Mali Shcherbaky and Novoandriivka.
Ukrainian forces repelled 8 enemy attacks in the Prydniprovske sector.
The enemy attempted to push back Ukrainian units on the left bank of the Dnipro River, near Krynky. The situation in this sector remains under control.
There were no significant changes in other sectors, the General Staff said.
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This thread is gross (scrolled back a bit and saw dead soldier posts, what is this, liveleak?) and also obsessively political on every page despite the no-politics policy.

It's like a weirdly fanatical echo chamber, that no one else wants to step into since it's filled with nutcases who somehow think this questionable proxy war is an epic battle between good and evil.

I don't really know why it continues to stand on the forum.

Holy hell, that's exactly the fanaticism I'm talking about. Do you people listen to yourselves?

This thread is 100% indistinguishable from its twin thread over on ree, I went there just now out of sociological curiosity.

Frankly, hearing you speak this way with zero apparent irony or self-awareness is a bit disturbing. It's exactly what is found throughout this thread, and is nothing like the rest of the forum thankfully.

"anyone who isn't invested in my proxy war is a Russian spy" somewhere a room of neocons is toasting to your useful fanaticism for the cause

Fuckity bye, murderer and rapist supporter. You won't be missed.
I love how basically every country the last week was like, yeah, fuck it use our weapons on Russian soil.

I loved seeing the headline that Biden secretly gave permission last week. Oops not a secret anymore
I kinda have mixed feelings about the press telegraphing every Western move and political decision. I think operational security should be a higher focus. Like, imagine Russians feeling like they are safe around the border and then the next day massive ATACMS strikes rain down on Russian positions across the border.
I kinda have mixed feelings about the press telegraphing every Western move and political decision. I think operational security should be a higher focus. Like, imagine Russians feeling like they are safe around the border and then the next day massive ATACMS strikes rain down on Russian positions across the border.
I couldn't agree more. So much media posting on what Ukraine is doing, only helps Russia.
I believe last years counteroffensive would have had better success if it was a surprise counteroffensive instead of being broadcasted months prior. This allowed Russia to dig in.
I couldn't agree more. So much media posting on what Ukraine is doing, only helps Russia.
I believe last years counteroffensive would have had better success if it was a surprise counteroffensive instead of being broadcasted months prior. This allowed Russia to dig in.
Agreed. That always bothered me. It made me think about Operation Overlord (D-day invasion) and how much painstaking effort the Allies would make to throw off the Germans into thinking where and when the invasion landing would take place. They tried so hard that an entire dummy army was built out of inflatables.

Ukraine's counteroffensive was broadcast to the entire world including WHEN it would take place (summer time frame).
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