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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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This thread is gross (scrolled back a bit and saw dead soldier posts, what is this, liveleak?) and also obsessively political on every page despite the no-politics policy.

It's like a weirdly fanatical echo chamber, that no one else wants to step into since it's filled with nutcases who somehow think this questionable proxy war is an epic battle between good and evil.

I don't really know why it continues to stand on the forum.
IT IS a war between good and evil.
This is a conflict where it's obvious who is at fault. Putin decided to go to war when there was no real threat whatsoever against Ruzzia. Putin invaded a country whitout any sort of provocation simply because he has imperialistics ilusions. He caused millions of people to flee, killed thousands of civilians, caused pain to millions of people, killed or injured hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides.
Putin is the modern days Hitler and he must be stopped.
So, this thread isn't gross. What is gross is the war that Putler started and the ruzzian bots like you that show up here from time to time.



The artillery shell situation is still bonkers.

"We can find 1.5 –2 million shells for Ukraine within a year. I don't understand why there isn't money for this"

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What's so amusing is that you think I'm here to fight for Russia. I'm here to make a point about this forum, and how this thread is anathema to good discourse and to our whole environment here. And you've spectacularly made my point.

You’ve been rightly banned… but I bet the ‘good discourse’ you’d like to have introduced might have had something to do with defending Russia’s invasion?

Just a hunch.

And you previously bringing up how Era are talking about this, in some childish attempt to create a ‘them and us’ scenario that you can slide your Tankie bullshit into? They’re just as right at ResetEra as we are, and I’ll happily defend and agree with every single one of them, before siding with a Russian apologist like you.
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‘How do I live?’ A 10-year-old Ukrainian orphan recalls the brutal destruction of his family


A bit of hopium, the fact that Russians are now sending infantry into battle in these sweet DIY meat buckets is probably the best illustration as to the catastrophic level of Russian armor depletion.

A Russian supply base in the industrial district of Shebekino, Belgorod Region, Russia, was wiped out this morning. In the debris field, parts of a missiles can be seen. Russian propaganda initially claimed that a civilian market was hit, but the location is neither civilian nor the debris seen on the pictures. It proves that Ukrainian Forces are starting to destroy Russian military support bases for their incursion in Kharkiv Region.

Alot has changed in the past 48 hours on the Sumy and Kharkiv sections of the front.In addition to flattening prized anti-aircraft units just over the border, Ukraine now destroying Russian columns BEFORE they get into Ukraine. Russian channels not happy at all.

Is is really a war for drones.

More air-to-air drone combat high over southern Ukraine, seen here, a Ukrainian FPV munition successfully chases down and intercepts a Russian Orlan-10 reconnaissance drone.

Russia has also been testing some UGV buggies with kamikaze abilities, Ukraine allready has a functional one. I wonder how many countries are rethinking the utility of the main battle tank..
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Simps for Amouranth
R.e. this Western will they won't they allow strikes on Russian Soil, I believe it's all smoke and mirrors played out in public in order to sow confusion within Russian command, think about it, the West goes oh noes you can't use our missiles to strike within Russia, we're so afraid of escalating, Russians being the brain-dead cunts they are think happy days we can move our forward ops bases but stay within Russia and so logistics hubs, command and control all move closer to the border and become established thinking they're safe from attack... Then bingo once it's all embedded, up and running and completely mapped out by NATO satellites, suddenly the west gives the green light and now Ukraine can start hitting these high value targets with proper missiles doing some proper damage to the command structures that have all built up over the past several months
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Worrying the public in the West to a point where they use their electoral power to force an end to support for Ukraine is the only way for Russia to win. So a lot of effort is put into making sure people worry.

Some of it may be direct disinformation but also well meaning people who bought into the Russian threats of annihilation and think they are doing good by painting scenarios of doom.
For instance there is a current bestseller, Nuclear War: A Scenario, which goes into every tiny detail of the effects of nuclear war. This threat has existed for decades but suddenly now it becomes part of this book. I started it but gave up after an endless series of wrong information provided by the sources for the writer who knows nothing about the subject.
Those sources are mainly 78 year old Ted Postol, known for spreading claims the Syrian rebels gassed themselves, William Perry (aged 96) and Richard Garwin, aged 95.They all seem to be stuck in the eighties when they were still relevant and repeat stories from then, getting to present themselves as heroes as everyone else present is now dead.
All American systems are overpriced and useless while North Korea launches an ICBM with perfect precision and detonates a thermonuclear bomb in their first try. Resistance is futile, surrender the only option.


Simps for Amouranth
This war is slowly escalating and there's no end at sight.
I'm getting more worried as days go by...
You're either to young to understand exactly what's going on or you have bought into the Russian Koolaid flooding social media.

There's nothing to be worried about, Russia has shown itself to be nothing but a paper tiger, if the West had balls this war would've been over a year ago instead we've deliberately tied one of Ukraine's arms behind it's back and tied it's shoelaces together and still they're holding this mighty lolz Russian army to a stalemate, now that our politicians have grown a set of balls and untied Ukraine's shoelaces somewhat, we may start to see some tides turning around certain fronts



Vassal state! Vassal state! Didn't we all predict this?


Or something along those lines 🤭

How utterly fucked must they be to get any cash if China can pull a move like this, ask for the 'Regular Russian' price.

For those that don't know, Russia subsidizes almost EVERYTHING from the basket/deposit to almost full price for almost everyone in Russia, what's needed for a human to function, just to have those humans barely up from the water line, just the two nostrils out of water, so they don't revolt and are not very well fed, but not dead or dying and angry, not very healthy, but not dead, dying or angry, so anything more than barely living that's given/built it's seen as a huge improvement and due thanks to Vladimirrr Vladimirovich, and of course, makes the prospect of going to a frontline and maybe not dying so you can earn 2000 euros( more than 4 times the Russian average income) a month and a signing bonus a FUCKING GREAT PROSPECT OF LIFE.


Simps for Amouranth
Roman, a National Guard officer seized by russia at the Chornobyl NPP, after two years in russian captivity. Looks like something recoloured from certain camps during WW2.


This should be on the front page of every fucking newspaper and news show around the world with contrasting images of the Holocaust, ffs were celebrating the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings when the world came together to fight the Nazis and here we are all these years later with another fascist cunt doing this to humans in Europe, it's beyond disgusting what we're allowing the Russians to get away with



CNN: Russians are increasingly raping Ukrainian men on occupied territories.

Russia is the first country to have an electric scooter assault brigade.

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Every month there is some Russian representative, usually Medvedev, claiming that the west crossed a red line. And that there will be consequences.
For 3 years, they have been constantly whining about western support to Ukraine. And the consequence has always been more whining. Nothing more.
They were all empty threats. Putin knows if NATO gets directly involved with this war he is completely screwed. NATO boots on the ground means full mobilization of the Russian population and a political nightmare for the Kremlin.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Every month there is some Russian representative, usually Medvedev, claiming that the west crossed a red line. And that there will be consequences.
For 3 years, they have been constantly whining about western support to Ukraine. And the consequence has always been more whining. Nothing more.

It's also hilarious the persecution and victimhood complex these guys have when they're the ones that are invading and consequently looting, murdering, and torturing their way across Ukraine. I used to think it was just calculated pantomime but I think now given how dense and deluded most Russians are, that they genuine believe they're the victims in this war.

The war can stop now if all Russian forces withdraw from Ukraine.


I'd rather we didn't have any of it at all.

Yes, it would have been far better if Russia had never invaded Ukraine, thousands of people hadn't died, and we weren't faced with nuclear threats.

Unfortunately all that is happening and trying to pretend it isn't would make us pussies in fantasy land.
Russia keeps killing thousands of people in Ukraine but somehow it's still not their only fault. Lmao at calling 3+ year war aimed at destroying/enslaving entire nation an "overreaction".
The problem with this interpretation is that it is not entirely false but that is why it is insidious. The exact same case has been made about World War 2 over the years, and many have argued that the Treaty of Versailles should never have happened because Hitler would never have amassed the support he did beyond the fringe as that was something which most even moderate Germans thought was unfair. That is possibly true but that doesn't then excuse the murdering of millions of people because that is essentially the argument. It's a bit like poking somebody in the arm and they turn around and stab you and somebody saying you shouldn't have poked them then, which might be true but that wouldn't take way from that being extreme an response. Can make the same argument about a school shooter that was bullied etc.


Gold Member
The problem with this interpretation is that it is not entirely false but that is why it is insidious. The exact same case has been made about World War 2 over the years, and many have argued that the Treaty of Versailles should never have happened because Hitler would never have amassed the support he did beyond the fringe as that was something which most even moderate Germans thought was unfair. That is possibly true but that doesn't then excuse the murdering of millions of people because that is essentially the argument. It's a bit like poking somebody in the arm and they turn around and stab you and somebody saying you shouldn't have poked them then, which might be true but that wouldn't take way from that being extreme an response. Can make the same argument about a school shooter that was bullied etc.

The problem with the argument that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair, is that it's mostly incorrect.
It was tough on Germany, but the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, that the Germans imposed on Russia was much harsher.
And even the Treaty of Trianon, that was he equivalent of Versailles, but for Hungary was also much harsher.
The reality is that the Treaty of Versailles was mostly an excuse for extremist parties to mobilize anger in the populace.

Regarding modern day Russian-Ukraine war, we have to remember that up until the invasion of Crimea, most people thought that NATO was a useless organization.
It was only after Russia invaded that most people started to recognize that we do need NATO. And then several countries asked to be allowed in, to protect themselves.

And let's not forget that Putin had been claiming in public, years before the invasion, that Ukraine was not a real country.
The goal had always been to invade it's neighbors. Ukraine wasn't even the first, as Georgia was invaded by Russia in 2008.


LibertéEgalitéFraternité GOES BRRTRRRRRRRRRRRR

Dassault Mirages 2000-5 to Ukraine. Training fighter pilots in France and warriors in Ukraine. Can be done in 6 months. Now France joined the fighter coalition too, expect others to offer their toys to not be seen as meek, dickless and indecisive.

Also, this. 🥲

When one of the few remaining warriors who fought fascism blesses you. 🫡
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The problem with the argument that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair, is that it's mostly incorrect.
It was tough on Germany, but the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, that the Germans imposed on Russia was much harsher.
And even the Treaty of Trianon, that was he equivalent of Versailles, but for Hungary was also much harsher.
The reality is that the Treaty of Versailles was mostly an excuse for extremist parties to mobilize anger in the populace.

Regarding modern day Russian-Ukraine war, we have to remember that up until the invasion of Crimea, most people thought that NATO was a useless organization.
It was only after Russia invaded that most people started to recognize that we do need NATO. And then several countries asked to be allowed in, to protect themselves.

And let's not forget that Putin had been claiming in public, years before the invasion, that Ukraine was not a real country.
The goal had always been to invade it's neighbors. Ukraine wasn't even the first, as Georgia was invaded by Russia in 2008.
It's more about the way of looking at things than the substance. You see the same thing with Gaza. It's an analytical argument that is baing made. Which is this plus this equals that. Germany losing WW1 + Treaty of Versailles + Great Depression = WW2. Nato Expansion + Ukraine moving to the West = Ukraine invasion etc. As the West was involved in some of these things. therefore we are culpable or so the argument goes. It has nothing do with wrong or right as to why it's an analytical argument. The problem is that these arguments do not account for morality or more importantly the human aspect. They are saying the same thing about Gaza. If Hamas kills 50 people and Israel kills 100 people then it's worse because 100 is greater than 50. However going after terrorists and killing civilians by mistake is not morally the same as purposely killing civilians.
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