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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine



Denmark completed the training of the first 50 Ukrainian specialists for the maintenance of F-16 fighters. This was announced by the commander of the Royal Danish Air Force, Major General Jan Dam. Most of the above-mentioned specialists have already returned to Ukraine and are waiting to receive the first fighters at the air bases. The next group of 50 Ukrainians will also start training soon.

Finland sends 24th military aid package to Ukraine. The €159 million package brings the value of Finland's defence aid to Ukraine to some 2.2 billion euros.



Simps for Amouranth
I know this borders on Political but after that shitshow last night, Europe better brace itself to pick up the slack and get stuck in, it's a fucking shoein that orange fucking Putin puppet gets in and his first order of business will be to hand over Ukraine to his buddy, Christ almighty most powerful nation on earth can only be led by either a near dead corpse or a threat to humanity...

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I know this borders on Political but after that shitshow last night, Europe better brace itself to pick up the slack and get stuck in, it's a fucking shoein that orange fucking Putin puppet gets in and his first order of business will be to hand over Ukraine to his buddy, Christ almighty most powerful nation on earth can only be led by either a near dead corpse or a threat to humanity...

I cannot understand why they’d let Biden run this year. The man is not well and the performance during the debate was shameful. You seen the Jon Stewart take on it?


Also true.
NK soldiers are on a highway to hell.
I don't know if you caught my dark humour, I wasn't very clear. 😗

What I meant is this 👌🏻🤤❤️👩‍🦲🥩🔥

North Koreans are known to resort/enjoy widespread cannibalism even today, last report I read was from 2013, probably have been newer, don't need to know. In that, they're very much like their masters, the Chinese people.

In other news, remember Tivaz_Artillery Group? One of the best artillery units UA has, they've been one of the most prominent pounding AA defenses in Crimea. They're the ones that clusterclucked those S-300/S-400 batteries not long ago in spectacular fashion with ATACMS. I mean THIS


Remember Budanov talking very recently about Russia moving their only known to 'work' S-500 battery from Putin's bald spot in Moscow to Crimea?




Gold Member
I know this borders on Political but after that shitshow last night, Europe better brace itself to pick up the slack and get stuck in, it's a fucking shoein that orange fucking Putin puppet gets in and his first order of business will be to hand over Ukraine to his buddy, Christ almighty most powerful nation on earth can only be led by either a near dead corpse or a threat to humanity...

I feel deeply sorry for America that this is the choice they have. Couldn't be worse. For the rest of us, either.


Gold Member
America might be able to weather another 4 years of Trump and make it out alive, but Ukraine won't.

Neither option is good for Ukraine. Either a dithering old fuck who’s already let Putin get away with too much, or a raging narcissistic clown who’ll suck Putin’s dick for a pat on the head.

It couldn’t really be any worse. I just pray someone in the administration manages to wipe the drool off Biden’s chin, and gets him to commit fully before it’s too late. Not holding my breath.

Cowards and charlatans the fucking lot of them.


Neither option is good for Ukraine. Either a dithering old fuck who’s already let Putin get away with too much, or a raging narcissistic clown who’ll suck Putin’s dick for a pat on the head.

It couldn’t really be any worse. I just pray someone in the administration manages to wipe the drool off Biden’s chin, and gets him to commit fully before it’s too late. Not holding my breath.

Cowards and charlatans the fucking lot of them.

Just wondering, did you happen to watch the video about escalation management a few posts up? And if so do you have an opinion on that video?

At least Biden is fighting at all, within the seeming parameters of escalation management. Appears Trump will just pull out and give away the whole game.

I don't think those are equally bad for Ukraine, even if it's cringe to vote for either.


We're in 1941 boys.

Not that the motorcycle is bad, after all, it's a knock-off of a BMW motorcycle, and these are still being made today, but...

Now they're gonna send people in Urals-Dnepr M72s/Chang Jiang CJ750s with such sidecars that would make a retarded Red Army soldier from 1942 vomit in disgust. Well, they could use them as supply transport but...really? Have they run out of trucks too? 🫠

No, wait, I'm wrong. 🥺

This is the pinnacle of Russian engineering.

They are sending their troops meat waves with sidecoffins ⚰️ so when they fall, they can bury themselves for Mother Russia. 🫡
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We're in 1941 boys.

Not that the motorcycle is bad, after all, it's a knock-off of a BMW motorcycle, and these are still being made today, but...

Now they're gonna send people in Urals-Dnepr M72s/Chang Jiang CJ750s with such sidecars that would make a retarded Red Army soldier from 1942 vomit in disgust. Well, they could use them as supply transport but...really? Have they run out of trucks too? 🫠

No, wait, I'm wrong. 🥺

This is the pinnacle of Russian engineering.

They are sending their troops meat waves with sidecoffins ⚰️ so when they fall, they can bury themselves for Mother Russia. 🫡

Literal Cargo 200 motorcycles.


Yeah unless a miracle happens with the election I don’t see Ukraine lasting another 4 years. Maybe the EU and the rest of Europe can pick up the slack, but Ukraine needs a shit ton of cash and munitions.


Neither option is good for Ukraine. Either a dithering old fuck who’s already let Putin get away with too much, or a raging narcissistic clown who’ll suck Putin’s dick for a pat on the head.

It couldn’t really be any worse. I just pray someone in the administration manages to wipe the drool off Biden’s chin, and gets him to commit fully before it’s too late. Not holding my breath.

Cowards and charlatans the fucking lot of them.
Absolutely false. The current president handled the war issue exceptionally well.

I don't dare imagine how fast things will go to hell if, God forbid, that fucking orange antichrist wins.

Yeah, i humbly accept the moderation. As an european, i'm just voicing my honest concerns.


Gold Member
Absolutely false. The current president handled the war issue exceptionally well.

I don't dare imagine how fast things will go to hell if, God forbid, that fucking orange antichrist wins.

Yeah, i humbly accept the moderation. As an european, i'm just voicing my honest concerns.

Which is why it’s now dragged out for two and a half years, and the Ukrainians have had to go cap in hand repeatedly for stuff that could have, and should have, been provided to them months, if not years ago.

Don’t let your perfectly understandable dislike of Trump blind you to the inadequacies of the current administration.


Gold Member
Just wondering, did you happen to watch the video about escalation management a few posts up? And if so do you have an opinion on that video?

At least Biden is fighting at all, within the seeming parameters of escalation management. Appears Trump will just pull out and give away the whole game.

I don't think those are equally bad for Ukraine, even if it's cringe to vote for either.

And there’s the problem. Trump will indeed just pull out to please his mate Vlad. So why is Biden dragging his heels so much to allow this to go on for so long?

His hubris about winning this next election, along with his cowardice to properly confront the paper tiger of Russia will likely doom Ukraine. He is the better option, but he’s failed to plan for a situation where he is not in power. Which there’s a very good chance he won’t be.

I get hating the idea of Trump again, but let’s not pretend Biden has exactly done a good job here. It’s been frustrating and sickening how much he’s wrung his hands while Ukrainians have died.




Ukraine May Have Hit Russia's $600 Million S-500 SAM System With ATACMS

A group of anti-war activists managed to become “friends” with dozens of Russian lawmakers and senators by posing as a pro-war poet on VKontakte. The poems they shared were actually translations of poetry from Nazi Germany



Which is why it’s now dragged out for two and a half years, and the Ukrainians have had to go cap in hand repeatedly for stuff that could have, and should have, been provided to them months, if not years ago.

Don’t let your perfectly understandable dislike of Trump blind you to the inadequacies of the current administration.
Hasn't this been discussed a million times already? Since basically day one?
Anyway, there's little any free world leader (Biden, Macron, whoever) could have done to speed up the help or some favourable conclusion to this war, without pushing things into an even worse state (and there's plenty room for that inside today's fucked up Europe), given the situation.


Gold Member
Hasn't this been discussed a million times already? Since basically day one?
Anyway, there's little any free world leader (Biden, Macron, whoever) could have done to speed up the help or some favourable conclusion to this war, without pushing things into an even worse state (and there's plenty room for that inside today's fucked up Europe), given the situation.

What kind of worse state do you mean? Because Putin's red lines have been repeatedly crossed, with zero escalation.


Literal Cargo 200 motorcycles.
Literally. Greatly added weight, greatly diminished speed, greatly curtailed maneuverability cross country and everywhere, bigger target for literally anything that entropy throws their way, prone to overturn. Lets remember motorbikes aren't made to carry 4 guys and equipment at speed. This is just defeating each and every purpose to use a motorcycle, which is carrying 1/2 guys at nice speeds, and have huge maneuverability everywhere, even in the most rugged terrains...

unless you're so strangled you can't resort to anything else.

You just converted a speedy light and slim dirt eater able to pass through the narrowest point of the most difficult terrain into a monster that will get stuck against the lowest rock, the sweetest slope and the slimmest branch thrown around a field. Even if nothing is in your way, motorcycles with sidecars(real sidecars with just one guy, or a small light transportation sidecar) have a propensity to get stuck in small puddles of water, a bit of mud, a lame pothole and anything that the hardest road terrain even without the added weight of a guy or a bit of equipment, so a tilled field, any artillery battered terrain or an armor fucked road it's gonna be nuts for these 🤷🏻‍♂️

Sidecoffin probably made of the lowest grade of sheet metal you can find, wouldn't even stop a small caliber. If the sidecar breaks, if the wheel throws a fit, breaks a radius, whatever, you're just dragging, if still able to drag, dead weight(hah!).

I bet we're gonna see sooner than later the Carrouselgruppen, a rush of these with one on the motorcycle and 3 with guns on the sidecoffin passing from one side to the other directly in front of Ukrainian positions and it's gonna be NES Duck Hunt. 🫡⚰️
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And there’s the problem. Trump will indeed just pull out to please his mate Vlad. So why is Biden dragging his heels so much to allow this to go on for so long?

I think there is a reason for that, and it may be a badly conceived or presumptuous one, but it's not necessarily hand-wringing. I would still appreciate your thoughts on that escalation management vid on from Youtube. Basically worried about the geopolitical consequences of every scenario, including Russian collapse which could destabilize the area, and even incite Putin to use nukes to maintain his own power inside Russia during civil war.

I don't think I agree with all these entirely, but that's not a place of hand-wringing, it's a place of thinking Chess many steps in advance to prevent many scenarios of escalation. It might be playing the wrong game, but at least it is one that is weighing serious consequences for the world, and not necessarily cowardice. Foolishness perhaps.


Gold Member
I think there is a reason for that, and it may be a badly conceived or presumptuous one, but it's not necessarily hand-wringing. I would still appreciate your thoughts on that escalation management vid on from Youtube. Basically worried about the geopolitical consequences of every scenario, including Russian collapse which could destabilize the area, and even incite Putin to use nukes to maintain his own power inside Russia during civil war.

I think we've blown way past the point where escalation into a global crisis is likely. Russia clearly does not have the military might to do such a thing, and Putin has been resolutely proved to be all mouth and no trousers. China will not enter into any kind of escalatory measures, because their economy is so intrinsically tied up with the west. North Korea are a bunch of simpletons who can't keep the lights on at night.

The argument to not push Russia further in case of internal destabilisation is not a valid one, if we are talking about saving Ukraine from further bloodshed. Neither would a destabilised Russia effect the global economy, given the level of sanctions it is already under. If anything, internecine civil warfare in Russia would take a lot of the pressure off countries like Ukraine and Georgia, allowing them to move closer the west. And Belarus would also collapse, allowing it's opposition to take over the country from Putin's puppet.

The questions of the use of nuclear weapons has been answered repeatedly, every time NATO has attacked Russian soil, via the Ukrainian forces. At no stage has Putin done anything other than flap his gums about using nukes against the west. It's not going to happen.

Russia has been exceptional at creating a false impression of the country's soft and hard power, but it is massively apparent that they have no real response to a major western support of Ukraine. This war could - and should - be over by autumn.


I think we've blown way past the point where escalation into a global crisis is likely. Russia clearly does not have the military might to do such a thing, and Putin has been resolutely proved to be all mouth and no trousers. China will not enter into any kind of escalatory measures, because their economy is so intrinsically tied up with the west. North Korea are a bunch of simpletons who can't keep the lights on at night.

The argument to not push Russia further in case of internal destabilisation is not a valid one, if we are talking about saving Ukraine from further bloodshed. Neither would a destabilised Russia effect the global economy, given the level of sanctions it is already under. If anything, internecine civil warfare in Russia would take a lot of the pressure off countries like Ukraine and Georgia, allowing them to move closer the west. And Belarus would also collapse, allowing it's opposition to take over the country from Putin's puppet.

The questions of the use of nuclear weapons has been answered repeatedly, every time NATO has attacked Russian soil, via the Ukrainian forces. At no stage has Putin done anything other than flap his gums about using nukes against the west. It's not going to happen.

Russia has been exceptional at creating a false impression of the country's soft and hard power, but it is massively apparent that they have no real response to a major western support of Ukraine. This war could - and should - be over by autumn.

Well I already said that I don't necessarily agree with these concerns, just that having them is not hand-wringing.

I'm a little skeptical that you did not watch the vid and just addressed the parts that I plugged in my post, but it doesn't matter.


Russia is sending 30mm turreted not very 'MRAP' K-4386 Typhoon-VDVs.


What's wrong with this pic? Well, for starters, this is esentially a lightly armored technical made for Syria. This is meant as an armored escort for non armor able to mow civilians in flip flops with not much in the anti-armor sense. This is not meant to fight head on in a full scale war, this is for defense against lame ambushes by irregular forces. This is not meant to suck even the furthest shrapnel of artillery, javelin, anti-materiel, tank flinged anti-armor tungsten lances, drones with assorted warheads, etc etc etc and many other etcs. One stray little chunk of metal and it's a technical kill. Anything bigger than that and it's going through one door and exiting another with bits and pieces of the Russians that thought they were secure in the warm and armored embrace of Mother Russia.

Following, while the design had V-shaped hull against IEDs and mines(hence MRAP), Russia, in their infinite wisdom, made them flat bottomed, so not very MRAP.


The stabilisation of the 30mm gun is anyone's guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️

And there's very very few of them. Which compounds into the belief( with facts) Russia is low on heavy IFVs and APCs that they're sending these into action.

So, to sum up:

Drone for the kill.

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Türkiye, Romania and Bulgaria commenced joint mine clearance operations in the Black Sea on Monday, 1 July, to improve the safety of shipping, in particular for Ukrainian grain exports.
The Istanbul-led initiative is the first major joint action by Black Sea countries since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It aims to clear mines drifting in some areas of the Black Sea resulting from the war.



Russia is sending 30mm turreted not very 'MRAP' K-4386 Typhoon-VDVs.


What's wrong with this pic? Well, for starters, this is esentially a lightly armored technical made for Syria. This is meant as an armored escort for non armor able to mow civilians in flip flops with not much in the anti-armor sense. This is not meant to fight head on in a full scale war, this is for defense against lame ambushes by irregular forces. This is not meant to suck even the furthest shrapnel of artillery, javelin, anti-materiel, tank flinged anti-armor tungsten lances, drones with assorted warheads, etc etc etc and many other etcs. One stray little chunk of metal and it's a technical kill. Anything bigger than that and it's going through one door and exiting another with bits and pieces of the Russians that thought they were secure in the warm and armored embrace of Mother Russia.

Following, while the design had V-shaped hull against IEDs and mines(hence MRAP), Russia, in their infinite wisdom, made them flat bottomed, so not very MRAP.


The stabilisation of the 30mm gun is anyone's guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️

And there's very very few of them. Which compounds into the belief( with facts) Russia is low on heavy IFVs and APCs that they're sending these into action.

So, to sum up:

Drone for the kill.

I vote bradley to give it and the cunts inside free air conditioning.

Peter from Project Konstantin was also killed today, as usual it's always the good ones taken too soon.

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Russia's newest 'self' propelled howitzer. You can propel it by your self.



Is that an old as fuck 73mm BMP1 recoilless gun cut out to the ring without the 'recoilless' part, soldered into a 'steel' frame with added 'stability' crutches, no breech cam lock and no fucking thing in the sense of targeting or am I going blind? This is worse than golf carts, motorbikes and sidecoffins this is by far the most dumb shit I've seen. You can get a bike or cart and GTFO, but this...

There's no compression happening in the barrel judging by that 'breech', so what's the purpose of this? Kill your meat for the Lulz? If it fires and miraculously doesn't kill you on the spot, how many meters will it travel without compression before dropping...and killing you? And in the event they have some sort of breech cam lock that can make some miraculous compression...how far are you going off target with this utter insult to calibration and accuracy?

I'm fully expecting them to load a round then hammer it for great effect. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Even the Syrians did a better technical...

EDIT: edited because I got the gun wrong. 😑
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Dnipro. Russian terrorists have struck our city again. As of now, five people have been killed, and thirty-four injured, including a child. All necessary services are on site, and rescuers are helping all the victims.
Only two things can stop this Russian terror – modern air defense systems and the long-range capabilities of our weapons.
The world can protect lives, and it requires the determination of leaders. Determination that can and must make protection from terror the norm again.

BRUSSELS, July 3 (Reuters) - NATO allies have agreed to fund military aid for Ukraine with 40 billion euros ($43.05 billion) next year, a Western European diplomat told Reuters on Wednesday, one week before the alliance's leaders are set to meet in Washington.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg had asked member states to keep up military aid for Ukraine at the same level as in the years since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, adding up to some 40 billion euros ($43 billion) per year.
NATO leaders will sign off on the pledge next week in Washington.

ANALYSIS: Russian ‘Mad Max’ Assault Near Vuhledar Results in a Motorcycle Cemetery.

If China starts involving themselves in drone production, only full bore western support would save Ukraine.



Russia doesn't really want the people, they just want as much of the 12 trillion in rare minerals/oil/gas/coal as they can get. One of their advisors said as much the other month, they need more of kharkiv to secure the resources. Then they attack kharkiv. They will just keep crawling forward and destroying anything that comes into range and killing as many as possible. The farming land will also big a boon for russia to keep china on side, it will go a way to making russia and especially china not as reliant on the west for food imports.

It's kind of amazing the west seems ok letting russia and china do what the want to become none reliant on the west like it will have zero consequences. This will end up another moment in history where people look back and say well if the big players got serious in Ukraine it possibly would have stopped the destabilization of the west. Not happening though so we get to see what that looks like over the next decade or 2. I do look forward to seeing what happens when a drafted male says he can't go to war because he's female though.
Russia doesn't really want the people, they just want as much of the 12 trillion in rare minerals/oil/gas/coal as they can get. One of their advisors said as much the other month, they need more of kharkiv to secure the resources. Then they attack kharkiv. They will just keep crawling forward and destroying anything that comes into range and killing as many as possible. The farming land will also big a boon for russia to keep china on side, it will go a way to making russia and especially china not as reliant on the west for food imports.

It's kind of amazing the west seems ok letting russia and china do what the want to become none reliant on the west like it will have zero consequences. This will end up another moment in history where people look back and say well if the big players got serious in Ukraine it possibly would have stopped the destabilization of the west. Not happening though so we get to see what that looks like over the next decade or 2. I do look forward to seeing what happens when a drafted male says he can't go to war because he's female though.

The west (or at least western europe) is done sadly. If not by this war, then in about 50 years by the massive rise of muslims all over the countries. I'm glad I'll be (close to) dead by then, but I fear for my family.

It's really sad seeing Europe turn to radical right because they are in Putin's pocket. I even voted far right and I absolutely hate Russia and would love nothing more than to see it totally destroyed. But the migration problem is so bad over here, it seems that's the only way to vote to try and get something done about it... the left just keeps putting their head in the sand about the issue but they are the ones supporting Ukraine at least.

I fucking hate the current state of the world and what's it all leading to. If the left would take a hard stance on this repopulation that is happening they would crush the far right all over the place. But they can't because they want these people over to get votes until we're overrun. Then they'll make their own political parties and then everything turns to shit even more. Here in Belgium - Brussels, a muslim political party got 16% of the votes, they are actually running with a program based on muslim values etc...! It's fucking crazy.
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ANALYSIS: Russian ‘Mad Max’ Assault Near Vuhledar Results in a Motorcycle Cemetery.

If China starts involving themselves in drone production, only full bore western support would save Ukraine.

China is already arming Russia. They are like the military version of IKEA, in that they are giving Russia everything to they need to build weapons, it's just not assembled. The worst part is that everyone knows it, but we just like cheap Chinese crap so nobody does anything. Europe still buys Russian gas so I guess we are at least consistent in our hypocrisy. We have been slowly giving more support to Ukraine to see what Russia's response is and so far it hasn't been much but China is probably doing the same.


The west (or at least western europe) is done sadly. If not by this war, then in about 50 years by the massive rise of muslims all over the countries. I'm glad I'll be (close to) dead by then, but I fear for my family.

It's really sad seeing Europe turn to radical right because they are in Putin's pocket. I even voted far right and I absolutely hate Russia and would love nothing more than to see it totally destroyed. But the migration problem is so bad over here, it seems that's the only way to vote to try and get something done about it... the left just keeps putting their head in the sand about the issue but they are the ones supporting Ukraine at least.

I fucking hate the current state of the world and what's it all leading to. If the left would take a hard stance on this repopulation that is happening they would crush the far right all over the place. But they can't because they want these people over to get votes until we're overrun. Then they'll make their own political parties and then everything turns to shit even more. Here in Belgium - Brussels, a muslim political party got 16% of the votes, they are actually running with a program based on muslim values etc...! It's fucking crazy.

Perhaps we can discuss this further in PMs, as public talk about a lot of those issues is (rightly, sadly) banned here.

I agree though. Too many of us in the West have our heads in the sand and are deeply naïve. The Green Party here in the UK are the worst and are being taken over.

We, quite frankly, will need to militarily strike Russian and Chinese military assets at some point. Somewhere like Myanmar (they are aiding the junta there) could send the right message and help a good cause there (the rebel groups).



KYIV, July 4 (Reuters) - Ukraine's military said on Thursday its troops had pulled back from part of Chasiv Yar in the eastern Donetsk region, a day after Russia said its forces had taken control of a district in the strategic town.
Chasiv Yar stands on high ground. If they establish full control over the town, Russian forces could potentially use it as a staging post to advance westwards towards the Ukrainian cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.
Russia's Defence Ministry said on Wednesday its forces had taken control of the "Novyi" district, which lies to the west of Siverskyi Donets-Donbas canal that runs through the eastern part of the town.
"It became impractical to hold the canal neighbourhood after the enemy entered it, because it threatened the lives and health of our servicemen and the positions of our defenders were destroyed," military spokesman Nazar Voloshyn told Ukrainian television.
"The command decided to pull back to more protected and prepared positions, but even there the enemy does not stop its active combat actions," he said.
Russia's forces, which launched their full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, have been slowly advancing in the Donetsk region for several weeks and tried to open a new front near the northeastern city of Kharkiv.
The advance in the Kharkiv region was halted, but Ukrainian military analysts acknowledge that 2024 has been a tough year for Ukraine on the battlefield and that delays in receiving U.S. military aid have had an impact.
The Ukrainian military said in a daily update that there had been more than 161 combat clashes in the last 24 hours, most of them in the Donetsk region.
It said its troops had prevented Russian forces breaking through Ukrainian defences on the Kramatorsk front, which includes areas near Chasiv Yar.
In the past week, the Ukrainian military have also reported intensifying fighting on Toretsk front in the Donetsk region. Voloshyn said Russian forces had attacked 114 times there in the past week compared to 31 attacks during the week before that.

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