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Russia Says It Will Host Peace Talks Between Israel and the Palestinians

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President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have been unable to make any progress on peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to give it a try.

On Thursday, the Russia’s Foreign Ministry announced Israeli and Palestinian leaders have agreed “in principle” to meet in Moscow. The hope is that the meeting would kickstart a peace process that has been nascent for more than two years.[

If the Moscow meeting does occur, it would be Russia’s latest push for influence in the Middle East. Already this week, Russia and Saudi Arabia have inked a deal to stabilize oil markets. One year ago, Putin began sending fighter jets, weapons, and troops to Syria to help embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.



Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I don't really care who does this if it can potentially start the healing of the rift between those two but I don't think one simple meeting will get anywhere close to that. Still if a dialogue is started that's better than nothing and especially what's been had for years now. Still I don't think the Israeli government really cares to end this in a way that will be at all satisfactory to the Palestinian people.


Gold Member
Israel is a dam, not good.

It will be interesting to monitor any terrorism or events that happen to benefit russia.


Any reasonable peace agreement has to be in line with international law and so:
Allow the Palestinian refugees their legal right to return.
Dismantle illegal settlements.
Israel must undo its illegal annexation of East Jerusalem.

Like they'll ever agree to any of that.


Theres always hope, maybe one sit down can finally put both sides on track towards bringing an end to.....Good luck with that.
USA was never in a good position to get a peace treaty in this conflict, considering how heavily they favour one side over the other.

Don't think Russia will be able to solve it either though


USA was never in a good position to get a peace treaty in this conflict, considering how heavily they favour one side over the other.

Don't think Russia will be able to solve it either though

Well they got them to agree to meet.

That's a step. Let's hope it works out. The Palestinians need help. Not excuses.


Any reasonable peace agreement has to be in line with international law and so:
Allow the Palestinian refugees their legal right to return.
Dismantle illegal settlements.
Israel must undo its illegal annexation of East Jerusalem.

Like they'll ever agree to any of that.

Two state solution is a pipe dream because of the above but it's the one real solution. :(


Any reasonable peace agreement has to be in line with international law and so:
Allow the Palestinian refugees their legal right to return.
Dismantle illegal settlements.
Israel must undo its illegal annexation of East Jerusalem.

Like they'll ever agree to any of that.
Yeah, no..


Netanyahu and the Israeli government do not want peace, but Putin is welcome to try.

This is basically it. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will end with Israel (backed by the U.S. and other powers) utter displacing the Palestinians. I doubt anything will come out of these talks.


Russia is even less pesky than America about human rights concern

If they strike a deal that leads to a better quality of life for Palestinians. I'm on board. And maybe we would stop sending Israel 4 billion a year. Win win. Russia influences the middle east? Oh well, let em have a go. Half of our problems are due to getting rid of Israeli historic enemies.

Time to invest that into alternative power infrastructural for the usa, Creating huge job markets.
As a adult, I've grown to realize that no one really supports rights.. see native people having dogs attack them right now in the usa, or God knows what slaughter is happening in russia.


Netanyahu and the Israeli government do not want peace, but Putin is welcome to try.

Exactly, his government and cabinet are complete warmongerers. Without the ability to go to war they have nothing. There's sadly not a chance in hell while that branch of the Israeli government stays in power.


is now taking requests
Well they got them to agree to meet.

That's a step. Let's hope it works out. The Palestinians need help. Not excuses.

Agreeing to meet is different to actually meeting though. He'll have time to come up with a reason to blame the palestinians as to why the meeting is off.
Russia recognizes Palestinian Statehood.

The US and Israel do not.

There won't be any peace until Israel recognizes it too, which will probably never happen.
Since the Palestinian Authority is not representative of the Palestinian people, any peace agreements between the PA and Bibi won't achieve anything.


Russia recognizes Palestinian Statehood.

The US and Israel do not.

There won't be any peace until Israel recognizes it too, which will probably never happen.

Well Russia is the only "big" player to recognize both, so that does put them in a unique position.

Still, I don't think much will come of this. I think the Palestinian dream will be dead in 8 years anyways, if Hillary does end up serving both terms which I think is the likely scenario.


What the fuck bibi. Is 4 billion of our taxes not enough??

No, he wants you to put a 0 after the 4! Send him more weapons, and for your fucking jumped up presidents to know their place when they are talking to their Israeli masters.

Now bend bend over and give Bibi a reach around, as his troops terrorize some Palestinians, and knock down their homes in preparation for another settlement. Vile cunts


Even though I hate Putin, I hope this works


Honestly, with all due respect to Israel and Palestine, Russia can have the region and all of its problems. We shouldn't be subsidizing Israel's defense budget and we should stop playing their unquestioning advocate at the UN. Our geopolitical goals for the region should be three fold:

1. Prevent terrorist cells capable of launching attacks against the US from growing and gaining a foothold
2. Keep the oil flowing for global commerce
3. Assist in maintaining peace to help facilitate goals 1/2 without committing major military assets

And that's it. Israel can stand on their own.


No, he wants you to put a 0 after the 4! Send him more weapons, and for your fucking jumped up presidents to know their place when they are talking to their Israeli masters.

Now bend bend over and give Bibi a reach around, as his troops terrorize some Palestinians, and knock down their homes in preparation for another settlement. Vile cunts

So now we are going to see who Netanyahu hates more:

- Iran (because Russia is their ally), Palestinians, and Assad (same reason as Iran).


- The Obama Administration

Wouldn't be surprised if the answer ends up being Obama...
You guys must be really damn naive if you think the whole thing that was holding this stuff back was who was brokering the effort.

Good luck.


Netanyahu didn't care about peace before, then he got re-elected and formed an even more conservative governing coalition....Yeah, my expectations for this succeeding are close to zero.


The idea Israel never wants peace is one of the biggest historical lies/revisionism still being accepted in modern day.

They're the only country who even agreed to the 1947 UN plan whereas every other party wanted to wipe them out. How this fact escapes modern journalism 50 years later is beyond me.
USA was never in a good position to get a peace treaty in this conflict, considering how heavily they favour one side over the other.

Don't think Russia will be able to solve it either though

We got farther than anyone.


I'd love to see bill doing some diplomacy when hillary is in the white house.
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