Another context about São Paulo's gay parade.
Paulista Avenue, because it is so important, can be closed to large events only three times a year. One is new year's eve, the other one is São Silvestre marathon and the third is the gay parade. What is always left out is the march for Jesus. The decision is basically busisness-oriented; gay parade attracts a million people, boosts tourism significantly and sells the city as modern and tolerant. Gay parade is, of course, important for the civil rights movement, but it is also important for the city, for how we see ourselves and for how others see us. There isn't enough justification for closing the avenue for the march for Jesus because it is a lot smaller, does nothing for tourism and fuck it, there's already a church every corner (besides, they do the march on an important place, just not *the* paulista avenue where the gay parade happens). So this kind of shit also happens because religious people see the gay parade as open defiance becuase their own isn't as important. And again, our city council is a bunch of lazy idiots, so someone slips this in and the rest of the lazy fucks don't even notice it.