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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
How do you Team Fake guys stick around a thread you don't like and reply for hours on end? I know Team Real enjoys looking for clues. Does the discourse just give you the enjoyment?
Yeah, there’s not much else going on in gaming news. At least this is interesting.


ModernVintageGamer were on the NateTheHate podcast saying he knew someone who's trying to reverse engineer the Abandoned app. This could be fun!

Scroll to 28:30

Guy says Blue Box is based in Turkey lol,a lot of these videos coming to a conclusion this early always leave out details or just get them wrong
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Our Dutch-Turkish game developer Hasan Kahraman also has a PlayStation Network account, which has a total of 1238 trophies in it, which in an interesting twist of fate is the exact same number used for a Japanese commercial for Silent Hill 4.

Discussed 150 pages ago?


this details doesn't matter at all
Other details do tho'. Like MVG states: How did they manage to get the app through PSN verification, when it's not working (can't be played), which is a PSN rule. How did they manage to get a PS5 Devkit? Why is Sony quiet? Where is the money coming from - and if Abandoned is nothing, why do it, if you're not making money off of it?

TeamReal still have good reason to be speculative.


Other details do tho'. Like MVG states: How did they manage to get the app through PSN verification, when it's not working (can't be played), which is a PSN rule. How did they manage to get a PS5 Devkit? Why is Sony quiet? Where is the money coming from - and if Abandoned is nothing, why do it, if you're not making money off of it?

TeamReal still have good reason to be speculative.
there no way a PS App land on PS Store without being verified. Also, all these 'banner' that appear on the game page... c'mon


Can’t Git Gud
Other details do tho'. Like MVG states: How did they manage to get the app through PSN verification, when it's not working (can't be played), which is a PSN rule. How did they manage to get a PS5 Devkit? Why is Sony quiet? Where is the money coming from - and if Abandoned is nothing, why do it, if you're not making money off of it?

TeamReal still have good reason to be speculative.
They talk about it in the video above.
-The app does what it issupposed
-They could simply pay to put it there
-They can have devkit or someone they know has one
-Sony was boooed for having hard time with indies so they saw one "exclusive for ps5" eager indie and gave him a spot
-What money?

No patch was ever out there. This s just a marketing scheme to maybe find a job


Shocking people still think this is anything other than
A) a crazy person, terrible dev dreamer
B) tax fraud
C) money laundering
D) all of the above
explain how this can be money laundering...if they are spending illegal money to develop, they need to sell something to wash the money....what have they sold?
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They talk about it in the video above.
-The app does what it issupposed
-They could simply pay to put it there
-They can have devkit or someone they know has one
-Sony was boooed for having hard time with indies so they saw one "exclusive for ps5" eager indie and gave him a spot
-What money?

No patch was ever out there. This s just a marketing scheme to maybe find a job
How does the app do what its supposed to?
Where did they money come from?
How would they get the devkit?
You seem to be more confused than anyone here with that explanation.
explain how this can be money laundering...if the are spending illegal money to develop, they need to sell something to wash the money....what have they sold?
I have no idea what Hasan or his cohorts get up to…I have no idea where they’d get money to sink into a money pit garbage game.


They talk about it in the video above.
-The app does what it issupposed
-They could simply pay to put it there
-They can have devkit or someone they know has one
-Sony was boooed for having hard time with indies so they saw one "exclusive for ps5" eager indie and gave him a spot
-What money?

No patch was ever out there. This s just a marketing scheme to maybe find a job
You do realize that's a conspiracy you just introduced? It goes against all we know about how Sony operates their business.


Also wouldn't part of having a devkit mean he would get help from Sony Xdev to fix the "technical issues"? Sony would also know who/where he is and the devkit would always be connected to the internet I would think.

Yet the ruse/scam/debacle continues.



Gold Member
THIS time it's the real deal, guys!

The previous false releases were all a ruse!

It's all part of the plan!

It's a masterful marketing stunt for sure!

Just wait, you'll see!

Of course Kojima is involved!

Next time we'll definitely see something!

It's a legit marketing strategy with nothing weird about it, that's why literally no other developer in the world does this!

It makes perfect sense to release an app for a video when everyone else just releases a youtube video, you just don't see the brilliance!

Jim Ryan sucks but is also a genius for accepting this groundbreaking new way of interaction!

Come back soon!

Soon is sooner rather than later or else it would've said later and if I fiddle with the right stick in the app my playstation TM starts COIL WHINING and this is signs of hidden mechanics why can't you see this it is all part of the plan to make us wait for things unknown don't you see how meta this is incredible Kojima = god also wh


Also wouldn't part of having a devkit mean he would get help from Sony Xdev to fix the "technical issues"? Sony would also know who/where he is and the devkit would always be connected to the internet I would think.

Yet the ruse/scam/debacle continues.

People here are seriously underestimating how hard it is to get a PS5 devkit


THIS time it's the real deal, guys!

The previous false releases were all a ruse!

It's all part of the plan!

It's a masterful marketing stunt for sure!

Just wait, you'll see!

Of course Kojima is involved!

Next time we'll definitely see something!

It's a legit marketing strategy with nothing weird about it, that's why literally no other developer in the world does this!

It makes perfect sense to release an app for a video when everyone else just releases a youtube video, you just don't see the brilliance!

Jim Ryan sucks but is also a genius for accepting this groundbreaking new way of interaction!

Come back soon!

Soon is sooner rather than later or else it would've said later and if I fiddle with the right stick in the app my playstation TM starts COIL WHINING and this is signs of hidden mechanics why can't you see this it is all part of the plan to make us wait for things unknown don't you see how meta this is incredible Kojima = god also wh
Somehow you managed to be more unhinged than even the worst theorists with this post



I bet it's for something more than DS:DC


It seems a Death Stranding Director's Cut meeting. Maybe some launch related stuff, or maybe about its next trailer or PS Blog post.

Okay! And if it's not today, when's the next date?
They are a random indie team making their first console game, it may take some days to fix the issue and submit it, and then Sony's certification team will take some days to approve its release, as happens with all games. It may take some days or weeks.
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It seems a Death Stranding Director's Cut meeting. Maybe some launch related stuff, or maybe about its next trailer or PS Blog post.

They are a random indie team making their first console game, it may take some days to fix the issue and submit it, and then Sony's certification team will take some days to approve its release, as happens with all games. It may take some days or weeks.
So you’re team fake then, yeah?


People here are seriously underestimating how hard it is to get a PS5 devkit

I honestly don't know how hard it is but I'm sure there is a certain level of receipts required by Sony to be satisfied. To then do what BBGS has been doing since April definitely falls under bringing the platform into disrepute IMO to which I would've assumed Sony would deal with quickly. Yet all we've had is Shu seemingly taking the piss/having Twitter fun.


Can’t Git Gud
How does the app do what its supposed to?
Where did they money come from?
How would they get the devkit?
You seem to be more confused than anyone here with that explanation.
The app serves as a teaser and displays check back soon message. check.
What money
Plenty of devs have devkit. Or they could know someone who does
I am not confused - there is NOTHING to explain. It is either nothing(attention for bigger publisher) or just an indie game with bad history behind it.
There is absolutely NO reason to believe it has anything to do with kojima, mgs or sh. They just used these as merketing based of all we know so far.

They do not deserve a benefit of a doubt. If they are really up to something good, they need to prove it.
What world do we live in where they have to prove OTHERWISE wtf

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
I believe Hasan is an idiot, and this is a pile of shit that he thinks can make him money.
If it smells like shit, looks like shit, sounds like taking a shit when Hasan talks, it is shit, and nothing more.

How is this making him money right now? Barely anyone will buy this if it turns out to be some actual indie game, there will be a huge backlash, people are already starting to grow tiresome.

No patch was ever out there. This s just a marketing scheme to maybe find a job

To get a job? Do you think someone from Naughty Dog is just going to say "Hey this guy is really smart lets hire him, he's fooled us all" ? That would be a hell of a way to get a job I must admit, but he is some showman if he pulls that off.

I'm checking out of here until we get more comms as I really think we will find out soon either way. Buckle in folks it's going to be interesting and I hope there are no hard feelings regardless of this result, let's keep it chill :cool:


It seems a Death Stranding Director's Cut meeting. Maybe some launch related stuff, or maybe about its next trailer or PS Blog post.

They are a random indie team making their first console game, it may take some days to fix the issue and submit it, and then Sony's certification team will take some days to approve its release, as happens with all games. It may take some days or weeks.
Top secret means unannounced game.

A patch can be deployed in a few hours, the initial game/app already went through verification. There were no patch and there hasn't been deployed a patch since initial release (8/10).
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It isn’t that hard. You literally just sign up and fill in a bunch of forms and apply. There is even a student application you can file under. If you pitch it, you might even get the dev kit free.
If he went the normal way,he would have to pay a licensing fee. I'm not sure about the student application thing,why would a students devkit let them publish their product without having a normal developers license?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
ModernVintageGamer were on the NateTheHate podcast saying he knew someone who's trying to reverse engineer the Abandoned app. This could be fun!

Scroll to 28:30

The logic here is kinda wacky.

Getting attention is good, but not all attention is good attention. They have to deliver something in order to build a brand, without a payoff both Hasan and BBGS as a whole are toast. Who'd trust them?

The reality is that money has been spent on mounting this campaign, but no money has changed hands and so they are deep in the hole financially. Even if they have nothing to show publicly, they aren't going to get any traction from publishers without showing something privately - and that audience is going to be looking a lot closer than the average end-user... So I don't buy it as an investment scam.

The only rational conclusion is that this is being done for somebody's benefit. The question is who?


They talk about it in the video above.
-The app does what it issupposed
-They could simply pay to put it there
-They can have devkit or someone they know has one
-Sony was boooed for having hard time with indies so they saw one "exclusive for ps5" eager indie and gave him a spot
-What money?

No patch was ever out there. This s just a marketing scheme to maybe find a job

Nah Sony is involved, Shu gave it away.


Other details do tho'. Like MVG states: How did they manage to get the app through PSN verification, when it's not working (can't be played), which is a PSN rule. How did they manage to get a PS5 Devkit? Why is Sony quiet? Where is the money coming from - and if Abandoned is nothing, why do it, if you're not making money off of it?

TeamReal still have good reason to be speculative.

Also Geoff has not provided any updates on the status of the game DESPITE claiming Hasan has given him more info on its development.

Konami were quick to dispel any rumors about new Silent Hill games two years ago. Why aren't they doing it now?

Why has Sony not taken down the Abandoned app after all that negative feedback?

Why is Kojima purposefully adding more fuel to the rumors with some of his recent tweets?

All the small teases from Ito and Yamaoka... Konami hiring Bloober Team as a support studio.... and of course, tons of other strange coincidences.

If anything, I'd say it's easier for Konami and/or Kojima to pay some dev with a long history of failed titles and use his company as distraction.
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The biggest WTF is Nate saying the reason for doing all this over 6 years is to attract the attention of a big publisher for their game? Come on! That is a bigger conspiracy theory than this being a Kojima master troll! :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Exactly what I thought. Then it begs the question, has it already worked and Kojima or Sony signed them?


All this talk of no patch. What if the patch is server side. Has anyone wiresharked the network activity in the ps5 to see if it's contacting a server? If not I will do so this weekend.
Top secret means unannounced game.

A patch can be deployed in a few hours, the initial game/app already went through verification. There were no patch and there hasn't been deployed a patch since initial release (8/10).
There was no patch after the initial release but 2 or 3 before that since the preload.
Considering the size it’s a Little bit hard to believe it’s an empty App, so it’s possible the teaser is already there and they don’t set a time for the new release because they are waiting for someone to figure it out.

If there would not be something bigger behind it Sony would have already acted in some way, but no and instead Shu makes only this suspicious „hmm“ tweet.


DS is already announced so nothing top secret about that. It’d have to be an unknown project to meet that criteria.
He's just joking with the top secret stuff. He also put a mask to a cardboard guy and appears with a fake baby toy. Both of them characters of Death Stranding DC, the game he's working on and is promoting because it will release soon.

One way or another this will end soon. Either Sony are involved or they shut this whole thing down for good.
An indie 3rd party studio had to delay the content of an app due to technical issues, something understandable because they are newbies. Why should Sony shut it down? It doesn't make any sense. They will manage to fix it and release the patch in a few days or weeks, that's all.

At least in my country when Disney+ was released it had issues on PS4 during a few days because its servers got saturated and didn't work. According to you Sony should have shut down Disney +? Or Sony was involved on it?
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There was no patch after the initial release but 2 or 3 before that since the preload.
Considering the size it’s a Little bit hard to believe it’s an empty App, so it’s possible the teaser is already there and they don’t set a time for the new release because they are waiting for someone to figure it out.

If there would not be something bigger behind it Sony would have already acted in some way, but no and instead Shu makes only this suspicious „hmm“ tweet.

Sony have an ace up their sleeve as they probably are actually making a new silent hill with one of their teams, so letting this guy lead people on that his shitty studio from the middle of nowhere is making PT is no doubt a bit awkward for them, they don't want to say they are making a sequel themselves yet, but at the same time will be very reassured by the hype levels this idiot is building up.

It explains the hints Sony keep dropping.
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RSI Employee of the Year
there no way a PS App land on PS Store without being verified. Also, all these 'banner' that appear on the game page... c'mon

I have seen on twitter that some devs said they can self publish banners on PSN, Same as news on the explore page.
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Sony have an ace up their sleeve as they probably are actually making a new silent hill with one of their teams, so letting this guy lead people on that his shitty studio from the middle of nowhere is making PT is no doubt a bit awkward for them, they don't want to say they are making a sequel themselves yet, but at the same time will be very reassured by the hype levels this idiot is building up.

It explains the hints Sony keep dropping.
That thing went out of control and Sony would step definitively in at this point.

Also what is again Hasans goal? So he will leave this trainwreck just behind him although he paid some money to Nuare? Is he rich and it’s his hobby to piss people off and has no problem to burn money in the process?

it’s definitively possible the solution is already in the app, just remember how crazy and abstract the solution to the last riddle in PT was.
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