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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member

That doll thing is just.. a brand.. that does that.. every character they create has a zipper for a mouth.

And.. Hideo is working on a Death Stranding trailer.

Hasan is just doing his usual thing where he is denying any association while also saying weird shit that makes people think it's still a conspiracy theory lol





That doll thing is just.. a brand.. that does that.. every character they create has a zipper for a mouth.

And.. Hideo is working on a Death Stranding trailer.

Hasan is just doing his usual thing where he is denying any association while also saying weird shit that makes people think it's still a conspiracy theory lol


I wasn’t even thinking about the doll to be honest with you. It was more of him telling everyone to stay cool or however he worded it when Twitter was blowing up after Abandoned was delayed. Personally to me it does seem like some of Kojima’s recent tweets could be taken both ways. But it really doesn’t matter what I think, it’s that Hasan thinks so that I find interesting.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I wasn’t even thinking about the doll to be honest with you. It was more of him telling everyone to stay cool or however he worded it when Twitter was blowing up after Abandoned was delayed. Personally to me it does seem like some of Kojima’s recent tweets could be taken both ways. But it really doesn’t matter what I think, it’s that Hasan thinks so that I find interesting.

People are also stretching really hard to relate all of Kojima's tweets to all of this.

That one with the doll is just particularly unlikely to be related; he is in fact releasing a Death Stranding "Directors Cut" and trailer and he got a figuring that is just from a line of figurines, and the zipper for a mouth has nothing to do with anything.

SO a picture of that doll in front of an image in the background from Death Stranding.. people including Hasan claiming it's related to anything are just inventing things IMO.


Sky also looks blue just before dawn my guy. That doesn't explain why all of the shadows are inconsistent either. 🌶️
I mean I explained in great detail why the shadows weren't inconsistent. I just have to assume he blocked me as I was going against his narrative.


I dunno.. it's also a brand with a "Cutie1" style doll line.

I've never played Death Stranding, does that also show up there?

I'm just assuming/guessing the zip mouth on the dolls represents the shhh gesture prominent in the game. It may well have been one of the reasons Kojima chose that style of doll though as it is a nice fit?


I mean I explained in great detail why the shadows weren't inconsistent. I just have to assume he blocked me as I was going against his narrative.

Your "explanation" made zero sense. The shadows are baked to the tree in an inconsistent manner. If the light source was a car both sides of the fence would be in shadow on the tree.


People are also stretching really hard to relate all of Kojima's tweets to all of this.

That one with the doll is just particularly unlikely to be related; he is in fact releasing a Death Stranding "Directors Cut" and trailer and he got a figuring that is just from a line of figurines, and the zipper for a mouth has nothing to do with anything.

SO a picture of that doll in front of an image in the background from Death Stranding.. people including Hasan claiming it's related to anything are just inventing things IMO.
And that could very well be the case. It’s just so odd that Hasan would say in a public interview he believes that a Kojima tweet talking about Death Stranding was actually meant to calm people down for something going on with him and his game. It’s such a strange thing for him to say when the tweet doesn’t directly address him in any way.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
And that could very well be the case. It’s just so odd that Hasan would say in a public interview he believes that a Kojima tweet talking about Death Stranding was actually meant to calm people down for something going on with him and his game. It’s such a strange thing for him to say when the tweet doesn’t directly address him in any way.

That fact you find it odd is exactly why Hasan does this stuff. He has to deny an association w/ Kojima/Konami/SH because otherwise he'd be an outright liar.. so instead he does all this "weird" stuff to hint that he actually is related to Kojima/Konami/SH.

Heavy handed S_L tweet, MGS character blurred (but can be denied easily as it's just a guy with an eye patch), the door that kinda sort looks like but isn't PT, the generic guy w/ jeans/shoes/green jacket but could be construed into an SH character reference, etc.,etc.,etc.

The only reason this guy has anyone's attention is the conspiracy theory that he has to deny is real. He's never had more than a few dozen people ever download or buy anything he's made.. but now he has this situation, and he's CLEARLY egging people on. Whether you believe in Team Real or Team Fake, that much is obvious. He's consistently done these exact kinds of things.. and the answer to "why"? is because he's a total nobody w/o this conspiracy theory. (unless you are Team Real, then the answer to why? is because it's Kojima or Kojima telling him to do it)
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If there was any light source off screen both sides of the fence would cast a shadow unless the light was in the enclosure which it obviously wasn't as we can see the enclosure without a light in it.
I'm 100% team real but that footage is not CG. That's just a dude with a decent camera, a gimble and some decent image stabilisation. If I'm guessing, I'd probably say a Lumix series camera.

You can see there's multiple lightsources when looking at the branch in 1 as it is being lit from 2 different directions. The lightsource to the left is a lot stronger and the central one (affixed to the camera) isn't as strong. The branch at 2 also confirms the multiple lightsources. Once again, I'm team real but you're seeing shit that isn't even there.


Kinda looks like they've turned up the ISO to around 1200 to be honest.


The shadow is caused because the camera light isn't as strong as the other light. I'm guessing it's a handheld LED light box.

I can tell you that the shadow of the man is being cast from the small light on camera because due to diffusion, the weaker light source is producing a much softer shadow.

If it was coming from 1 source of light, the shadow would be much darker and more defined.

It's not. Because there are 2 lights........
I would guess 3 people filming. One with the strong LED light. One with the camera and another random dude.

It looks like every film student horror short I've ever seen.....

It is a handheld light and a shitty camera light. Basically these 2 things I have to hand right now that I use on a REGULAR basis.



Abandoned is a shooter/survival game,” he told NME. “It has some horror elements in it but it’s not really a horror game. It’s not what people think – that it’s Silent Hill.”

In fact, we know exactly what it is. Hasan gave us an exclusive rundown of Abandoned including plot details, how it plays – just about everything we could ever want to know.

So Hasan gave full details of everything having to do with the game to NME a site I have never even heard of but is keeping Geoff a man who could promote the hell out of his game and lend him credibility totally in the dark? BS. Kojima just knows if he shares too much through Geoff the jig is up since they are best buds and the world knows it. 🌶️
You’ve never heard of NME? I probably wouldn’t brag about that duckling :messenger_tears_of_joy: Geoff would give him credibility over NME? I’m dying :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:


None of that addresses why both sides of the fence don't form shadows on the tree.
Because that is not how light works. Holy shit, I spend a lot of time around and using film equipment as I work in the industry.

I have literally taken a picture of the equipment I own that would create the exact same kind of shadows presented here....
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Because that is not how light works. Holy shit, I spend a lot of time around and using film equipment as I work in the industry.

I have literally taken a picture of the equipment I own that would create the exact same kind of shadows presented here....

So your theory is the light traveled through one side of the fence unobstructed? You don't know as much as you think you do, dude.
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Okay, I'll ask... What connection does that video even have to any of this? Why are there 50 replies about it?

Here is the video. Look at the other videos posted by this channel. Also the name of the video is Ishmael 4. Ishmael is the narrator in Moby Dick. Moby Dick games was the name of Kojima's last fake game studio.


the wooden fence has two sides and yet only one casts a shadow. That doesn't happen in reality, friend.
Because there are 2 light sources in the scene.

The 1st is the main light source coming from the left hand side of the frame near the bushes and is the reason why there is a shadow going upwards at an around 30 degree angle on the branch at the top middle part of the tree (which you seem to have tried cropping out). It is also why the bushes on the left are much more illuminated than any other part of the scene.

The 2nd light source is a weaker one coming from on top of the camera centre frame which is why you have bright spots around the metal fencing at the forefront and almost centre frame of the picture.

The shadow on the bottom of the tree is not coming from the 2nd light source which you can see because they are tipped in an almost triangular fashion whereas the wooden fence YOU THINK is casting the shadow is almost christmas tree shaped at the top so would cast a very different shadow. Due to the angle of the lighting from the 2nd light source you wouldn't be able to see the fence shadow on the tree as the light is aiming centre frame therefore the shadow would be downwards and it would also be more diffused due to being a lower light source.

Just watch your own video. The things you think are shadows are just markings on the tree. They are fixed to the tree from all lighting states and in a constant relative position as the camera moves around the tree so if I were to guess. Probably created over the years by somebody leaving a partial fence there.
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Because there are 2 light sources in the scene.

The 1st is the main light source coming from the left hand side of the frame near the bushes and is the reason why there is a shadow going upwards at an around 30 degree angle on the branch at the top middle part of the tree (which you seem to have tried croupping out). It is also why the bushes are much more illuminated than any other part of the scene.

The 2nd light source is a weaker one coming from on top of the camera centre frame which is why you have bright spots around the metal fencing at the forefront and almost centre frame of the picture.

The shadow on the bottom of the tree is not coming from the 2nd light source which you can see because they are tipped in an almost triangular fashion whereas the wooden fence YOU THINK is casting the shadow is almost christmas tree shaped at the top so would cast a very different shadow. Due to the angle of the lighting from the 2nd light source you wouldn't be able to see the fence shadow on the tree as the light is aiming downwards therefore the shadow would be downwards and it would also be more diffused due to being a lower light source.

The only logical conclusion is that there is another fence or railings just out of shot or obscured which are providing the source for the shadows you are talking about using the angles presented.

That's so wrong. So the shadow of something far out of frame is passing right through the fence all the way to the ground? Again, you don't know as much as you think you do. The fence is an exact match to the shadow.

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Here is the video. Look at the other videos posted by this channel. Also the name of the video is Ishmael 4. Ishmael is the narrator in Moby Dick. Moby Dick games was the name of Kojima's last fake game studio.
I don't think this is anything connected Abandoned, or Hideo Kojima. Where did you even find it?


Man, I don’t check the thread all day, come back to 7 new pages, assume something big must have happened today.

And it’s all about some random video and shadows.


FWIW, the video is real, not CG. You can see the secondary lights from the get-go, obviously a car/some sort of spotlight behind the camera guy. There is that weird shadow thing about 7 seconds in but it has absolutely nothing to do with whatever Hasan is doing.

And I’ve never heard of NME, but never been big in the music scene. Their headlong is trying to be a bit too on the nose; “it’s not Silent Hill or MGS and we have proof!” No you don’t. You have one persons word. Did they play the game? Did he show it to them? Nope, he just told them it’s not it; that’s not proof of Jack shit.
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That's so wrong. So the shadow of something far out of frame is passing right through the fence all the way to the ground? Again, you don't know as much as you think you do. The fence is an exact match to the shadow.

I was going based off the image you posted and what I posted was entirely correct. There is no way for those to be shadows coming from where you think they are. I've now edited to include the fact they are just markings on the fucking tree as I watched the video......
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I was going based off the image you posted and what I posted was entirely correct. There is no way for those to be shadows coming from where you think they are. I've now edited to include the fact they are just markings on the fucking tree as I watched the video......

They are not fenced shaped markings. They are a baked shadow. I can't believe you spent this whole time arguing with me when you didn't even watch the damn video. I'm done with you.


I think it's Hasan's old channel, he shared some psn videos in there then when all this started he said it wasn't his channel, that was months ago.

Big ups for this. Hard to keep track of all the evidence when there is so damn much of it. Got a link to that info?
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
So your theory is the light traveled through one side of the fence unobstructed? You don't know as much as you think you do, dude.
Since I'm bored enough.

There may be more than one static light source, and one is clearly fairly high off the ground. Notice the other tree, and how the top of the rusted chainlink fence is cast at only a slight angle, and notice how also on the grave stone inside the fence w/ the decorated metal, has 2 round edges cast on it, from the fence which means the light was getting cast downwards. So the light is bright, and sitting at a height somewhere around maybe shoulder height. Now look at how much light would then be cast towards the fence w/ the shadow you keep looking at. and you don't have to wonder why it is showing one side of the fence mostly obscured. But not totally unobscured as you can see at least some shadow from the front/more fallen over part of the fence.

The multiple weird shadows of parts of the decorated fence however make it fairly obvious there is more than one large spot light, potentially 2 at different angles and elevations IMO.

Aside from the camera also having a light.
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Every team realer should be perma banned when this is no SIlent Hill, mgs game and isn't related to Konami and Kojima.
They need to be punished some how. I thought they took it too far a week ago by thinking its MGS and silent hill, but after them taking a random youtube video and saying its abandoned they have too much skin in the game.
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