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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I guess some of the reasons people are skeptical to think that it's NOT Kojima is because he's done shit like this before right. With 7780studio (Have you seen the video why he chose that name? It's a reference to a Japanese area code that relates to Silent Hill if I'm not mistaken). Look at MGS2, look at Moby Dick Studios and The Phantom Pain...

Then look at people WANTING Silent Hill to come back.

Sure it could all be a sham and a Kojima wannabe, and if that's the case, I hope we somehow willed Silent Hill back into existence

At the very least, things surrounding Abandoned are more than a little fishy.


Come indie title or actual Silent Hill, some of these replies give such a bitter aftertaste to what for the longest time has been an actually good bit of fun - I'd like to think we're better than a certain other bottom feeding bulletin board that these post reminds me of..

There's a few of you who should take a good long look in the mirror and start getting out more.
I tried that. I looked in the mirror. Said Hasan 5 times. Nothing happened. Any other suggestions?


I heard George W Bush is going to announce his run for a 3rd term via the Abandoned app, we desperately need him back in these troubled, confusing times 🙏.
Fourth Of July Usa GIF by Tacocat


Gold Member
Blue Ray Disc you have been "waiting for"
It's a horror film
In the movie she escapes into the woods
And obviously she is also wearing a blue shirt
See, I don’t know why this isn’t worst or less farfetched than my analysis. But you haven’t ignored him, right?
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Gold Member
Thtat isn't the point of the thread is it? Stay on topic or go do something else you might enjoy more.
Don’t tell me how to spend my time. If I want to debunk every lunatic post I read on this thread or laugh my ass off at them I have the right to. WE LIVE IN A FREE WESTERN WORLD.


Don’t tell me how to spend my time. If I want to debunk every lunatic post I read on this thread or laugh my ass off at them I have the right to. WE LIVE IN A FREE WESTERN WORLD.
Debunk all you want, it makes the thread lively and entertaining and i don't have to buy an amiibo to unlock 'special' characters... just maybe relax on the insults....hate the game not the player and all that.
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Hard to Kill
See, I don’t know why this isn’t worst or less farfetched than my analysis. But you haven’t ignored him, right?
Honestly there's so much shit going on in the world, let's just keep dreaming for a bit until it all crumbles down or proves teamreal right.
But keep your expectations in check there's also a high probability it is not Silent Hill.


Gold Member
Exactly, so don't get upset when people push back on you insulting them.

I don't understand the sudden uptick in aggression from team fake. Team real are still having fun with all of this so why can't you?
Aggression? A couple of bad jokes about mental illness running wild because there are red arrows pointing at trees? That’s me having fun! 0 aggression here but maybe you’re snowflakes that can’t take a stupid joke because it ruins the hallucination?
I don't know why, but why am I finding that so hard to think of, usually when I think of someone moving to Japan, its a American or at least a English speaking country
Well I was speaking English at a near native level already when I came to Japan. My home was near an American airbase, so we often went to watch movies in the cinema there and I learned the language rather quick.


Blue Ray Disc you have been "waiting for"
It's a horror film
In the movie she escapes into the woods
And obviously she is also wearing a blue shirt
He says he has been waiting for it but the BD has been available for quite a while. Obviously a clue.


Blue Box
Metal Gear RAY

Skull Face : I will exterminate the English language. With this, I'll rid the world of infestation. All men will breathe free again - reclaim their past, present, and future. This is no ethnic cleanser. It is a "liberator," to free the world from Zero. Let the world be. Sans lingua franca, the world will be torn asunder. And then, it shall be free. People will suffer, of course - a phantom pain. The world will need a new common tongue. A language of nukes. My Metal Gears shall be the thread by which all countries are bound together, in equality. No words will be needed. Every man will be forced to recognize his neighbor. People will swallow their pain. They will link lost hands. And the world will become one. This war is peace.


Gold Member
I am a German living in Japan since 12 years and I have never heard of this magazine, news page. Considering Hasan is coming from Dutch, it is surely also fairly unknown there. I am sure he would first asked other outlets and I am pretty sure with all the mystery surrounding the project, one would have agreed to do it.

But even if he contacted NME, it is questionable if the really would agree to do this exclusive interview if it is just a small indie and if an indie an asset flipping scammer.
This topic is driving traffic to websites, of course they would. $$$


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I guess some of the reasons people are skeptical to think that it's NOT Kojima is because he's done shit like this before right. With 7780studio (Have you seen the video why he chose that name? It's a reference to a Japanese area code that relates to Silent Hill if I'm not mistaken). Look at MGS2, look at Moby Dick Studios and The Phantom Pain...

Then look at people WANTING Silent Hill to come back.

Sure it could all be a sham and a Kojima wannabe, and if that's the case, I hope we somehow willed Silent Hill back into existence

At the very least, things surrounding Abandoned are more than a little fishy.

This is what some on #TeamFake don't seem to understand.

1. Kojima has done this many times in the past.
2. He said people found out about his trolling ways too fast last time.
3. He said the game looked too good (P.T.) last time.
4. People WANT Silent Hill back.
5. P.T. was one of the best experiences many of us had with a game last gen.
6. Too many fishy things going on to ignore.
7. This is all supposed to be fun.
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Was it ever determined if this was for the Death Stranding: Director's Cut, or a new project running parallel to that? Dated October 2020.

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I wouldn’t hold my breath for a state of play on the 19th. Since they have now the COD reveal on the 19th it’s possible that originally Sony planned something but then needed to delay the event again, but COD couldn’t wait.


Jaffe’s take on things. Nothing new as far as news goes but I thought his opinion on it might be interesting since he has firsthand experience working with Playstation and how the process might be.

Listening to it right now and I agree with him 100%.

He’s making a lot of arguments that team real have raised and he knows the machinations of the submission process of publishing a game.

Something is up but this has gone so far that this has turned out to be a shit way to reveal a game. Just show us something. Why is everyone so coy?

This is an unfun/bizarre way to reveal a game.
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