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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!



Wonder what type of game it was, and what the tiering was for the Senshi.
I'll keep that in mind and will watch beyond the first 5, I'm kinda excited now.

Have fun! Here's hoping you enjoy it. I wouldn't mind having more fans around here. Hah.

I do know that at least three people in this thread like it, though. TheBatman and I were recently talking about how we both wanted to buy the complete series on DVD. Hah.

Which reminds me...there's two different releases of it, at least in the U.S. A 2004 release from Rhino, and a 2011 release from Shout! Factory.
The Rhino release was based on the original film reels for the series, but those didn't have some final touches that were applied with the TV masters, so it has some errors, such as Pizzazz having the wrong hair color (brown instead of green). It's also missing around 20 episodes, I think.
The Shout! release is based on the TV masters, but those weren't kept very well, so the image is noticeably worse than the original release, but it doesn't have any the errors that the original did, and it has every episode. The versions that currently air on TV and are available on Netflix are the same as on the Shout! release.

I've been thinking about maybe getting both releases...though, the Rhino release has some hideous packaging. The Shout! release has nice packaging, though.

Wonder what type of game it was, and what the tiering was for the Senshi.

Whatever it is, it's probably better than some of the real games we got. :(


I watched the first episode of Jem, not bad but I'm not sure I get the conflict between Jerrica and Eric. I'm obviously supposed to be on Jerrica's side but I'm not, at least not completely.

First of all, she needs money and her idea to get it is to walk into Eric's office and demand he hand it over like her father did. True, she owns half of the company so she's technically entitled to 50% of the profits but as the owner you don't just grab the profits to do whatever, they're usually reinvested, if she wants money she should work at Starlight Records like Eric does.
In every other show the co-owner who does nothing in a privately owned company and just shows up to collect money would be seen as a leech and the antagonist.

Her attitude towards Eric is also everything but nice, he's kind of an asshole but so is she! When she snapped at him how he was making himself at home in her father's office I could only roll my eyes, I assume he owns the other half of the company and has worked to make it a success for years, she's just an entitled girl with a snobbish attitude (why exactly did she call the Misfits and their music junk?)

Then she makes her own band and competes with the Misfits at a dinky competition in a park before an audience of 50 people which leads to her and Eric making a bet that will end with one of them losing their share in the company ... what? They're both morons!
Is this a one band label? Why can't the Misfits and Jem & the Holograms both be successful, their music and style isn't even that similar, they would target different audiences. Eric makes the Misfits a success and Jerrika Jem & the Holograms, the company makes twice as much money and everyone's happy. But instead of doing that those two doofuses risk pretty much everything they own for a silly dick measuring contest.

Okay, that sounds really negative but I actually liked it, I just love pointing out things that don't make sense, the music was a nice surprise (I like the Misfits better so far, sorry Jem), I should probably just sit back and stop thinking too much about it, I doubt the writer's put that much thought into it, they needed an antagonist and the evil manager guy who supports the "evil" band was it.

One thing I could do without is the homeless girl house, it's currently burning down but i already know they're just going to move into the conveniently offered mansion for the winner.
Okay, that sounds really negative but I actually liked it, I just love pointing out things that don't make sense, the music was a nice surprise (I like the Misfits better so far, sorry Jem), I should probably just sit back and stop thinking too much about it, I doubt the writer's put that much thought into it, they needed an antagonist and the evil manager guy who supports the "evil" band was it.

There's a lot of stuff that's kind of insane if you think about it too much, like a love triangle that'll pop up soon. Hah. It's best not to think about it too much and just enjoy the ride.

Oh, and The Misfits do say that their songs better in the opening...and many agree. I'm not sure which I like more yet. Jem and the Holograms songs get better later on (and there was only one in the first episode). The Stingers have some good songs, too, though they only appear in the last season (which is only 12 or so episodes long).

One thing I could do without is the homeless girl house, it's currently burning down but i already know they're just going to move into the conveniently offered mansion for the winner.

The members of the Holograms were all raised there (everyone's parents are dead...they have episodes about it later on), so they decided to continue running it.
And yes, you're right about that last part.



So clearly PGSM takes place in the Inzauma Eleven / Shut up and Jam Gaiden universe.

I also read up Ami's debut in the manga today. The major difference is that they seem to think Ami is an ally straight away here, where as in the anime they were more suspicious. When it's revealed that she has an IQ of 300, they wonder if she is even human. From what I heard, Takeuchi originally wanted Ami to be a robot. Any truth to this?
I belive the story is that Ami was supposed to be a Cyborg and she was to die in some horrific mannor (broken to pieces, apprently) but the editor had the right sense of mind to veto that plan.


Since it is from the '80s, you can also expect a bit of cheesiness here and there, and a lot of ridiculous parts (rock stars driving in F-1 races?), and the last few episodes of season 1 have some short public service announcements at the end, but it's probably one of the better shows from its era. I tried watching some others show from that era again recently (He-Man, She-Ra, others), but I just couldn't do it, but Jem had me hooked.

The mental requirements to enjoy old cartoons are an odd thing (I think it goes beyond nostalgia or overlooking weaknesses, it's hard to describe). Like, there's an abundance of people who know that GI Joe and Transformers are great, and then both of us know that Jem is great, but I appreciate He Man and She Ra. And then, I draw the line at 80's MLP (I just can't handle that). And yet, I've met people who like it. And it's not an issue of lack of taste.

Along the lines of random recommendations, I think most people in this thread with ten minutes to kill (ten minutes total, it's not long) would enjoy DC's "Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld" shorts, if you haven't seen them before.


Basically, Amethyst was an 80's magical girl comic from DC comics, and they made a short animated version. Jem's creator, Christy Marx, also recently wrote a short-lived Amethyst reboot comic.
I don't hate He-Man and She-Ra or anything, but I watched an episode or two a few years ago with my brother (he has all of the DVDs and whole lot of toys), and I mostly just laughed at them. Maybe I'll borrow the DVDs (or just take them, we live in the same house) and give them another shot soon. I do like G.I. Joe and Transformers, though. I have Transformers on DVD, and I started watching G.I. Joe again on Netflix after not having watched it in years.

I'm bored, so I'll check out Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld now, I guess.

Oh, yeah, speaking of Transfomers and Jem, here's a little Transformers remix of Jem and the Holograms' "I'm Coming From Behind." And here's the original. It probably has some of the weirdest looking animation in any of music video scenes, for some reason...but I do really like the song.
Tuxedo Kamen, Make-Up!

The only one of those I saw was He-Man and I liked it back then, no idea about now though.

You need to go study your animation history!

I was expecting to see that scene from the Tuxedo Mask PGSM short, but hearing Furuya say that line was cool, too.

Anyway, I watched all of Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld. I really liked it. I wish it was longer. Oh, well.

Also, I just found out that the "Ultimate Magical Girl Wiki" actually has a page for Jem, despite not technically having any magical elements in it (well, besides those two episodes about magic, that is.)
But I guess hyper advanced computers are close enough to magic! I did mention that some people consider it an American magical girl show, but I didn't know that it'd actually have a page on a wiki for the genre. Hah.
Sailor Moon 01

And here we go.

I remember watching this back in the mid-90's with Swedish dub. So, about 17-18 years since I saw this, but I think I actually saw at least parts of this episode. I remember the energy stealing jewels thing and Annie Usagi throwing the test at
that guy who is Tuxedo Mask
. Uh... Should I even bother spoiler tagging stuff? :p


Episode 6 is one of my all-time favorite episode, the whole theme is so eerie and dark, feels amazing. Usagi is a lot more mature and smart in the battle than in previous and coming episodes though, but I like it. :)

It's even my favorite dubbed episode in Swedish as well, I hope the new English dub tops it. The waiter scene is awesome in Swedish.

"Have you decided what you would like?"
"Um, a cream soda."
"What!? I'm sorry, we don't have that here."
"Oh, nothing then."

"You may want to order, miss?"
"Oh, um, a milkshake then."
"Uh? I'm sorry, miss, we don't have any milkshake."
"Oh. Too bad, no tip for you."

The waiter's reaction fits better with the Swedish one, lol.

I'm late to this cause I just watched the episode, but that last line in the Japanese version doesn't properly convey how childish she's acting :lol


Setec Astronomer
Sailor Moon 01

And here we go.

I remember watching this back in the mid-90's with Swedish dub. So, about 17-18 years since I saw this, but I think I actually saw at least parts of this episode. I remember the energy stealing jewels thing and Annie Usagi throwing the test at
that guy who is Tuxedo Mask
. Uh... Should I even bother spoiler tagging stuff? :p
Mamoru being Tuxedo Mask is not a spoiler. lol
Sailor Moon 02

Those female teachers in anime always worrying about marriage.

Compared to the Swedish dub everybody sound much younger here. The music is the same as far as I can remember though. They changed it in the US version?

Mamoru being Tuxedo Mask is not a spoiler. lol

Cross-posting from AnimeGAF where not everybody has seen it I guess. But, yeah :p
Yep, the music was different for the DiC version...though it STILL amazes me that they retained the melody (albeit with electric guitars) of Moonlight Densetsu for the dub theme.
Sailor Moon 03

Sailor Moon gets a new item and meets face to face with the leader of the bad guys for the first time.

Yep, the music was different for the DiC version...though it STILL amazes me that they retained the melody (albeit with electric guitars) of Moonlight Densetsu for the dub theme.


One thing I had completely forgotten about was the ED song. I remember the OP, but this one slipped my mind for some reason. I really liked it back then and still do now.

I liked the little story in the ED too. Guess I was a big softie even back then :p


Setec Astronomer
Cross-posting from AnimeGAF where not everybody has seen it I guess. But, yeah :p
The fact is divulged in the first episode of PGSM and the first chapter of the manga, and in the anime it's also a fairly quick confirmation, plus, you know, whatever perception filters they have going on aren't effective on the audience.
One thing I had completely forgotten about was the ED song. I remember the OP, but this one slipped my mind for some reason. I really liked it back then and still do now.

I liked the little story in the ED too. Guess I was a big softie even back then :p

I know Toei really likes to be cheap at times, it's no different with anime BUT...I really do like some of the backgrounds (from what I've seen so far), they have a quality that looks like a painting at times.



Watching Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 11 where Makoto and Usagi go to the hospital to meet Minako. Pretty funny seeing Minako's more "Serious Outer Senshi-esque" personality interact with Usagi (who seems even more silly in this version).

I need this in GIF form, with the subtitles intact!

I belive the story is that Ami was supposed to be a Cyborg and she was to die in some horrific mannor (broken to pieces, apprently) but the editor had the right sense of mind to veto that plan.

Yeah that's what I heard, glad that didn't happen as I like the Ami we got.

I remember watching this back in the mid-90's with Swedish dub. So, about 17-18 years since I saw this, but I think I actually saw at least parts of this episode. I remember the energy stealing jewels thing and Annie Usagi throwing the test at
that guy who is Tuxedo Mask
. Uh... Should I even bother spoiler tagging stuff? :p

Welcome! Wait, her name was Annie in the Swedish dub? I actually kinda like that, to be honest.

I liked the little story in the ED too. Guess I was a big softie even back then :p

I've always liked that one too to be honest, I *think* it gets changed halfway through the season too. Most of the ED themes are pretty good.

For a change of pace from overwrought ranting about Stars, here's a great blog post on Ikuhara's role in Sailor Moon S:


Yeah, I read that earlier. I like S season a lot too, and was going to watch it after R, but with all the current events a revisit to the Dark Kingdom was more appropriate I felt.

Guess I'll cross-post in here too, the same way I'm doing it with Kill la Kill. Wait until the next episodes update, though.

Awesome. Nice avatar, by the way.
I need this in GIF form, with the subtitles intact!


(Subtitles are different, sorry...but, hey, no clock! Also, sorry if it takes long to load or doesn't load at all, Minus is being kinda slow.)

Edit: Oh, Tumblr:


Off topic, but since we were talking about '80s cartoons in this page, I really wish that we had some sort of "'80s Cartoon Appreciation and Community Thread." That would rock.

Unless we already have one and the search engine here just couldn't find it...

Watching Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 11 where Makoto and Usagi go to the hospital to meet Minako. Pretty funny seeing Minako's more "Serious Outer Senshi-esque" personality interact with Usagi (who seems even more silly in this version).

I need this in GIF form, with the subtitles intact!

I found it funny that Usagi was the last one to find out, Mamoru even mentioned that he knew from the start.
Before I watch the new episodes on Hulu I'm going to cross-post all my impressions of the first six episodes here to keep then in the same place

Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 01

Just watched the first episode on Hulu. Watching it on my phone, I had no real problem with the video quality, outside the fact that it's not full screen/whatever aspect ratio will actual fit my screen.

Other than that, it was a really fun watch. Usagi is likeable despite her constant whining (mainly due to the comeuppance she gets from said whining), the animation is great and the voice acting and music is pretty good, too. I'm definitely hooked.

Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 02

Virtually the same thing as the last episode but thought that Jackass!Umino was pretty funny.

I seriously hope there's a future episode where Usagi just goes through a shit-ton of mood swings, because her instant changes are hilarious.

Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 03

Before Persona 4 and the Midnight Channel, there was Sailor Moon and Midnight Zero!

Overal this one was much better than the last episode. This one had explosions! Also, I'm convinced that Tuxedo Mask's role is just to troll the hell out of Sailor Moon. I hope we get to see more of that new item, too.

Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 04

The ultimate disguise: tinted-pink shades! Also, don't fuck with Luna.

This was a fun one. I liked how basically everyone and everything was out to get Usagi in this episode. And that little brunette is adorable. I hope she comes back in future episodes.

Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 05

Probably the weakest episode thus far, if only due to the lack of Trollxedo Mask. Also took me a bit to notice that Chanela was a pun on Chanel... at least I think it is.

Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 06

Well damn, this was definitely a step up from the last episode. The lackey in this episode was a literal bat out of hell; a couple scenes felt like they were pulled out of a horror anime due to her. And hey, there's also a moment where Usagi actually outsmarts not only her, but Luna, too.


Thanks, and yeah she was named Annie.

Yeah, I like that more than Serena. Well, it seems Usagi will be her name in all adaptions from now on.

I found it funny that Usagi was the last one to find out, Mamoru even mentioned that he knew from the start.

Did you see Act Zero? It explains how he knew it was her.

Also, I'm convinced that Tuxedo Mask's role is just to troll the hell out of Sailor Moon.
Haha, well kind of.
Did you see Act Zero? It explains how he knew it was her.

Yep I did! saw everything, the moment itself was pretty hilarious.
Usagi not knowing until that moment that Mamoru had to spell it out for her was just funny, because she is Minako's biggest fan and did not noticed until she got the tickets.
Yeah, I like that more than Serena. Well, it seems Usagi will be her name in all adaptions from now on.
Annie kinda fits her personality for some reason, though Rei and Mamoru usually pronounced her name in English while the others in Swedish, lol.

The other most drastic name change is Minako which got changed to Arianne. >_>



(Subtitles are different, sorry...but, hey, no clock! Also, sorry if it takes long to load or doesn't load at all, Minus is being kinda slow.)

Edit: Oh, Tumblr:


Off topic, but since we were talking about '80s cartoons in this page, I really wish that we had some sort of "'80s Cartoon Appreciation and Community Thread." That would rock.

Unless we already have one and the search engine here just couldn't find it...

Didn't even see this! Thanks for the gif, and that tennis ball episode is awesome. As for the community thread, go for it!


Found a GIF of the Tennis Ball Usagi:


Speaking of 90s cartoons, that youma in that episode reminded me of Morbius from Spiderman: TAS.
All this renewed interest in Sailor Moon and Jem has made me revisit an idea I've had for a loooooooooong time.

Animated Jem reboot with henshin sequences. Discuss.


All this renewed interest in Sailor Moon and Jem has made me revisit an idea I've had for a loooooooooong time.

Animated Jem reboot with henshin sequences. Discuss.

Hasbro Studios currently has an ace composer on their payroll (Danny Ingram). He gained a lot of fame from his work on MLP, and they gave him an even bigger role on Littlest Pet Shop. Seems like a no-brainer to throw even more money at him for a Jem animated series. It would compliment their current lineup of girl-targeted shows, which is a thing they've expressed interest in growing.

All this renewed interest in Sailor Moon and Jem has made me revisit an idea I've had for a loooooooooong time.

Animated Jem reboot with henshin sequences. Discuss.

Transformation sequences and music videos? There'd be no time for a story!

I'd still love to watch a Jem henshin sequence, though, at least once. Hah.

Hasbro Studios currently has an ace composer on their payroll (Danny Ingram). He gained a lot of fame from his work on MLP, and they gave him an even bigger role on Littlest Pet Shop. Seems like a no-brainer to throw even more money at him for a Jem animated series. It would compliment their current lineup of girl-targeted shows, which is a thing they've expressed interest in growing.

Hmm...not bad. I guess it could work. Also, I didn't even know that there was a new Littlest Pet Shop show. Hah.

Anyway, maybe with Jem's 30th anniversary and the movie coming up soon, they'll actually go for it. Just make sure to get Christy Marx involved with it, unlike the movie. Maybe get Samantha Newark and/or Britta Phillips back, too.
I think Samantha would be up for it, since she seems pretty attached to Jem. Not sure about Britta, though.

Pretty nice. It reminds me of something, but I can't quite remember what, exactly...


Came in here to post that. To be honest, I'm at a loss of words when it comes to why it is important to me. Why I like it? I'll essay away, but why it is important? Hmmm...
I'd love to enter and get a bunch of free Sailor Moon stuff...but I have no idea what I'd write. I'm not sure how Sailor Moon is "important" to me. I love the show, but it didn't, say, save my life or anything while I was drowning at sea. I just really like watching it.

Oh, well. I don't think I have space for any of that stuff, anyway. Hah.


Cake looks and sounds tasty, but I get sick of it fast.

So it looks like I'm going to Anime Expo after all on July 5th, anyone else on GAF going?

Cool fan art:



Just watched Sailor Moon Episode 8 & 9 on Hulu, debuting the lovely Sailor Mercury.


So now that I've watched 8 episodes, I can I say I like the image quality. I swear something is out of order though? Shouldn't the episode preview come BEFORE the opening?
Transformation sequences and music videos? There'd be no time for a story!

I'd still love to watch a Jem henshin sequence, though, at least once. Hah.
Make the songs a bit longer and cut it down to 2 per episode. Add henshins. (Maybe even for characters other than just Jem.)

I'd die. It would be perfect.
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