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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Setec Astronomer
*pushes up glasses*

But clearly if you examine the line widths and eyeliner ratios in the artwork you'll see it's nothing like the manga at all!


Interesting that the second article makes a mention of Chibi-usa near the end...

(in the context of how the series deals with different relationships, but still :p)


Yeah I'd like to see characters more fleshed out, especially the villains. Like in the old anime, the villains usually have several episodes to develop personalities. In the manga, they pretty much all show up for one chapter, then whichever girl they're fighting against gets a new power-up, and they die. Not that I hate the manga, but character interaction seemed like it was one of the manga's weaknesses.

Watched Sailor Mars debut on Hulu, and just realized that Phobos and Deimos were in the anime.
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune S.H. Figuarts, now in color!







Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune S.H. Figuarts, now in color!
So pretty. :love:
Now all I need is a Pluto announcement.

I assume the line is sucessful because they're pumping out one figuarts after another, they'll probably do Chibimoon any maybe Tuxedo Mask after Pluto. But what after that, if they decide to continue the line, what do you guys think they'll do? New characters like the Starlights or variants of already released characters like Super Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity, Endymion etc.?


Also, I'm now on Season 3 of Angel and the cast has changed a bit. Perhaps I need to rearrange the SM Comparisons.

Angel: Mamoru
Cordelia: Rei Hino
Fred: Ami Mizuno
Wesley: Umino
Gun:Hmmm? Makoto Kino?
The Host: Artemis? Ran away from Minako lol

I should probably start resuming my PGSM watch too.


Setec Astronomer
New season, new avatar!

Had to go back to the old anime because I don't want people like Syrinx poaching my material!
So pretty. :love:
Now all I need is a Pluto announcement.

I assume the line is sucessful because they're pumping out one figuarts after another, they'll probably do Chibimoon any maybe Tuxedo Mask after Pluto. But what after that, if they decide to continue the line, what do you guys think they'll do? New characters like the Starlights or variants of already released characters like Super Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity, Endymion etc.?

I'm sure we'll see a Pluto announcement very soon! Kinda surprised that there hasn't been one yet. I'd like to see the Starlights before they start repeating characters in different forms. I can totally see all of these happening, but I obviously don't know what their plans are. Hah.

Also, I'm now on Season 3 of Angel and the cast has changed a bit. Perhaps I need to rearrange the SM Comparisons.

Fred: Ami Mizuno

I knew Fred would be Ami! I'm curious to see if your comparisons will change anymore down the line.

New season, new avatar!

I think half of this thread has had a Mercury avatar at some point by now. Haha.
I'm actually more disappointed there hasn't been that much new good fanart yet. The last time I had a Mercury av I found a really nice one, but I didn't want to simply reuse it.

I was about to ask you what the avatar was, but I see that you edited it in now. Hah.

*right-click, save*

Speaking (typing?) of avatars, I don't think anyone has used any of these yet:



Or these:


Just watched PGSM Act 17.


I never noticed the "subtle messiah imagery" in the background during Minako's first transformation until someone pointed it out to me, but hey, I can accept Minako as our savior.

I knew Fred would be Ami! I'm curious to see if your comparisons will change anymore down the line.

I think half of this thread has had a Mercury avatar at some point by now. Haha.

It will probably be a while before I get the chance to watch S3, since I go back to college on onday and work next month. To be honest I didn't like S2 as much as I liked with S1. It wasn't bad, but some stroylines felt like they lacked direction, such as Drusilla's comeback.

And yeah, it seems Ami is the most popular Senshi in this thread.


So it's been brought to my attention that six years ago Toru Furuya released an album called Heroes ~ to my Treasure ~, in which he dedicated the songs to various characters he played, including Mamoru.

"Everlasting My Love" is a Tribute to Mamoru's love for Usagi. Lyrics are in the comments. I think it fits Mamoru perfect. Awesome song.

I also found the song he did for Yamcha, but I wanna hear the Amuro Ray one. The Great Newtype!

Doctor Ninja

Sphincter Speaker
Quick question that may sound little silly.

I didn't read the manga (yet) but does Usagi do her "I will punish you!" pose in the manga too ? or is it something anime made up ?


Episode 6 is really great, love the horror atmosphere, Usagi's outfit, Sailor Moon beating the monster on her own, and Luna's reactions.


That....is awesome.

Ironically the way madp feels about the latest PreCure is the opposite on how I felt about PGSM. It just felt like a cute side project for Toei until Princess Serenity showed up, then shit got real.
Sailor Moon 07

Haha. Poor Umino :p

Everybody wants to be famous and sing Moonlight Densetsu. And the monster in this episode does some 'The Exorcist' stuff.

Just me or is the brightness in the episode too high?


Setec Astronomer
Hime is my spirit animal but not even she can carry the show when Toei just doesn't give the slightest fuck :(
Like I've said, I'm not as down on the show as you are at this point, so ditching Cure Lovely shouldn't be perceived as a statement on the show, just my usual pattern of seasonal avatar change.
Sailor Moon 07

Just me or is the brightness in the episode too high?
That does look pretty bad, looking at the girls skin, it kinda hurts my eyes. Is it like that through-out the whole episode?

Usagi and Naru singing MD is amazing, I'm curious, did any dub change that song?

In our dub, they actually sing pretty well, but they sing about the singer Robyn and getting guys, lol.
That does look pretty bad, looking at the girls skin, it kinda hurts my eyes. Is it like that through-out the whole episode?

It's like that for the most of the episode. Here's a comparison between the spoken intro bit of episode 6 and 7:

In the US version they sang "Fighting Evil By Moonlight" which was the theme in the US. The singing was bad too, but I think that was intentional.

Would be a bit wrong if they made the singing too good at least.
In the US version they sang "Fighting Evil By Moonlight" which was the theme in the US. The singing was bad too, but I think that was intentional.
Ah yeah, it's supposed to be awful, the German is terribad too, not really following the melody and stuff, but I guess terribad is good in this case, lol.

This is ours

"We'll make it big, bigger than Robyn, in our dreams we are the greatest, but when we dream, we dream for real, so all the guys want us." XD

Edit: Wow, those comparison shots are really something, it looks really washed out. :/ I can't remember how it looks on the Japanese DVDs, and too lazy to pull it out and look. Surely, it doesn't look like this there?


It was really just the wedding episode.

I didn't like the Mother's Day episode either. Mostly because going into dangerous and hostile territory so Hime can give her unconscious mother some cookies was incredibly stupid.

Also I'm starting to get tired of Yuuko and her obsession with rice (and food in general).
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