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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!



I want to say yes on that one.

Made this today, works well with your avatar:


Straight out of Altered Beast.


I always liked that Death Phantom wasn't a story of a good person turned bad(Beryl) or someone who could be saved(Galaxia). He's just pure, absolute evil.


Made this today, works well with your avatar:


Straight out of Altered Beast.


Pikachu wishes he could do a Thunder Break. Actually, at this point in the Pokemon anime he probably has.
He has Volt-Tackle, he's doing fine..


Now I'm imagining "Power up!" popping up every time Sailor Moon gets a new transformation.
Damn, imagine if Usagi turned into an actual fighting bunny.

I always liked that Death Phantom wasn't a story of a good person turned bad(Beryl) or someone who could be saved(Galaxia). He's just pure, absolute evil.
To me Galaxia was just Mistress 9 all over again. I like Death Phantom best. SuperS villains were fun too.

Pikachu wishes he could do a Thunder Break. Actually, at this point in the Pokemon anime he probably has.
He got pretty food in the anime for RSE and DPPt, but I heard he has been regressing again after that.

By the way, it seems Kae Araki does indeed voice Black Lady too.


To me Galaxia was just Mistress 9 all over again. I like Death Phantom best. SuperS villains were fun too.
Death Phantom is my favorite final villain but if we talk about villains generally I prefer the ones who seemed to have fun at their job, Mimet was great.


Sailor Moon R 88

Usagi and Mamoru battle Black Lady, and later Usagi and Chibiusa battle Wiseman. Climax was worth it just for "La Soldier" alone. Probably my favorite final battle in the series.


Sailor Moon R 89

The girls discuss what is going to happen in the next season and debate who should be the main character. Not much to say so I'll my thoughts on the season in general: really good, my favorite season alongside the original. Ali and Ann were adorable short-term villains who served as fun counterparts to Usagi and Mamoru. I really like the antagonists in Black Moon too, since making the Four Sisters rivals to the Inner Senshi got some good spotlight for the Inner Senshi. My favorite villain is Esmeraude, who is just hilarious and Mami Koyama was great as her. The fighting in this season seemed like an improvement over Classic, with "Ai No Senshi" and "La Soldier" tuning in for some of the most memorable action in the entire series. A lot of hate for Chibiusa here, but she and Usagi really matured in this season, and that made her presence worth ir for me. As for the break-up, I thought it was a good idea because having relationships in perma-happy mode would be dull, but admittingly it was more melodramatic than it needed to be.

Next up is S. That was my favorite season when I first watched, but I remember having a few issues with it during a rewatch. Let's see how it goes this time:

Sailor Moon S 90

New season, new villains, and new Sailor Senshi. Can't go wrong with a Usagi-Rei focused episode, but jeez, it already feels like Toei hit the reset button with Usagi's development. I remember this bugging me about the latter seasons a lot.
I pretty much agree with you on everything, except for Esmeraude, I have always hated her, lol. She had this orgasm noise instead of annoying laughter in the Swedish dub. XD
Ail & Ann were great, their two final episodes are some of the best the series, imo. <3
The Ai No Senshi fight is probably my favorite fight scene in the whole series, the whole episode feels so out of place, cause it's TOO pretty, expressive eyes, great animation, everything. :)

Ugh, that pic from ep 90, to think that was one of Masahiro Ando's best looking episodes, the way he drew chubby faces, chubby fingers, weird eyes and from strange angles, his art could really ruin an episode. >_<


Yeah the chubby faces are a bit too much, but still very GIFable, like this one from Jet's tumblr:


I should make a Prof. Tomoe (who I keep calling Conan-san now) gif tonight.
Sailor Moon R 12

Who cares about danger? As long as you can get pork-buns and cake everything is swell.

It's an heartwarming episode of Ail and An, and then the Sailor Guardians manages to figure it all out. Too bad Usagi doesn't believe it though :p


Ugh, that pic from ep 90, to think that was one of Masahiro Ando's best looking episodes, the way he drew chubby faces, chubby fingers, weird eyes and from strange angles, his art could really ruin an episode. >_<
I didn't realize people had a problem with his art until recently. It may have deviated from the model, but at least it's not downright devoid of talent like whoever did episodes like the Haruna posted above.


Last night I had this dream where I was watching Sailor Moon and my brother was watching it with me for some reason. At about the fourth episode though i was just watching a game of Mario Kart being played. Then at the end of the episode a cat showed up, and my brother said he was from a Fire Emblem game. Except the cat was apparently Canadian and I think voiced by Norm MacDonald (I went and looked it up in the dream and it said he was voiced by some singer from Singapore, but it had to have been Norm). And he resolved everything by being a snarky asshole. Somehow. I don't really remember.

Just a little story.


What is everyone's opinion on the VIZ DVD release? I was thinking of getting it but I heard it has a lot of issues.

The video on Viz's DVDs is terrible. Viz upscaled the DVD into a Blu-ray (which anyone who knows anything about video could tell you is pointless, because if your DVD player doesn't do that automatically for free, your HDTV will), and then downscaled the Blu-ray into a DVD (which anyone who knows anything about video could tell you is stupid).

Instead of telling your DVD player that their DVD is 4:3, they wasted half of the pixels on empty black bars, and told your player that their DVD was widescreen. They seem to have learned not to do this in the future, but not before saying some really stupid and insulting things, like "LOL 4:3, as if anyone would ever notice". But anyone with an interest in oldschool anime or gaming should probably want or have a nice 4:3 CRT, to view classic content in it's intended format. And even if you don't, throwing away half of a video's resolution becomes quite obviously stupid after you blow it up to watch it on an HDTV. But we're dealing with people who can't tell the difference between DVD and Blu-ray. Are we really surprised if they can't tell the difference between DVD and half of a DVD?

Viz is going to fix the 4:3 issue going forward, just because their mistake was made sooo obvious, but they're not going to issue a recall (because that would cost money), and they're not going to change anything else about their bad ideas (because their ideas aren't strictly "bad", they're bad for people who care about Sailor Moon, but they're great ideas when it comes to milking the money out of mindless cows, like the millions of people who casually watched Sailor Moon).

Viz has also been caught in several lies regarding the video (or "was mistaken" in big ways, repeatedly). It's overpriced by modern standards, the quality is garbage, and Viz are being jerks about it. My love for this series can only be pushed so far.
I didn't realize people had a problem with his art until recently. It may have deviated from the model, but at least it's not downright devoid of talent like whoever did episodes like the Haruna posted above.
He did so many episodes (27 I think, more than 1/8th) which made it even worse, with his last one being his worst looking. If you compare Mars from the end of ep 170 with the beginning of 171 since it's a direct continuation, it's like night and day, lol.

Taichi Nakamura (is he related to Akira Nakamura who did episodes in the first series? They have similar art) wasn't great either, I agree! His art reminds me of 70s anime or something and his animation is really stale. :/

Edit: The Swedish dub also had the intro speech after Moonlight Densetsu, weird.


Sailor Moon S 91

Mamoru takes Usagi to meet some stray cats, the villains attack some bland character, and through the power of UsaMamo's love a new transformation is born. That was kinda dull to be honest. I imagine I'll like tomorrow's episode more since the Outers will have more than a cameo though.

Oh, and I gotta keep track of appearances like I did for R. Last episode was a Usagi and Rei episode, and this was Usagi and Mamoru, I wonder how the ranking will go when I finish?

The german DVDs did that too, so that could actually be something Toei did for whatever reason.
Huh. I guess that makes sense, since I know Toei has done similar things with their other series.


Huh. I guess that makes sense, since I know Toei has done similar things with their other series.
I know they did it for the Dragonball franchise, originally it was episode -> next episode preview -> ending. They put the preview after the ending because that's how modern shows do it.

The weird thing is that on the japanese Sailor Moon DVDs the episode introduction is still before the opening credits, so it wasn't recut when the episodes were remastered for that.
Does anyone own the italian, french or mexican DVDs? I'd like to know how they did it.



Just wanted to post something while I found internet. I'm in the middle of nowhere in France. Going home tomorrow so I'll be back on GAF on Friday-ish.

Miss you guys and hope you're all doing well!


Sailor Moon S 92

Usagi and Minako meet a cute new "boy" who they are interested in. Like I was saying earlier how it feels like this season is regressing Usagi, it feels pretty out of character that she'd show any interest given Endymion's challenge last season. Oh well, this episode did some good GIF material. Oh and it debuts "Tuxedo Mirage" despite not even having Mamoru in the episode.


Just wanted to post something while I found internet. I'm in the middle of nowhere in France. Going home tomorrow so I'll be back on GAF on Friday-ish.

Miss you guys and hope you're all doing well!
Nice to hear from you!
I finally took Sailor Jupiter and Saturn out of their boxes and have displayed them on my shelf. Next up is to pose Moon and Mercury so they don't look like they have rickets


Sailor Moon S 112 & 113

I know you guys are gonna get your pitchforks out for me saying this, but to be honest, I didn't really like the Talisman arc too much. I tried watching a few episodes yesterday and was struggling to get through them. Although I didn't want to give up on S completely, so I jumped ahead to the Hotaru arc and it has gotten a lot more enjoyable to me. Chibiusa and Hotaru's friendship is pretty adorable.


Who is this Michael guy they are talking about? Apparently it is meant to be Michael Jackson, since allegedly Michie Tomizawa is a big fan of him?

Time to re-read the S manga arc concurrently with this arc as well.



Sailor Grinch? The Sailor Moon who stole Christmas?

Yes! Originally I put a hat on her head, but then one thing lead to another. haha

I like it though! People on GAF always quote my original avatar, so it fit perfectly with her expression/the holiday.


Neo Member
Ohhhh ho ho a Sailor Moon topic. Awesome. The new season got me to rewatch (starting from S though for some reason, haha).


Welcome, I'm currently rewatching S too.

Oh and Ayumi do you think you can tell us a brief summary what they are saying here? I believe it is that they are announcing Chibiusa and Setsuna's voice actors soon?


Ohhhh ho ho a Sailor Moon topic. Awesome. The new season got me to rewatch (starting from S though for some reason, haha).
Welcome to the Moon Kingdom!

Welcome, I'm currently rewatching S too.

Oh and Ayumi do you think you can tell us a brief summary what they are saying here? I believe it is that they are announcing Chibiusa and Setsuna's voice actors soon?
It's a pain to read on my phone (that website coding in general is painful) so let me see what I can do when I get home.


They're going to show episodes 13 and 14 on the big screen followed by a talk show with the seiyuu for the 5 senshi + Chibi-Usa and Pluto.



Read the first chapter of S, and enjoyed it. I do like that certain characters show up earlier here than in the anime. For some reason I don't remember the S manga at all, even though I read all of the 2011 release last year.


Sailor Moon S 114

Minako and Mimete enter a swimsuit contest and Mimete doesn't take it so well that she loses. Pretty good character moments for Minako here. I'm glad the season has calmed down on the Haruka & Michiru obsession.

Ok, I'll take some tomorrow. I gotta get more space when Uranus and Neptune arrive

Look forward to seeing Hotaru! She was sadly absent through today's episode.


Sailor Moon S 112 & 113

I know you guys are gonna get your pitchforks out for me saying this, but to be honest, I didn't really like the Talisman arc too much. I tried watching a few episodes yesterday and was struggling to get through them. Although I didn't want to give up on S completely, so I jumped ahead to the Hotaru arc and it has gotten a lot more enjoyable to me. Chibiusa and Hotaru's friendship is pretty adorable.
Time to re-read the S manga arc concurrently with this arc as well.

To be frank, the talisman arc is sort of just there and, frankly kinda perfunctory given that the outers really don't learn the lesson that was littlery shot into them (and out, and around) and, really, they never do,

Though that bit where Usagi freaks out over Minako delibaretly making herself a target is the best bit of S and I await seeign that with what will amount to Yui throwing Asuna about in the dub because I'm funny like htat.
(If it gets there, anyway).


There's some good parts of the Talisman arc. I liked the Ami/Michiru episode, for example, but got sick of how the narrative had to keep reminding me of how "perfect" Neptune and Uranus are and how they are better than everyone. That particular Makoto/Haruka scene was a big nope for me.

As for the Outers not learning their lesson, I'm pretty sure they don't learn it after the next climax given what they try to do to Usagi afterwards. That always bugged me. Wonder why Episode 126 even exists. Needed to fill out a spot?


Yeah, the final parts of Stars had a lot of OOC writing, but I still think the last 10 minutes of Stars are a really good end game and better than S's last two episodes.
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