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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


She has another great episode in SuperS (147), as well as some decent moments in the first arc of Stars. But yeah, other than that, they wasted her character.

There's always PGSM!
I suddenly remembered this gif I made sometime back in 2010/2011:




Actually, speaking of Xmas, does anyone remember the Sailor Moon Xmas Album? I remember Michie Tomizawa covering George Michael's "Last Christmas" song.


Sailor Moon SuperS 136

Rei accidentally busts up Mamoru's apartment, causing him and Diana to briefly stay with Rei, which infuriates Yuchiro and Usagi. It sucks they've hit the reset button on Usagi's personality again, since really this plot could have been done in Classic instead, but it was pretty funny. I think I heard "The Pink Panther" theme for Ninja-Usagi.


Diana: #1 Mamoru Fan.
MikeMyers: #1 Diana Fan.


So he walks around the bath classical Egyptian style?


Sailor Moon SuperS 137

Fisheye makes his debut targeting a man who loves fairies. Fisheye's antics are my favorite of the Trio's, and I'll get more into that later. Sadly, while I did enjoy this episode, there wasn't really much else to say. Not much to GIF either.
In many ways I feel the Trio have the most interesting anime adaptation considering there was, even by SM manga standards, basically nothing to go on for them from the manga. As a result, we end up getting three guys that sometimes seem more interested in finding their perfect date rather than their actual mission. Or at least that's my headcannon and I'm sticking with it dammit.


Watched episode 45 dubbed. All in all, pretty great job. Except, honestly, really don't care much for Minako's English voice. Maybe I just prefer the JP one way more.

Also Jupiter telling the DD Girls to go to hell, yessss Queen

I can't tell what Usagi says when she's talking to Jupiter about lying though. In the original she says the king of hell will rip her tongue out I think. Here she says Lord something starting with an E but I can't make it out.


I watched the Viz dub on Hulu out of curiosity, the girls sounded good but the boys sounded meh.

And the 90s villains sub-bosses were more interesting than their manga counterparts since they had time to develop personalities. Well, except the latter Witches 5, they got wasted.
I watched the Viz dub on Hulu out of curiosity, the girls sounded good but the boys sounded meh.

And the 90s villains sub-bosses were more interesting than their manga counterparts since they had time to develop personalities. Well, except the latter Witches 5, they got wasted.

Well yeah. In the manga they were basically "Monsters of the week that matter!" in the sense that technically they were limited in supply. Heck, many of them honestly got less development than actual monsters of the week (This is certainly the case when you compare them to the baddies in Sailor V).


Sailor Moon SuperS 138

Ami suspects Mamoru of having an affair. I guess at this point the theme of SuperS plots revolve around relationships and affair. Well, this episode was okay. Despite the legendary Toshio Furukawa voicing him, Hawk's Eye is probably my least favorite of the trio. One thing I will say is that the battles in this seasons are just so over the top, it makes me laugh everytime.

Well yeah. In the manga they were basically "Monsters of the week that matter!" in the sense that technically they were limited in supply. Heck, many of them honestly got less development than actual monsters of the week (This is certainly the case when you compare them to the baddies in Sailor V).
I was hoping Crystal would fix this, but they just turned the Shitennou into pairing fodder instead of characterizing them. Oh well, at least the battles are easier to watch than in the manga.
I was hoping Crystal would fix this, but they just turned the Shitennou into pairing fodder instead of characterizing them. Oh well, at least the battles are easier to watch than in the manga.

Haha, true. Battles in general are easily the weakest recurring part of the manga. 95% of combat can be summarized as either various kinds of banter or attacks following the steps below:
1. Attack name being called in front of the "attack background" with a generic pose that tells us nothing about the nature of the attack.
2. Something happened as a result of the attack. Or maybe not, it's generally hard to make sense of.
3. Reaction to whatever thing apparently happened in Step 2, but we can't be sure because we're still trying to figure out what that was.


Just for you Ayumi:

Haha, true. Battles in general are easily the weakest recurring part of the manga. 95% of combat can be summarized as either various kinds of banter or attacks following the steps below:
1. Attack name being called in front of the "attack background" with a generic pose that tells us nothing about the nature of the attack.
2. Something happened as a result of the attack. Or maybe not, it's generally hard to make sense of.
3. Reaction to whatever thing apparently happened in Step 2, but we can't be sure because we're still trying to figure out what that was.
Yeah, Crystal really does improve the fights, but I wish we had more character interaction and time for personality traits to shine. If we got that, Crystal would have been a perfect adaptation. Instead they're removing the humor and the art is really bad. At least the Blu-Rays will be better, though.


Sailor Moon SuperS 140

Fisheye targets a fashion designer (voiced by Vegeta), who Usagi befriends. Usagi's pretty damn hilarious in this episode, with her abusing Mamoru to get her to buy clothes for her and trying to manipulate the fashion designer. I do like how we finally get a homosexual male who isn't also a complete evil mastermind too.

(If you're wondering why I skipped 139, I'm not really a fan of that one, so I didn't want to blog about it here).


Sailor Moon SuperS 140

This scene will always be ruined by dub-hilarity for me.

The DiC-inspired Cloverway dub refused to admit that Fisheye was a man (it actually insisted otherwise), so the Cartoon Network cut the above scene as "inconvenient".

When the episode came around to YTV in Canada, YTV said "we don't care, no cuts" and aired the episode intact, with the above scene included. From the dub's point of view, YTV, a kid's channel, was airing small-breasted female nudity.

If YTV got any complaints, they apparently planned to explain to the complainers that Fisheye was a man, in spite of what the dub was saying. YTV had zero problems with accepting anime as it was intended, and actually objected to the censorship. Which makes it extra sad that Sailor Stars got canned and YTV never had a chance to air it, apparently on the grounds of "There's so much gayness in this season, we don't even know if it's possible to censor it all for you."


Well, if you count Adult Swim as a separate branch of Cartoon Network, then it's not like CN is doing any better.

CN's chronic backstabbing dissorder is going to leave it a decrepit old channel running naught but Teen Titans Go if it doesn't change it ways.

IF it wants to do that.


Also, I'm traveling for about a week because I have to attend a wedding. So I might not be able to post more episode blogs if I'm busy, but we'll see.
So Minako-GAF, I was thinking.

As a Sailor Moon fan for about 15 years now, my favorite of the senshi has always been Minako. Back when I was a prepubescent teenager, it was because I thought she was pretty. Since then, she's maintained her status as my favorite.

And it begs me to wonder...why? In the anime she's arguably the least developed - while none of the senshi outside of Usagi are, they at least go through their own arcs, Ami's timidness, Rei's bitchiness, and Makoto's femininity...ness, to try and become better warriors. But Minako? She starts out already a strong warrior, then becomes essentially a slightly less ditzy Usagi in R and S, then in Super S she suddenly begins her desire to be an idol which carries on through Stars. Basically, there's no consistency.

So then why the hell does she remain my favorite? Does her changes in character make her more complex? Minako-Gaf, why the hell do you love our V-babe?


So Minako-GAF, I was thinking.

As a Sailor Moon fan for about 15 years now, my favorite of the senshi has always been Minako. Back when I was a prepubescent teenager, it was because I thought she was pretty. Since then, she's maintained her status as my favorite.

And it begs me to wonder...why? In the anime she's arguably the least developed - while none of the senshi outside of Usagi are, they at least go through their own arcs, Ami's timidness, Rei's bitchiness, and Makoto's femininity...ness, to try and become better warriors. But Minako? She starts out already a strong warrior, then becomes essentially a slightly less ditzy Usagi in R and S, then in Super S she suddenly begins her desire to be an idol which carries on through Stars. Basically, there's no consistency.

So then why the hell does she remain my favorite? Does her changes in character make her more complex? Minako-Gaf, why the hell do you love our V-babe?

Probably because she's the most happy-go-lucky without the downside of being a klutz like Usagi.


I'm not specifically a Minako-fan, because I think everyone has their own diverse charms, but I think that Minako has the most Western-style beauty (Rei is also beautiful, but she's more of a Japanese beauty, Ami is cute, Makoto is strong). Nothing wrong with liking Minako for having beautiful blond hair, if that's your thing (Usagi just isn't the same).

On top of that, Minako is easily the most "fun and flirty" of the group. And the anime seemed to make it clear pretty quickly that it's not because she's an idiot or an airhead, she's probably deeper than any of the others in the group, it's because she's deliberately choosing to live in the moment and have some fun in her life, without letting the past get her down. She's already done character development. It was overrated.

You can probably also point towards the cats. Luna tends to drag Usagi everywhere, and it sometimes gets tiresome (for both the audience and Luna). Luna also tends to hang out with Ami, because it's nice to have a student who listens. Minako drags Artemis.


As a kid Minako appealed to me because orange is best!

But seriously, I do like her transition from serious to goofy, but as you said the idol stuff from late SuperS and Stars didn't capture my enthusiasm as much. I think it's because the anime had already done something similar with Rei that I didn't care as much.
Thanks. I couldn't find the source for it before...though, I had seen other art from them before. I knew that the style looked familiar...


Thanks. I couldn't find the source for it before...though, I had seen other art from them before. I knew that the style looked familiar...
sunmomo is an amazing artist. I'm not the one to criticize artwork of others, but I kinda wish they'd use a but better lightning in their art, to really make that "final touch". It's like top art hidden in a shadow, if you know what I mean.

Also, I'm kinda sad to see how little attention and acknowledge Chinese artists in general get in non-Chinese art communities. They are great at drawing anime in a realistic way, with many details and what not. It's easy to recognize their nationality through their style, sometimes. I doubt it isn't because of the ongoing national rivalty, because famous Korean artists are highly loved on pixiv, but I guess because a lot of their style resemble Japanese, while Chinese has their own (kind of like western art doesn't get much acknowledge there as well), aside from certain artists with a remarkable style (like kronprinz). Sorry for going completely off-topic here!


Sailor Moon R 20

Poor optimistic Luna.

Everybody makes curry rice and the evil plan this time is to get people to eat dark fruits which makes them black and then make them destroy a supermarket. Uh-huh...
Don't forget about shopping cart Rei!

Cool, thanks for that!

Btw, I've been reading Furuya's last tweets since you linked his profile, and it's all about him bragging about hanging out w/ company presidents. lol
Lol, it seems all he does is play Golf.


I saw that when you posted your impressions ages ago ;)
LOL. Actually, back when I was in middle school there was a grocery store that had permanently closed and some of the carts were left behind. We took one and used to ride it all the time...

...but not in high heels though, so I guess no cigar.


Sailor Moon SuperS 143 & 144

The Inner Senshi get powers up in the former, and Shingo gets a crush on Ami at the beach in the latter. I wonder why there aren't any Ami x Shingo shippers? The internet seems to have supporters for everything, but I never see that one.


Uh, I thought I had posted 145/146 earlier today? Guess not?

Sailor Moon SuperS 147

Everyone, including Motoki and his sister, attends a dance where Makoto falls for Tiger's Eye. Some hilarious hijinks here with the villains trolling each other, and Makoto gets screentime. Oh, and this episode has a highly GIFable dance scene, but I only covered Makoto's part since it was her episode.



KDash is the only person on GAF who can successfully change his avatar once a week and I will always recognise him.


Sailor Moon SuperS 148

Fisheye falls in love with Mamoru, but Mamoru rejects him, leading Fisheye to question his own lifestyle. The power of talk no jutsu! I gotta wonder why starting from S they just go for nothing but character antics and dump all the plot in the climaxes? Might be because of how concurrent it was with the manga.


SMC Va for ChibiUsa and Pluto confirmed.

Misato Fukuen (Eureka Frog: Soul Eater, Sakura SF4, Iggy: JJBA SC Egypt Arc) as Chibi Usa
Ai Maeda (Mimi: Digimon, Shion: Xenosaga) as Sailor Pluto
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