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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!

Sailor Moon R 21


An important lesson about always watching your kids while at the beach or else they might get washed away by a tide and meet dinosaurs...

The dinosaurs gets saved from extinction, Rei fights lava with fire and Chibi-Usa learns to like fish so it all works out in the end though.


Pluto you should go back to Setsuna. Ami gets enough attention as it is.

Also, I finished S in the manga. Didn't feel like Takeuchi knew what to do with Uranus and Neptune, but it I liked the suspense and apocalyptic feel to it. A lot better than the anime counterpart. Oh and Happy New Year!


Sailor Moon SuperS 161

Nehelenia makes her move by attacking the World with Spiderwebs to find whoever dream Pegasus was in, they could have saved us 28 episodes with that! Also, the girls find out their friends who they only met for like one episode are really their enemies. While the four on four showdown isn't handled nearly as well as R did with the Sisters, we do get an awesome insert song of "Sailor Team No Theme." This season is starting to get really creepy and interesting, hopefully the climax holds up.


Sailor Moon SuperS 162

Since the Earth is danger, Mamoru synchronizes the pain. Meanwhile, the girls finally enter Black Moon, but the villains have a surprise for Chibiusa. So basically just like last season where
Mamoru and Chibiusa were taken out of battle
early-on in the climax.

Wait a minute, if Mamoru's lifeline is connected to the Earth's, does that mean if Mamoru blew-up the Earth would too?

My subtitle!
Indeed, and it'll last for years!


Sailor Moon SuperS 163

While Chibiusa has to deal with the Amazon Quartet, the Senshi have to deal with yin-yang counterparts of themselves. Having read the manga I noticed the latter plot point was already done in the S manga, so it's interesting that they incorporated it into the anime now.



Sailor Moon SuperS 164

We get some closure on the Amazon Quartet's fate, as well as the truth between Nehelenia and Zirconia's relationship. These episode are doing a really good job of being extremely creepy. Now for the climax and falling action.


Sailor Moon SuperS 165

Well, Mamoru becomes Endymion again, although I'm not quite sure if becoming Endymion in the original anime even means anything other than getting a sword and armor. Meanwhile, we get the Boss Battle this episode, and Conan-san wasn't lying when he said SuperS was the Digimon Adventure 02 of the series. Also, Motoki seems immune to the Golden Crystal, as well as he never seems to get attacked in this anime ever. Motoki: the most powerful being in the Sailor Moon universe?

Happy New Year KDash, but it's still 2014 for me, so I can finish SuperS in time.


Sailor Moon SuperS 166

Well, this episode certainly lives up to the term of 'falling action' narrative. It doesn't really feel like there was much of a final fight here, same with the S finale really. Also, this episode ends began where the first episode began. So was this all a dream?

Overall thoughts on SuperS: Hmm, that had a lot in common with S. Like S, they started off the season by resetting Usagi's character development, and the pacing was uneven. All the character & plot building was kind of neglected until the climaxes where it was all shoved in there. However there was some aspects of this season I really liked. The villains were well characterized. Queen Nehelnia is perfect for spiteful and bitter woman, and the sub-bosses weren't as shafted as they were in S. Also, the visual direction is superb, and the last episodes certainly did bring the creepy vibe. Well, glad I managed to finish this season in time, and now I got Stars and Crystal left for 2015.



Was it ever explained why Toei didn't have Haruka and Michiru in SuperS anime?

Well, they were in the special. Speaking of which, I should watch those before transitioning over to Stars.
Was it ever explained why Toei didn't have Haruka and Michiru in SuperS anime?

Well, they were in the special. Speaking of which, I should watch those before transitioning over to Stars.

Probably because they couldn't top my personal favourite manga act:
Hotaru Has Two Mommies and a Haruka
. As utterly wrong an answer this is, I'm going to stick to it!


Been thinking of changing my avatar.. How's this?


The problem is that I made these on a Retina display so I have no idea how they look on normal screens..
If they're all choppy/over-sharpened or if they look alright. At least on my screen the right one looks the best here.


Been thinking of changing my avatar.. How's this?


The problem is that I made these on a Retina display so I have no idea how they look on normal screens..
If they're all choppy/over-sharpened or if they look alright. At least on my screen the right one looks the best here.

They look way too red on my screen.


They look way too red on my screen.

Really? Weird.. I even made them more white because the original screenshot was pretty pink (at least on their skin). I think resizing makes the contrast appear more bright too, perhaps.



Really? Weird.. I even made them more white because the original screenshot was pretty pink (at least on their skin). I think resizing makes the contrast appear more bright too, perhaps.


I think your current one has the perfect palatte.


Oh right.

I liked the SuperS redo in Stars, but it bugs me that another villain got redemption. I can't even think of one baddie Usagi defeated after R.
Oh right.

I liked the SuperS redo in Stars, but it bugs me that another villain got redemption. I can't even think of one baddie Usagi defeated after R.

Yeah, I don't think there is one. The only non-monster of the day characters I can think of in the entire original anime series that Usagi directly destroys are Kunzite (sorta), Queen Metalia, Esmeraude (perhaps can be argued), and Wiseman. It's pretty clear that they wanted to avoid Usagi killing anyone, which can be compared to the manga where she pretty much blows away anyone and everyone without much of a thought.


Was it ever explained why Toei didn't have Haruka and Michiru in SuperS anime?

Well, they were in the special. Speaking of which, I should watch those before transitioning over to Stars.

Because SuperS was the Chibi-Usa and Friends Hour and it almost killed the show.


Yeah, the lack of proper villain defeats later on is another reason the anime starts to bug me after R.

Also, I wonder how successful SuperS was. It's a bit longer than S, but given that they had to redo the entire season in Stars, makes me wonder if it wasn't receipted well.


Yeah, the lack of proper villain defeats later on is another reason the anime starts to bug me after R.

Also, I wonder how successful SuperS was. It's a bit longer than S, but given that they had to redo the entire season in Stars, makes me wonder if it wasn't receipted well.

This is just stuff I recall reading somewhere, so how true it might be is heavily contested. But I've read that SuperS wasn't very successful and indeed almost killed the show. The reason Stars wrapped up Nehelenia was because the show was cancelled before they could make those episodes, but then they did Stars anyway and wrapped it up.

Take with a mound of salt of course.


I assumed it was because they needed to re-introduce the Outers, since Pluto and Saturn had been killed off. Then again, considering what small roles the Outers had in Stars, maybe it wasn't important to begin with.

I know Anime News Network says SuperS didn't do well in Japan, but I'm not sure if they are considering a reliable source.


Yeah, did Pluto and Saturn even appear in Stars beside their re-introductions in the Nehelenia arc and at the end? For that matter, did Uranus and Neptune other than appearing in the Usagi's house episode (which Pluto and Saturn were absent from iirc)?


Yeah, did Pluto and Saturn even appear in Stars beside their re-introductions in the Nehelenia arc and at the end? For that matter, did Uranus and Neptune other than appearing in the Usagi's house episode (which Pluto and Saturn were absent from iirc)?
There was another episode where Michiru hosts a concert with the Starlights, if I remember correctly.

The Japanese Wikipedia article has all of the episode ratings. Ratings definitely went down during SuperS and then stayed down throughout Stars.
Interesting. Do you know how the ratings of Classic, R, and S were like compared to each other? I can't read Japanese.


So episode 181 had the lowest rating? It has the lowest percent.

I guess the Japanese fanbase must have disliked the idea of writing Seiya as a love interest. Can't say I disagree.

Also the ratings for SuperS look fine, but I think I'm reading this wrong.


They weren't as bad as Stars, but at a glance they seem to be lower on average than the previous three.

Shouldn't be hard to stick those tables into a spreadsheet.


Okay here we go;

All the percentages added up per season:
Classic: 490.5%
R: 536.4%
S: 495.3%
SuperS: 415.8%
Stars: 276.7%

Total number of episodes a season:
Classic: 46
R: 43
S: 38
SuperS: 39
Stars: 34

Classic: 10.66%
R: 12.47%
S: 13.03%
SuperS: 10.66%
Stars: 8.14%

Feel free to do your own calculation to see if I made any errors. Classic and SuperS seemed tie, but if kept going of further denominators, Classic would have been higher. So I guess R and S were the most popular seasons among the Japanese fanbase, with Stars being the big decline.


Okay here we go;

All the percentages added up per season:
Classic: 490.5%
R: 536.4%
S: 495.3%
SuperS: 415.8%
Stars: 276.7%

Total number of episodes a season:
Classic: 46
R: 43
S: 38
SuperS: 39
Stars: 34

Classic: 10.66%
R: 12.47%
S: 13.03%
SuperS: 10.66%
Stars: 8.14%

Feel free to do your own calculation to see if I made any errors. Classic and SuperS seemed tie, but if kept going of further denominators, Classic would have been higher. So I guess R and S were the most popular seasons among the Japanese fanbase, with Stars being the big decline.
But that doesn't necessarily reflect on the quality of the show, it could be that the show was getting old and the young fanbase was outgrowing it.
A lack of outers probably did hurt SuperS a little bit but I wouldn't disregard the age issue, I think I read that Toei was unhappy with the fact that Sailor Moon was an ongoing continuity, it made it harder for new fans to get into the show.

That's why they're so happy with Pretty Cure, they reboot the shit out of that every year or two, that's why it has been running for a decade, the current target audience wasn't even born when the series started and they can jump right in when a new series starts.


I wasn't trying to say base their quality based on their popularity (I wouldn't put S at top, and Classic so low), but to see how SuperS did in ratings compared to other seasons since a lot of fans claim that SuperS tanked miserably in Japan.


That's why [toei]'re so happy with Pretty Cure, they reboot the shit out of that every year or two, that's why it has been running for a decade, the current target audience wasn't even born when the series started and they can jump right in when a new series starts.
I can think of a few places Toei could go jump into.
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