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Sakura Wars |OT| The Mecha Action Game Anime Samurai Girls Are Made Of

Finished the first three chapters now - Loving it so far!

it's definitely exceeded my (albeit low) initial expectations. I went in almost blind, as the only knowledge I had about sakura wars was it was some sort of anime front mission game, so here are impressions from someone who literally had no idea what they were getting into and hadn't even seen a screenshot.

Great stuff

Story -
I heard it had visual novel elements but I was surprised by how heavy they lean into it during the story segments, there is an hour or so of pure narrative before any action even begins. But the VN stuff is just really well done and already has me thinking about a second play-through to see how things can pan out.

And boy, that fucking Chinese duo picking on my girl - they are fucking getting wrecked later in the game, legit raging!

The biggest surprise is how nuanced some of the dialogue choices are, generally when you are presented with 3 options in a VN you have a blatant good, bad and stupid choice. I thought I was picking all the "well that's obviously good" choices, so was pretty shocked when I got negative reactions calling me out on it. It's only once you learn more about the characters that you grasp that some of them want brutal honesty rather than meaningless praise. Some have a sense of humour, some don't etc. It feels like it rewards you for figuring the personality types out more than say, Fire Emblem, where I rarely made any wrong choices as the characters were so one dimensional.

Also, I like all the flavour text, interacting with the mirror and having him say he's lost weight due to stress etc. There is a lot of 'off the beaten track' dialogue that is quite clever and amusing and rewards you for exploring.

Visuals -
The game looks great, maybe I'm too use to vita and switch up-ports for these sorts of games, but this is definitely one of the best-looking anime games on PS4. The art style is really colourful and clean, it has that SEGA blue-skies colour pallete that just makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. The characters are well animated and there is just a lot of neat little touches. I loved how they do a full-on anime 'Coming Next' segment between each chapter, it's pure undiluted anime weeb shit and I'm lapping it up.

Average Stuff

Localisation -

I won't moan about the lack of a dub, as I wouldn't ever have used it. But it's clear they've done the bare minimum to release this outside of Japan. The English dialogue is fine by and of itself except for a few typos here and there, but they've done a "pokemon" job of it where the English translation barely aligns with the Japanese dialogue, so if you do speak Japanese you'll constantly be aware that what the sub-titles are saying, isn't quite what they are actually saying.

English will be like "WOW YOU SAVED ME YOU ARE AWESOME!!" and Japanese will be playing it chill with "I guess you were pretty cool" etc.

Combat -

Yer I'm on chapter 3 so probably don't even have half the shit available yet, but my initial take on the combat is it's quite simplistic. Basic dodge parry timing stuff, and a light and heavy attack that can be stacked in some simple light-light-hard style combos. Really hope later on I can unlock some sort of skill-tree or customise the mechs. They do a good job of carrying the story into the combat mode though, with all the voice work and pilot animations etc.

Bad Stuff

The Japanese voice acting is great, but it's a shame only around half of the dialogue is voiced. Especially when you have some really emotive animations in the cutscenes then just pure silence, they even have the mouths animated as if it was intended to be voiced at some point; oh well, at least the music is baller to listen to.

Waifus -
The feisty redhead is so much better than all the other possible waifus it's not even up for debate. But if it turns out you can somehow date the mummy teacher character I'll retract this statement immediately.

Would definately recommend the game (so far) to people on the fence.
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Purchased it this morning before work expecting it to download while I was out... some stupid survey on the PS4 prevented it from being logged in to download... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


Gold Member
Got mine today and tried out a bit. Subtitle text is too small for my old eyes... I was hoping to play this with remote play, but not likely I guess.
But biggest gripe is why is only English subs? I can't figure out if there's any other language options.. no Spanish, French, German, Portugese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc...

Funny thing is that the subs don't stop for me either. It auto-progresses even in game events, not fmvs - so I'm trying to read that small text and see what's going on, and it's already passed. At least it has "log" function that you can read back the text you've missed - but I wish I could at least pace the text progression on my pace.

But so far, I like what I'm seeing it. Tite's character design isn't my favorite - something wonky about the eyes being too large & close together, with long faces... but I'll get used to it. What I like the most about it so far is the music. Takes me back to older Sakura Wars games with updates, gives me some good goosebumps. LOL
I can't figure out if there's any other language options.. no Spanish, French, German, Portugese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc...
I don't yet have a copy to check, but the Western release was announced as having English, German, French, and Spanish subtitles; voice acting is only in Japanese.


It's been a great stretch of releases for jrpg fans. P5R, Remake, Trials, and now Sakura Wars. Platinum Royal last week, on chap 8 in Remake. Sakura Wars up next. Xenoblade chronicles next month also. Good times

Nier Replicant is coming to. I hope we will be able to chose between the JPN and NA versions of the protagonist.
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After watching a review, it appears that a lot of content is planned for a future update....
This somehow breaks the deal for me, as I wanted to buy the retail version for my collection, and if important parts and fixes of the game are locked online, it kinds of ruins the game's value.

Beyond that, I always wanted to try the series. I'm not big into dating sims, but i'm trained in dialogue heavy anime games. If this one doesn't fall into many tropes, and managed to be come that popular, I definitely wanted to give it a go, as "it must be doing something right".
After watching a review, it appears that a lot of content is planned for a future update....
The game has a day-one, version 1.01 update, which provides quality-of-life enhancements and adds one robot variant to the combat simulator mode. SEGA hasn't announced any further plans to either expand or significantly alter the existing game content.

Gematsu provided coverage (article link) of the 1.01 patch, when it was released last month in Japan.
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Gold Member
I don't yet have a copy to check, but the Western release was announced as having English, German, French, and Spanish subtitles; voice acting is only in Japanese.

I see... perhaps it follows the system's default language like Nintendo Switch games - but still strange to see there's no mention of any settings for that at all.
I see... perhaps it follows the system's default language like Nintendo Switch games - but still strange to see there's no mention of any settings for that at all.
If the retail release is similar to the Japanese demo, there should be a system's menu, accessible by pressing the controller's options button; this seems like the type of place, where a toggle for subtitles would have been added.


Gold Member
If the retail release is similar to the Japanese demo, there should be a system's menu, accessible by pressing the controller's options button; this seems like the type of place, where a toggle for subtitles would have been added.
Unfortunately that's not the case here. I checked and only subtitle option I could find was to turn it on or off for the FMVs.
I'm okay with having just English for the moment - but I wish they'd add the pause for dialogs for slower readers with old eyes for future updates... Most Sakura Taisen fans are getting pretty old, mind them.. LOL
Is the Battle System similar to a Musou or like Bayonetta?

It's sort of like a Musou, but there is dodging and perfect dodges slow down time aka Witch Time. Also to note, you have allies in battle and depending on your interactions with them in the Adventure mode, they may do better or worse in combat alongside you. You can switch between your allies to control them by pressing L1, so if there's a certain Kobu you prefer to use, then that's how you switch to it.
Unfortunately that's not the case here. I checked and only subtitle option I could find was to turn it on or off for the FMVs.
From the French reviews, the game does appear to feature proper, regional subtitles. Assuming SEGA went the cheap route and didn't bother adding a subtitle toggle to the international release, I imagine it is tied to the player's system settings, as you previously suggested (which kinda sucks, but I don't get the impression SEGA put too much money into the international release, other than providing the localized text).


The game has a day-one, version 1.01 update, which provides quality-of-life enhancements and adds one robot variant to the combat simulator mode. SEGA hasn't announced any further plans to either expand or significantly alter the existing game content.

Gematsu provided coverage (article link) of the 1.01 patch, when it was released last month in Japan.
...so it was already out for a month in Japan, but they didn't add it on the disk of the international version?
Kind of stupid if you ask me. They ended up devaluing their retail release. But then again, the devaluing of retail is a very common practice these days in video games... They really REALLY want us to make that jump into buying licenses!

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Bought the game - just seems like everything I want.

Like others have said, kind of crazy to have this sudden deluge of good RPGs. It's been slim pickings for years, and then we have P5R, Langrisser I & II, FFVIIR, Trails of Mana, Sakura Wars, and Xenoblade Chronicles in the span of 2.5 months. That's fucking nuts. We haven't seen that kind of output since the PS1 era. It's way too much to play, and it is the absolute best problem to have.


Darkness no more
I cancled my preorder last week since I have a few games to play now and wanted to see how people felt about this game first. I reordered it again yesterday since the impressions seem pretty good. Should be here next week.

I agree with the few posters who have mentioned we have tons of good JRPGs this year. I'm loving it. Even with the lockdowns I can't beat them all though 🤣
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I cancled my preorder last week since I have a few games to play now and wanted to see how people felt about this game first. I reordered it again yesterday since the impressions seem pretty good. Should be here next week.

I agree with the few posters who have mentioned we have tons of good JRPGs this year. I'm loving it. Even with the lockdowns I can't beat them all though 🤣
So many games coming in a short period of time right now. It almost feels like the stacked fall release rush.


I'm in Chapter 3 and hooked. The character designs are growing on me, and the first person trust scenes are pretty funny. Overall it's exactly like the old Sakura Wars, just more animated, and I can actually understand more of what is going on.

Like others have said, it's a bit jarring when it goes from voiced dialog to non-voiced. Feels a bit off honestly. Pretty sure the old games had way more voice acting.
They didn't bother to subtitle the dialog that characters say during Koi Koi Wars. I'm sure it's all fluff card playing banter but still.


The nicest person on this forum
Man, so excited to play this once Amazon delivers my copy.

How many chapters are in the game? I've played for a good few hours now but still only on chapter 3; feels like it's much longer than all those "its the shortest sakura game" comments led me to believe. And yer, had like 10 minutes of robot battles since the last comment, this game really is 95% visual novel.

Still loving it, that fucking Ninja girl with her village rules and silly music is a constant source of sensible chuckles :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Trying to stay loyal to my red-haired shrine maiden by turning down the other girls, but it's very easy to end up at the point of no return, where you have no option but to either really upset them or take them out on a date. Maybe my presumption that the game would punish having a harem, Persona style, is unfounded. But I must remain strong (that's what second playthroughs are for).
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The Price of this game in the UK somehow went up!!!

It was hovering at £38/40 before launch...but now it is £42/44.

Not sure why the e-tailers decided to slap another few quid on it as it could deter others from buyibg the game.


Just beat it. Definitely feels kinda short at 7 chapters & a very short 8th chapter finisher. I actually had more fun with Koi-Koi than with the combat...there was only about 6 enemy types not counting re-used model skeletons.

In OG Sakura Wars there were many more bosses and more actual theater shows put on by the troupe. For a "pass the torch" theme I feel like this was kinda a mixed bag. The animation scenes has such a low frame-rate it hurt to look at sometimes. The Kobus looked good but the team attacks were kind of lame compared to earlier entries.

The plot was so plainly telegraphed the entire time it was cringeworthy.
No one ever questions "President G" when he's like "Yep demons attacks are ramping up, lets have all the troupes fight each other, and disband the losers" and no one is like "uh boss, that sounds remarkably evil and stupid. Who put you in charge again exactly?"

The English translation was decent but not great. It was also pretty low effort. They skip translating any onscreen text, even if it's a letter someone is reading but not speaking, and loads of dialog in places has voice with no subtitle.
They don't even give you subs for the opting or ending songs, which would have been nice.

Even with all it's shortcomings , I enjoyed it for what it was. Harem anime with mechs, and some nostalgia. If you've played & enjoyed the previous entries this will be fun for you as well, but I think it will disappoint many 1st timers.

When you beat the game you can do Newgame+ and the bromides you missed will be on the map.
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This seems like a decent time waster if the actual gameplay doesn't become boring after a mission or two.

nvm it seems to only have like 3 hours of actual gameplay the rest is just VN.
Thanks for this as it wasn't discernible and saved me a purchase.
The more I play, the more I'm enjoying it! All the different elements, such as the choices, the hack n slash gameplay, the anime cutscenes, and other stuff like the use of music, blend together to feel like a great anime series! When you finish an arc, it even has a "coming up next in Sakura Wars!" screen that shows a preview of what's to come up next, which really sells the anime feeling of the game. I'm glad I ended up enjoying most of the other elements, since at first I got the game solely based on the combat only. While the combat's good, the other stuff is what kept me hooked and looking forward to beating the whole game. Danjin44 Danjin44 of note to you, the same music composer who composed Gravity Rush composed the music of this game, so certain music should sound really familiar to you if you enjoyed Gravity Rush's music.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I've been on a JRPG binge lately and I love Sakura Wars I just got Trails of Cold Steel 3 too which is also amazing


Darkness no more
I didn't really read up much on this or watch any videos before buying. I was kind of expecting a really low budget Japanese game. To my suprise the graphics and music are actually decent. I'm only on chapter 2 so far, but the story and VN aspects have been good. The combat seems like it is going to be mediocre. For the chapter 1 boss I just spun around him while hitting attack and he never hit me.


This game referenced "porn" by name, isn't this rated teen?

Especially since this is made by people who worked on the Sonic series


Gold Member
I was interested in this series as a young weeb, but never tried the PS2 game and the fact that they switched from strategy to shitty action combat is holding me off from giving this a try out of curiosity... reviews keep saying it's a good entry point but any other thoughts?


I was interested in this series as a young weeb, but never tried the PS2 game and the fact that they switched from strategy to shitty action combat is holding me off from giving this a try out of curiosity... reviews keep saying it's a good entry point but any other thoughts?
It's a good game, you are primarily playing the game for "the dating sim" elements, the uplifting nature, and character interaction, the combat is just basic and really isn't the focus of the game,
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Just finished it and got the best girl's ending Hotsuma :messenger_heart:

I didn't rush the game, it's episodic anime nature made it really easy to dip in for an hour or so each day, which I think is the best way to play it so you don't get too fatigued with all the walking and talking sections.

Overall I thought it was a really solid game, best summed up as an interactive good-tier anime series.

It has decent characters, and whilst the plot rarely transcends beyond typical anime tropes and cliches, it does have twists and turns that are not obvious right from the start, and plenty of strong "pay off" moments towards the end that makes me glad to have completed it.

I'd say around 70% of the game is visual novel style exploration and dialogue, but the mech combat sections are frequent enough and fleshed out enough, that I feel it's a disservice to brand it as just a VN title. If you really like Koi-Koi and the battle training modes I think you could maybe end up with more gameplay here than story sections, but personally, I felt Koi-Koi was pretty fucking random and impenetrable and didn't have much of a desire to play any additional mech combat outside of the story stuff.

If I had to pick negatives, I'd say the mech stuff was very basic; no customisation or unlockables to earn, just some pretty button mashy Musou combat all the way to the end. The mechs are also a bit clunky to move about and not in the "well they are robots so it's intentional" way, so when they started adding more platforming sections in the late-game, I sort of just wanted to get those bits over with.

Koi Koi (which is completely optional) would be my other negative, it's a very old Japanese card-game played by matching sets of Hanafuda cards. Given its history, I presume it must be decent once you get into it. but for westerners, it's so fucking alien and trying to learn which cards form sets seems like far too much effort. It's not like poker where you have obvious card faces like Hearts, Spades etc. This is all obscure "flowers with the moon" compared to "flowers with bird" stuff, so the cards all look too similar to my untrained eyes.

But I'm a hypocrite, I'd moan to fuck if they changed a Japanese classic game just to suit western audiences; so I'm glad it's weird and baffling, but it's a shame I don't have the patience to learn it.

I heard this didn't make the top 40 here in the UK, so less than 1,000 physical copies sold. Fucking harsh, I'd put this in my top 10 PS4 games, and I have a few hundred in my library by this point.

Would strongly recommend this to anybody who loves their anime girls and mechs, there is literally no other game like this on (our) market.
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I heard this didn't make the top 40 here in the UK, so less than 1,000 physical copies sold. Fucking harsh, I'd put this in my top 10 PS4 games, and I have a few hundred in my library by this point.

It didn't help that every e-tailer added £5 to the game after launch!

Honestly, at this point it seems the market wants this game to die for being different. I honestly wanna buy this game but money is tight so I can't, but I at least wanted it to do well but for some stupid reason, the e-tailers decided to get greedy and slap on more money. :(


The nicest person on this forum
Just finished it and got the best girl's ending Hotsuma :messenger_heart:

I didn't rush the game, it's episodic anime nature made it really easy to dip in for an hour or so each day, which I think is the best way to play it so you don't get too fatigued with all the walking and talking sections.

Overall I thought it was a really solid game, best summed up as an interactive good-tier anime series.

It has decent characters, and whilst the plot rarely transcends beyond typical anime tropes and cliches, it does have twists and turns that are not obvious right from the start, and plenty of strong "pay off" moments towards the end that makes me glad to have completed it.

I'd say around 70% of the game is visual novel style exploration and dialogue, but the mech combat sections are frequent enough and fleshed out enough, that I feel it's a disservice to brand it as just a VN title. If you really like Koi-Koi and the battle training modes I think you could maybe end up with more gameplay here than story sections, but personally, I felt Koi-Koi was pretty fucking random and impenetrable and didn't have much of a desire to play any additional mech combat outside of the story stuff.

If I had to pick negatives, I'd say the mech stuff was very basic; no customisation or unlockables to earn, just some pretty button mashy Musou combat all the way to the end. The mechs are also a bit clunky to move about and not in the "well they are robots so it's intentional" way, so when they started adding more platforming sections in the late-game, I sort of just wanted to get those bits over with.

Koi Koi would be my other negative, it's a very old Japanese card-game played by matching sets of Hanafuda cards. Given its history, I presume it must be decent once you get into it. but for westerners, it's so fucking alien and trying to learn which cards form sets seems like far too much effort. It's not like poker where you have obvious card faces like Hearts, Spades etc. This is all obscure "flowers with the moon" compared to "flowers with bird" stuff, so the cards all look too similar to my untrained eyes.

But I'm a hypocrite, I'd moan to fuck if they changed a Japanese classic game just to suit western audiences; so I'm glad it's weird and baffling, but it's a shame I don't have the patience to learn it.

I heard this didn't make the top 40 here in the UK, so less than 1,000 physical copies sold. Fucking harsh, I'd put this in my top 10 PS4 games, and I have a few hundred in my library by this point.

Would strongly recommend this to anybody who loves their anime girls and mechs.
I'm still waiting for Amazon deliver my copy,

it looks like its type of game I'm gonna enjoy.

edit: Im gonna enjoy some Koi Koi
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The nicest person on this forum
This could be some good news for those that enjoyed this latest game and want to see more:

Amazon finally delivered my copy and I’m really having good time so yes this very good news........but the real question is if the next game gonna get localized for west? Because I heard it’s not selling so well here and just like Capcom did with Great Ace Attorney, Saga end up not bother bringing the games here.
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Amazon finally delivered my copy and I’m really having good time so yes this very good news........but the real question is if the next game gonna get localized for west? Because I heard it’s not selling so well here and just like Capcom did with Great Ace Attorney, Saga end up not bother bringing the games here.

As always when talking about sales, one has to factor in expectations too. I doubt Sega expected a massive Western hit with this. Hopefully we'll get a PC, Switch and Xbox port and it will find more of its audience there (especially on Steam, I think).


Does the western version of this allow you to select the language (especially Chinese)? I'm currently playing through the Ace Attorney games in Chinese, and it's good for having fun while getting in some reading practice. This looks like it will be the same (lots of reading involved)


The nicest person on this forum
Does the western version of this allow you to select the language (especially Chinese)? I'm currently playing through the Ace Attorney games in Chinese, and it's good for having fun while getting in some reading practice. This looks like it will be the same (lots of reading involved)
I know Sakura Wars only has Japanese Audio but i didn’t check if it has Chinese or other language other than English for its text but it safe to assume it does have.

Also I hope Saga have realistic exceptions for how much Sakura Wars will sell in west and still release later games in west.
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I know Sakura Wars only has Japanese Audio but i didn’t check if it has Chinese or other language other than English for its text but it safe to assume it does have.

Also I hope Saga have realistic exceptions for how much Sakura Wars will sell in west and still release later games in west.
Hopefully yes for the future. I think that’s why it just subtitles and not dubbed.
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