After using my Galaxy S3 for a few days, I have to say that I'm really happy with my device. Coming from a Windows Phone 7, everything was kind of overwhelming at first but I think I'm slowly getting used to it. I have a few (noob) questions, though. Hopefully, someone can help me out here.
Stock Software:
There are apps on my phone that I don't use and probably never will use. They all seem to be Samsung-branded: '
More Services', '
Samsung Apps',
'S Suggest', and '
Video Hub' are the ones I don't have any use for. I'm not sure if I can uninstall them. When I go into settings and App Info, it usually just shows me that I can 'disable' the app and force it to stop. I'd like to remove them completely but I don't know if that's possible.
Another question regarding uninstalling software. Will it delete everything related to the app? I've downloaded a dictionary app and it asked me to install some kind of library. I did that and after uninstalling the app, the folder with the installed library was still there and I had to delete it manually. I'm afraid that this will lead to me having a lot of space simply wasted.
It's really nice that I can check how much RAM is currently in use. However, I have no idea which of the processes are actually important and which ones just run for the sake of it and take up memory. It shows me that something called
'BroadcomMEMsService' is running but I have absolutely no idea what that thing's doing, why it's running and what started it. Same goes for various other processes.
I know having serivces run in the background makes sure they (re)start quickly but there's no need for that with certain apps. I don't need my
FritzBox App running in the background, for example. It started up pretty fast when I first downloaded it and seeing that something related to the app runs in the background just makes me think 'Go away, you're using my RAM!'
Oh, and what are some good websites when it comes to App recommendations/reviews?
edit: And I just downloaded flash, which works surprisingly well. It's not on the PlayStore anymore, but I found it on Adobe's site. Will flash still work when the update comes out or will that disable flash completely?