Anyone having issues with the Swype Beta on this phone.
Trying to delete words with the 'Back' key is glitchy as FUCK. You'll be deleting a word and half way through it, it'll jump into the previous word half way through. Then rewriting the word fucks everything up even more.
They really need to update this shit ... can't use any other keyboard. Samsung's stock keyboard is a joke and I'm too lazy to look into SwiftKey 3 ... does it have swyping function?
Thought it was only me. I back space and it starts typing a long ass gibberish word. I hav, to start the entire thing all over again. I also trying to type Web addresses is ridiculous also. It types the main part then spaces after the period to start a new word. It's better than the stock board but horseshit compared to my iphone of 2 years. This message was typed with it. I had to redo it about 3 times.