Final post (for tonight) with some more wallpapers
Done up to page 120 of Dead End Thrills. So not much more to go.
Done up to page 120 of Dead End Thrills. So not much more to go.
actually, performance was not a complaint against TouchWiz until now. the GS4 was rushed.
I have a hard time believing that. People said the same thing about the iPhone, but that isn't true either really. It might have a margin less micro stutter, but I'd be surprised if it's going to be that much smoother overall since most of these phones now (Windows, Android or iOS) are all lightning quick. Did you reduce the windows transition scales/durations by half in developer options when you had the S3? A lot of people find iOS quicker, but that's often mainly because the animations with pane transitions are much shorter and snappier in iOS, which you can replicate somewhat in the options.
Unless of course the HTC One is the first phone in the world not to suffer from micro stutter, which I already know is not the case based on video reviews etc. I am curious to try one out now though, I don't mean a demo unit in a store either (these are usually always slower and loaded with crap), but my own.
This is the correct answer.
There should be no reason why the One stutter less than the s4.
I think you are not sensitive to framerates. Which is a good thing for you. While others can really tell there's lag.
There are other reviews from tech sites that mention this this lag does exsist regardless if you believe it or not.
Go try the S4 and One side by side and compare will make the lag more obvious.
You can turn off all the extra functions of the S4, but don't bother doing anything with the One, cause even without doing anything, it will still be smooth.
I've shown multiple people and ask them which one is smoother....and all said the One.
There are reviews that mention stutter for both of these phones. It's not exclusive to the S4.
Can you link the reviews you're thinking of anyway, I'm curious to read them.
Stutter on the One? lol I bet they had power saving on by mistake. Without it it never stutters.
Awesome. Love the space ones.
Edit: Can you do these without the black bar at the top?
There are reviews that mention stutter for both of these phones. It's not exclusive to the S4.
Can you link the reviews you're thinking of anyway, I'm curious to read them.
Lol all phones stutter dude. I repeat, All phones, some less than others. I've seen the One stutter on rare occasion even in certain video reviews.
has anyone rooted there phone yet? I want to do it myself, but do not know if I dare since I never have rooted any of my phones before.
What black bar? >_>
The GS4 is in the 'more than others' category. At least for now...Lol all phones stutter dude. I repeat, All phones, some less than others. I've seen the One stutter on rare occasion even in certain video reviews.
Only the Samsung wallpapers theme the notification bar.I set the orange nebula one as my home screen and I get a black bar at the top where the network signal etc appear.
Final post (for tonight) with some more wallpapers
Done up to page 120 of Dead End Thrills. So not much more to go.
So how trustworthy is Amazon marketplace? Ive found an S4 on there for an acceptable price (factory unlocked). The desceiption says its been opened to check for dead pixels otherwise like new.
So how trustworthy is Amazon marketplace? Ive found an S4 on there for an acceptable price (factory unlocked). The desceiption says its been opened to check for dead pixels otherwise like new.
Here in Canada, they are offering a FREE KINDLE PAPERWHITE if you purchase an SIII
I want that eReader so bad, but I'm still under contract.
I'm leaning towards getting the GS3 now. It's $100 cheaper, and I know it's a solid phone...all these reports on the GS4 stuttering and whatnot make me a little iffy, and the fact that it hasn't even been a year since the GS3, seems rushed.
Knowing the bootloader is unlocked on the GS3 as well (verizon) is a huge bonus.
I'm using both phones, and there's little difference in stuttering. It's a rare occurrence and happens on both phones. Don't read in to the complaints too much, they're mainly from non owners. If you want to see how it performs in real world situations, just watch any of the countless videos of people using the phone online, including video reviews etc. The stuttering issue is being exaggerated by users of competitor handsets. The exact same complaints were lauded against the S3 by iPhone users and we know how that turned out.
As nearly all the reviews mention, this device is one of the fastest out there and the stuttering is very rare and even then lasts less than a split second. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but you'll find its largely a non issue that doesn't hamper speed or use in any way, as the owners on here have stated. Same as with most phones really.
Try and go in to a store, close apps and clear memory, turn off settings you don't need, and then tinker around with it.
Do you think it's worth the extra $100 over the GS3? I just can't shake the Droid X2 vibe from it.
Do you think it's worth the extra $100 over the GS3? I just can't shake the Droid X2 vibe from it.
After a few days with this phone, the only gripe I have with it is that flash no longer works. But I can deal with it since everything is moving from flash anyway. Pretty much everything else about the phone is ideal for me. It even works way better with Neogaf moblile than the Galaxy S2 did. This phone is more powerful, the battery lasts longer, it has better camera options, it crashes less, and is more customizeable. Plus the fucking thing ready my eye movement. Right now Im pretty blown away by it. Im sure the honeymoon will fade but damn if this phone isnt just about perfect to me right now.
Just go grab an old APK!
Can you give instructions on how to do this, or where to download it? I didn't even realise Flash wasn't there, but I haven't really done much browsing beyond GAF and a few tech sites. That's a shame though, a lot of sites still use Flash for videos.
I found an old one on my hard drive, give this a try. You need to make sure you've enabled installing from third party sources.
Cheers dude. Appreciate it.
I set the orange nebula one as my home screen and I get a black bar at the top where the network signal etc appear.
How do I even do that? The image itself is native resolution, do the images need to be tweaked to stop the black bar from happening?
Did a bit of googling, and don't think you can at this point. A few people are working on a tweak. I'll update this thread if I hear more.
You can still get Adobe Flash Player for Android straight from Adobe themselves. It's just not available on Google Play anymore, nor is it being updated. Flash Player for Windows is up to 11.7 now, the last version for Android was 11.1.
(scroll down for Android)
Cheers dude. Appreciate it.
EDIT: Side note, hows everyone doing for battery? I'm on 18h 32m 24s total, with 4.5 hours of screen on time, and pretty intense use (WiFi direct, Group share, videos, camera, whatsapp, Facebook, calls, web browsing etc) and have 29% left. Pretty good I reckon.
You can still get Adobe Flash Player for Android straight from Adobe themselves. It's just not available on Google Play anymore, nor is it being updated. Flash Player for Windows is up to 11.7 now, the last version for Android was 11.1.
(scroll down for Android)
Cheers dude. Appreciate it.
EDIT: Side note, hows everyone doing for battery? I'm on 18h 32m 24s total, with 4.5 hours of screen on time, and pretty intense use (WiFi direct, Group share, videos, camera, whatsapp, Facebook, calls, web browsing etc) and have 29% left. Pretty good I reckon.
I thought once jelly bean launched, any devices that didn't have flash before, wouldn't be able to get them to work without rooting the device?
It sucks because the industry clearly underestimated just how many sites used and still continue to use flash. I'm just glad I was able to get it on my galaxy s3 before I updated and before Adobe stopped supporting it.
Downloaded and installed but can't seem to get it to work. When I select the app to check settings it just loads a blank Web page![]()