MKW: Well I dont know in the next year, but my film plate is getting a little full. I recently booked a role in an upcoming film called SNITCH with The Rock and Susan Sarandon. I am in huge discussions again with QT, as I call him. [Laughs] You might know him better as Quentin Tarantino. We were talking about another role for DJANGO UNCHAINED, and Im getting a lot of heat from this remake of an old film called SPARKLE.
Capone: Oh? Ive heard about this remake actually. With Whitney Houston.
MKW: Im getting a lot of heat from that. So my movie plate is starting to fill up.
Capone: So the Tarantino thing, thats a maybe?
MKW: Im going to dare to say its going to go. Not the lead role
Capone: Well yeah, because its Jamie Foxx, right.
MKW: Jamie Foxx, but from what I understand, he wrote a role for me. So take that Mr. Foxx! [Laughs] Actually it came down to Jamie and I.
Capone: Did it really?
MKW: It came down to Jamie and I for Django, and he was gracious enough to call me and tell me that Jamie was his nigger.
[Both Laugh]
MKW: (In a sad voice) Im not going to be your slave? Im not going to be your house nigger?! [laughs] What a person to lose to. I am really excited to be working with him. Yeah, and Will Smith expressed some interest, but it came down to Jamie Foxx and I, like QT told me this personally out of his mouth over lunch.
Capone: So he wrote this other part for you, because he couldnt cast you as the lead?
MKW: I dont know what his reasons were, but once again, I do not look a gift horse in the mouth.
Capone: Sure. Do you know anything about the part?
MKW: Absolutely not. I cant right now. I do know, but I wont right now.
Capone: Okay. His scripts tend to get out there pretty early on in the process.
MKW: Yeah. I want to let him finish putting his tailoring touch on it, but his people are talking to my people.
Capone: Okay. Thats great. Did he give you any timeline on when shooting starts?
MKW: Yes, Ive been given a timeline. January through April. Ive been given some dates when hes going to want me to work, but I havent gotten the official word yet.
Capone: Yeah, but still a timeline is a good sign.
MKW: We like timelines. Yes, timelines are good.