This is the mindset from which most people, especially older people vote.
...are people just learning this?
I appreciate his honesty. Doesn't make it any less ridiculous though
Are we supposed to be okay with this?
I appreciate his honesty. Doesn't make it any less ridiculous though
Not gonna lie, I voted for him because he's black as well. You seriously expect me to vote for another old white guy? There have been enough of them throughout the history of our nation. And I will vote for him again, this time, because he's been a great President.
Not gonna lie, I voted for him because he's black as well. You seriously expect me to vote for another old white guy? There have been enough of them throughout the history of our nation. And I will vote for him again, this time, because he's been a great President.
celebrity opinions lol
We need to get Ja's take on this.
So did a ton of other people.
People also vote for people because there's a "D" or a "R" next to their name.
So.. did he say a or er?
Yeah, a lot of people probably voted for Obama because he's black. But a lot of people probably voted against him because he's black. It all evens out to me.
Would we be admiring Mel Gibson's honesty if he admitted he only voted for John McCain because he was white?
Would we be admiring Mel Gibson's honesty if he admitted he only voted for John McCain because he was white?
Isn't this kind of the same situation where more attractive guys tend to get elected president?
This is totally understandable...
People don't always voted based on what that person says but what they represent...race, culture, upbringing, state of birth etc...
I would've voted Obama if I was American...based on his race...seeing a non-white president is a milestone worth voting for...
This is totally understandable...
People don't always voted based on what that person says but what they represent...race, culture, upbringing, state of birth etc...
I would've voted Obama if I was American...based on his race...seeing a non-white president is a milestone worth voting for...
This is totally understandable...
People don't always voted based on what that person says but what they represent...race, culture, upbringing, state of birth etc...
I would've voted Obama if I was American...based on his race...seeing a non-white president is a milestone worth voting for...
Romney?If this is true than Obama is going to walk into the white house. Because those R's are an ugly bunch of fuckers.
Not gonna lie, I voted for him because he's black as well. You seriously expect me to vote for another old white guy? There have been enough of them throughout the history of our nation. And I will vote for him again, this time, because he's been a great President.
Meh, I voted for Clinton cause he's white (I was nowhere near old enough to even vote lol).