Bill Clinton's black?
In writing about the impeachment in 1998, Morrison wrote that, since Whitewater, Bill Clinton had been mistreated because of his "Blackness":
Years ago, in the middle of the Whitewater investigation, one heard the first murmurs: white skin notwithstanding, this is our first black President. Blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our childrens lifetime. After all, Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonalds-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas.[16]
The phrase "our first Black president" was adopted as a positive by Bill Clinton supporters. When the Congressional Black Caucus honored the former president at its dinner in Washington D.C. on September 29, 2001, for instance, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), the chair, told the audience that Clinton "took so many initiatives he made us think for a while we had elected the first black president."[17]
In the context of the 2008 Democratic Primary campaign, Morrison stated to Time magazine: "People misunderstood that phrase. I was deploring the way in which President Clinton was being treated, vis-à-vis the sex scandal that was surrounding him. I said he was being treated like a black on the street, already guilty, already a perp. I have no idea what his real instincts are, in terms of race."[18] In the Democratic primary contest for the 2008 presidential race, Morrison endorsed Senator Barack Obama over Senator Hillary Clinton,[19] though expressing admiration and respect for the latter.[20
and then walked down and beat his ass in front of everyone. Disrespectful moupfacca.
and then walked down and beat his ass in front of everyone. Disrespectful moupfacca.
I don't think there's any question that McCain was going to lose. But things like this are the reason a virtual no-name beat out Hilary at the primaries.I can actually see where he's coming from. Actually, I just didn't want to vote for McCaine.
Samuel L. Jackson is a joke character guys, com'n... I mean, he's been in some great movies and is a good actor but he's simply a stereotyped cartoon of his former self now-a-days.
While it's debatable whether that congressman's outburst was "inappropriate", one thing that we all should agree on is that no one's first amendment rights should be infringed upon.
There is nothing debatable about if the outburst was inappropriate... His position should come with respect, Bush got it even after stealing the election..
We need to get Ja's take on this.
Thought Samuel was smarter than this.
There is nothing debatable about if the outburst was inappropriate... His position should come with respect, Bush got it even after stealing the election..
There is nothing debatable about if the outburst was inappropriate... His position should come with respect, Bush got it even after stealing the election..
Right, cause Bush never got a shoe thrown at him or anything.
Hey, nobody's saying he can't say whatever he wants to...but last time I checked, freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from being critiqued (or getting one's ass kicked, but I digress)While it's debatable whether that congressman's outburst was "inappropriate", one thing that we all should agree on is that no one's first amendment rights should be infringed upon.
Yeah I know it's a TMZ link but still
How do you guys feel about this? It's his own personal choice, but I disagree with his point. I really dont think that people vote for candidates that look like them. I would almost go the point of saying that it's a pretty damn dumb reason to vote for someone. I expected better from Jackson.. And whats with the 'some white dude' thing :/
NeoGaf, get a clue.
African Americans have been stripped and handicapped since arriving to this country via enslavement.
Yes blacks voted for Barrack. 40 years ago people were still being lynched.
Yes and voting for someone for their race despite their politics totally fixes that. I find it similar to the African American culture being so heavily associated with a religion that support slavery. It makes sense that slaves would find some stories in the bible to cling to (the Jews exodus and freedom for example), but ignoring the bigger picture of the support of all non-Jew slaves is weird. Then you have the black contingent of Baptists being one of the largest voting groups for prop 8. Discrimination lost on people who were discriminated? None of this is rational or right, but it's understandable.
Yes and voting for someone for their race despite their politics totally fixes that. I find it similar to the African American culture being so heavily associated with a religion that support slavery. It makes sense that slaves would find some stories in the bible to cling to (the Jews exodus and freedom for example), but ignoring the bigger picture of the support of all non-Jew slaves is weird. Then you have the black contingent of Baptists being one of the largest voting groups for prop 8. Discrimination lost on people who were discriminated? None of this is rational or right, but it's understandable.
Yes and voting for someone for their race despite their politics totally fixes that. It doesn't surprise me, but that doesn't make it right or smart.
Yes and voting for someone for their race despite their politics totally fixes that. I find it similar to the African American culture being so heavily associated with a religion that support slavery. It makes sense that slaves would find some stories in the bible to cling to (the Jews exodus and freedom for example), but ignoring the bigger picture of the support of all non-Jew slaves is weird. Then you have the black contingent of Baptists being one of the largest voting groups for prop 8. Discrimination lost on people who were discriminated? None of this is rational or right, but it's understandable.
By his own citizens and elected officials?
I think it was more about the fact that they criticized a Republican president and the majority of the country music community(not all of it) are Republicans.Didn't the Dixie Chicks get their career ruined by criticizing the President?
Oh, that's how you guys wanna play it then? Fine.
Two words: Dixie Chicks.
I didn't know the Dixie Chicks held rallies where they hung Bush in effigy.
Obama is the most disrespected president ever. The way some people say his name I can't help but hear the n word.
I'm fairly certain Blackace was not arguing that Bush was respected by every single person in the entire world.Right, cause Bush never got a shoe thrown at him or anything.
I'm fairly certain Blackace was not arguing that Bush was respected by every single person in the entire world.
Oh you know that won't be forgotten.Goddamn I thought we were over "black people passed prop 8 ".
If that's your interpretation of his statement, then sure.
there was one other in US history but of course they didn't have Fox news blasting him off too...
I'm fairly certain Blackace was not arguing that Bush was respected by every single person in the entire world.