How on earth do I have a "startling lack of empathy"? Do I care about LGBT rights? OF COURSE I do. I just feel that separating your group like that reinforces the notion that being gay makes you different, or even not normal or something. It's bullshit. I'm honestly sick and tired of a society that when it doesn't condemn it points and looks at anyone that is slightly different.
You make a good point. I guess I want and expect for things to move faster so anything that stands in the way is imo a problem even if it helps some people at the same time. Different POV's I guess, I agree with your post but I still think that separating your group from the rest doesn't help.
You're the one separating the group by using "you" language instead of "we" language, thinking that you're not invited or welcome, and trying to dictate how "they" can behave and what reasons "they" might have or not have for a convention.
I mean, literally you have a group saying "We want to be heard", and you're saying "Don't worry, I'm speaking for you, and everything you have to say has been said, you're on my team" and they're saying "Wait, no, there's stuff we want to say and do!" and you're saying "Look, if you keep talking, it's just going to put distance between my team and you". How crazy does that sound? Great, you're not saying "Fuck off, no one wants to hear you". Congratulations. No one is accusing you of that. But that's not the only way you can make someone feel unwelcome.
Organizers: We think there's a lot of value to a convention geared towards gay gamers
You: No there isn't
Them: We think we have some unique stuff to talk about
You: No you don't, you're not that different
Them: We don't feel 100% fully safe elsewhere and we want a safe spot
You: You are 100% fully self elsewhere, how you feel is not relevant to reality
Them: It feels like you're not on our side
You: Of course I am, I'm no homophobe, I only want what's best for you and I'm frustrated that society doesn't have it.
Them: We didn't say you were a homophobe, just that this would be a good start, this one little place, this one little moment
You: It just seems like you're calling attention to yourself
I'm not putting words in your mouth here, these are the things you're saying repeated almost verbatim. You're saying them to an invisible, inaudible voice. And they're invisible and inaudible because you aren't listening.