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San Fran. Hosts GAYMERX, The World's First Gay Video Gamer Convention Last Weekend


Mod power abuse:

If you're about to pop into the thread to let us know that you think a Gay Gamer con is [pointless/stupid/offensive/self-segregation], or that gosh, wouldn't a Straight Gamer con get everyone up in arms so why is this ok, or lol why not a Hispanic Gamer con or a Farmer Gamer con or whatever, please first read this post:

I was not incorrect. This is a problem caused by the host being backwards and not the Olympic games in general.

Don't you think that in life, people who are gay run into situations that make them feel hurt, hated, alienated, physically threatened, or second-class citizens? That's why there are LBGT groups and events. To give them a safe space where they can be sure that stuff doesn't happen. These events are not closed--you can attend, provided you are a friend of the values of the organization organizing them.

It's like any other minority organization. They don't have jewish groups to hate you for your religion, they have jewish groups to have a safe space filled with friends. They don't have black history month to argue that white people suck and contribute nothing, they have black history month to call attention to some of the contributions of people of colour that went unnoticed. They don't have take back to the night to make men feel threatened, they have take back the night so that women don't have to be threatened.

The reason why I made the first post is that I'm mindboggled anyone would make a post like your first post. You have gay friends? No shit. Everyone on earth has gay friends. And it's because you have gay friends that you should momentarily stop and say "Wait a minute, what if I'm reading this the wrong way?". And ask them. Ask them what it's like to live their life. And listen to them. There's plenty of people with black friends who cross the road when they see a stranger who is a person of colour, it doesn't mean their logic becomes bulletproof because they couldn't possibly racist. Racism, homophobia, and sexism aren't cartoon villains tying people to train tracks, they're mostly very banal and everyday, they're all the small ways that we marginalize others.

Even if you're a nice guy who is friendly to everyone and makes a lot of friends and considers himself empathetic, that doesn't mean you understand in any way the minority experience.

A gay olympics exists because, although the Olympics is intended to be inclusive, there are many ways where it and all other form of sport fall short. We're seeing a wide and systemic movement in American professional sport--by the way, there are literally 0 openly gay players in most American leagues, and fewer than a dozen in all of them; either you can conclude that gays suck at sports, or you can conclude that athletes don't feel comfortable coming out--to try to fight back against the homophobia, homophobic epithets, and cruelty hurled at gays. That amateur sport would want the same sort of safe space, especially and most importantly in light of the fact that the Olympics is taking place in an openly homophobic country that is rapidly backsliding and tacitly encouraging violence against gays, is not a surprise or an exclusion.

You are welcome to join your brothers and sisters in pride. Pride about who they are. Pride about who everyone can be. Mutual love and respect, humanity, and true empathy. Those are the values that drive Gay Olympics, Pride Week, GAYMERX, and every other safe space carved out for minorities anyway.

And that's why "Boy, those minorities sure are uppity? Won't they shut up about how bad they've got it?" comes off as cruel and inconsiderate.

My thoughts exactly. There is already enough exclusionary crap in the world without segregating our hobby this way. If this is a convention to celebrate gaming why label it this way.

Because when they hold a video game convention, Johnny CoD shows up and calls them faggots because they look the wrong way or because they aren't playing enough or just because. Because they want to wear what they want to wear, be who they are, and act the way they are, without worrying about how their identity bothers people. Because they want to have their husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends there with them without getting sideways glances, rude stares, or heckled.

And if you're saying "Yes, but I'd never call somebody a faggot! That's so mean!" then why don't you go to GAYMERX, have a good time being around likeminded kind people, and not worry about the fact that you're a straight man standing under a rainbow banner. You're not unwelcome. You're not segregated. Go where you please. It doesn't make you less straight. It doesn't make it less OK to be straight. You are who you are. No one minds one bit.

P.S. When you do attend, and there's a panel about gay characters in gaming, please don't show up so you can say "There aren't many gay characters because <most people aren't gay / gaming is a business and it should cater to the majority / who would want to play as a gay character / authors shouldn't be forced to be fake diverse / who cares you can have gay sex in BioWare games so what are you even complaining about?>". Have an open mind. These are people speaking their heart about the pain they feel on a daily basis. They want you to be kind and to care and to empathize. They don't want you to remind them why they don't open their mouth to begin with.

And now consider whether what you wanted to say actually adds to the conversation in any way, or whether it has maybe been addressed several dozen times in the many pages of this thread.

Love and Kisses,


Original OP:

Goes off without a hitch, I guess.

Last weekend hundreds of gay video gamers, or "gaymers", descended upon the Kabuki Hotel in San Francisco to attend the first ever convention created just for them: GaymerX, neé GaymerCon. The brainchild of Matt Conn, GaymerX was created so that there would be "a space where all gamers and queer geeks can come together in a welcoming and safe space." The project's Kickstarter received over triple its goal funding of $25,000 and had over 1,500 backers.

The event took over two floors of the hotel with vendor tables from companies large and small, and a weekend schedule was filled with panels and parties. Guests of honor, or "bosses" as they were dubbed, counted among them transgender designer and activist Anna Anthropy, Drag Race contestant Pandora Boxx (who debuted as Batman's Harly Quinn), and voice actress Ellen McClain who is best known for her role as GLaDOS, the malevolent AI from Valve's Portal series.

The highlight of the weekend came during the Saturday panel entitled "Voice Acting 101," hosted by Ellen and her husband John Patrick Lowrie (The Sniper, Team Fortress 2). At one point Ellen conducted a sing-along for Portal's ending theme, "Still Alive," and then took things in an unanticipated direction. I don't want to spoil the surprise, so you can see a video of the event courtesy of GayGamer.net ... AFTER THE JUMP...

A link to the source.

Link to the "Still Alive" singalong mentioned by thearticle.

And GayGamer.net covered the event. There's a couple of recaps and an interview with Pandora Boxx on the first page of the blog.


I don't understand why gamers that happen to be gay would want to go to this. Why not just hold a video gamer convention?


I'm just gonna go out on a limb and guess

a) They don't want to listen to 15-year-old straight convention goers talking about how everything is 'so ghey'
b) They want to meet likeminded people (possibly hook up? - NOTE: doesn't mean I believe gay people are always on the lookout for sex etc)

Aren't there a lot of gay gamers on GAF? Maybe someone went there.


OO i think there should be a sassy gaymer thread full of overly sexual gay puns and double entendres

"i'll play with YOUR joystick"

"Plug and play THIS"

etc etc.

But hey there is already a place for gaymers, it's called MLP forums.
I don't understand why gamers that happen to be gay would want to go to this. Why not just hold a video gamer convention?
This is my thoughts as well. Was this really needed? I've never heard of any gay bashing at video events before; generally people of all walks of life attend and let their hair down. Eh, whatever; good for them. Hope it was a cool event.
Seriously. I guess I can see where they are coming from, but is something specific like this really necessary?

Why the fuck not?

Most gaming conventions are mostly straight white dudes anyway, maybe make one geared toward a different type of people might bring out... more types of people.


They talked about this on the latest Insert Credit Podcast (Leigh Alexander was a guest) and even though no one on the panel went to the convention they had some interesting things to say about the importance of something like this.

Link (It's the first topic)


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, does this make every other gaming convention a "straight" convention or something? I...I don't get it.

Giygas AF

Yeah I don't understand the appeal of events like this as well. I guess to each his own, but aren't game conventions supposed to be about game fans of all types? Seems silly that people need to create niche events like this when they should be going to the main ones and getting out there. Just my feelings on it, but either way not any of my business lol.


Unconfirmed Member
This is my thoughts as well. Was this really needed? I've never heard of any gay bashing at video events before; generally people of all walks of life attend and let their hair down. Eh, whatever; good for them. Hope it was a cool event.
I've been to plenty of conventions and they're certainly... more accepting but I can understand wanting to hold a convention like this.

Seems silly that people need to create niche events like this...
Maybe when people aren't a bunch of shitty assholes there won't need to be niche events. I don't see any hope of that any time soon, so I hope there's more niche events like this.


So, does this make every other gaming convention a "straight" convention or something? I...I don't get it.

I don't think conventions have to be one or the other. It's not like every E3 is "not PAX." It's just a video game convention with a different focus/theme. The focus/theme just happens to be related to sexuality. Don't see any problems there.
I think most posters' inability to understand why gay gamers might want something like this illustrates the need for it. There are people who would like to enjoy the things they enjoy, in a setting that makes them more comfortable, or at least doesn't make them uncomfortable.

Do you have a problem with the idea?


Lol, do gay people smell better or something?

Assuming the younger end of the "average" gamer spectrum is probably 14-18 and male... yes.

Have you never been, or raised, a teenage boy? Lynx/Axe can only cover /so/ many sins against fresh air.


i don't understand what you guys are saying. this WAS a video gamer convention. it just had a theme. it's not like straight people would not be allowed to attend.

Exactly. If you were a Catholic, you would go to a Catholic service, not a mosque or synagogue. You want to share your beliefs and feelings with people that have similar beliefs and feelings. You could still go to either of those if you choose, just most wouldn't.
As someone who has gay friends and lives in a very gay-friendly city, it's still kinda hard to meet like minded people who aren't just looking to hook up. This is a perfect event to share interests and potentially meet someone.

Don't hate. A lot of that we do in life is tied to our romantic life and creating meaningful relationships with like-minded people.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You know, the mere fact that a specifically gay-friendly gaming convention happened is probably pissing off a bunch of toxic, insecure 15-30 year old gamers somewhere across the internet as we speak.

Probably makes it all worth it.


hide your water-based mammals
You know, the mere fact that a specifically gay-friendly gaming convention happened is probably pissing off a bunch of toxic, insecure 15-30 year old gamers somewhere across the internet as we speak.

Probably makes it all worth it.

Let's just make a convention for only straight people then to even things out.

Power to them but this is really not necessary.


Let's just make a convention for only straight people then to even things out.

Power to them but this is really not necessary.

Is any gaming convention necessary?

For any current gen game, they could simply release a demo. Press releases, twitter, FB and other social media should cover news and announcements. Besides giving an opportunity to maybe play next gen stuff, what is the point?


Let's just make a convention for only straight people then to even things out.
This was not a convention for only gay people. Everyone was invited. If you want to make a convention that's aimed at straight people "to even things out", go ahead.

OH WAIT that's already every convention ever.
I don't understand why gamers that happen to be gay would want to go to this. Why not just hold a video gamer convention?

Because gay people get discriminated against or overlooked within this industry. I'm assuming the success of such convention will raise these kind of serious issues more.


Power to them but this is really not necessary.

You're right that it technically isn't "necessary" but which game con is necessary?

If people showed up to this then there must have been at least some demand for it which means it must serve some purpose.


Unconfirmed Member
This was not a convention for only gay people. Everyone was invited.

If you want to make a convention that's aimed at straight people "to even things out", go ahead. OH WAIT that's already every convention ever.


Let's just make a convention for only straight people then to even things out.

Power to them but this is really not necessary.

You should get on that. I'm sure straight people face so much oppression these days that they need the solidarity.

...Or you could stop being willfully ignorant and making false equivalencies. That'd be wicked sweet.
As someone who has gay friends and lives in a very gay-friendly city, it's still kinda hard to meet like minded people who aren't just looking to hook up. This is a perfect event to share interests and potentially meet someone.

Don't hate. A lot of that we do in life is tied to our romantic life and creating meaningful relationships with like-minded people.

Nailed it. Thanks!


I am really not sure why anyone would care if gay gamers hosted a convention. Why does it matter to you?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Let's just make a convention for only straight people then to even things out.

Already exist.



Take your pick!


hide your water-based mammals
Is any gaming convention necessary?

For any current gen game, they could simply release a demo. Press releases, twitter, FB and other social media should cover news and announcements. Besides giving an opportunity to maybe play next gen stuff, what is the point?
If it's something like Gamescm, count me in.

You're right that it technically isn't "necessary" but which game con is necessary?

If people showed up to this then there must have been at least some demand for it which means it must serve some purpose.
Sure, but let's see what the reaction is if there was a straight only gaming convention.

You should get on that. I'm sure straight people face so much oppression these days that they need the solidarity.

...Or you could stop being willfully ignorant and making false equivalencies. That'd be wicked sweet.

The ignorance comes from your passive aggressive policing.

Already exist.


Take your pick!

These two are really straight only? I'm surprised.


I never understood the term Gaymer. Like, why aren't they just gamers? I didn't know being a gamer meant you're heterosexual.
I think it's similar to females that play games being labelled "girl gamers" instead of just gamers. People feel the need to differentiate them (and by extension, make the affected person feel the need to differentiate themselves) and their identity from the majority of the group.

On a sidenote, I personally dislike the term gaymer. Such a lame pun.


Like I said, I see where the mind set comes from to hold something like this, but when ever I'm at E3, comicon's gaming lounges, or the gaming thing that goes on in toronto, I never get a sense that anyone isn't free to be themselves.

I guess just from growing up in Los Angeles and Hollywood I assume half the people are gay anyway and its just the norm. I get that Esports are the worst thing known to man as far as non violent human behavior goes, but I just don't... Well for lack of better words I guess I see it like an orginazation trying to help the "poor excluded" gay gaming community from something that was a non issue. Again maybe it is a big issue and I just never noticed it outside of the online insults and slurs.


If it's something like Gamescm, count me in.

Sure, but let's see what the reaction is if there was a straight only gaming convention.

The ignorance comes from your passive aggressive policing.

These two are really straight only? I'm surprised.
Again, your mistake lies in thinking that this convention was for gay people only. It was not, gamers of every sexual orientation were invited (though it was themed to appeal to those of a specific sexual orientation - much like every other gaming convention is).


I'm just gonna go out on a limb and guess

a) They don't want to listen to 15-year-old straight convention goers talking about how everything is 'so ghey'
b) They want to meet likeminded people (possibly hook up?)

Aren't there a lot of gay gamers on GAF? Maybe someone went there.

Sounds about right. Finding a more safe place is always great, and then there's the benefit of meeting other gay people with similar hobbies, which is actually pretty difficult to do.

But hey there is already a place for gaymers, it's called MLP forums.

What? I hope you're not serious. edit: Looks like he was banned for this post. Good.

So, does this make every other gaming convention a "straight" convention or something? I...I don't get it.

Let's just make a convention for only straight people then to even things out.

Power to them but this is really not necessary.

Both of these comments are stupid as hell, but I hoping it's more born out of ignorance than hate. First, you don't determine if a convention is necessary, especially if you're not part of that minority. Second, every gaming convention is a 'straight' convention because that's the norm. You don't cater to minorities in conventions unless the conventions are specifically for those minorities. You can't make a 'straight' convention because they already are.

It's like saying you should have a straight pride parade because gays get a gay pride parade.


How can you NOT understand why gay gamers would want a video game convention tailored to their preferences? Video game conventions have an overwhelming amount of straight male focused entertainment: booth babes, boobs, more boobs, talking about babes and boobs. This gives the gay gamers a chance to talk about the things they want to talk about in a safe environment: Batman's pecs, Batman's package, what Superman is packing, who tops: Flash or Robin, things like that. I think this is a great idea, and doesn't in anyway take away the importance of any other gaming related conference.
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