OO i think there should be a sassy gaymer thread full of overly sexual gay puns and double entendres
"i'll play with YOUR joystick"
"Plug and play THIS"
etc etc.
But hey there is already a place for gaymers, it's called MLP forums.
I don't understand why gamers that happen to be gay would want to go to this. Why not just hold a video gamer convention?
Seriously. I guess I can see where they are coming from, but is something specific like this really necessary?
Juniors... one of which was banned:
Let me ask you: Are you gay? I'm wagering no, by your befuddlement. So I'll answer pretty bluntly: You probably wouldn't understand why they do an event like this and I'm not going to take the time to debate to hem and haw with you about this because frankly I doubt I or GAyF would educate you on this.
But short hint: "Straight" gamers can be assholes and having an event strictly for gay men/women that game can be good as both a meeting (whole point of cons) and "agenda"/focus for the con.