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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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There has to be a desperate person like Fiorina on the left somewhere.



Neo Member
First point, it's still a dirty word to most americans but okay.

Second point, less people have voted this primary than in the 2008 ones, who are these new people he got involved in politics?

Third point, oh no corruption at some level of government, what a novel idea. What he did was call the entire political process corrupt, which is dumb as hell.

Can you refute his claim and elbaorate on why the political system isn't corrupt at the root level? What do you call politicians receiving campaigns donation from lobbyists that they then pass legislations related to the agenda of the lobbyists? What do you call the duopoly stranglehold the two parties have in deciding who becomes out next president?What makes his claim "dumb as hell"?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I can't believe I liked this guy when this entire thing started...keep it about the policies Bernie, and if you lose, you lose. Influence the conversation and platform with your delegates. Don't be an asshat or make enemies.

Way way too late for that...


Thats bad news for you actually, not me lol. I already live in a country where everything that bernie is fighting for is happening. Although it would be nice to get free college education. I'm even willing to pay more taxes for that, :)


Just seems odd that you'd use "But then progressive change will take a long time!" as an argument when that's going to be the reality regardless of who gets elected.


Can you refute his claim and elbaorate on why the political system isn't corrupt at the root level? What do you call politicians receiving campaigns donation from lobbyists that they then pass legislations related to the agenda of the lobbyists? What do you call the duopoly stranglehold the two parties have in deciding who becomes out next president?What makes his claim "dumb as hell"?

And Bernie still has been complicit in taking lobbying.


Can you refute his claim and elbaorate on why the political system isn't corrupt at the root level? What do you call politicians receiving campaigns donation from lobbyists that they then pass legislations related to the agenda of the lobbyists? What do you call the duopoly stranglehold the two parties have in deciding who becomes out next president? What makes his claim "dumb as hell"?
Something that is inherent in the way our government functions.

The closest any third party has gotten was Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive Party, and that was still a blowout. You just will not see a viable third party ever run for President, or hell, have any sort of real presence in Congress.


You know what?

Fuck Bernie Sanders.

I say this knowing my political views currently align slightly more with his than with the other candidates in this election.

I have come all the way from my original position of "this guy is pushing hard for a lot of good things, but is probably unelectable", and now I'm of the opinion that Sanders is a fucking garbage candidate. His campaign is a fucking dumpster fire. He comes across as someone who has come to completely believe the over-the-top hype his most strident and unreasonable supporters have been spewing over the course of the campaign. He comes across as petty and small-minded, like he has no perspective and would rather burn the whole party down if he can't have the nomination. He has become the Trump of the Democratic party. He is literally using Tea Party obstructionist tactics.

He's an asshole.
Please...not everyone buys into his born-again BS even if some found it genuine or politically convenient to stand right next to him as an example of such. But that's not the point anyway yet you keep trying to wash Hillary's hands. Like, the record is out there who cares.

Maybe I am missing something. Is there a big controversy about Hillary and Robert Byrd going on? Google shows me rightwing and Bernie sites freaking out about her praising him after he died. I'm not trying to wash her hands because I wasn't aware Byrdgate was even a thing.


Maybe I am missing something. Is there a big controversy about Hillary and Robert Byrd going on? Google shows me rightwing and Bernie sites freaking out about her praising him after he died. I'm not trying to wash her hands because I wasn't aware Byrdgate was even a thing.

You'll hear it soon enough and hopefully by then it doesn't catch you off-guard. It's a Trump card.
You know what?

Fuck Bernie Sanders.

I say this knowing my political views currently align slightly more with his than with the other candidates in this election.

I have come all the way from my original position of "this guy is pushing hard for a lot of good things, but is probably unelectable", and now I'm of the opinion that Sanders is a fucking garbage candidate. His campaign is a fucking dumpster fire. He comes across as someone who has come to completely believe the over-the-top hype his most strident and unreasonable supporters have been spewing over the course of the campaign. He comes across as petty and small-minded, like he has no perspective and would rather burn the whole party down if he can't have the nomination. He has become the Trump of the Democratic party. He is literally using Tea Party obstructionist tactics.

He's an asshole.

Bernie Sanders has become a Bernie Bro.

Can you refute his claim and elbaorate on why the political system isn't corrupt at the root level? What do you call politicians receiving campaigns donation from lobbyists that they then pass legislations related to the agenda of the lobbyists? What do you call the duopoly stranglehold the two parties have in deciding who becomes out next president?What makes his claim "dumb as hell"?
The duopoly is enshrined is the constitution. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it corruption.

Same with campaign contributions. The act of giving someone money isn't corruption by definition.
Oh wow how did I miss this thread?

Yeaaaaah Bernie, fuck off to be this cycles Ron Paul and a footnote in history already. You lost.

All respect I had for the man is gone.


You know what?

Fuck Bernie Sanders.

I say this knowing my political views currently align slightly more with his than with the other candidates in this election.

I have come all the way from my original position of "this guy is pushing hard for a lot of good things, but is probably unelectable", and now I'm of the opinion that Sanders is a fucking garbage candidate. His campaign is a fucking dumpster fire. He comes across as someone who has come to completely believe the over-the-top hype his most strident and unreasonable supporters have been spewing over the course of the campaign. He comes across as petty and small-minded, like he has no perspective and would rather burn the whole party down if he can't have the nomination. He has become the Trump of the Democratic party. He is literally using Tea Party obstructionist tactics.

He's an asshole.

How would anything in the OP burn the entire democratic party down? Trump of the democratic party? I mean really? Can you post some quotes here from sanders that show his similarities to trump saying the things he says about muslims, minorities, women etc? I know that the vast majority of people on GAF hate sanders but why post something so hyperbolic?


Neo Member
Something that is inherent in the way our government functions.

The closest any third party has gotten was Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive Party, and that was still a blowout.
Just cause its inherent doesn't make it right. For the confederates, slavery was inherent and a necessity. Our founding fathers themselves were against our government falling into a two party system.


Just cause its inherent doesn't make it right. For the confederates, slavery was inherent and a necessity. Our founding fathers themselves were against our government falling into a two party system.

My god the delusion is next level here.

The lack of a third party/voting system compared to slavery.

And here I thought I'd seen it all in these fustercluck threads.

That's next fucking level.


Just cause its inherent doesn't make it right. For the confederates, slavery was inherent and a necessity. Our founding fathers themselves were against our government falling into a two party system.
The Confederacy was fucking obliterated by one of the bloodiest wars in our nation's history.
Even if we didn't have a government structure that made a two-party system a necessity, we'd really just see the different wings of each party split into more focused groups that would then have to form coalitions and work together the way they currently do, it would be similar to primary politics except less unified since groups wouldn't have the same leadership. It's not completely flawed but it's not like having four parties would magically make our representatives more progressive, just that the progressives would have their own label and would have to work with the moderate left party formed by the rest of the democrats.
Even if we didn't have a government structure that made a two-party system a necessity, we'd really just see the different wings of each party split into more focused groups that would then have to form coalitions and work together the way they currently do, it would be similar to primary politics except less unified since groups wouldn't have the same leadership. It's not completely flawed but it's not like having four parties would magically make our representatives more progressive, just that the progressives would have their own label and would have to work with the moderate left party formed by the rest of the democrats.

I mean we really have like 5-6 parties that just form coalitions to begin with.

That's what the GOP and Dems are. Coalitions.


I think Sanders is going to miss the big crowds and having to go back to Vermont. In the beginning be probably didn't think he had a chance. Once he started getting huge enthusiastic crowds and winning states, he mistakenly thought he had a chance. Plus he is enjoying the attention I'm sure. The guy is 74 and gets crowds like rock stars.

Honestly, he waited too long to go scorched Earth. He was playing nice in the beginning, and even gave Hillary a pass on the emails.(granted, less on an issue for Democrats of course. If he wanted to do a Trump and go hard at his primary opponents, he shouldn't have waited so long.



Dead serious. I like the message, but not the self-centered, thin-skinned messenger. I've been really torn by this for the entire primary cycle. I've always thought that Bernie's message was largely on point and that he was bringing up things that a lot of us on the left care about. However, I found it obvious early on that the guy was out of his league. Now, I'm not just convinced of that, I'm convinced that he lacks the temperament or competency to be President. Hillary has her issues, but I support her enthusiastically because she believes in nearly all of the same things, yet has the competence and understanding of the need for incrementalism necessary to get things done.

I really hope that when 2024 rolls around that the party can find someone with Bernie's ideals, without his baggage. His message needs to stay out there, but we need a better messenger.
You know what?

Fuck Bernie Sanders.

I say this knowing my political views currently align slightly more with his than with the other candidates in this election.

I have come all the way from my original position of "this guy is pushing hard for a lot of good things, but is probably unelectable", and now I'm of the opinion that Sanders is a fucking garbage candidate. His campaign is a fucking dumpster fire. He comes across as someone who has come to completely believe the over-the-top hype his most strident and unreasonable supporters have been spewing over the course of the campaign. He comes across as petty and small-minded, like he has no perspective and would rather burn the whole party down if he can't have the nomination. He has become the Trump of the Democratic party. He is literally using Tea Party obstructionist tactics.

He's an asshole.

Yep. Between this and his calling LGBT activists who have done more actual work than he ever has "corrupt", he's lost a supporter.

Not the first L he's taken even this week, not the last L he'll take this week or ever. All he seems to know how to do honestly.


Neo Member
The duopoly is enshrined is the constitution. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it corruption.

Same with campaign contributions. The act of giving someone money isn't corruption by definition.

There is no language in the US. Constitution that mentions, much less creates, political parties.


No, it's not, because those of us who were around when he was alive know exactly who he was and why it doesn't matter.

Well the error in your judgement is not that you believe to know the truth but that you think every voter out there is as informed as you or would think and rationalize just as you do. Trump preys and feast on low information voters. Knowing his ways, he would probably name drop it if Hillary dares to go on him for failing to denounce David Duke at a debate. He might make it a bigger thing if he sees fit...

Dead serious. I like the message, but not the self-centered, thin-skinned messenger. I've been really torn by this for the entire primary cycle. I've always thought that Bernie's message was largely on point and that he was bringing up things that a lot of us on the left care about. However, I found it obvious early on that the guy was out of his league. Now, I'm not just convinced of that, I'm convinced that he lacks the temperament or competency to be President. Hillary has her issues, but I support her enthusiastically because she believes in nearly all of the same things, yet has the competence and understanding of the need for incrementalism necessary to get things done.

I really hope that when 2024 rolls around that the party can find someone with Bernie's ideals, without his baggage. His message needs to stay out there, but we need a better messenger.

Ohh well. Then it's a poor rationalized post in my view. There is no politician in Washington with less baggage espousing his ideals with his kind of record.


I don`t know if he would endorse Hillary. They have very different world views. To be honest I think a lot is owed to Bernie this election cycle, first of all for making `socialist`not so much of a dirty word. Second of all, getting more people involved in politics. And lastly, being able to call out the corruption in government. I mean even if you are a diehard Hillary fan, you cannot deny there is corruption on some level.

Who was unaware of corruption? Well duh. Of course there's corruption, layer, upon layer, upon layer of it.

It's been said many times but how are Bernie's policy ideas revolutionary? Or that they are so special that they must protected at all costs, lest they be forgotten.

I mean I am starting to feel like Bernie supporters haven't been paying attention for quite a long time if it seems that Bernie is suddenly pulling back the veil of secrecy on the mysteries of socialism for the first time.

Maybe it's I who hasn't been paying attention since I just assumed all this was common knowledge at this point. I guess looking at Bernie with fresh eyes makes a difference.

You do what you can. I'd prefer third term Obama but I'll settle with any D at this point.

I take that back, I'm actually comfortable with Hillary, mistakes and all. She damn sure has more experience than Trump. I'll take the person who been in the shit, made the mistakes, and actually had to make decisions over some pandering blowhard that'll probably fold under the pressure. Trump's too soft for the office, I give him a week before he's whining like a little bitch.

I'll take cast-iron Hillary over the sad sack Bernie and that limp noodle Trump.
There is no language in the US. Constitution that mentions, much less creates, political parties.

Our political system is inherently designed for a plurality. Just because it's not outright stated doesn't make it any less...

Know what. Fuck it. This isn't worth it.

Dude. You're wrong and what you're saying right now is fucking wrong on so many levels I wouldn't even know where to start.
I mean we really have like 5-6 parties that just form coalitions to begin with.

That's what the GOP and Dems are. Coalitions.
Yeah, this is my point. We have two parties to represent a wide variety of viewpoints that join together because they share basic goals. We just do it inside the party instead of having multiple parties have to work together on the outside.


The craziest thing is with every additional Sanders story, Hillary remains silent. I mean, the obvious reasons are that she doesn't want to waste time pretending she's still in a primary and also not alienate his voters.

But man, the patience needed to not just attack him on all of this stuff is crazy high.


The same Byrd who made racist comments even late in his life in the year 2001?

You mean the one he immediately apologized for, citing being behind in social cadence?

Not long after that, the NAACP looked into his recent voting records and found him to vote in the favor of minorities and the NAACP's standards at a rate of 100%, to which he was one of a very small number of those evaluated.
The craziest thing is with every additional Sanders story, Hillary remains silent. I mean, the obvious reasons are that she doesn't want to waste time pretending she's still in a primary and also not alienate his voters.

But man, the patience needed to not just attack him on all of this stuff is crazy high.

Oh my god if this was a competitive Primary right now.

The sheer levels of absolute utter destruction that would ensue.


The craziest thing is with every additional Sanders story, Hillary remains silent. I mean, the obvious reasons are that she doesn't want to waste time pretending she's still in a primary and also not alienate his voters.

But man, the patience needed to not just attack him on all of this stuff is crazy high.

No need to bury him when he's more than happy to bury himself.
There is no language in the US. Constitution that mentions, much less creates, political parties.
Not relevant to my statement.

The constitution creates single member districts as well as the electoral college. Both of which directly create a duopoly.

You show a stunning lack of knowledge about the Constitution.
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