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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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I changed my mind to voting for Clinton about a week before the caucus. I'm glad I can now tell my theoretical future children that I voted for the first woman to be president instead of that sack of shit.

Here's the clip from the show.

Starts at 5:32

You can tell that Maddow who has been at least relatively kind to Sanders if not supporting him early on has soured so significantly on him.

She's a professional but imo you can feel the disgust she has for what's going.
Haven't been through the entire thread, but here's some of Barney Frank on Bernie:


I am disappointed by the voters who say, “OK I’m just going to show you how angry I am!” And I’m particularly unimpressed with people who sat out the Congressional elections of 2010 and 2014 and then are angry at Democrats because we haven’t been able to produce public policies they like. They contributed to the public policy problems and now they are blaming other people for their own failure to vote, and then it’s like, “Oh look at this terrible system,” but it was their voting behavior that brought it about.

So it seems like you’re saying Bernie’s voters have a slightly unrealistic sense about the political process. And that this is driven—

I didn’t say slightly.


I think that part of the argument that people like Sanders would make is that, the financial system is corrupt fundamentally and that we don’t want to merely make it slightly more stable—

Well if that’s the case it’s even dumber than I thought. The financial system is people lending money to other people so they can do things. I do think that he overstates it when he says, “they’re all corrupt.” It’s simply not true. And by the way, when it comes to specifics, the only specific I have heard is Glass-Steagall, which makes very little change in the finance system.

I think he gets a pass from the media. Other than Glass-Steagall, what did he propose in 2009 and 2010 when he was a senator when we were dealing with this? The answer is nothing. Why haven’t you looked at his record?


Do you think she should release her Wall Street speeches?

Yeah, but I don’t think anybody is really against her because she won’t. By the way, I think Sanders has been outrageously McCarthyite on that.


Yes, I saw one commercial that said the big companies weren’t punished. Why? Well, maybe it’s because Hillary is getting speaking fees. So the secretary of state should have been indicting people? I mean, yes, McCarthyite in the sense that it’s guilt by association. He complains about what she did with regards to all this money stuff. Where’s the beef of that?


What Sanders basically says is, “They’re trying to bribe you.” Well what do they get for money? He shows nothing.

There have been a couple of cases of Republican senators trying to weaken the Dodd-Frank Act. Elizabeth Warren has been a much more successful defender of that bill than Sen. Sanders has been.

There was this complaint, “Oh she had contributions from Wall Street.” So did Barack Obama. So does almost every Democrat because you can’t unilaterally disarm.

So Bernie really doesn't want Barney dropping truth bombs on him come convention time.
If Bernie wants to get into a flame spitting contest with Barney Frank it would be glorious. Mainly because Barney would straight up eviscerate him.


I can't believe I liked this guy when this entire thing started...keep it about the policies Bernie, and if you lose, you lose. Influence the conversation and platform with your delegates. Don't be an asshat or make enemies.


I don't understand whats the problem here? Barney Frank has hated Bernie since the nineties, why should someone so biased be in that position? I mean I think everyone at the DNC hates Bernie really, but Barney being so open about it gives Bernie legitimate reaso n for this.
I don't understand whats the problem here? Barney Frank has hated Bernie since the nineties, why should someone so biased be in that position? I mean I think everyone at the DNC hates Bernie really, but Barney being so open about it gives Bernie legitimate reaso n for this.

Because likewise, Bernie hates Barney Frank. Bernie is just doing it out of spite. No legitimate reasons except that he dislikes Frank, and now that he's taken an inch, he wants to take all of it.

It's disgusting. Threatening to halt the convention is sad and pathetic.
I don't understand whats the problem here? Barney Frank has hated Bernie since the nineties, why should someone so biased be in that position? I mean I think everyone at the DNC hates Bernie really, but Barney being so open about it gives Bernie legitimate reaso n for this.
Unlike the completely Fair and Nonpartisan pick of Cornell West.
Or Hillary and Robert Byrd.

You do know he firmly and adamantly renounced his time in the KKK and rebuked them completely. Right?

"I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions.".... "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I want to see more of this, upending the system and shining a light on the crusty molded underside.

It feels like we are in the emerald city and the man behind the curtain refuses to come clean
So do you guys think his end game is to create a left version of the Tea Party? To be fair the republicans for all their bumbling still united in the end.

This is kind of the reason most of us were crying for him to run months before he ever tossed his hat into the ring.

A lot of far-left progressives wanted someone with the capability, stalwart attitude, and passion to spark an aggressive shift in the path of the Democratic Party (our de facto progressive option).

That's what his candidacy has meant, to me. All along. It's why I don't regret my vote or my support. Even if there is no distinguishable shift among the American left after Bernie's day has come and gone, I admire his fight. I don't necessarily dig techniques like this, but I do still believe in the end-game that made me scream for him to be a part of this process for so long.
Barney Frank is a menace to the uninformed. People keep trying this man and he eviscerates them before they know what happened.

Barney with that

at the end. Gold.


Robert Byrd, the respected politican who renounced and vilified his past while somehow making WV a tolerable place to live, turning it less red than it ever was in the past?

Didn't like every politician honor him after his death?


Good for Bernie. He should fight it out at the convention.

He's a loser. He should be glad that he's been given any concessions at all, and very generous ones at that. The only thing he should do at the convention is shut up, give his little speech when the time comes, endorse Hillary, then leave. He hasn't earned, and frankly doesn't deserve, any more than that.


He's a loser. He should be glad that he's been given any concessions at all, and very generous ones at that. The only thing he should do at the convention is shut up, give his little speech when the time comes, endorse Hillary, then leave. He hasn't earned, and frankly doesn't deserve, any more than that.



He's a loser. He should be glad that he's been given any concessions at all, and very generous ones at that. The only thing he should do at the convention is shut up, give his little speech when the time comes, endorse Hillary, then leave. He hasn't earned, and frankly doesn't deserve, any more than that.

Yes, he will lose the primary race by June but do you really want some of the points the guy is raising to be forgotten? Really? Sure, they might not be achieveable in the current state of US politics but do you really think that the conversation he has started in the United States has been so counter productive to the progress of your nation?


He's a loser. He should be glad that he's been given any concessions at all, and very generous ones at that. The only thing he should do at the convention is shut up, give his little speech when the time comes, endorse Hillary, then leave. He hasn't earned, and frankly doesn't deserve, any more than that.

I don`t know if he would endorse Hillary. They have very different world views. To be honest I think a lot is owed to Bernie this election cycle, first of all for making `socialist`not so much of a dirty word. Second of all, getting more people involved in politics. And lastly, being able to call out the corruption in government. I mean even if you are a diehard Hillary fan, you cannot deny there is corruption on some level.
Yes, he will lose the primary race by June but do you really want some of the points the guy is raising to be forgotten? Really? Sure, they might not be achieveable in the current state of US politics but do you really think that the conversation he has started in the United States has been so counter productive to the progress of your nation?
The dems need to find someone less vile to argue those points. Bernie has shown extraordinary willingness to put ambition ahead of his policy goals.


I don`t know if he would endorse Hillary. They have very different world views. To be honest I think a lot is owed to Bernie this election cycle, first of all for making `socialist`not so much of a dirty word. Second of all, getting more people involved in politics. And lastly, being able to call out the corruption in government. I mean even if you are a diehard Hillary fan, you cannot deny there is corruption on some level.

Bernie pointing out that there's corruption in politics wasn't some amazing revelation. Pretty much anyone who even pays the slightest bit of attention is aware of that, and has been for a long time.

And getting those people involved in politics is meaningless if he then pushes them in a direction that leads them to not participate when he loses because OMG ESTABLISHMENT CORRUPTION.


Robert Byrd, the respected politican who renounced and vilified his past while somehow making WV a tolerable place to live, turning it less red than it ever was in the past?

Didn't like every politician honor him after his death?

The same Byrd who made racist comments even late in his life in the year 2001?


Yes, he will lose the primary race by June but do you really want some of the points the guy is raising to be forgotten? Really? Sure, they might not be achieveable in the current state of US politics but do you really think that the conversation he has started in the United States has been so counter productive to the progress of your nation?
Just because Bernie Sanders will be forgotten doesn't mean those points will be forgotten. They'll just be argued by people who actually care about enacting policy and changing our government for the better. When we see more limits put on campaign finance, it won't be because of anything Bernie Sanders said, it will be because of people who actually get shit done.


Had he just requested the removal of two members I wouldn't have had a problem with it. But to threaten to halt the convention like a fucking child throwing a temper tantrum......

Can't wait for this guy to go back to being a nobody from Vermont.


I want to see more of this, upending the system and shining a light on the crusty molded underside.

It feels like we are in the emerald city and the man behind the curtain refuses to come clean

The only "crusty underside" here is Bernie's. He isn't revealing anything; he's just pissy that Barney Frank called him out on his shitty worldview in 1991, and he's still right 25 years later.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Bernie Sanders has lost the god damn plot. Holy shit, I've never seen this big of a sore loser before. You know you're going to lose, in fact we've all known it from day #1. Why are you playing at scorched earth Bernie?
No. Point being guilty by association which another poster made. No need to defend Hillary. She'll do that herself when Trump plays the card.

Ok but he is a dead person. A dead former Klansman turned Obama supporter. Hillary was friendly with him? Ok... Literally everyone was. Bernie probably shook the man's hand plenty. Who cares? Cornell West is a living asshole. Bernie is guilty of associating with an asshole and putting that asshole up for a position in a party lead by a person he called "the first n*****ized president." It's bullshit and an outright insult to the President.


The dems need to find someone less vile to argue those points. Bernie has shown extraordinary willingness to put ambition ahead of his policy goals.

And the only way they'll find that is when people in your country talk about these issues. If Bernie Sanders had not fought the primary, none of these progressive ideas would have been talked about with Hillary getting the nomination as soon as the other 3 had left the race.

I look at some of the things people post on GAF and I get the impression that people in general dont like the democratic party being criticized and pretend that they can do no wrong. If thats what the majority of the party and its supporters think then this progressive change is going to take a very long time.


I don`t know if he would endorse Hillary. They have very different world views. To be honest I think a lot is owed to Bernie this election cycle, first of all for making `socialist`not so much of a dirty word. Second of all, getting more people involved in politics. And lastly, being able to call out the corruption in government. I mean even if you are a diehard Hillary fan, you cannot deny there is corruption on some level.

First point, it's still a dirty word to most americans but okay.

Second point, less people have voted this primary than in the 2008 ones, who are these new people he got involved in politics?

Third point, oh no corruption at some level of government, what a novel idea. What he did was call the entire political process corrupt, which is dumb as hell.


And the only way they'll find that is when people in your country talk about these issues. If Bernie Sanders had not fought the primary, none of these progressive ideas would have been talked about with Hillary getting the nomination as soon as the other 3 had left the race.

I look at some of the things people post on GAF and I get the impression that people in general dont like the democratic party being criticized and pretend that they can do no wrong. If thats what the majority of the party and its supporters think then this progressive change is going to take a very long time.

I've got some bad news for you: it's going to take a long time no matter what.
To be honest I think a lot is owed to Bernie this election cycle, first of all for making `socialist`not so much of a dirty word. Second of all, getting more people involved in politics. And lastly, being able to call out the corruption in government. I mean even if you are a diehard Hillary fan, you cannot deny there is corruption on some level.

I'm not so sure at this point, to be honest. I feel like Bernie going all-in on a failed candidacy and stooping to some pretty shitty tactics as of late has removed a lot of the luster. Sure he started a conversation about government corruption and promoted socialist practices, but those aren't the conversations we're having any more and may not even be the lasting memories of his campaign. Instead it's all about how he is out of touch or insensitive towards minorities, is bullying individuals with viewpoints different from his own, and started off a pissing contest about ideological purity.


Ok but he is a dead person. A dead former Klansman turned Obama supporter. Hillary was friendly with him? Ok... Literally everyone was. Bernie probably shook the man's hand plenty. Who cares? Cornell West is a living asshole. Bernie is guilty of associating with an asshole and putting that asshole up for a position in a party lead by a person he call "the first n*****ized president." It's bullshit and an outright insult to the President.

Please...not everyone buys into his born-again BS even if some found it genuine or politically convenient to stand right next to him as an example of such. But that's not the point anyway yet you keep trying to wash Hillary's hands. Like, the record is out there who cares.


And the only way they'll find that is when people in your country talk about these issues. If Bernie Sanders had not fought the primary, none of these progressive ideas would have been talked about with Hillary getting the nomination as soon as the other 3 had left the race.

I look at some of the things people post on GAF and I get the impression that people in general dont like the democratic party being criticized and pretend that they can do no wrong. If thats what the majority of the party and its supporters think then this progressive change is going to take a very long time.

Between universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, getting money out of politics, and regulating Wall Street, Bernie hasn't brought anything new to the table. Those were all Democratic party goals before Bernie became prominent; all he did was introduce the notion that if you aren't doing it exactly how Bernie would, it must be because you're corrupt.

EDIT: I forgot affordable college, but it's the same thing.


I've got some bad news for you: it's going to take a long time no matter what.

Thats bad news for you actually, not me lol. I already live in a country where everything that bernie is fighting for is happening. Although it would be nice to get free college education. I'm even willing to pay more taxes for that, :)
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