Ashlee Simpson Owns Up To Lip-Syncing
Ashlee Simpson has owned up to lip-syncing, following an embarrassing Saturday night slip-up on live TV. The brunette singer, younger sister of Jessica Simpson, made an appearance on long-running comedy show Saturday Night Live, where she performed her hit single "Pieces Of Me." But when she was due to sing "Autobiography" track later on in the show, a pre-recorded track of her voice singing Pieces of Me began playing while Simpson was holding her microphone to the side and had her mouth closed - forcing her to exit the stage. And while she initially blamed her band for the incident, she now writes on her website that her voice was overworked. She says, "I'll hold my head high and say I think it was silly of me to do it, silly of me to blame the band, I was just so f**king embarrassed. But I don't think it did me much harm, and people will see that soon." A Saturday Night Live spokesperson says Simpson had planned to use a backing track, a common concert aid which allows singers to either mime or sing along with a guide-vocal track, to augment her voice. A statement from Simpson's record label blamed a "computer glitch" which triggered "a cut from her album" to play instead of a drum cue. The blunder has been all the more embarrassing for Simpson, because she recently expressed her disapproval of lip-syncing in an interview with Lucky magazine, explaining, "I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going to let my real talent show, not just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip- sync. It's just not me."
Be-Ah-Hui said:I don't see what the big deal is really. Are people saying that she was lip-synching to someone else's vocals, or that she was lip-synching to her own vocals? There's a world of difference between the two, and if the case in point were the latter (which I believe it is), then I think it's dumb that she's getting so much hate.
Maybe she was nervous and felt like she couldn't sing 100%, or maybe her voice was tired, etc, etc? Nowhere during the show does it say that the musical performances are live.
And anyone who's watched her show (yes i've seen a couple, so shaddup) would know that she can sing. In one ep it showed her practicing onstage before a performance, and another showed her having a recording session at the studio, and her voice sounds just like it does in the song.
LM: What are your takes on lip-synching?
AS: I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me
PotatoeMasher said:that's what i thought as well... looked like they switched songs to cover, but she just ran off... then blamed the whole thing on them...
jiggle said:From
Here's the latest bit of dirt going around on the Ashlee Simpson Saturday Night Live Fiasco:
Here's the word from a friend of mine who was at the show, and got it straight from the director, beth mccarthy, who she was a guest of:
ashlee can't sing. she tried all day friday, but was whining to her voice coach. they decided to leave her mike on so she could sing along to the track, but after the first line or two of the first song, turned her off cause she was awful.
so, as of the first song, all the mikes were off.
now, they had the wrong song queued up for the second song, obviously. it really was the drummer's fault. apparently he was supposed to signal something or start in with some beat, and the one he did was for the first song. because he @#%$ up, the guy doing the tape hurried up and put the first song on, because that was what the drummer had signalled. when this got all @#%$ up, they did two things:
1. turned on all the mikes so the band could take over and start the real song. which they didn't. have no idea why.
2. turned off the tape so the band could play the real song.
they were going to turn on ashlee's mike so she could sing the real song, but decided not to because the band was just playing the first song. the guys were smiling cause they were simply thinking "what a @#%$ clusterfuck".
beth mccarthy was also the director of the superbowl halftime show last year, so she's no stranger to ... malfunctions.
What are you talking about, the Spin Doctors never lip synched or used similar trickery as far as I've heard.xsarien said:Lip-synching to Pro Tools, or obviously being the product of too much massaging with that program and others like it is precisely what brought down the Spin Doctors.
Furthermore, this is utter BS. They started out as a bar band in NYC and were local favorites for a couple years on that scene before getting a record deal. The "Homebelly Groove" album is a testament to their live chops. By all accounts they were a strong live band, that was never part of their downfall as a group. The key guitar player Eric Shenkman left after the "Turn it Upside Down" LP and that's the main reason they faded out...xsarien said:Dude, I don't think Google News goes back quite that far. But there was a large disparity between what people heard live and what people heard on the CDs. They were a "studio band," in every sense of the term.
Today Show
10/25/2004 5:21:30 PM - by geffen
Tune in to the TODAY SHOW tomorrow morning,
Tuesday, October 26th.
Ashlee Simpson sits down with Katie Couric to discuss her
Saturday Night Live performance.
Teddman said:This just in...
Ashlee Simpson's agent and record producers, that's who. They have to spin this like mad now.quadriplegicjon said:holy crap. now its just out of hand. WHO CARES ANYMORE.
First, she called in to MTV's "TRL" show to explain that she had relied on a backing track because her acid reflux disease left her with a sore throat. "I was sick that day. I completely lost my voice," she said.
Teddman said:Is her Today appearence worth watching? Any grilling from Katie Couric, or is it just a nice n' easy opportunity for more spin?
Teddman said:What are you talking about, the Spin Doctors never lip synched or used similar trickery as far as I've heard.
It seemed you were suggesting it there.xsarien said:Lip-synching to Pro Tools, or obviously being the product of too much massaging with that program and others like it is precisely what brought down the Spin Doctors.
Teddman said:It seemed you were suggesting it there.
Teddman said:OK, but your comments about Spin Doctors not being a live band really were way off the mark, how dare you compare them to Ashlee Simpson!![]()
Teddman said:Right, but of course to hold that opinion it'd be good to have actually seen them in concert... Or have known that they started out as a hard-working bar band in Manhattan and weren't "a studio band in every sense of the term."
Teddman said:To show that they weren't solely a studio creation as you alleged,
Doth Togo said:Young star Ashlee Simpson has been praised by a drug company for raising the profile of acid-reflux disease. The singer blamed "severe acid reflux" for her lip-synch performance on Saturday Night Live last weekend. And the makers of medications Nexium are thrilled with the free promotion. Astrazeneca's David Albaugh tells gossip site The Scoop, "Somebody of her high profile helps raise the profile of the disease. Obviously, it's good to have improved and increased awareness of acid reflux." A spokesperson for Tap - which makes Prevacid - says, "We believe that celebrities who talk about their experience with certain health conditions, such as acid reflux in this case, can help educate people on important health issues, as well as motivate people to talk to their doctors and get properly diagnosed and treated. We wish Ashlee Simpson the very best on her road to relief from acid reflux."
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