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Saudi Arabia announces new formation of a Military bloc to fight TERROR (34 States)

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So how would you rather fight tackle the problem of ISIS? Send American troops or let the region deal with it?

You think this is the muslim world stepping up to crush the treat?

I see this as a way to group all operations by the participants under a roof, for better co-ordination. But these are early days, who knows how far reaching it will be.

But the vague "we will go after terrorists that attack us" will be super interesting, during the next Israel/Palestinan war, seeing Palestine is in this group.

Edit: Also, Nigeria is in the group? So we will see peacekeeping forces from this alliance going after Boko Haram?

This is either massive history making news, or lip service in the fight against "terrorism".
You think this is the muslim world stepping up to crush the treat?

I see this as a way to group all operations by the participants under a roof, for better co-ordination. But these are early days, who knows how far reaching it will be.

But the vague "we will go after terrorists that attack us" will be super interesting, during the next Israel/Palestinan war, seeing Palestine is in this group.

Edit: Also, Nigeria is in the group? So we will see peacekeeping forces from this alliance going after Boko Haram?

This is either massive history making news, or lip service in the fight against "terrorism".
I feel it likely will be more lip service since Western Nations rant all day that they are ending this once and for all but in the long term do shit

then we have SA leading a super army that will likely crumble due to differences and lack of strategy in few months

Of course lots of air-strikes and explosions will happen as well with no real changes
It's about time Muslims step up their game, ISIS and it parent AL Qaida were playing a lot.

The power of such a formation lies in that no Terrorist organization can claim they are doing it for religion. Anyone radical terrorist who is standing against such a coalition means that he is standing against 99 percent of Muslim countries.

ISIS will have a hard time recruiting in the name of religion given that 99 percent of Muslims are fighting them now.
I feel it likely will be more lip service since Western Nations rant all day that they are ending this once and for all but in the long term do shit

then we have SA leading a super army that will likely crumble due to differences and lack of strategy in few months

Of course lots of air-strikes and explosions will happen as well with no real changes

They can't even get 12 geographically, demographically, and ideologically aligned regional powers together cohesively enough to end the Houthi reign in Yemen.
You think this is the muslim world stepping up to crush the treat?

I see this as a way to group all operations by the participants under a roof, for better co-ordination. But these are early days, who knows how far reaching it will be.

But the vague "we will go after terrorists that attack us" will be super interesting, during the next Israel/Palestinan war, seeing Palestine is in this group.

Edit: Also, Nigeria is in the group? So we will see peacekeeping forces from this alliance going after Boko Haram?

This is either massive history making news, or lip service in the fight against "terrorism".
I see it as a damned if they do nothing and damned if they do anything situation unfolding here. I will take a regional force that's fighting ISIS over US army invading the region again and destabilizing it further. And every military analyst says we need a well equipped boots on the ground to fight ISIS and destroy them. And once they're gone, we need a long term security in the region too.


ISIS will have a hard time recruiting in the name of religion given that 99 percent of Muslims are fighting them now.

Significant amounts of muslims in these countries deny there are more than one way to interpret Islam, so this won't affect the radicals doing it in the name of religion, because they know they are right and the rest are wrong, that is how their branch of Islam works.


Neo Member
This looks like an ineffectual body to which politicians will "delegate" fake power so they can take some heat off themselves - just like the Arab League.

That's is we're lucky. The last thing the world needs is for Saudi Arabia, that shining beacon of hope and democracy for all people's, to lead a multinational military coalition with actual power.
This looks like an ineffectual body for politicians to which they will "delegate" fake power so they can take some heat off themselves - just like the Arab League.

That's is we're lucky. The last thing the world needs is for Saudi Arabia, that shining beacon of hope and democracy for all people's, to lead a multinational military coalition with actual power.

we have the US a beacon of hope and democracy bombing places to oblivion and arming dictators so that is already there to please


Well here are my sources... I know what I am talking about here.
Neither of those articles says how much Saudi is selling oil to Pakistan for. So try again I guess. Also are you denying the billions and billions Saudi sends to Pakistan? Pakistan is bought and paid for.


Neither of those articles says how much Saudi is selling oil to Pakistan for. So try again I guess. Also are you denying the billions and billions Saudi sends to Pakistan? Pakistan is bought and paid for.

All I am saying is the oil prices are ridiculous in Pakistan and Saudi is not selling them with a huge discount/concession or at least its not visible to the consumer there.

Pakistan is in Asia from the last time I checked.

Anyway let's stay on topic.


Just wait for Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Bahrain etc to form their own bloc and we have the shiite sunni cold war turn into a hot one.
Just wait for Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Bahrain etc to form their own bloc and we have the shiite sunni cold war turn into a hot one.

Azerbaijan is chummy with the Sauds

and when it comes to man power Sunni's are 87-90% of the Muslim base

that is nearly 1 billion people who will fall into a Shiite, Sunni war.... more then 1.5 billion if we total it all

then there is other countries and alliance and we can see something like WW3
Didn't see a coalition of this size coming, but I'm glad they're doing something.

Edit: Oh wait, no Iran. Still hope this goes well by some miracle.
Saudi Arabia declared war against ISIS and terrorism and not Iran.
Remember that some of the countries despite being Sunni has a relationship with Iran.

If you really understand politics you would know that the last thing Saudi Arabia wants is another country in the region falling into war even Iran. They hate the Iranian regime given that it's known to cause problems and plant Militias here and there but if Iran was attacked and fell into chaos then it'll be bad for everyone.

The region is in mass need for stability especially Saudi Arabia and everyone knows that.


Saudi Arabia declared war against ISIS and terrorism and not Iran.
Remember that some of the countries despite being Sunni has a relationship with Iran.

If you really understand politics you would know that the last thing Saudi Arabia wants is another country in the region falling into war even Iran. They hate the Iranian regime given that it's known to cause problems and plant Militias here and there but if Iran was attacked and fell into chaos then it'll be bad for everyone.

The region is in mass need for stability especially Saudi Arabia and everyone knows that.
while this is true, one of the major problems in the region is the fact that people read underlying implicit messages even if there is none, both on a micro and macro level. Iran needed to join in for that particular reason.

Let's hope this strawman of yours is sunni
Could you please elaborate?


I don't know how much will come of this, but I would much rather have muslim countries in the region fight terrorism than western powers. The idea is good, but I'll hold my breath for the execution.

If these countries don't do anything, then they get criticized for standing idly by. But now that they are doing something, people are criticizing them too.
The block participation in Iraq and Syria will be subjected to the agreement of a world wide recognized government and/or the UN.
In other world they won't interfere in Iraq unless the government asks for help and in Syria they'll align with both the US and Russia.


More like a new anti-Shia alliance, I don't trust anything that Saudi Arabia is involved with.

Probably accurate.

Still interesting to see a more organized initiative from the ME/West Asia/Africa to handle their shit, though. Ground operations are most likely necessary for neutralizing ISIL.
Absolutely no good will ever come out of this, zilch. How does one miss the point so hard here?

"We're having a sectarian crises, we need to solve this. Wait, we know what to do! Let's further divide alliances and create a big Sunni group".

What a joke the middle east is.
The irony here kills me. This is the second time I got a laugh out of the Saudis in as many weeks!

First, the host terrorist from Syria to get them to play nice together and now the top Wahabi/Salafi exporter is bringing together a sectarian coalition to end terrorism and sectarian violence.

This is nonsense on stilts.
15 of the 19 hijackers who crashed planes into the World Trade Center were Saudis.

I don't even know who the Saudis think they are fooling here.


All I am saying is the oil prices are ridiculous in Pakistan and Saudi is not selling them with a huge discount/concession or at least its not visible to the consumer there.

There's the trick. What the consumer pays in Pakistan and what Pakistan pays are two completely different things. And Saudi Arabia buying countries off is kind of completely on topic. Saudi throwing billions at the corrupt Pakistani government is something you acknowledge right?


this solves nada until Iran and other minority shia states included. that is the real problem with middle east secularism bullshit and nothing will get fixed till they settle that dumb, tribal nonsense that didnt make sense 1400 years ago and even less in the 21st fucking century.

So saudia arabia I give you points for at least starting to fix a problem of your own design wrought through decades of insane, but words are wind.
They know what terrorism looks like because they fund a lot of them.

The terrorist groups that have sprung up through the spread of Wahhabism are a bit like Frankenstein's Monster. Since the attacks that occurred inside the Kingdom during the 90s, the main powers of the Saudi royal family have been paranoid about this Monster turning on them and destabilizing their rule. But without Wahhabism in the first place, their mandate to rule doesn't exist.

So, this should be a no-brainer move for them, really. And it doesn't hurt that it puts them at the head of a coalition of nations as they battle for hegemonic supremacy of the Middle East with Iran.


I've always said ISIS is a problem muslim nations should be solving themselves, and this appears to be just that, hopefully..

Solve it? Its more like moving the goal posts.

Their biggest concern is that the ISIS brand of terrorism might grow enough to challenge them. This is simply about keeping the status quo and making sure they go unopposed in Their own agenda.


Can't pick a better leader to fight terrorism than SA!

That was obviously sarcasm. They are absolutely the worst country to be involved in anything related to anti-terror.

This is probably just another front to push their geopolitical goals in reducing Iran's influence and exporting wahabism.

They should start with Libya, since that country is a member of the coalition. Send a force of 20,000 troops into that country to root out IS and stabilise it.
Great work. Proud these guys are doing something about it. The 34 plus Russia should crush these fucks while Obama is still twiddling his thumbs.
They should start with Libya, since that country is a member of the coalition. Send a force of 20,000 troops into that country to root out IS and stabilise it.
That makes no sense.

ISIS is not the reason why Libya is a clusterfuck. It was the way it is long BEFORE the IS pitched a tent there.
Great work. Proud these guys are doing something about it. The 34 plus Russia should crush these fucks while Obama is still twiddling his thumbs.
I'll believe it when I see it. And november was the month with most bombings by the US led coalition. If that is twiddling your thumbs, I don't know what else they should do outside of going in on the ground - which is not a good idea.


More like a new anti-Shia alliance, I don't trust anything that Saudi Arabia is involved with.

Honestly, wouldn't any coalition in the region primarily be seen as a "Sunni" led coalition considering the demographics?


They're only five Muslim majority countries where Shiites outnumber Sunnis (Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Bahrain & Lebanon), two of which (Bahrain & Lebanon) are part of the coalition.

In regards to Iran, I don't think we should be surprised about their exclusion. Ignoring Saudi Arabia for a moment, many in the region are upset about both Iran's actions and rhetoric. Anyone remember this gem that came out of Tehran and the outrage it induced:

"Three Arab capitals have today ended up in the hands of Iran and belong to the Islamic Iranian revolution".

Anyway, it will be interesting to see who else is likely to join this afternoon. I'm surprised Indonesia wasn't initially part of the coalition.
US defence Secretary Ask Carter praises the coalition
Source:Sky News Arabia

Iraqi party "United power" in the Iraqi Parliament is demanding the Iraqi government to join the Islamic Coalition to unify all efforts against ISIS.
Source: Sky News Arabia
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