Dat Whataboutism.
But ok, let's debate whether stoning people to death for fucking each other is acceptable moral behavior.
I'm not saying it is. But I just see people jumping at the chance to call others barbarians or such-and-such values are incompatible with our values or whatever. I think the outrage is inconsistent. We don't see the same outrage for the US's human rights violations -- if we even call it that, nor do we call ourselves savages, barbarians, etc. It's unnecessary isn't it?
In cases like this what does the husband of the 'adulterer' usually do? Do they show up for these court hearing or whatever. Do they throw stones too...
Islam needs to undergo a severe enlightenment soon, forget terrorism, the daily things like honour killings, rape shaming, acid throwing, political corruption, homophobia and flat out medieval cruelty needs to be addressed because it's lowers us all.
I'm not saying it is. But I just see people jumping at the chance to call others barbarians or such-and-such values are incompatible with our values or whatever. I think the outrage is inconsistent. We don't see the same outrage for the US's human rights violations -- if we even call it that, nor do we call ourselves savages, barbarians, etc. It's unnecessary isn't it?
And herein lies the problem. It's not so much about the stoning (as cruel a capital punishment as it might be) as it is that women are considered half-humans. And when somebody is a semi-human, it's ok for them to be effectively slaves to the "proper" humans. Now, where have we seen this.. Oh, wait - it's common throughout human history!Usually, he's the accuser.
I'm not saying it is. But I just see people jumping at the chance to call others barbarians or such-and-such values are incompatible with our values or whatever. I think the outrage is inconsistent. We don't see the same outrage for the US's human rights violations -- if we even call it that, nor do we call ourselves savages, barbarians, etc. It's unnecessary isn't it?
I'm not saying it is. But I just see people jumping at the chance to call others barbarians or such-and-such values are incompatible with our values or whatever. I think the outrage is inconsistent. We don't see the same outrage for the US's human rights violations -- if we even call it that, nor do we call ourselves savages, barbarians, etc. It's unnecessary isn't it?
I'm not saying it is. But I just see people jumping at the chance to call others barbarians or such-and-such values are incompatible with our values or whatever. I think the outrage is inconsistent. We don't see the same outrage for the US's human rights violations -- if we even call it that, nor do we call ourselves savages, barbarians, etc. It's unnecessary isn't it?
Discarding the Hadiths and stating fresh would be a good start.
May start civil wars across the Muslim world, but I think that's overdue.
I'm not saying it is. But I just see people jumping at the chance to call others barbarians or such-and-such values are incompatible with our values or whatever. I think the outrage is inconsistent. We don't see the same outrage for the US's human rights violations -- if we even call it that, nor do we call ourselves savages, barbarians, etc. It's unnecessary isn't it?
Discarding the Hadiths and stating fresh would be a good start.
May start civil wars across the Muslim world, but I think that's overdue.
Goddamn savages. Hope that country burns to the fucking ground some day soon.
I hope the US and everyone you love gets killed infront of you, and that your home is permanently demolished. I hope your loved ones are scattered around the goble as refugees and live very miserable lives.
That is basically what you just said to me as a Saudi citizen.
Think before you post scumbag.
I hope the US and everyone you love gets killed infront of you, and that your home is permanently demolished. I hope your loved ones are scattered around the goble as refugees and live very miserable lives.
That is basically what you just said to me as a Saudi citizen.
Think before you post scumbag.
It's not just discarding the Hadiths, you're going to throw away major Islamic theology by the 4 major imams, which is nigh impossible.
Baffling that they keep finding barbaric assholes for this. Firing squads had to do the whole firing blanks thing so each soldier made to participate could imagine their bullet to have been a blank to avoid guilt. Says a lot about the mentality if they have a bunch of people willingly contributing to another person's death.
I hope the US and everyone you love gets killed infront of you, and that your home is permanently demolished. I hope your loved ones are scattered around the goble as refugees and live very miserable lives.
That is basically what you just said to me as a Saudi citizen.
Think before you post scumbag.
This forum is ridiculously anti GCC countries man, it's absolutely disgusting. No one cares about it at all. Post anything about UAE, Qatar or Saudi and you can get away with it here.I hope the US and everyone you love gets killed infront of you, and that your home is permanently demolished. I hope your loved ones are scattered around the goble as refugees and live very miserable lives.
That is basically what you just said to me as a Saudi citizen.
Think before you post scumbag.
This forum is ridiculously anti GCC countries man, it's absolutely disgusting. No one cares about it at all. Post anything about UAE, Qatar or Saudi and you can get away with it here.
And you dare to claim that you are any better than ISIS.We should just bomb Saudi Arabia with notes saying: 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.'
It must be done.
These Imams have immortalized the life and actions of the Prophet, along with those of his early followers through these hadiths.
Muslims needs to jettison these ancient interpretations and put Mohammad where he belongs in the Islamic hierarchy: a mere dude who god deemed worthy of revelations; there was nothing divine about him, but these Hadiths have elevated his status to something beyond human. Ironic because he was never meant to be worshiped....
I've been embroiled in so many arguments with local mosques and Muslims about the need to lessen the importance of the Hadiths and the Mohammad in general, it's fucking exhausting lol
No need to change the Quran, but modern set of scholars need to be get on with creating new interpretations. Better yet, leave the middle-man out and not have hadiths at all, but then that would lead to countries making up their own Islamic rules, and that's probably even more terrifying.
Kinda wish we had modern legit Caliphate.
They're not going through with it, I'm Saudi and I could write multiple book explaining the very delicate and frail eggshell that is holding my country together, these sentences are carried out by Judges that exclusively follow Sharia Law, but they never go through with it. The problem here lies in one thing, the woman admitted to adultery, even the Sheiks (The judges) persistently advise you against doing that, they repeatedly ask you to repent and hope that Allah listens to you, but they can't keep someone from confessing and admitting to their sin, and so to keep their "integrity" they have to follow the law they claim to follow and sentence her to death. But it's all theatrics, they know they can't go through with it, and they won't. I really wish I could write something a lot more detailed but my English is still a work-in-progress and I'd need to better at it to explain myself better.
I am an atheist.Hey Fawaz, that guy is an idiot. But please tell us, what doe think about hududs and stoning?
I don't know about others, but I am outraged by human-rights violations of my country too. My country (Germany) likes to view itself as a nation that follows an anti-war policy. For instance, we are currently struggling to decide wether we should send four unarmed military jets for reconnaissance purposes to Syria. At the same time, we are one of the largest exporters of military weaponry in the world, and among our customers is Saudi Arabia. While I recognize the logic of realpolitik, I am appalled by that.
But even if somebody would be able to demonstrate hypocrisies on my sidewhich is probably easy, because everybody is a hypocrite about somethingit would not change the fact that stoning people is a barbaric act. What you are proposing here follows a confused logic: instead of not criticizing others because of our own hypocrisy, we should criticize ourselves and others equally. And we should support reformers in foreign countries. After all, true liberals should not believe that borders change how despicable human-rights violations are. Conversely, your logic can only lead to the suppression of criticism and a lack of support for foreign reformers.
Whataboutism just makes no sense.
If a post that calls for the destruction of an entire people doesn't deserve to be called out, what does?Yooo man, no need for that shit. His post wasn't helping/thoughtful but neither is yours.
So why don't they stone the guy, too?
We choose not to follow orders like stoning whores, killing homosexuals, and other attocities from the old testament.Islam is not just a belief of a supreme being. But also the teachings of his messenger. Heck, it's the reason why the criticizing of Jews and Christians narrative in Islamic thought was because the Jews and Christians "choose what to follow and what not to follow".
I know you mean well, I'm Saudi too brother. But please stop moving goal posts. Can you admit that stoning and hududs are barbaric and needs to be removed from Sharia law all together?
If you don't answer, I understand. We were raised into not criticizing our religion unless we'd be labeled as apostates.
We choose not to follow orders like stoning whores, killing homosexuals, and other attocities from the old testament.
Islamic countries are stuck in the medieval ages. I never hear reports of Christians or Jews doing this kind of relegious nonsense
I am an atheist.
I'm not even Muslim...
We choose not to follow orders like stoning whores, killing homosexuals, and other attocities from the old testament.
Islamic countries are stuck in the medieval ages. I never hear reports of Christians or Jews doing this kind of relegious nonsense
Islam is not just a belief of a supreme being. But also the teachings of his messenger. Heck, it's the reason why the criticizing of Jews and Christians narrative in Islamic thought was because the Jews and Christians "choose what to follow and what not to follow".
Dubai isn't a country. Dubai doesn't have any oil. What does this article have to do with a city in the UAE anyway?I wonder if stuff like this makes workers from poorer countries rethink working in the Middle East. It won't happen quickly but if stuff like this keeps getting worse, and oil prices stay depressed, will countries like Saudi Arabia or Dubai be able to function without cheap foreign workers?
There's no veracity with regards to his teaching though, nearly everything he's done or said is from second-third-fourth-hand accounts, decades after his final revelations.
A long form of telephone-game was used by scholars to form the basis of Islamic laws...
The entire process was susceptible to fraud, political agendas, sectarian biases, tribal influences and even straight-up mistranslations.
Islamic laws need to reworked from the ground up, without overwhelming influence of the Prophet and other early generation Muslims.
Why are the U.S. allies with these primitive monsters again? NOT the people, but that ruling class that enforces this bullshit on the people while living like gods over there.
And you dare to claim that you are any better than ISIS.
in which your answers has nothing to do with my question.
Here's my question again, can you at least admit that stoning and hududs are barbaric and needs to be removed from Sharia law all together?
I'm done here.How does wanting to drop leaflets on Saudi Arabia make me as bad as radical jihadists?
So do you propose to take out Hadith all together?
So propose to take out Hadith all together?
Bit overboard, dont you think?