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SbF: Super Best Friends Play Thread: ReBoot


These MGSV videos are some of the dumbest, most aggravating shit. Nevermind uploading 40 raw minutes of the FUCKING OPENING MISSION AGAIN you get wonderful shit like "SKULLFACE DIED IN 1984!???" and "Solid burned him in the first one right"


Yeah it was nice to see a mix of positive and negative criticism from the discussion, though a lot of it ended up just being the same things said in SuperBunnyHop's video on it a while back.

Also I'm surprised there wasn't really a lot of disagreement between them about the different elements of the game, with the only real differences being Pat/Liam and Woolie/George being on different sides of whether or not
Huey was guilty
Normally I'd feel bad skipping out on a spoiler cast like this because of it cutting into the regular podcast time, but I can't complain when it took 2 and a half hours before moving into the Metal Gear talk. That's lengthy enough.

Also I did not expect Woolie to bring up Shin Mazinger Zero out of fucking no where and now I feel obligated to start reading it.

To quote bunnyhop, "I'll never understand people's love for Peacewalker"
Peace Walker has probably one of the most engaging meta games I've ever given a shit about.

Everything else, gameplay's piss easy and a downgrade coming off of MGS3 and 4. Camo index is about as pointless as could be in that game, short of actually removing it in MGSV. And even then I'd rather still have it there and done properly.
Woo, hope everyone watching the ME play through has already played the game, cuz Pat and Woolie are already spoiling the person Faith is chasing


To quote bunnyhop, "I'll never understand people's love for Peacewalker"

The more I think about it, the more I realize that PW is primarily what taints my experience with MGSV. I hate PW's story so goddamn much, and just wish MGSV didn't have to legitimize it.

Still, V wasn't nearly as egregious as PW was, so I have to give it that (even if it was still a disappointing MGS game)


Liam doubling down more on P4DAN being shit and a 5/10. Welp. I'll just assume he's using the wide range of the scale and not the anything below a 6-7 is shit scale. My salt increases a little bit week by week.
I mean he's made it clear he enjoys the game it's just a joke from a score-chaser's perspective because you can kill your chances by missing a note halfway through the song or fucking up at the end and not being able to get a clear.

If they ever make another Persona rhythm game I hope they learn their lessons and actually time the notecharts to the music and make proper scoring and passing systems. I had the exact same complaints about this game when I imported it.



Did you tweet at him and then pull back? There's no source tweet for this.
This is making me laugh way more than it should. How the fuck did he find my twitter? Why the fuck did he find my twitter? He could of just responded to my reddit post on the podcast thread. I find this way funnier than I should. Thank you, Liam.
I mean he's made it clear he enjoys the game it's just a joke from a score-chaser's perspective because you can kill your chances by missing a note halfway through the song or fucking up at the end and not being able to get a clear.

If they ever make another Persona rhythm game I hope they learn their lessons and actually time the notecharts to the music and make proper scoring and passing systems. I had the exact same complaints about this game when I imported it.
Yeah, totally. Hearing 5/10 just makes my butt pucker a bit by habit.

I totally understand that he's using the full review score range when he agrees with the gamespot 5/10 review. Also coming at it from a for a rhythm game this is a 5/10 because it's slightly below average and needs working on when it comes to bullshit like the health system, combos, 1/16 notes, notes actually synced to the song, and all that.

Pat's and Liam's PS2 stance is baffling.

Which stance? The Don Mattrick stance of, "We have a system for those people and it's called the PS2," or what? I thought that particular point was well, weird, but I stand by them with thinking the PS4 emulation of PS2 games is more interesting than the Xbone's emulation of 360 games.

Woo, hope everyone watching the ME play through has already played the game, cuz Pat and Woolie are already spoiling the person Faith is chasing

I've already completed the game and I can barely keep up with the base story as is with the way they're breezing through everything while talking over a lot of it. I'd be more annoyed if the story actually mattered much in Mirror's Edge probably.
I had loads of fun with PW, beat it twice. For a handheld game its fuckin great, but when you stack it up against other MGS games it loses a lot of that.

MGSV is still fucking great though, can't think of another game I put so many hours into so fast. It may not have the staying power of something like TF2 (unless MGO on PC is like, amazing), but its definitely gonna be high on my list of great games. Easily the best controlling action/shooter/stealth game, holy cow.

Glad they liked the ending, would've felt bad if they spent their 20+ hours LPing and had a lackluster ending. Can't wait to hear their reactions to the truth tapes


Un Rama
If you're disappointed in the game and looking to feel validated in your disappointment with 2 hours of shit talk, then (thankfully) you're not gonna see that here. They, including bunnyhop, highlight both the positives and the negatives and talk about each component of the game while talking about what they really liked and what they didn't. There are plenty of GAF threads if you really need your complete and total disappointment in everyway fix.

Meh, I don't need to feel validated. I don't think the game is a total failure either. Just in the places it counts. Funnily enough a person can both like a thing and dislike aspects of it at the same time. The fact the game has such great elements makes it all the more disappointing IMO. I'd be interested in seeing how they think the MGSV SPOILERS
is fantastic as I'm yet to come across a decent reason why.


Meh, I don't need to feel validated. I don't think the game is a total failure either. Just in the places it counts. Funnily enough a person can both like a thing and dislike aspects of it at the same time. The fact the game has such great elements makes it all the more disappointing IMO. I'd be interested in seeing how they think the MGSV SPOILERS
is fantastic as I'm yet to come across a decent reason why.

This is pretty much where I'm at as well. Honestly, I can't help feeling like they just got caught up with the hype. Well, that, and I initially thought they might have shared my zeal for the MGS3 story, but apparently they're more forgiving of Kojima doing whatever he wants with the canon than I am. I haven't gotten to the spoilercast yet, and I'll honestly probably agree with them on a lot of points, but I can't help wishing that we got more of a passionate critique of the story than it sounds like we're getting.

At least we can all agree that PW was bad though.


Un Rama
This is pretty much where I'm at as well. Honestly, I can't help feeling like they just got caught up with the hype. Well, that, and I initially thought they might have shared my zeal for the MGS3 story, but apparently they're more forgiving of Kojima doing whatever he wants with the canon than I am. I haven't gotten to the spoilercast yet, and I'll honestly probably agree with them on a lot of points, but I can't help wishing that we got more of a passionate critique of the story than it sounds like we're getting.

At least we can all agree that PW was bad though.

I think experiencing it through an LP was the wrong way. They missed so much information and atmosphere due to the LP format. I'd prefer to hear what they thought after playing it in a purer form without all the problems/expectations of an LP.

I must say though its good to finally have this MGSV LP behind us.
I love how all the comments on the latest Metal Gear video are just people being mad at Pat because he says some REAAAAALLY dumb things in that episode.

I had loads of fun with PW, beat it twice. For a handheld game its fuckin great, but when you stack it up against other MGS games it loses a lot of that.

I tried playing PW on my Vita and couldnt stand the pixelness and the bad frame rate, then I see my friend playing it on the Hd Collection and it looks a billion times more playable.


People keep saying the end of MGS5 is near, but it keeps going. Can anyone give me a range of x-y episodes it could take with what there is left? Are they still doing random episodes where they only listen to tapes or something like that?

I'd really like to see this LP stop just so I can feel more safe from how spoileriffic the reddit and this place are getting.


lol it seems no more BoS quests for me till i advance the MQ
guess ill get my new castle Base(fuck sanctuary im burning it to the ground afterwards, and using a mod to kill Marcy the bitch that she is) then finally go to Diamond City
also Fatal Fury movie should be a treat

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
This totally makes up for the not-terribly-enjoyable podcast today.

Now if they'd only do a Let's Watch of the dumpster fire that is the Art of Fighting movie.


i don't really understand the complaint about failing a note at the end of a song and it totally crushing you. Surely the point of a rhythm game is the increasing feeling that you're always just about but not quite to fuck up a combo. If you fucked up the last chord of a otherwise perfect symphony you still fucked up the song, dawg. (Actually that "Oh jesus god I better not drop the combo" is by far my favourite part of rhythm games)

I agree with the 16th notes thing though, wtf.
This new FNF is so good. It should be a weekly series.
If you pause it at the right moment you can see the moment Woolie shat his pants.
i don't really understand the complaint about failing a note at the end of a song and it totally crushing you. Surely the point of a rhythm game is the increasing feeling that you're always just about but not quite to fuck up a combo. If you fucked up the last chord of a otherwise perfect symphony you still fucked up the song, dawg. (Actually that "Oh jesus god I better not drop the combo" is by far my favourite part of rhythm games)

I agree with the 16th notes thing though, wtf.

Yeah I'm sure that if a musician misses one note at the end of an otherwise perfect performance everyone would say he fucked it up, it's unfair game design, plain and simple. Surely the point of a rhythm game isn't to make you feel like shit just because you weren't 100% perfect.
Woolie, so long as I have a Round One to go to, arcades ain't fuckin' dead.

That Fatal Fury movie was stupidly entertaining. Let's Watches are always a treat.

i don't really understand the complaint about failing a note at the end of a song and it totally crushing you. Surely the point of a rhythm game is the increasing feeling that you're always just about but not quite to fuck up a combo. If you fucked up the last chord of a otherwise perfect symphony you still fucked up the song, dawg. (Actually that "Oh jesus god I better not drop the combo" is by far my favourite part of rhythm games)

I agree with the 16th notes thing though, wtf.
I have to imagine the way it's handled in P4DAN is an issue specific only to that game. IIDX doesn't have a tremendous penalty for fucking up a single note or two in a combo, but it's always at the end where most songs have an intense section with enough notes where missing them will put you below the required groove meter threshold in order to pass.

Fuck, I need to play more IIDX.
So this Let's Watch. Woolie's like "This reminds me, we need to finish Gaim"

Holy shit, was this recorded like a year ago?
Well, Liam mentioned he hadn't seen the SVC Chaos intro during the video, so it was definitely recorded sometime before that Scrublords went up.

But that'd be nuts to sit on that recording for so long.


So this Let's Watch. Woolie's like "This reminds me, we need to finish Gaim"

Holy shit, was this recorded like a year ago?

They teased this Let's Watch back on a podcast in January I think. I've been wondering what happened to it for a while now. They talked about Gaim's ending on Feb 3rd podcast or something like that.


Yeah I'm sure that if a musician misses one note at the end of an otherwise perfect performance everyone would say he fucked it up, it's unfair game design, plain and simple. Surely the point of a rhythm game isn't to make you feel like shit just because you weren't 100% perfect.

fits perfectly with my MO tbh. But i'm the kinda crazy person who sits there and replays a single song for like an hour and a half, so i get it's not for everyone.

/edit iirc EBA and Ouendan basically did this thing where the constant health drain was crazy so you had to keep hitting notes accurately to keep your head above water, and missing like 4 or 5 notes in a row would destroy you, but hitting any note gave you a fairly significant health boost depending on your accuracy hitting it, so even if you fucked up you could recover if there were enough notes left in the song. P4DAN's health gain is absolutely horrendous, so that's probably the main area where the problem lies.

Of course the real real solution is to git gud, but nobody likes to hear that
They teased this Let's Watch back on a podcast in January I think. I've been wondering what happened to it for a while now. They talked about Gaim's ending on Feb 3rd podcast or something like that.

Oh jeez. Also Pat looks less hairy so I wanna say this was awhile ago.

This lets watch is actually really fun to watch. You can feeeel their love for this.
I love how all the comments on the latest Metal Gear video are just people being mad at Pat because he says some REAAAAALLY dumb things in that episode.
Its to be expected, he does that every episode it seems :p

I tried playing PW on my Vita and couldnt stand the pixelness and the bad frame rate, then I see my friend playing it on the Hd Collection and it looks a billion times more playable.
It probably helps that I spent a good deal of 2008-2013 playing most games on low-ass settings, but yeah, totally agree. Still its a great handheld game. And those side ops were a blast, really bummed we didn't get PW-style side-ops for MGSV
Liam and Matt quote the Gaming front page thread title names pretty often, including this week. ("Bethesda doesn't get enough credit for their storytelling." ~Matt) I think it's pretty clear that Liam is always here, and for reasons that should be obvious you simply cannot see him.

He could be here... right... now!
Rewatching Rev2:

Matt: Well I actually need a brick to hit this crate with.

*BANG* *crate explodes*


Matt: Nice. That's sick.

Pat: Atleastwegotatopazoutofit. Dammit Woolie!
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