Pat confirmed as the whitest person alive.
''Kicks means shoes''
''Wow,It makes so much sense''
I do believe that is called "playing it up for the camera."
That's a game they should stream, not LP. There's so little lore/story to work with, and even if they go whole hog with the emergent narrative stuff, I feel like it'll wind up like the FFX LP, where it's better as podcast listening than an actual LP.Awwwww. I was hoping they were doing a PXZ 2 LP from them talking about "X" on the podcast, but from the 2k16 LP it seems its justXCOM 2
That's a game they should stream, not LP. There's so little lore/story to work with, and even if they go whole hog with the emergent narrative stuff, I feel like it'll wind up like the FFX LP, where it's better as podcast listening than an actual LP.
That's a game they should stream, not LP. There's so little lore/story to work with, and even if they go whole hog with the emergent narrative stuff, I feel like it'll wind up like the FFX LP, where it's better as podcast listening than an actual LP.
Best first post I'll ever have.
Junpei wasnt ever even your friend though, you're closer to Yukari than him, his entire thing is that he's being a bitch about not being the protagonist."Yosuke is kind of a piece of shit."
Well, that's true. I think he got a pass because Junpei was a bigger piece of shit. The best friend always has to be a little shitty to justify why he's not the protagonist.
They're both pretty crummy, which is important, because it prevents Auron Syndrome. (ie, spending the entire game asking the question, "Why am I not playing as the cool dude instead of this garbage protagonist?")
The one thing Junpei and Yosuke both do very well is make you happy that you don't have to play as Junpei/Yosuke.
I always like Yosuke more because he was like "Yeah I'm shit and have problems. I'll follow your judgment and your decisions. Whereas Junpei was usually " UGHWAAAAHH UR NOT THE BOSS OF ME LITTLE EMO KID"I admit I never could get very far in P3 but Yukari seemed fine while Junpei felt like he was just trying to act like your friend so he could get in every girls pants.
Yosuke was at least up front about what he wanted, creep as he was.
Man, Liam's impassioned defense of street fighter v in light of all of its criticism should be fun.
Man, Liam's impassioned defense of street fighter v in light of all of its criticism should be fun.
Man, Liam's impassioned defense of street fighter v in light of all of its criticism should be fun.
Jesmon might help with that fight. Just a lil protip.beat Cyber Sleuth
man Piercing just breaks the game lol
final Party was Lilithmon, Belphemon RM, and Beelzemon BM
only have 1 Knight to go Imperieldramon PM is a bitch
Yeah, I think going to Veteran for this LP would've been better, but I guess it wouldn't have offered as many "OH SHIT" moments.Going to be interesting to see how Pat handles Commander. He looks like he's almost exactly at the skill level I'd want to watch for a Veteran campaign, but for Commander he might be a bit on the "fast and loose" side to get along.
What an amazing 1st part to the 2k16 LP.
Also, Woolie has gotten way better at Naruto since his off-screen training.
For fighting? Yeah.
For pure navigation around the world? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That's the worst part of the LP for me. It takes him forever to go anywhere because he keeps getting lost despite looking at the map ten times over. The game is pretty fucking annoying with not labeling blocked off sections on the map, but god damn. It will sometimes take them 10-15 minutes instead of 5 minutes or less because Woolie looks at the map, sees he has to go left then right and then he goes the completely wrong way. Rinse and repeat checking the map, getting lost, checking map, and then eventually reaching his destination by the normal or a weird method.
For the longest time I thought maybe I was crazy and reading the map wrong, but nah Woolie is just terrible.
Where does the "Shout/Roar of Earth" meme come from?
Uh, meme? You mean Woolie's tag? It's Blanka's Ultra 2. It's called Shout of Earth. I forget the reason Woolie went with Roar of Earth or if there even is a reason.
Oh yeah, I just remembered:
1) Liam's absurd expectation that XCOM:EU/EW would come to Vita makes me really feel like he should just be called Vita Anime Face all the time.
2) XCOM:EU got like ~150K sales on both consoles in its first month, which is pretty terrible for a game that got millions of sales on PC.
Uh, meme? You mean Woolie's tag? It's Blanka's Ultra 2. It's called Shout of Earth. I forget the reason Woolie went with Roar of Earth or if there even is a reason.
If anything, the one thing I'm digging the most from XCOM 2 is Woolie going in hard on being the alien overlord/better human sympathizer just to infuriate Pat.
Waiting ~4 (or more, if that port doesn't get released this year) years for a port of a game you have the hardware for is the dumbest thing in the world, as Pat rightly points out. i get that Liam loves the Vita, but sometimes you got know when to cut your losses."ESRB listing teases XCOM port to PS Vita"
-Sep 2015
Also Civ Rev got ported to Vita in what, December? Except it was under the title of Civ Rev 2 Plus just like the ESRB Rating for XCOM ends with Plus.