Best friends summing up how i feel about Korra. I wanna like it more and there are parts that are better, and Korra is more interesting than Aang. But Korra having to live season by season along with the pretty shotty writing in parts definitely hurts the overall show. Especially it's extremely garbage romance which was just as bad as it was in Avatar, yet got much more screentime in Korra and was much more noticeable in its quality.
I need to watch S4 soon though.
The constant negativity surrounding the Phantom Pain has me finding it difficult to start playing it. I'm just getting less and less motivated to.
well korra suffers from nick's fuckery, originally just s1, then after they finished production on s1 they order 3 more seasons and they have to scramble an overarching plot into productionBest friends summing up how i feel about Korra. I wanna like it more and there are parts that are better, and Korra is more interesting than Aang. But Korra having to live season by season along with the pretty shotty writing in parts definitely hurts the overall show. Especially it's extremely garbage romance which was just as bad as it was in Avatar, yet got much more screentime in Korra and was much more noticeable in its quality.
I need to watch S4 soon though.
The constant negativity surrounding the Phantom Pain has me finding it difficult to start playing it. I just finding myself less and less motivated to.
Agreed, you could really tell that it lived season by season, which is a bad thing. Having a new villain every season doesn't keep me interested at all, I took a break halfway through season 3 but so far all of the villains combined can't hold a candle to Azula. To be fair Azula is one of my favorite villains ever but still.Best friends summing up how i feel about Korra. I wanna like it more and there are parts that are better, and Korra is more interesting than Aang. But Korra having to live season by season along with the pretty shotty writing in parts definitely hurts the overall show. Especially it's extremely garbage romance which was just as bad as it was in Avatar, yet got much more screentime in Korra and was much more noticeable in its quality.
I need to watch S4 soon though.
It's flawless gameplay with undercooked story. I don't regret a second of playing it.The constant negativity surrounding the Phantom Pain has me finding it difficult to start playing it. I'm just getting less and less motivated to.
The constant negativity surrounding the Phantom Pain has me finding it difficult to start playing it. I'm just getting less and less motivated to.
I haven't listened yet, but I'm going to take a guess it's because of this.
The constant negativity surrounding the Phantom Pain has me finding it difficult to start playing it. I just finding myself less and less motivated to.
I really liked Korra at first, but then I had the ending "twist" spoiled for me after watching season 2 and I just lost all interest. To me, the crappy romance elements of Avatar are always the worst, and hearing that the creators decided to force in a last minute romance between Korra and Asami just felt really cheap.
well korra suffers from nick's fuckery, originally just s1, then after they finished production on s1 they order 3 more seasons and they have to scramble an overarching plot into production
mako is shit but at least seasons 3 and 4 sandbag him super hard
and i'm not talking about the ending of the series, they just actively shit on him every chance they get
Agreed, you could really tell that it lived season by season, which is a bad thing. Having a new villain every season doesn't keep me interested at all, I took a break halfway through season 3 but so far all of the villains combined can't hold a candle to Azula. To be fair Azula is one of my favorite villains ever but still.
Also that love triangle in Korra is one of the worst ones I've ever seen, it's really hard to give a shit when Mako and Asami aren't given much time to build their personalities, so why should I care who ends up with who? There was romance stuff in TLA too but at least they didn't give it this much attention.
It's a great game that plays fucking great. If the concept of cut content gets to you so badly then you shouldn't be playing videogames in general. The Cutting Room Floor outlines all kinds of amazing things that never made it into games. People get so hung up on it because this is the "last" metal gear game from Kojima. Guess what, the story is just as nonsensical as any of the other ones, but the game is the best playing in the series and is wicked fun. Everything feels great.
People are being more negative than it deserves because of the high-profileness of it. There's nothing negative here other than a meh story for me, but that is almost a nitpick with how great everything else is.
The constant negativity surrounding the Phantom Pain has me finding it difficult to start playing it. I just finding myself less and less motivated to.
When the podcast coming out!?
The constant negativity surrounding the Phantom Pain has me finding it difficult to start playing it. I just finding myself less and less motivated to.
When the podcast coming out!?
I haven't listened yet, but I'm going to take a guess it's because of this.
I can't wait to here all the Pat-hype at all these announcements (2 Yakuzaaaa'ss!!!)
I know man. I was like 3D wut? Sprites must have been mighty expensive.
Have they stated if they'll be playing the Bloodborne expansion?
It's a great game that plays fucking great. If the concept of cut content gets to you so badly then you shouldn't be playing videogames in general. The Cutting Room Floor outlines all kinds of amazing things that never made it into games. People get so hung up on it because this is the "last" metal gear game from Kojima. Guess what, the story is just as nonsensical as any of the other ones, but the game is the best playing in the series and is wicked fun. Everything feels great.
People are being more negative than it deserves because of the high-profileness of it. There's nothing negative here other than a meh story for me, but that is almost a nitpick with how great everything else is.
I'm 190 hours into it and have been having a great time, (I even went into it spoiled on the ending and most major plot things) the ARE some valid criticisms but just as many, if not more misconceptions.The constant negativity surrounding the Phantom Pain has me finding it difficult to start playing it. I just finding myself less and less motivated to.
Oh I didn't see this, good man, doing what should be the natural instinct.I haven't listened yet, but I'm going to take a guess it's because of this.
Yeah, and that stems from a cutscene in an extra episode in the Collector's Edition video that *seemed* to not make it in the game, but no one has really figured out the full story on that stuff yet, it's literally drama and assumptions, they might be right, but people really don't know. it's a cutscene in my opinion that is cool and would have been good to see and even might be a thing in future if we're lucky since Kojima doesn't leave until December. But it isn't something that is "vital" to the story, it's cool extra stuff.I've just been hearing people bitch about the cut content, sorry.
Yeah, and that stems from a cutscene in an extra episode in the Collector's Edition video that *seemed* to not make it in the game, but no one has really figured out the full story on that stuff, it's literally drama and assumptions, they might be right, but people really don't know. it's a cutscene in my opinion that is cool and would have been good to see and even might be a thing in future if we're lucky since Kojima doesn't leave until December. But it isn't something that is "vital" to the story, it's cool extra stuff.
But anyway, game plays amazingly well and that fact alone keeps you wanting to replay it or do some of the same stuff differently.
Yeah, and that stems from a cutscene in an extra episode in the Collector's Edition video that *seemed* to not make it in the game, but no one has really figured out the full story on that stuff yet, it's literally drama and assumptions, they might be right, but people really don't know. it's a cutscene in my opinion that is cool and would have been good to see and even might be a thing in future if we're lucky since Kojima doesn't leave until December. But it isn't something that is "vital" to the story, it's cool extra stuff.
But anyway, game plays amazingly well and that fact alone keeps you wanting to replay it or do some of the same stuff differently, because ultimately it's all for building up Motherbase.
But it isn't something that is "vital" to the story, it's cool extra stuff.
And you need to stop being dramatic just because other people have gotten to you and ruined your fun so easily. No that episode is not in the game, but I was speaking more generally on the issue as it extends to more than that episode.It does not only stem from that. You need to stop dismissing any criticisms saying that people are just upset over that.
As far as "we don't know if it really was cut", stop deluding yourself. It's cut content. It's not in the game. It doesn't exist.
Yeah, and that stems from a cutscene in an extra episode in the Collector's Edition video that *seemed* to not make it in the game, but no one has really figured out the full story on that stuff yet, it's literally drama and assumptions, they might be right, but people really don't know. it's a cutscene in my opinion that is cool and would have been good to see and even might be a thing in future if we're lucky since Kojima doesn't leave until December. But it isn't something that is "vital" to the story, it's cool extra stuff.
But anyway, game plays amazingly well and that fact alone keeps you wanting to replay it or do some of the same stuff differently, because ultimately it's all for building up Motherbase.
And you need to stop being dramatic just because other people have gotten to you and ruined your fun so easily. No that episode is not in the game, but I was speaking more generally on the issue as it extends to more than that episode.
No one has gotten to me over anything, I'm just not deluding myself over a game that clearly isn't what it was advertised to be in any sense.
And you need to stop being dramatic just because other people have gotten to you and ruined your fun so easily. No that episode is not in the game, but I was speaking more generally on the issue as it extends to more than that episode.
Just leave it. They are clearly blinded by delusion or fanboism. Leave them to the 10/10 MGSV that doesn't exist. People obviously can't reach valid conclusions on the quality of a thing without being influenced by others (lol)
Sounds more like you can't handle valid criticisms to a game you happened to like. Come on man, it's fine that you liked it, but you can't just dismiss all this stuff that people are talking about.
The fuck is with all this dismissive, "they must be fanboys" argument?
Maybe when I get around to the end game I'll feel like that. But for now, 10% completed with the game, it's fun, I'm having a good time.
YouTube fucking crushes blacks. It's awful. They probably have it cranked way too high for them, but that's how LPs gotta be.I'm so glad they fixed the brightness on UD. It was ridiculously dark before.
I'm so glad they fixed the brightness on UD. It was ridiculously dark before.
I will say that the tail end of the conference was flatter for myself, but come on son. Bloodborne Expansion, Gravity Rush stuff, Yakuza stuff, KoF foaming at the mouth from Woolie, oooo's at Nioh, KH2.8 Final Chapter Prologue naming, groans over RE, 13 Sentinels, Danganronpa, and then you get the petering out of faceplates, PS Now, price drops?, and a commercial. There would of been plenty to talk about. All this shit is open season anyway after that PC Gamer conference.I doubt it. And nothing of value was lost either way, they didnt show FF15 or P5 or very many big name things at all to care about. Would've been a waste to have a 90 minute vid for like 2 reactions worth a damn.
Glad that she seems to be fine. I'm also glad she casually mentions him still wearing the hat. Fuck that unimportant shit though. ORE MONOGATARI HYPETRAIN YEAHHH. Too bad the final episode is in a week.Little update on Paige and Pat here:
I've never heard them specifically say NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE, but those are official as far as I know. New merch popped up recently and that's one of them. They alluded to those pins on the podcast a while back actually when they were trying to think of things that represented them for a certain something. They said it was hard since Matt's just the punisher and Woolie's just reboot.I may have missed it, but did they ever formally announce these?