Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Super disappointed to hear this, my Xbox has basically become my 4K Bluray player exclusively at this point, considering how unappealing it's current release state is to me, hopefully E3 can change that though.


Star Fox Zero's fundamental problems were all on the Nintendo side of things. Shikamaru Ninja did a breakdown when it came out and Platinum's responsibility was mainly the art and music. All the programming and game design was Nintendo.

People don't give enough credit to the good things in Zero that were very evidently done by Platinum. The optional star wolf battles and Sector Beta are so unlike anything Nintendo has ever done that it's apparent they did more than just art and music.


She's a NeoGAF member and not amused. Just sayin.

She shoulda got you another PS4


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
she should get a sense of humour


No seriously, it wasn't funny at all, even from an outside perspective. Was actually rather cringey... Like, going to devolve to dumb 'bitch' jokes? Seriously, on a purely critical comedy level it not only takes no brain or wit, it simply is just trying to be a shit-stirrer. So call out those trying to stir shit. A game was cancelled, someone was disappointed and thought about their purchasing decisions for their fiance, and then dumb 'jokes' get thrown their way which are less jokes and just someone permitting themselves to say dumb sexist stereotypes in an attempt to be amusing, but coming off more like an actual stereotype than the one's they're trying to propel.


Long post for a dumb exchange I have nothing to do with, but I'm tired of seeing these type of threads just turn to shit over weird personal back-and-forths.


Was there a thirst for Gears 4?

Didn't think people were that enthusiastic about it. Seemed like Phil's favourite.

Dude, there were people signed up at the Black Tusk forums the day they went live. Then they weren't able to migrate the accounts to the new forums for The Coalition when the studio transformed, so everyone did it again. There were literally fans making 20 page PDF manifestos that contained all their hopes and dreams for Gears 4. There were petitions that went around gathering signatures asking for the return of Horde mode. There is a huge base of very passionate fans who consider Gears of War their main game.

Gears fans had been begging for Gears 4 ever since Judgment came out and broke all their hearts. Just because GAF likes to snark it up and shit on a game doesn't mean that's the bottom line.
Will it? I don't imagine there will be many if any surprises.

This. Most of the conference last year got leaked and even then, almost all of it was right and it wasn't all that interesting outside of the 'Play Anywhere' thing. There weren't even that many "gaming" announcements.


MS will notice it, believe me. Sale numbers will talk loud and clear this 2017.
Because a Platinum Games game was cancelled? I'm sure sales numbers will tank but I don't think Microsoft or any analyst worth their salt would attribute that to Scalebound.


Gold Member
I wouldn`t be surprised if they cancelled everything that isn`t Forza, Halo and GoW. What a shitty lineup they have for this year.
I'm so much happier now that I'm dead. Technically missing. Soon to be presumed dead. Gone.

And this lazy oblivious and incompetent "Microsoft" company will go to prison for my murder. They took my pride and my dignity and my hope and my money. They took and took from me until I no longer existed. That's murder. Let the punishment fit the crime. To fake a convincing release date for Scale-fucking-bound you have to have discipline. You befriend a local foold, Platinum Games. Harvest the details of his hundrum life and cram him with stories about how development will be "doing fine", how the the game will soon be playable from start to finish. Secretly create some money troubles: forced online co-op, micotransactions, western bullshit. With the help of the unwitting, you bump up your life insurance. Purchase the Xbox One. With the Elite Controller. Generic. Overpriced. Pay cash. You need to package yourself so that people will truly mourn your loss. And I don't know how much you know about Japan, but they truly believe in honor, it's an important part of their culture... You know what's hard? Faking your excitement for this game. First, you pretend to follow all the dishearting news about this trainwerk of a game. Watch every damn E3 showing. From the first CGi vaporware trailer. Wake up at fucking 3.a.m, June 2016 just to see how this game has been resorted to a How To Train a Flying Potato simulator. Then you steal a Recore copy. And you pretend to like it. Voila! The game is nothing like you wanted. You wasted 60 dollars. Happy 3th Anniversary of this game's announcement. But then you go on NeoGAF, and post "wow I loved the E3 demo, MS is doing a great job :)" while you dry off the tears running down your face. Wait for the clueless director to announce the release date. Off he goes... and the clock is ticking. 20 weeks away from the release day and they haven't even shown final console footage yet. You feel fisically ill. A lot. A lot. A lot. You start to post about how the game is likely being saved for Scorpio How the game still retains that Hideki Kamiya-sama magic, even though you know deep in yourself that's one hell of a lie. June. E3 starts and they fucking bring a broken demo on stage. "Well, Platinum has never made a bad game, so there's no reason not to trust them". I repeat to myself. But everyone else playing the demo booths agrees that it is just bad. And because you're you, you don't stop there. You go back. To the day this fucking game was announced. Start with the fairy-tale days. The biggest Xbox One exclusive. A system seller title. From the creator of Resident Evil 2 and Bayonetta. Those are true. After that, you invent. "Scalebound was supposed to relive the Xbox brand" "X1 would likely outsell PS4 when this game gets released... at least in the US" The spending, the abuse, the fear, the threat of violence... burn it, just the right amount. Make sure the fans will find it. Finally, honor tradition with a very special treasure hunt. And if I get everything right, the world will hate Microsoft for killing his beautiful, legacy franchise. And after all the outrage, when I'm ready, I'll go out on to GameStop and buy a Playstation 4 + NieR: Automata bundle. And when my mother finds me investing my precious time trying to bond with this hot anime girl, I'll look straight into her eyes and say "but have you looked at her butt? Have your really looked at her butt?" In that very moment, she knows. She fucking knows. As she handles me the nugget pieces she previously cooked for me, she leaves my room with these words: "NierR is the true savior of Platinum Games". And that's when the people will know, Microsoft dumped Scalebound like garbage, and it floated past all the other abused, unwanted, inconvenient titles like Phantom Dust and Fable: Legends. The Scalebound fans will be gone, but then... we never really existed. We loved a game we pretended to like.

"An Xbox One exclusive".

Gamers always use that, don't they? As their defining compliment: "Quantum Break is a true Xbox exclusive". A true Xbox One exclusive is hot. A true Xbox One exclusive is game. A true Xbox One exclusive is fun. A true Xbox One exclusive never makes its fans angry. It only smiles in a chagrined, loving manner. The Platinum Game fans like what they like, so evidently they're vinyl hipsters who loves fetish Manga. If they like girls gone wild, Claire Redfield was a good example of empowering woman design. Bayonetta is sexist trash.. When I met Phil Spencer I knew he wanted "true Xbox Exclusive experience". And for him, I'll admit: Scalebound truly was it. He created an empty development funded by vapor and nothingness. Microsoft rewrote the concept to fit those Sony esclusive games everyone loves. They put headphones into the game because we all love headphones. They showed the game, semi-regularly. I lived in the moment. The same dragon portion for three years. I was fuckinging game. I can't say I didn't enjoy some of it. Microsoft teased out in me things I didn't know existed. A lightness, a humor, an ease. But I made them smarter. Sharper. I inspired them to rise to my level. I forged the company of my dreams. We were happy pretending to be other people. We were the happiest couple we knew. And what's the point of being together if you're not the happiest? But Platinum got lazy and Microsoft stubborn. They delayed the game. Microsoft actually expected me to love support their Xbox console unconditionally. And before finishing with Platinum, they delayed the game another time. From Holiday 2016, to simply "2017". We knew it was coming. We knew that what the press sneaks were telling us, was true.

You think I'd let Microsoft destroy me and end up happier than ever?

No fucking way.

They don't get to win. I don't know how much the rest of you know about social culture (I'm an expert), but grown-ups work for things. Grown-ups pay.

Grown-ups suffer consequences.

Yeah, it's Gone Girl time for me tonight.


Wow, I'm having trouble on what to say. Is the project actually cancelled? It just sucks to see one of my favorite developers break down like this. It was strange that we didn't get any real news for a while now. Pray for Kamiya.
Holy crap the hyperbole in this thread. Microsoft is done with consoles, Phil Spencer is horrible, Microsoft is done making games and wants to be Valve. Obviously nothing new is going to be announced at E3. Microsoft is done with consoles... Yet is releasing a new one later this year. Jesus gaf.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Hey if you use promises of future games to sell consoles, you should eat the cost and deliver.
If not you should take all the shit coming to you.

They were happy to show all these games prematurely so people would buy thier hw, but then went "sorry this just doesnt work for us anymore".
They can do it, but their credibility is in the toilet where it belongs.
I mean it's always hard to tell what's going on behind the scenes. Sometimes an ambitious project is just genuinely not coming together or is overambitious. :/


I was not really feeling the game based on the presentations, so, if on top of that there were productions issues, I think MS might have taken a good decision. I hope Platinum do not take the hit too hard and that MS has some clever plans to present some other original new IPs (because frankly, they have been pretty tame on that end this gen).


Imagine working hard on something for four years only to have it thrown away. I can't imagine how the developers must feel.


Neo Member
Also, hard to make TLG comparisons. TLG was a follow up to two of the most critically acclaimed games of all time. Scalebound's reception has already been lukewarm at showings. I can see why they made the decision, but it's still troubling.


Unconfirmed Member
It was just a joke he obviously didn't mean it.

TBH it was stupid of the guy to basically say "Great this amazing expensive gift my fiancé got me is a big fat turd" in a place where she could read it.

I know if my fiancé put that kind of money into a gift even if it was something I didn't like for her sake I'd smile and pretend to love it.

We both talk a lot about games, she knows that I love the gesture, the meaning behind her buying the xbox one for me.
She also saw that I've not used the xbox in months. she asked why, I told her the truth o.o.
I don't have to fear her "wrath" >>. at least in this matter.

no more de-railing from me now. I'm out being sad that this game is cancelled


Just write about the cancellation, even if very briefly, to put a PR stunt on it is completely useless and disrespectful, i don't remember them trying to pug games after Fables cancellation.

They did. They said it was canceled.

I get people want to know more, but they're not going to focus on the negative in a PR statement or get into any more details on high-profile bad news, and obviously this is a hit to their portfolio, so they closed by trying to assure people (investors) their lineup is still strong (regardless if people believe them).

Some of you would not last long in PR.


Man... Kamiya must be really taking this hard, from the interviews you really could tell it was his passion project, he said multiple times that he always wanted to make a game about a dragon fighting alongside his human buddy.

Tears were probably flowing in the conference room when MS told him the news :(
Kind of amazed at the number of posters in here who would have preferred Microsoft continue to fund what was looking like was turning out to be a bad game with development problems.

It's disappointing, sure, and I hope the devs manage to stay on their feet, but decisions like this aren't made flippantly. There was most likely a very good reason(s) they decided to pull the plug.

I was looking forward to it, and never understood the negative reactions it got outside of the main-character design.

That being said, this game DID receive it's fair share of negative word-of-mouth after every showing, so I'm definitely surprised about the reaction here.
What were they supposed to say? Platinum fucked up? That not how this works.

They're suppose to say best of luck to Platinum and Kamiya, or some shit like that. Show a human side to things. PR in 2017 and beyond is showing a human side to things. Watch companies getting burned for being to robotic. Microsoft sounds heartless there.
Sucks but that's business. Hopefully MS can get to work on some new titles soon or fund some more projects that aren't just sequels.
Man, I remember the days when Microsoft Studios' lineup was a diverse range of first-party games, experimental games from Press Play, and second-party titles on XBLA.
What a shit year they have coming up

Actually now that I've thought of it.
Below also wasn't mentioned either.

Wonder if that is canned as well, or just still in development hell. Although I guess that isn't triple A.
I keep forgetting SoD2 is triple A but I just can't take it out of my mind that it's an indie game.

Maybe SoD2 will be bigger than I think.


I feel when Mattrick was around the Xbox as a plattform had many more games to offer. Just my feelings, I don't trust my feelings so someone else has to get the facts.

Mattrick was there from 2007-2013, when they went from the OG XBox and early 360 strategy that included Mech Assault, PGR, Kameo, Viva Pinata, and Lost Odyssey to going all-in on Kinect and doubling down on Halo, Gears, Forza, and Fable.

People don't realize there are usually lead times of 2-3 years from new leadership taking over until the effects are seen on the platform. Mattrick put Microsoft in a huge hole with the beginning of the XBO generation, but I also feel that many people switching to PC from 2010/2011 onwards were disillusioned 360 gamers that found the platform of stale. At least I was.
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