Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Sony and Nintendo are not touching this with a barge pole.

PG games missing milestones is something no company who's actually footing the bill for work wants to see.

but damm 4 years wasted.


Square Enix should buy it and make it Drakengard 4.

I thought every video of Scalebound looked very rough, but I'm not in the typical Platinum Games audience so I didn't think much of it.

Sad to hear that Kamiya (from peope's twitter posts) is in the midst of some mental health issues, hoping for a recovery.


This thread is moving so fast lol, I'm still at page 12 and every time I go to a new page it gains 3 more pages.


they invest billions into hardware and infrastructure, spend years building things like 360 backwards compatibility and invest millions in studios and games. what sort of question is that?

Nobody else has pockets deep enough to support this business. I want them to make as much cool shit as possible like everyone else but sometimes it doesn't work out.
And what about that investment they proclaimed at the start of the generation? They have almost nothing to show for it while they're busy closing multiple studios, letting another studio be independent and ending long working relationships with multiple partners.

When you change your mind as fast as Microsoft does, I don't know why anyone actually trusts them. Once things goes south, you can almost bet they're looking to get out as well.
Man... Kamiya must be really taking this hard, from the interviews you really could tell it was his passion project, he said multiple times that he always wanted to make a game about a dragon fighting alongside his human buddy.

Fuck that's harsh.

I wish him a speedy recovery.


can't believe the amount of people revelling in this just to use it as a springboard to legitimise their hate for MS and Xbox.
Oh yeah, D4, another mess from Microsoft. Think SWERY went through a similar breakdown after he couldn't finish that game. It's a real shame when devs put so much work into something they cannot finish like that.

Star Fox Zero's fundamental problems were all on the Nintendo side of things. Shikamaru Ninja did a breakdown when it came out and Platinum's responsibility was mainly the art and music. All the programming and game design was Nintendo.

Pretty sure the game was co-directed by the Bayonetta 2 director.
Everyone picking on that PR...

You guys ever consider that maybe MS is pissed at all the delays and the game not looking good? Everyone is just looking at it as if Platinum deserved all the respect and whatnot, but maybe in MS's perspective they aren't deserving of any?


So are those assets gone forever? The game looked rough, but the environments shown looked pretty decent for a proper JRPG.
I don't think it's fair to blame MS yet for this game being cancelled. We don't know what happened behind the scenes and it could have been a case of "This is game is never going to get finished". Keep in mind the game had already been delayed once and had been in development for a good chunk of time for the Xbox One specifically. It has also could have been a case of Microsoft demands or proper budgeting now being done. We really don't know yet.


Hopefully they have something surprising to reveal that will be coming out this year and stop making the mistaken of announcing titles years in advance.


Phil Spencer is really killing the system. There has been more cancellation and studio shutdown since he took over compared to when Mattrick was there. Maybe Mattrick wasn't the bad guy after all.

I feel when Mattrick was around the Xbox as a plattform had many more games to offer. Just my feelings, I don't trust my feelings so someone else has to get the facts.
People show of their games too early. You need to pull a Nintendo or Bethesda where they announce a game and release it later that year.


Terrible news. Sure it didn't look good but still. Wasn't this even bigger than W101? Sure W101 bombed but at least it made it to retail.

PG's largest team and biggest budget for a game yet, apparently. They outsource a lot too, so this will inevitably affect some smaller studios as well unfortunately.
What the fuck is this nonsense? Yeah, it sucks Scalebound got cancelled but Xbox is in a much better place with Phil. BC and Scorpio are both huge. Hopefully some new IPs will be introduced this E3. I'm sure he's well aware of this issue.

Scorpio isn't out yet and BC is only there to hide their shortcomings as far as putting out games.

Spencer has been dreadful as of now, the XB1S is his only success since it seems to be selling well.


I meant they didn't resume funding and several key people left the studio while the game became vaporware until PS4 hardware showed up and they realized the game could feasibly run and wouldn't be super expensive to finish. It's an extremely rare case, for an example of what typically happens to games that have been in development for a fuckton of time, see the development of Homefront The Revolution.
Hey if you use promises of future games to sell consoles, you should eat the cost and deliver.
If not you should take all the shit coming to you.

They were happy to show all these games prematurely so people would buy thier hw, but then went "sorry this just doesnt work for us anymore".
They can do it, but their credibility is in the toilet where it belongs.
Well that sucks. Its one of those things where you have to meet deadlines, and show steady progress.

In the end i was looking forward to this game so it sucks. Wish Kamiya the best. I wasnt interested in Nier, but i may look into it just to help out Platinum as Im sure this hurts them.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Game looked awful every time they showed it.

That said, MS's exclusive lineup is now, somehow, even shittier.

MS basically has Forza, Gears, and Halo. That's it. They almost literally have nothing else (in the AA and AAA space).
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