Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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True Fire

I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Well, at least NieR Automata will be Platinum's swan song.

I imagine Kamiya will pull another Clover and create yet another studio out of Platinum's ashes (he's such a successful director, right?). Won't change his shitty relationships with Capcom, Konami, SEGA, Activision, and now Microsoft though.


Too bad. Never good for the industry when big games like this get canned after a majority of the development effort has passed. Could have been a great game to launch with Scorpio support too.

Xaero Gravity

Again that was all Kamiya, he has literally talked about how this is his dream game for a while, MS didn't control the art style at all, Platinum was given a ton of creative control if you had even remotely read a single interview about this game. People seriously need to stop projecting about this game man.
Stahp, that doesn't fit the narrative.


Obviously we need more information before much can be said, but Platinum has not had a good time lately. Like, have they made a "good" game since Bayonetta 2, and what really good games did they touch between Bayo 1 and 2? I know Star Fox Zero wasn't completely Platinum's fault, but they still seem to be on a really bad streak. Did the developer just get over-hyped after the, imo, fantastic Bayonetta games? Again, I don't want to immediately throw them under the bus, but jeez. It doesn't look they've been having much success the past few years.

Well Platinum has never been commercially successful. I think their highest selling game to date is Metal Gear Rising, which had the Metal Gear brand behind it. Any of their original IPs did not fare too well and remain pretty niche as far as the AAA market goes.
Again that was all Kamiya, he has literally talked about how this is his dream game for a while, MS didn't control the art style at all, Platinum was given a ton of creative control if you had even remotely read a single interview about this game. People seriously need to stop projecting about this game man.

Indeed. It's because Platinum has a very hardcore fan base around here so they want to blame MS and not Kamiya or Platinum.

Look the game never looked good when shown. Development was probably hell and MS just decided to cut their losses. It's unfortunate but it is what it is


Obviously we need more information before much can be said, but Platinum has not had a good time lately. Like, have they made a "good" game since Bayonetta 2, and what really good games did they touch between Bayo 1 and 2? I know Star Fox Zero wasn't completely Platinum's fault, but they still seem to be on a really bad streak. Did the developer just get over-hyped after the, imo, fantastic Bayonetta games? Again, I don't want to immediately throw them under the bus, but jeez. It doesn't look they've been having much success the past few years.

Transformers devastation came out after Bayo 2. MGS Rising was in between 1 and 2. Both were solid to great.


extra source of jiggaflops
It's me or MS are too "trigger happy" this gen when it comes to cancel games?
Maybe more publicly, because they have announced their games way too early.
They are not alone in that, but this one might be more notable because of how close to the announced release window it is.


I was recently playing Transformers: Devastation and that game is way better than it had a right to be.

Scalebound had potential but we'll never see it now.
I know, but people like to jumping on conclusions without knowing details, we already getting posts like this:

Canceling ambitious game like this is very bad PR. They should at least give us detailed statement about situation with this game, but since it's Microsoft i highly doubt they'll do this.

In my defense for that post, I'm a butthead


Game looked mediocre at best anyway with one of the most insufferable protags in a while. No huge loss IMO.


Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.

Come on now. I mean no disrespect. But outside of a few small pockets on the internet. No one knows about Kamiya or PG in order to get pissed.


Why? Nintendo is invested in Platinum IP (Bayonetta) and has worked with them on quite a few titles (Wonderful 101, Star Fox). Or do you just mean you'd prefer Sony?

For Platinum, Sony would be a better partner for this type of game because it's the kind of game that thrives on the platform. Not to mention the userbase of 53+ million to sell to (obviously bigger audience, potential for more sales), and the fact that the PS4/Pro will be able to handle the game better on a technical level. But as someone said, MS owns the IP so unless they decide to release it to Platinum, it's not going anywhere. Besides, why does everyone want Scalebound now?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Sega funded most of Bayonetta 2 before selling the remains of the project to Nintendo.

It's like Evolve and Take-Two.

Any source that they funded "most" of it ? At the end of the day Nintendo seems quite invested in the IP - i dont think it was a one-time deal. They know thats the type of content they need and the inclusion in Smash seems to point that way.


Guys you're scaring me about this meaning big trouble from PG.
I mean we joked that W101 bomba would have killed them and then bad stuffs are happening.

In the end I'm really sad for Kamiya, he works on his games with all his soul and even sleep in his office :(
Not at all shocked, tbh and pretty much expected it.

- Kamiya calling MS shits and fucks on twitter
- The fact that Kamiya always looked like didnt want to be there whenever he was on stage
- The Gamescom reveal that looked like garbage and the E3 re-reveal that wasn't too hot either
- That they've gone a long time without any word of this

Bad vibes all around.

He did?


Maybe they should give the project to Kojima Productions? Or whatever team Konami has left.

Time to show some love back.


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Why not relocate the staff from Scalebound to help? That way, people get to stick around + hopefully speed up development of Granblue. :D
Mmm, already happened with Fable too. I'm a big proponent of what MS do, I think they've had a strong software line-up despite their hardware woes, but it sucks to hear this stuff. I mean, the game being rough and big cuts didn't stop them putting Recore out so I wonder what the state of the game was.

the budget on recore compared to this have to be wildly different.

eventually its an opportunity cost right? AAA game costing millions of dollars that just isnt coming together, do you throw another hoard of millions at it or cut your loses and re-invest in something else


Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.
I highly doubt Crackdown gets cancelled. Hell, I think its destruction tech will be one of the things they try to sell Scorpio on.

Scorpio? Its destruction tech is cloud rendered. That game solely exists because a company made a cloud-rendered physics engine & MS wants to use it to sell Azure cloud rendering to game developers. The added power of Scorpio has no factor in what its doing. And from what I heard, CD3 development has been rough for awhile now, but you can already tell that yourself; we've seen even less of it than Scalebound.


Don't go...


Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.

Ha ha ha brand suicide. Please, this will barely be a blip in their stock price, you need to step back from the extreme fandom dude.


I hope Platinum is okay after this.

Like, if they have to lay off the majority of the Scalebound team or something, I don't think I could ever like Microsoft again


I hope Crackdown is not suffering the same.

Crackdown is probably gonna be 'Online only on Xbone, playable w/o online on Scorpio due to all the extra FLOPS of processing it has.' At least that's how I perceive it. would be DEVASTATING if it got cancelled.
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