Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Not to contradict you, but this logic applied pretty well to a sequel to Bayonetta before 2 was even announced.

First one was a success, for its genre and it also was multiplat...but making it Nintendo exclusive, on Wii U from all console? This is almost a guaranteed money dump.

So as for Bayo 3, I'm still hopeful.

It was also a pretty different time period where the only things selling weren't giant open world games and service based multiplayer titles, and for an unreleased system that was following up the success of the Wii instead of the failure of the Wii U.


The game looked really bad at E3 last year, but to have the whole thing scuttled? That has to be tremendously damaging for the likes of Platinum.
Yeah, agree. Also from what I heard people didn't say that it was a poor game it was more that is wasn't running well and that is something that can be fixed.
Not to contradict you, but this logic applied pretty well to a sequel to Bayonetta before 2 was even announced.

First one was a success, for its genre and it also was multiplat...but making it Nintendo exclusive, on Wii U from all console? This is almost a guaranteed money dump.

So as for Bayo 3, I'm still hopeful.

But releasing a sequel to bayonetta was financial suicide

that's why sega cancelled it

nintendo just realized they could take a partially complete game and release it for a small amount of money
It looked bad every time I saw gameplay, but I was hoping for a rereveal that made a turnaround, not a cancellation :/

Nier looks so great...I like the art direction they showed of the Granblue game...I absolutely bet on the wrong horse on this generation, and now nothing from P* on the console at all.


Don't go...



It looks garbage, the demonstration at E3 was severely underwhelming.

Slow ass clunky moving dragon = no fun + difficult to design an action game around

At least we have NieR
Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.

Brand suicide for who, Microsoft?

There were like 5 Xbox owners looking forward to a dragon based Japanese RPG from Platinum

Most of the sales would have come from PC, I'd bet


I hope some big publisher/company picks it up and saves it. Nintendo/Sony/EA/Ubi, etc. It would suck if that game never made it out.
This is never good when it happens, but Microsoft also has to be careful I think. The game just really never looked as if it was getting Platinum's full talent/resources. Not sure why that was, but it really looked like something big was missing from the traditional platinum games polish and gameplay, and I don't know what the history is like with either Microsoft or other publishers getting burned in this way, but during that time Platinum released quite a few other titles. If this turns out true it makes you wonder now if Scalebound ever truly had Platinum's full arsenal of talent or attention, because, honestly, it didn't appear as if it did.

It had it's star director and I think most key people from Bayo on it. And half the studio too.

You're implying they pulled a Gearbox on MS, we don't know what happened here.
This was a smart move. They were never gonna make their investment back given how poor the game looked compounded with the xbox audience. Actually good for both parties because platinum doesn't get their reputation damaged with a bad game. It simply did not have the platinum signature look or feel.


People can try to blame MS as much as they want to for this and they likely share some blame. But people can't just ignore Platinum. The game has looked rough as hell at every showing and it was them developing it.

Eh, MS is more at blame here than you'd think. But that story will be out in due time, don't worry.
Yea I have a feeling ms probably meddled enough to try and make it more appealing to the western audience and platinum just couldn't handle the increase in scope.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I totally meant MS as that company that throws more money. My bad for not making it clear.

Ah, right. A Dead Island 2 situation isn't outside the realm of possibility, although Scalebound being a new IP makes saving it a tougher sell due to the uncertain demand.


If it's true my guess is too much MS meddling. They simply do not seem to have a good grasp of properly managing game developers.

Unless they have improved massively in recent years, my friends' experience with them as third party devs would tend to agree with this. It's a shame because their first party stuff is generally solid.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Bayonetta 2?
Devil's Third?

Bayonetta 1 and BGE are fan favorites that had great first games - so they were going for the quality.

I will give you Devils Turd

Scalebound is a new unproven IP - Nintendo will rather moneyhat Monster Hunter for the next decade instead of wasting money that.


How many millions they blew on this one? Such good project management at MS. I get it if something isn't good you should cancel it, but at prototype stage, not at almost complete stage. Fable Legends was same thing.

R aka Bon

Plz tell me it wont be real! 😢 I have been loooking forward to this game and would be extremely disappointed if it got cancelled. You did it to Legends, spare this one.
They never really showed a real hook to get people excited. The multiplayer angle of the last showing was really unconvincing too. The best argument for the game was Kamiya but that isn't going to play in the wider market.
I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Didn't they hint on working with Nintendo again not too long ago?
They could have a Nintendo exclusive in the works.

I wonder how willing Platinum would be to be bought out by Sony/Nintendo.


Right so is the game coming out now or not? Theres 'news' on it?

Scalebound: Revengeance?

My friggin heart, my greasy heart it can't take this
Scorpio? Its destruction tech is cloud rendered. That game solely exists because a company made a cloud-rendered physics engine & MS wants to use it to sell Azure cloud rendering to game developers. The added power of Scorpio has no factor in what its doing. And from what I heard, CD3 development has been rough for awhile now, but you can already tell that yourself; we've seen even less of it than Scalebound.

It used cloud power because the base model XB1 can't handle the chaos without killing the frame rate. Being able to show it off on Scorpio without the need for "the power of the cloud" would be a positive for that console.


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.
Wasn't there a third Mobile game? Perhaps I'm misremembering it.

I just took those games as an admission of defeat from PG, that they went to go fully mobile. Neither mercenary work nor cheap Licensing paid off. Maybe something with Mistwalker?
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