Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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2017 looking grim for xbox games wise. Smh looks like shit on the horizon. Lets see what they have at E3. Probably nothing but scorpio talk.


What the hell... This was one of my most anticipated games in development!

At least Platinum Games is still going strong, hopefully this doesn't hurt them too much. Hope we get another Kamiya game in some other form in the near future.
I just laughed at MS statement regarding the game. Other than Sea Of Thieves Im not really seeing that much hype for the others.

I haven't seen Sea of Thieves hype anywhere except on GAF from Xbox fans. I think its yet another game who has too nebulous of a 'goal' to really spark interest from a mainstream audience.


Why are all big Japanese game productions so troubled? Seems like nothing can just have a clean development over there, even with outside help from (sometimes Western) publishers.

FFXV, MGSV, Last Guardian, Deep Down, this - all absolute shit shows of production.


El Capitan Todd
I've never be actully tempted to buy an Xbox One alongside my PS4/WiiU/Switch, but Scaleboud was the only games making me think about it.
Well...I'll save 300€ now
I wonder how much this had to do with Platinum working on Every Single Japanese Game Ever lately.

Maybe they bit off more than they could chew.

^^ exactly the way I feel about these unfortunate news.

btw, it's so sad reading some posts in here blaming MS without knowing any piece of factual information about what are the reasons forthis cancellation. Maybe this isn't MS's fault, but PG's, but it seems it's easier to blame MS than some other companies.
You know MS. I like your console, I've supported you- if it weren't for my friends at this point, I'd completely transition to a PC. I'm starting a build in a couple months, maybe I can get friends to come along.


Microsoft are the masters of throwing a huge pile of money onto something only to burn it later.

Well that's what they did with Xbox. Look at how much money they have burned through from the time they created the whole division.

I think their bank balance will survive...
Phantom Dust
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Crackdown 3
Halo Wars 2

They have five exclusives coming up in 2017 at this moment, FIVE.
I'm not counting small downloadable titles here, but still, you get the point.
I had really hoped for more since the phil spencer era started.
Phantom Dust is gone, Crackdown 3 will probably gone. State of Decay 1 was damn mediocre and was a small downloadable title, Halo Wars 2 isn't XB1 exclusive I don't think and the only reason the series is relevant at all is because it uses the Halo IP and was one of the better console RTS games.




But if the game was crap, then it got what it deserved. How much more was Microsoft supposed to dump into it?
Cancelling bombs is always smart in my view. In their place better games can be made, I think the higher number of project cancellation and studio closures shows MS is adhering to a higher standard now.

Fable is a good example. A bad game is always tarnished, better to never release it.


the piano man
I wonder if Phil Spencer may have been doing more harm than good in Microsoft.

however was the guy in the 360 days, they need him back, desperately.

the 360 was amazing post RROD, well priced, excellent portfolio that actually competed against sony with JRPS, Adventure games, horror games,


It's honestly sad that this game got canceled even though in a lot of ways it didn't really look that great. It just looked like so much work was put into the game to have it all thrown in the trash.


Legit pissed about this and MS's 2017 lineup has taken a massive hit IMO, and given what's left it's a hit they couldn't afford.


Junior Member
Damn this thread going fast hard to keep up

Why don't they just sell it as Early Access on Steam lots of people will eat it up easy
All these people saying fuck MS when it sounds like Platinum were the ones who couldn't deliver.

Platinum will deliver you a game in six months if they need to, we have their Activision work to prove that. They managed to develop several action games to completion under Nintendo/Sega/Activision.

That's why when you change the publisher and suddenly there are troubles getting the game to a releasable state, people are looking at the X factor


After much consideration we have decided to cease development on Fable Legends, [..] These changes are taking effect as Microsoft Studios continues to focus its investment and development on the games and franchises that fans find most exciting and want to play.
After careful deliberation, Microsoft Studios has come to the decision to end production for "Scalebound." We're working hard to deliver an amazing lineup of games to our fans this year, including "Halo Wars 2," "Crackdown 3," "State of Decay 2," "Sea of Thieves" and other great experiences.
Microsoft is very excited to announce its new firmware update for Scorpio.
Firmware version 1.15 changes:
- Replaces "upcoming games" with "interactive fireplace"


Sucks about the news, but I guess Platinum isn't happy to see all that hardwork go to waste. I expect Platinum / MS relationship to be broken from now on.
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