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Scalpers returning PS3s to stores

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Been waiting for this article to hit. Goes on to talk about the Wii's popularity and several quotes from "retailers" (OK, folks who work at retailers) who state that they have some supply of PS3's.


By Dana Brown
The Hamilton Spectator
(Dec 23, 2006)
Eager entrepreneurs trying to make a fast buck on hot demand for the new Sony PlayStation 3 this holiday season have found themselves out of luck.

The initial supply of PlayStation 3 game consoles fell well short of demand and spawned a market of scalpers who picked up the systems.

But a last-minute surge in supply to electronics retailers has left many holding a PS3 with nowhere to unload them


"It's easy to get now," he said. "It's not a hot commodity."

Both said they plan to return the systems to the store.

Lee N

Serves them right.. hope they had fun standing in line for all those hours... or better yet if they paid someone to do it for them, money they'll never get back.


RaijinFY said:
Excellent! :lol :lol :lol :lol

...I wasn't making a joke. The 360's lack of supply made it the most profitable system at launch (unless you preordered a PS3 and found a buyer before launch).


Kills Photobucket
The real winners were those people who sold their spots in line for money and didn't even have to shell out the initial $500-$600


Buy console for $600
Try to sell for huge profit
Suceed -> $$$
Fail -> Get your $600 back

In the end the douchebags still come out unscathed :/

Lee N

X26 said:
Buy console for $600
Try to sell for huge profit
Suceed -> $$$
Fail -> Get your $600 back

In the end the douchebags still come out unscathed :/
You missed the part where they were standing in line for all those hours in vain. Hours they could have spent working or whatever.


Why dont they sell them on ebay, the 60GB version still goes for $700+.

Not a huge profit, but better than returning them, so I think this is BS


Wow, so soon? I remember scalpers owning people on eBay over 360s up until early 2006. I'm not trolling here, I'm being really serious. Christmas was hell for some people trying to get one last year. I wonder how widespread this is.

seriously, the xbot in me is doing a Grinch grin right now
A_Lee_N said:
Serves them right.. hope they had fun standing in line for all those hours... or better yet if they paid someone to do it for them, money they'll never get back.

I'm guessing most of the people returning their PS3s now aren't the ones who waited in line at launch, but people who bought PS3s more recently in hopes of doing a quick flip. I know a couple of guys who've bought PS3s within the last couple of weeks simply because they happened to be in stores when they had them in stock, not realizing the scalping craze had already died down quite a bit.

Those of us who waited in line sold off that shit on day one, and made a mint. :)


I did buy one to resell it, but never could. Though I did not stand in line, it was there waiting and saying "resell me". It was a 20 GO by the way, and everybody wants the 60 GO one for obvious reasons.


bengraven said:
Wow, so soon? I remember scalpers owning people on eBay over 360s up until early 2006. I'm not trolling here, I'm being really serious. Christmas was hell for some people trying to get one last year. I wonder how widespread this is.

seriously, the xbot in me is doing a Grinch grin right now

Could it be that Sony is better at producing units then Microsoft is? Just a thought since PS3's come to my store weekly and we are sitting on 40 for the Dec 31st ad. Was 60 but got an email saying to sell 20 on Thursday.


Isn't it better for the store if they don't accept the returned PS3s?
And it'll also burn the scalpers some more >:D
On Monday, I went to Meijer and saw a 20GB PS3 for the first time. I was also able to get 15% off since my parents have a Meijer credit card (I'd just pay my parents back). I never thought I'd see a PS3, so I was initially not going to buy it. But after thinking about it for 10 minutes, I realized I can afford one, and I should definitely get it (because I definitely want one). As soon as I went back to get it, there was some guy standing right in front of the PS3, calling someone on his cell phone. He was asking how much a 20GB PS3 was going on ebay for. At the time, the highest one was going for $600, so he decided to buy it (PS3 comes to $530 after tax). I told the guy that I really wanted a PS3 and would not sell it. I also mentioned that it was highly doubtful he'll make a profit. All he said to me was "I'll sell it to you for $700". After what happened, I seriously cried, because I really wanted a PS3, but got beat my a scalper (which is why I loathe them even more now).

Now, since I'm seeing many people not even break even on 20GB PS3s on ebay, I don't feel so bad because that guy will probably get screwed. Even if he makes just over $500 on it, the ebay pees, Paypal fees, etc. will kick in, causing him to possibly lose money, or barely make any kind of profit. Unfortunately, I may not see a PS3 for $425 for a while (unless I get lucky again at Meijer).

Every time I go to Meijer and other stores, I look over the return area to see if anyone brought their PS3 back, since I heard about scalpers not making money. Unfortunately, this might be a bad sign for Sony (I am a big PlayStation fan afterall), but I'm very happy scalpers are getting screwed now. I had a feeling this was going to happen. With PS2 launch and Xbox 360 launch, not many people were thinking about putting their console on ebay initially. But after finding out people were willing to pay a lot, many people just knew the same would happen to PS3, so too many people put a PS3 on ebay, causing it to be saturated. I think the number of people willing to scalp is getting higher than the people willing to pay the high prices. Hopefully, scalping will decrease next generation.

I remember when people tried to scalpers tried to do the same for PSP (despite Sony shipping 1 million at launch) and failing.:lol
{Mike} said:
I did buy one to resell it, but never could. Though I did not stand in line, it was there waiting and saying "resell me". It was a 20 GO by the way, and everybody wants the 60 GO one for obvious reasons.
I personally don't understand why people want the 60GB model. People constantly complain about the PS3 price, yet they want the 60GB model. The 20GB model gives you everything you need (has HDMI now), but lacks WiFi, SD/MS/CF reader, larger HDD, and remote play for PSP. Oh course, the $600 is a good deal, but I personally feel that price is steep, especially for stuff I don't plan to use, which is why I'd get the 20GB model for $500.


Gas Guzzler
My cousin camped out for two days to get four PS3s on launch to sell (along with with 3 buddies).

He and friends returned all four to the store last week. Hope everyone learned their lesson for the next console launch.


inthezone said:
So is this good or bad news?

Should we open a bottle of cheap wine or make the final preparations?
It is good news. Poeple able to buy a PS3 have a PS3 (and if they pay 'only' the official price they are probably happy).

Not all the people willing to buy a 360 last year dis buy one when it was finally available.

In short: Shortages are BAD


I've been seeing the the 60GB version going for less than retail+tax on ebay a lot lately. The 20GB ends under cost a lot (most people are smart and put reserves....most). I wonder how this makes the people who paid $2500-3000 on launch day feel... :lol


A_Lee_N said:
You missed the part where they were standing in line for all those hours in vain. Hours they could have spent working or whatever.

Who works between 12 am and 8 am? Don't you mean hours they could have spent sleeping?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Pellham said:
Who works between 12 am and 8 am? Don't you mean hours they could have spent sleeping?

Some irrational scalpers quit their jobs to line up though, didn't they?


Ante Up
Fatghost said:
My cousin camped out for two days to get four PS3s on launch to sell (along with with 3 buddies).

He and friends returned all four to the store last week. Hope everyone learned their lesson for the next console launch.

How the heck did he get four to resell at launch on Day One and not make at least 5 grand????? That's pure incompetence.

Mau ®

quetz67 said:
It is good news. Poeple able to buy a PS3 have a PS3 (and if they pay 'only' the official price they are probably happy).

Not all the people willing to buy a 360 last year dis buy one when it was finally available.

In short: Shortages are BAD

Yeah obviously its a great thing and shows the haterz that Sony, in the end, is likely to meet their shipment targets.

Props to Sony!


Mana Knight said:
On Monday, I went to Meijer and saw a 20GB PS3 for the first time. I was also able to get 15% off since my parents have a Meijer credit card (I'd just pay my parents back). I never thought I'd see a PS3, so I was initially not going to buy it. But after thinking about it for 10 minutes, I realized I can afford one, and I should definitely get it (because I definitely want one). As soon as I went back to get it, there was some guy standing right in front of the PS3, calling someone on his cell phone. He was asking how much a 20GB PS3 was going on ebay for. At the time, the highest one was going for $600, so he decided to buy it (PS3 comes to $530 after tax). I told the guy that I really wanted a PS3 and would not sell it. I also mentioned that it was highly doubtful he'll make a profit. All he said to me was "I'll sell it to you for $700". After what happened, I seriously cried, because I really wanted a PS3, but got beat my a scalper (which is why I loathe them even more now).

Now, since I'm seeing many people not even break even on 20GB PS3s on ebay, I don't feel so bad because that guy will probably get screwed. Even if he makes just over $500 on it, the ebay pees, Paypal fees, etc. will kick in, causing him to possibly lose money, or barely make any kind of profit. Unfortunately, I may not see a PS3 for $425 for a while (unless I get lucky again at Meijer).

Every time I go to Meijer and other stores, I look over the return area to see if anyone brought their PS3 back, since I heard about scalpers not making money. Unfortunately, this might be a bad sign for Sony (I am a big PlayStation fan afterall), but I'm very happy scalpers are getting screwed now. I had a feeling this was going to happen. With PS2 launch and Xbox 360 launch, not many people were thinking about putting their console on ebay initially. But after finding out people were willing to pay a lot, many people just knew the same would happen to PS3, so too many people put a PS3 on ebay, causing it to be saturated. I think the number of people willing to scalp is getting higher than the people willing to pay the high prices. Hopefully, scalping will decrease next generation.

I remember when people tried to scalpers tried to do the same for PSP (despite Sony shipping 1 million at launch) and failing.:lol
I personally don't understand why people want the 60GB model. People constantly complain about the PS3 price, yet they want the 60GB model. The 20GB model gives you everything you need (has HDMI now), but lacks WiFi, SD/MS/CF reader, larger HDD, and remote play for PSP. Oh course, the $600 is a good deal, but I personally feel that price is steep, especially for stuff I don't plan to use, which is why I'd get the 20GB model for $500.

{Mike} said:
Mana Knight without a PlayStation console/handheld, is like Linus without his blue blanket. ;)

I could pay $500 for a PS3, but I cannot decide whether I should wait a few weeks (or month) and hopefully get it for $425. I just can't wait.


mashoutposse said:
How the heck did he get four to resell at launch on Day One and not make at least 5 grand????? That's pure incompetence.

Prob thought that by waiting for the Christmas rush would raise the prices even more.


Gas Guzzler
mashoutposse said:
How the heck did he get four to resell at launch on Day One and not make at least 5 grand????? That's pure incompetence.

By the time they got home, Ebay prices had fallen from the giddy highs joke bids to a more realistic 2000 bucks...but they thought the prices would go back up.


All he said to me was "I'll sell it to you for $700". After what happened, I seriously cried, because I really wanted a PS3, but got beat my a scalper (which is why I loathe them even more now).

So what if it was a gamer in front of you? Would you hate gamers too?

The moral of the story is that you should have gotten in line sooner. Don't blame other people when you lose out.


I think most gamers just learnt from last year and decided not be be burnt this year. Which is a good thing of course since this should discourage scalpers in the future.

Lee N

Pellham said:
Who works between 12 am and 8 am?
Alot.. it's not like the entire world stops just because it's night. Besides some people queued for days, and as Wario mentioned.. a few of them quit their jobs.
quetz67 said:
It is good news. Poeple able to buy a PS3 have a PS3 (and if they pay 'only' the official price they are probably happy).

Not all the people willing to buy a 360 last year dis buy one when it was finally available.

In short: Shortages are BAD

Good or bad news all depends on how many PS3s are actually selling.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I was just at Toysrus buying some games (PSP discount bombas) and there were a bunch of PS3s on the shelf. I was like, "Wow," but it turns out they were just empty boxes. There was a sign beneath them that said, "SORRY SOLD OUT!!" Same with the Wiis. No remotes. Lots of wii games. PS3 games were a disaster area...just no games to buy unless you wanted NBA 07. Everything else sold out.

There were 360s. There were PSPs. There were no DSes.

Dahhh...that's it.

I picked up Elebits on Wii, and Vice City Stories, Killzone Liberation, and Every Extend Extra. PSP bombas = cheap games for me!


Ante Up
Fatghost said:
By the time they got home, Ebay prices had fallen from the giddy highs joke bids to a more realistic 2000 bucks...but they thought the prices would go back up.

$1300 x 4 = $5200 profit. They could have easily had that money (and likely more) via Craigslist. Ask DarienA.

Christmas "bumps" NEVER happen. Every time I hear about someone hoarding stock for Christmas weekend, I laugh. Same prediction occurred with 360, PS2, friggin' TMX Elmos, etc.


Fatghost said:
By the time they got home, Ebay prices had fallen from the giddy highs joke bids to a more realistic 2000 bucks...but they thought the prices would go back up.
Please tell me you laughed at him in his face. Jesus Christ.


X26 said:
Buy console for $600
Try to sell for huge profit
Suceed -> $$$
Fail -> Get your $600 back

In the end the douchebags still come out unscathed :/

the fact that they made no profit and wasted time says the opposite. What did you expect, life in prison sentences or something :lol
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