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Scalpers returning PS3s to stores

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Serves the assholes right.

As an aside, my buddy had to camp out before his local Wal-Mart opened abnout two weeks ago to get a Wii; I know, not a PS3, but trust me, there's relevance... So anyway, my buddy was the first in line and the store handed out something like 8 tickets. The last guy in line, much to my friend's shock, actually was allowed to get two tickets.

When my friend asked why he wanted two, the guy proudly responded, "to sell them on Ebay."

Well my friend is an out-spoken guy. He'll say anything to anyone. So after the guy announces this, my friend just starts to go off. He called the guy a scumbag, that he hopes the guy's proud of himself for taking systems out of the hands of people who actually want it to play, and so on and so on.

When some new people approached the line -- after the tickets had been handed out -- my friend said to 'em, "hey number 7, tell them how their kid isn't getting a Wii for Christmas because you're an asshole." Everyone else in line, who was waiting to get one for themself or for a family member, was laughing their ass off.

Wish I could've been there... That would have been the best YouTube ever! :lol


Professional Schmuck
I was at Best Buy YESTERDAY (December 22) and right in front of the store, next to the Top 10 CD section, was a stack of PS3s like so many unwanted 24-cases of Coca-Cola. On top of the stack was a giant $599 sign. People would stop, glance, and head back to some other section.

I was astounded. People were walking right past it ---in the middle of the day--- like they didn't even care. Weird. One or two days before Christmas and there are tons of unsought PS3s just sitting there.


Mana Knight said:
On Monday, I went to Meijer and saw a 20GB PS3 for the first time. I was also able to get 15% off since my parents have a Meijer credit card (I'd just pay my parents back). I never thought I'd see a PS3, so I was initially not going to buy it. But after thinking about it for 10 minutes, I realized I can afford one, and I should definitely get it (because I definitely want one). As soon as I went back to get it, there was some guy standing right in front of the PS3, calling someone on his cell phone. He was asking how much a 20GB PS3 was going on ebay for. At the time, the highest one was going for $600, so he decided to buy it (PS3 comes to $530 after tax). I told the guy that I really wanted a PS3 and would not sell it. I also mentioned that it was highly doubtful he'll make a profit. All he said to me was "I'll sell it to you for $700". After what happened, I seriously cried, because I really wanted a PS3, but got beat my a scalper (which is why I loathe them even more now).

Please be under 10. The image of a twenty-something otaku crying over a videogame system makes me want to stomp a weasel.

PantherLotus said:
I was at Best Buy YESTERDAY (December 22) and right in front of the store, next to the Top 10 CD section, was a stack of PS3s like so many unwanted 24-cases of Coca-Cola. On top of the stack was a giant $599 sign. People would stop, glance, and head back to some other section.

I was astounded. People were walking right past it ---in the middle of the day--- like they didn't even care. Weird. One or two days before Christmas and there are tons of unsought PS3s just sitting there.

GAF != Real life.

PS3 demand is highly unlikely to be insatiable. They've been supply-limited until around now, but just like how the 360 has consistently failed to meet sales expectations on price point alone, PS3 is going to have a slow build up of users until the price drops or software compels people.

I can't believe people on GAF are shocked that the average person wouldn't want a $600 device that just plays the same style games a PS2 does.


Last year, the 360 was the only next-gen game in town...so people were willing to pay insane prices for a longer amount of time. The problem for the scalpers this time is there are 2 other consoles which are more available (strictly number-wise), than the PS3. More viable alternatives at more than competitive prices seems to be equating for less demand to pay more than MSRP for it.

Frankly, from what I've seen and heard after that first launch day, the hype surrounding the PS3 has not that high (at least where I live). I think it's partly lower supply but also the higher price tag. The hype and demand for the Wii seems to be significantly higher and I think the success of the DSL and that $250 pricetag has a lot to do with it.



Ante Up
bumpkin said:

Serves the assholes right.

As an aside, my buddy had to camp out before his local Wal-Mart opened abnout two weeks ago to get a Wii; I know, not a PS3, but trust me, there's relevance... So anyway, my buddy was the first in line and the store handed out something like 8 tickets. The last guy in line, much to my friend's shock, actually was allowed to get two tickets.

When my friend asked why he wanted two, the guy proudly responded, "to sell them on Ebay."

Well my friend is an out-spoken guy. He'll say anything to anyone. So after the guy announces this, my friend just starts to go off. He called the guy a scumbag, that he hopes the guy's proud of himself for taking systems out of the hands of people who actually want it to play, and so on and so on.

When some new people approached the line -- after the tickets had been handed out -- my friend said to 'em, "hey number 7, tell them how their kid isn't getting a Wii for Christmas because you're an asshole." Everyone else in line, who was waiting to get one for themself or for a family member, was laughing their ass off.

Wish I could've been there... That would have been the best YouTube ever! :lol

Frankly, I wouldn't have given a sh!t about what some stranger says if I was that guy. I would have waited, gotten my two systems, and drove off without anything but satisfaction that the wait paid off.
bumpkin said:
Everyone else in line, who was waiting to get one for themself or for a family member, was laughing their ass off.

Yeah, everybody here, the whole line, told me they were in line to get one to actually play (I was there to try to get a component cable at launch...am I naive, or what).

Then two days later I realize that more Wiis are listed on eBay than PS3s.

Wii line waiters are a lot better at pretending to not be scalpers.


provides useful feedback
Or as it has been explained before there are more Wiis than PS3s so going by numbers alone there would be more Wiis on eBay.
SovanJedi said:
Or as it has been explained before there are more Wiis than PS3s so going by numbers alone there would be more Wiis on eBay.

When EVERY SINGLE PERSON in line swears they aren't reselling, there are LIARS in the midst.

Well, maybe not. Possibly they weren't reselling until they realized there would be a profit in it.


Juice said:
Please be under 10. The image of a twenty-something otaku crying over a videogame system makes me want to stomp a weasel.

I don't think he is. :lol

He also thinks FF7: Advent Children is, and I quote, "the best movie ever."
PantherLotus said:
I was at Best Buy YESTERDAY (December 22) and right in front of the store, next to the Top 10 CD section, was a stack of PS3s like so many unwanted 24-cases of Coca-Cola. On top of the stack was a giant $599 sign. People would stop, glance, and head back to some other section.

I was astounded. People were walking right past it ---in the middle of the day--- like they didn't even care. Weird. One or two days before Christmas and there are tons of unsought PS3s just sitting there.
$599 is just not an impulse buy pricepoint. For me, I would have no problem shelling out $400 for the 60GB PS3, but any more than that is out of the question. I was an inch close to buying the Premium 360 yesterday. I drove to TRU to take advantage of the $100 GC deal but they were sold out. That is $400 right there, but with a pretty damn good incentive. I would have used the $100 GC to buy the wireless adapter, which is something already packed into the 60GB PS3. I am crossing my fingers that Microsoft announced a pricedrop come Spring. It would hopefully force Sony's hand to follow suit.
mashoutposse said:
Frankly, I wouldn't have given a sh!t about what some stranger says if I was that guy. I would have waited, gotten my two systems, and drove off without anything but satisfaction that the wait paid off.

ida punched the scalper in the back of the head, merry ****ing XMAS BITCH

....then ran :D

then again i punch anyone over pretty much anything nowadays
evilromero said:
$599 is just not an impulse buy pricepoint. For me, I would have no problem shelling out $400 for the 60GB PS3, but any more than that is out of the question. I was an inch close to buying the Premium 360 yesterday. I drove to TRU to take advantage of the $100 GC deal but they were sold out. That is $400 right there, but with a pretty damn good incentive. I would have used the $100 GC to buy the wireless adapter, which is something already packed into the 60GB PS3. I am crossing my fingers that Microsoft announced a pricedrop come Spring. It would hopefully force Sony's hand to follow suit.

wow, sold out?

if all the tru stores are sold out that's quite an accomplishment I remember they had something like 30,000 through out their stores.
Juice said:
I can't believe people on GAF are shocked that the average person wouldn't want a $600 device that just plays the same style games a PS2 does.
evilromero said:
$599 is just not an impulse buy pricepoint. For me, I would have no problem shelling out $400 for the 60GB PS3, but any more than that is out of the question. I was an inch close to buying the Premium 360 yesterday. I drove to TRU to take advantage of the $100 GC deal but they were sold out. That is $400 right there, but with a pretty damn good incentive. I would have used the $100 GC to buy the wireless adapter, which is something already packed into the 60GB PS3. I am crossing my fingers that Microsoft announced a pricedrop come Spring. It would hopefully force Sony's hand to follow suit.
jetjevons said:
Or has demand for a $500+ system just diminished?
To correct all of you, PS3 is $500 (20GB gives you everything you need), not $600, unless you choose to have a whole bunch of extra features not really needed for better gaming. 60GB is only there for those who want everything.

Gheesh, I get tired of some people thinking PS3 only cost $600, when there's a $500 model that gives you everything you need (It was discussed here, which is more reasonable IMO.
Mana Knight said:
To correct all of you, PS3 is $500 (20GB gives you everything you need), not $600, unless you choose to have a whole bunch of extra features not really needed for better gaming. 60GB is only there for those who want everything.

Gheesh, I get tired of some people thinking PS3 only cost $600, when there's a $500 model that gives you everything you need (It was discussed here, which is more reasonable IMO.

Does it matter if it's 500 or 600 really? That's still more than the average person would be willing to shell out.
Mana Knight said:
Gheesh, I get tired of some people thinking PS3 only cost $600, when there's a $500 model that gives you everything you need (It was discussed here, which is more reasonable IMO.

Are you really tired, or even surprised? There's no possible way for the PS3 to overcome its $600 stigma anymore. That's the way it reached the public mindshare and now, because of that, the $500 version is seen by the public as less than adequate. It doesn't matter whether or not they're right or wrong, it's public perception and, at this point, it's pretty much ingrained in their minds.

So, again. If you really want to change this perception, please, don't correct people on this board. That accomplishes nothing at all. You're going to want to stop by your local bank and take out a substantial loan. With this money, you're going to start a business, and hire a couple thousand people to stand in front of their local electronics shops, nationwide (don't worry, you won't have to hire someone for every Best Buy and Circuit City, you can just hire one person and have them spend a few hours at each. This way you will be saving a TON of overhead.).

Now the approach is up to you. Do they have a sandwich board with the specs of the $500 and $600 versions of the PS3? Is it a portable kiosk, a la Lucy Van Pelt's roaming Psychiatrist's Office, with a banner that says "Ask Me About The $500 PS3"? This is up to you.

But seriously, preaching to the converted around here isn't going to change a thing. I'm sure most of the people bandying about the "PS3 Is $600" know very well that there is a $500 version available and know (IN DETAIL at this point) the differences between them. But they're not the problem. Public perception is.
Birdie is right, I've talked to casuals around the office and they all think the $500 SKU is gimped somehow but they don't know how. :lol

The 20GB has a major perception problem even if it would be fine for many buyers.


Personally, I only have access to wi-fi, not a land line. 60GB is the way to go for me, because if I saved $100 to get the cheap system, I'd still have to pay for the adapter, and then I'd be stuck with the smaller hard drive.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Birdie is right, I've talked to casuals around the office and they all think the $500 SKU is gimped somehow but they don't know how. :lol

The 20GB has a major perception problem even if it would be fine for many buyers.

Your DoA4 avatar is, literally the shit. I thought I was the only one who played online and was like "Ooooh!! SHIT COMBO!!!"


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
mashoutposse said:
$1300 x 4 = $5200 profit. They could have easily had that money (and likely more) via Craigslist. Ask DarienA.

Here, here, that was the easiest cash I've ever made.


quetz67 said:
Why dont they sell them on ebay, the 60GB version still goes for $700+.

Not a huge profit, but better than returning them, so I think this is BS

cause after ebay & paypal fees you're only left with a few bucks and maybe even a loss, and that doesn't even take into consideration that a buyer might try to scam you with a chargeback and set you back $700

anyway I hope some of these retailers don't accept returns


Mana Knight said:
To correct all of you, PS3 is $500 (20GB gives you everything you need), not $600, unless you choose to have a whole bunch of extra features not really needed for better gaming. 60GB is only there for those who want everything.

Gheesh, I get tired of some people thinking PS3 only cost $600, when there's a $500 model that gives you everything you need (It was discussed here, which is more reasonable IMO.

the $500 model is crap. And even if you do buy the $500 model, you still have to buy $200 worth of extras (such as an hdmi cable, a game, controller, memory stick etc.)

saying wifi, sd card support, and an extra 40 gigs of HD space (dont give me that removable HD crap, who in their right mind wants to void their warranty?) is not worth it is silly.

I'm ashamed of any real gamer (not parents or casuals, they're excused) who buy the 20 gig model.


The dude who bought my 60GB for $1800 put it back up the same day for $2400. Of course it never sold at that price. I just received an email saying he sold it for $650. It included 1 game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Pellham said:
the $500 model is crap. And even if you do buy the $500 model, you still have to buy $200 worth of extras (such as an hdmi cable, a game, controller, memory stick etc.)

saying wifi, sd card support, and an extra 40 gigs of HD space (dont give me that removable HD crap, who in their right mind wants to void their warranty?) is not worth it is silly.

I'm ashamed of any real gamer (not parents or casuals, they're excused) who buy the 20 gig model.


The 500 dollar model is fine. HDMI cables cost less than 20 dollars, a game you have to get with the 60 gb, the same is true of the controller, and why do you need to buy a memory stick?

Changing your HD drive does not void your warranty. Are you joking with this post?
BenjaminBirdie said:
Are you really tired, or even surprised? There's no possible way for the PS3 to overcome its $600 stigma anymore. That's the way it reached the public mindshare and now, because of that, the $500 version is seen by the public as less than adequate. It doesn't matter whether or not they're right or wrong, it's public perception and, at this point, it's pretty much ingrained in their minds.

So, again. If you really want to change this perception, please, don't correct people on this board. That accomplishes nothing at all. You're going to want to stop by your local bank and take out a substantial loan. With this money, you're going to start a business, and hire a couple thousand people to stand in front of their local electronics shops, nationwide (don't worry, you won't have to hire someone for every Best Buy and Circuit City, you can just hire one person and have them spend a few hours at each. This way you will be saving a TON of overhead.).

Now the approach is up to you. Do they have a sandwich board with the specs of the $500 and $600 versions of the PS3? Is it a portable kiosk, a la Lucy Van Pelt's roaming Psychiatrist's Office, with a banner that says "Ask Me About The $500 PS3"? This is up to you.

But seriously, preaching to the converted around here isn't going to change a thing. I'm sure most of the people bandying about the "PS3 Is $600" know very well that there is a $500 version available and know (IN DETAIL at this point) the differences between them. But they're not the problem. Public perception is.
That's why to an extent (even though I'm a Sony supporter), I thought releasing the 60GB version was a bad idea. I feel they would have gotten better public perception by selling only the 20GB model, and release a bunch of over priced accessories (like a MS/SD/CF reader, WiFI adapter, larger HDD).
Pellham said:
the $500 model is crap. And even if you do buy the $500 model, you still have to buy $200 worth of extras (such as an hdmi cable, a game, controller, memory stick etc.)
If you are using composite like me, you don't need an HDMI cable. Also, HDMI cables are not that expensive. If you bought a Wii, 360, or PS3, you'd be buying a game anyway. For an extra controller, PS3 controller costs the same as a 360 controller. For a 20GB model, you don't need a memory stick.

saying wifi, sd card support, and an extra 40 gigs of HD space (dont give me that removable HD crap, who in their right mind wants to void their warranty?) is not worth it is silly.
WiFi usually means slower internet speed. Those who want the best connection has to use ethernet cables. It doesn't void your warranty, since Sony tries to encourage people to upgrade the HDD (by saying it can be done easily, over and over again).

I'm ashamed of any real gamer (not parents or casuals, they're excused) who buy the 20 gig model.
A more expensive model doesn't always mean it's better. Some of us like the black trim instead of the silver. I rather save $100 to get what I NEED, than extra stuff I prefer not to use.
Y2Kevbug11 said:

The 500 dollar model is fine. HDMI cables cost less than 20 dollars, a game you have to get with the 60 gb, the same is true of the controller, and why do you need to buy a memory stick?

Changing your HD drive does not void your warranty. Are you joking with this post?
It seems to me that he bought a 60GB, and is trying to justify his purchase.
Elitist Prick said:
the $500 model is crap. And even if you do buy the $500 model, you still have to buy $200 worth of extras (such as an hdmi cable, a game, controller, memory stick etc.)

saying wifi, sd card support, and an extra 40 gigs of HD space (dont give me that removable HD crap, who in their right mind wants to void their warranty?) is not worth it is silly.

I'm ashamed of any real gamer (not parents or casuals, they're excused) who buy the 20 gig model.

As a gamer that bought the "crap" model of the PS3, you are completely full of it. To sit there and proclaim that real gamers would not get it shows your ignorance and stupidity. All those extras you mentioned are the same extras you would have to buy for the $600 dollar version. Last time I checked, the $600 version does not come with an HDMI cable, a game, an extra controller, or a memory stick. If you actually read your user manual you'd know that replacing the hard drive takes all of 5 minutes and it doesn't void your warranty. There are many people like myself that could care less about Wifi, Memory card slots(USB Thumb Drive FTW), or a 60 GB hard drive. I'd rather spend the extra $100 on getting an HDMI cable ($15 on Ebay), and $85 on a 120GB hard drive from Newegg. Sure the $600 version has value to some, but there is a valid argument that would support the idea that maybe the $600 version is not for everyone. Get off your damn high horse and actually think before you post the crap you just did!! Happy Holidays!! :D


Sailor Stevenson
Every Best Buy got a ton of units in yesterday --- I'm home for Christmas and went back to my old one, they had started the day with something like 50 to sell and had moved half throughout the day. They also have another 50 or so for New Year's Eve.

It'll be interesting to see the ship comparisons between 360 and PS3. I don't have any additional sales figures that you guys don't already know about - but it seems like there are more PS3s out there than 360s last year. Most Best Buys had 360s on two days of last year, the initial launch, and then again on December 18th. So far, they've gotten their launch allocation, a huge allocation for the 22nd of Dec, another for the 31st, and they've been restocking weekly between launch and now.

NPD will be interesting indeed.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
jstevenson said:
Every Best Buy got a ton of units in yesterday --- I'm home for Christmas and went back to my old one, they had started the day with something like 50 to sell and had moved half throughout the day. They also have another 50 or so for New Year's Eve.

It'll be interesting to see the ship comparisons between 360 and PS3. I don't have any additional sales figures that you guys don't already know about - but it seems like there are more PS3s out there than 360s last year. Most Best Buys had 360s on two days of last year, the initial launch, and then again on December 18th. So far, they've gotten their launch allocation, a huge allocation for the 22nd of Dec, another for the 31st, and they've been restocking weekly between launch and now.

NPD will be interesting indeed.

No, I believe that you are right. Sony has shipper many more than the 360 did last year
Haha, this is hillarious.
I knew this would happen too. There wasn't enough actual demand for the PS3 system. By demand I mean people wanting to KEEP the system not resell for massive profit.
I think anyone who camped it after the initial shipment wasted their time cause the prices fell dramatically after the first week


It seems like the Xbox 360 core is having an odd effect on the 20GB PS3. I've always argued that NA gamers don't buy cheap for the hell of it, as they want value towards their purchase. The $499.99 PS3 is a still a good value versus the $599.99 PS3 (depending on what you want), but the perception of the X360 core being garbage compared to the X360 Premium has seems to have had an effect on the PS3. Of course right now Sony probably doesn't care, as they basically take a $100 less hit selling the 60GB PS3 versus the 20GB PS3, but over time they need to bring out the message that the 20GB PS3 is a viable solution.


Pellham said:
the $500 model is crap. And even if you do buy the $500 model, you still have to buy $200 worth of extras (such as an hdmi cable, a game, controller, memory stick etc.)

saying wifi, sd card support, and an extra 40 gigs of HD space (dont give me that removable HD crap, who in their right mind wants to void their warranty?) is not worth it is silly.

I'm ashamed of any real gamer (not parents or casuals, they're excused) who buy the 20 gig model.

Ignorance is awesome awesome is ignorance.

Do some research. Get a clue.


Mana Knight said:
Mana Knight without a PlayStation console/handheld, is like Linus without his blue blanket. ;)

I could pay $500 for a PS3, but I cannot decide whether I should wait a few weeks (or month) and hopefully get it for $425. I just can't wait.
Hey buddy I feel your pain.

Hunter ;-)
i don't think sony shipped more units. i just think the demand is lower so the systems hang around bit longer. of course the sell eventually but a pile of 360s last year wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in a store.
Mrbob said:
It seems like the Xbox 360 core is having an odd effect on the 20GB PS3. I've always argued that NA gamers don't buy cheap for the hell of it, as they want value towards their purchase. The $499.99 PS3 is a still a good value versus the $599.99 PS3 (depending on what you want), but the perception of the X360 core being garbage compared to the X360 Premium has seems to have had an effect on the PS3. Of course right now Sony probably doesn't care, as they basically take a $100 less hit selling the 60GB PS3 versus the 20GB PS3, but over time they need to bring out the message that the 20GB PS3 is a viable solution.

If Sony only had one SKU, the $499 system available, the whole perception of price by the public wouldn't be as bad.

Likewise, when MS gets rid of the Premium next year and sells the 360 + 64MB memory card + component/composite cables for $199 (various hard drive sizes available separately), the mass market will end up having a more positive perception of the 360's price.

that's my prediction and I'm sticking to it


hauahaha, now watch there be a shortage after Christmas, those scalpers who returned their PS3's will be having a really bad day :lol

Seriously though, to know that there are still auctions that say "I WAITED IN LINE FOR 2 WEEKS SO YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO"... oh, man. These people got owned. Scalpers usually piss me off, but that's a lot of waiting. For their sake, I hope there's a shortage after Christmas that will hopefully drive up the average final auction price of a PS3 by at least a couple hundred bucks above retail.


Man I remember the 360 being in demand even months later. Kind of shocking to see such a fall of just weeks later. I guess its because there more choices.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Pellham said:
So what if it was a gamer in front of you? Would you hate gamers too?

The moral of the story is that you should have gotten in line sooner. Don't blame other people when you lose out.
why are people always making excuses for assholes? sure, he could've gotten there sooner, but the fact that he said 'gimme $700 for it' makes him an asshole, and this launch was bursting with them. but i guess people confuse being an asshole with 'good business sense' sometimes.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I want to thank the scalpers that are returning PS3's. My journey today:

Best Buy - out of stock, but check the Washington Post today it'll tell you when we are going to have more in stock.
Wal Mart - out of stock
Target - out of stock
Best Buy #2 - BINGO! Yeah we keep them in the back so people don't act crazy on the floor, meet me at customer service. We have some 20's that were returned unopened today and some 60's. I'll take a 20 thank you!

So I'll plug mine in shortly and let it download the updates.


BTW this doesn't take in to account the phone calls this morning I made to all the local EB's and Toys R US, that's about 8 EB, GameStop Funcolands, and 3 Toys R Us... NONE in stock.
mattiewheels said:
why are people always making excuses for assholes? sure, he could've gotten there sooner, but the fact that he said 'gimme $700 for it' makes him an asshole, and this launch was bursting with them. but i guess people confuse being an asshole with 'good business sense' sometimes.

Why does that make him an asshole? He got there first.

In fact, it can be argued that stepping to him with the "I'm a real gamer" pleas was assholish too.


I have no problem with scalpers... If i had the opportunity, i wouldn't turn down 100% profit. I don't have enough money to be so ethical...

But at the same time, it doesn't bother me at all to see them get screwed. It's their own fault for miscalculating.
Mrbob said:
It seems like the Xbox 360 core is having an odd effect on the 20GB PS3. I've always argued that NA gamers don't buy cheap for the hell of it, as they want value towards their purchase. The $499.99 PS3 is a still a good value versus the $599.99 PS3 (depending on what you want), but the perception of the X360 core being garbage compared to the X360 Premium has seems to have had an effect on the PS3. Of course right now Sony probably doesn't care, as they basically take a $100 less hit selling the 60GB PS3 versus the 20GB PS3, but over time they need to bring out the message that the 20GB PS3 is a viable solution.
Very true. Exactly what I've been thinking. Nothing against MS, but it's like MS "trained" people to believe a cheaper model is terrible, so they assume the same with PS3.
soul creator said:
If Sony only had one SKU, the $499 system available, the whole perception of price by the public wouldn't be as bad.
That's what I think. Heck, if Sony would have removed the HDD (just put a Memory stick reader only), I'll bet public perception would probably be better, if it was $400. PS2 needed a multi-tap adapter (if you wanted more than 2 players), memory card (due to no HDD), etc. Public perception on PS2 was more positive too, despite this (one reason I bought Xbox over PS2 initially, was because it was the better deal).
mattiewheels said:
why are people always making excuses for assholes? sure, he could've gotten there sooner, but the fact that he said 'gimme $700 for it' makes him an asshole, and this launch was bursting with them. but i guess people confuse being an asshole with 'good business sense' sometimes.
Well, I'll be honest. If the person who was going to buy the PS3, actually wanted one (either a gamer who wants to play it or buying one for someone special), then I wouldn't be upset at all. If anything, I'd let them have it even if I was first. All I told the guy was I would really like a PS3, wouldn't sell it, and definitely big into PlayStation. I only said it to the guy because all he wanted to do was sell it and make profit (didn't care at all about it).

OT, I'm somewhat afraid to buy a PS3 that someone returned, after looking at some of the ebay auctions. I saw some of them with half-naked girls sitting on them, and other weird people.


Ante Up
MobiusPigeon said:
i don't think sony shipped more units. i just think the demand is lower so the systems hang around bit longer. of course the sell eventually but a pile of 360s last year wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in a store.

:lol OK, whatever.

I don't think there was a single 360 restock between launch and the week before Christmas last year.
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