Lol. You clearly don't understand human nature or stats. This isn't a confirmation bias thread like the my picture thread.No.
It's mostly that people who have something to brag about are more likely to post. Just look at the number of thread views vs. claims in any thread like this.
That said my one night browsing IsAnyoneUp and seeing all the guys on there showing off their small dicks with looks of pride that said "Ladies, all this could be yours." convinced me that a lot of guys can't use a tape measure and/or have no self awareness.
Which member of the court was submitted?Are you questioning the evidence I submitted to the court?
Which member of the court was submitted?
I bet most of them play PSP.Not that I've done this, but I agree with you that, for many guys, their "source of confidence is quite questionable."
Why are little ant people standing on the ruler?That big fella over there
Fat or slim?My dick is about the size of a vita.
I know because that's what I used to measure
I'm not following the "Gaffers have huge dicks" joke. Of course it would seem that way, considering people are not going to go out of their way to share that their dick is below average or tiny at anywhere near the frequency as people who are above average based on the study.
814 posts
Which way?My dick is about the size of a vita.
Fat or slim?
The Vita not the dick.
I'm surprised by the longevity of this thread.
This dick thread is huge
I'm surprised by the longevity of this thread.
I'm surprised by the longevity of this thread.
NeoGAF is a statistical anomaly at longevity.
Eh, it's below average. I've seen bigger dick threads.
My dick is about the size of a vita.
I know because that's what I used to measure
I'm surprised by the longevity of this thread.
I wouldn't trust GAF to measure anything accurately. The lead researcher even pointed out that most men can't self measure their own dicks. It's why all of those self reporting studies were always off. Women also have a high incidence of over estimating the size of their partners penis length.
I'll just be happy that being a dog lawyer gets me laid.
Meh penis size is overrated. I would gladly give up 2 inches of peen in exchange for 2 inches of height.