They clearly didnt measure with the ruler dug halfway into the pelvis like your supposed to. Hell, start from the gooch even.
Be thankful you weren't born in North Korea (apart from the obvious reasons)
Yeah don't worry. That's pretty big.This was posted earlier in the thread, but it's apparently a completely unrelated study that covers more racial groups and compares them. (hard to tell, as the OP didn't provide a link)
Their average is slightly higher than the study posted in the OP (5.5 vs 5.1), but a large amount of their meta-data is self-reported. They found huge variations country to country, with the DR Congo and Ecuador coming in at 1.75x the average for North Korea, Thailand, and India.
As for me, I'm also kinda surprised, as I always thought the average was closer to 6. Women have always told me that I'm big, so it makes sense as I'm a.1%er, between 7-7.25 depending on how creative you get with the ruler
High five, no homo. I'm right at 6.So only 15% have 6 inches or bigger? Yeah buddy.
As for me, I'm also kinda surprised, as I always thought the average was closer to 6. Women have always told me that I'm big, so it makes sense as I'm a.1%er, between 7-7.25 depending on how creative you get with the ruler
Showers vs growers is a lie.
That might explain why small ones...frighten me. Give me the willies, they do.Porn and tumblr have absolutely misled people regarding "average" dick sizes, which is why most GAF threads have people giving averages of 7.9" long
Average penis size is under 6".
Come the fuck on, someone who made this up just wanted to make everyone feel better.
What horse shit.
I'm not saying it's like 7-8 but sure it's more like 6.5-6.8 or something.
I don't like average being 6,5
then I barely made the cut
This is what I feel like all women must think but most of them won't say it out loud.Anything smaller than a solid seven isn't even worthy of anyone's time or consideration. Utter poppycock.That might explain why small ones...frighten me. Give me the willies, they do.
Do you use the "my dick" unit of measurement often?
"Bobby, how far should I place my couch from my 60" TV?"
"At least 17 my-dicks."
So... mixed races people are DUAL CLASSES???
UNFAIR!!! I call hax!!!
Mine smells like a cheddar cheese factory that just had a grand opening inside rosie o'donnell's butthole after she ran for 10 miles.
We are the 99%
My penis ranges anywhere 6-7 inches erect depending on the circumstances. Where does that put me?
Do you use the "my dick" unit of measurement often?
"Bobby, how far should I place my couch from my 60" TV?"
"At least 17 my-dicks."
Gaf is 6'2" with a 6 (average) incher is what I can tell from this thread and others like it.
So statistically, liars.
That said my one night browsing IsAnyoneUp and seeing all the guys on there showing off their small dicks with looks of pride that said "Ladies, all this could be yours." convinced me that a lot of guys can't use a tape measure and/or have no self awareness.