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How did You find Neogaf?


Lord of Edge.
I found it just before the Xbox One and PS4 launch. It seemed to be the place where insiders and others were dropping actual leaks. #CBOAT

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
I think I was looking up something on GameFAQ (this was the 2000's) and saw GAF mentioned. I went and look up what it is and started lurking on here. eventually made an account and that's all.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
CBOAT leaks brought me here lol back in 2012 i think during Xbox One always on leaks. Crazy times.
I don’t remember the exact year or catalyst, but it was prior to the rebrand to Neogaf. In the earlier days this was the place to be to find scans from Japanese magazines or gaming deals.

It’s had its up and downs over the years and I’ve taken breaks, but never for very long.


I worked with someone who was a neogaf lurker, he never signed up, but I decided to.
Likewise - actually not sure if he was a lurker or a poster (and no idea if he still lurks or posts since I haven't seen nor heard from him in well over a decade), but he did clue me into it. I probably lurked myself for a good few years before signing up as well.


I used to post a lot in the now defunct Megadeth Forums and made some acquaintances (with whom ive long lost contact with). Whenever we talked games one user would always mention GAF. I couldnt register at first because of no paid email. It wasn't until I went to college that I eventually remembered and joined GAF. Lurked for a very long time.

P pslayer666 was the dude here in gaf I think.


Was lurking here for more than a decade before finally making an account. GAF was often referenced as a source on news in game industry and that's how I started using it myself


We were watching Nintendo space world videos of the GameCube being unveiled back in 2000. Some how, GAF was mentioned on the ign boards. Rest was history.


I don’t remember the exact year or catalyst, but it was prior to the rebrand to Neogaf. In the earlier days this was the place to be to find scans from Japanese magazines or gaming deals.

It’s had its up and downs over the years and I’ve taken breaks, but never for very long.

Yeah in the way beginning, I didn't understand the meaning behind "Neo", that it was tacked on to gaming-age, or the history of the infamous split that resulted in another forum with lots of purple. I slowly pieced it together lurking while waiting (I guess) a year or so for my account to be approved.

I wasn't a regular of gaming age but remember the name and likely visited randomly an eternity before I forgot about it and found neogaf, kinda like gametrailers. I realize in retrospect the forums were great so now I wish I recognized it back then instead of entering random discussions from search engines. I was like 15 tho lol


We all merely adopted the GAF.
EviLore EviLore was born in it, molded by it.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I wanted to get back into pc gaming and found the build a gaming pc around 2012 or 2013.

I built a gaming pc thanks to help from this site and I have been continually building and upgrading since then.


I was a drifter, haunting places such as Forum planet, Gamefaqs, anywhere I could hang my hat. I'd heard of a fabled place with glitzy neon signs, the men were men, gaming was top of the agenda and the food was okay'ish.

One night, through a drunken haze I found it by accident down an alley I must of stumbled down, I rubbed my eyes, was this the eden I'd heard of? Could it be?

I used to look through the window of the old Neogaf building I'd found, the brick work was shabby but it had the neon signs, I knew i'd found the right place. I was never allowed in as I was a skanky tramp and couldn't access my 'proper' email address..

For years I'd kick that can outside the building of Gaf. Through the harsh winters, the rain, snow. How I chortled and guffawed heartedly to myself along with the jokes and japes of those inside throughout the summers, such hazy days, forever destined to be an inlooker..


Until one day, stuff happend, all was not right inside. Through untold menace in their ranks, old gods were cast aside, the forum was set free! The likes of me could get in..

I was free to post unfunny comments, possibly derail threads without meaning too and be a prat without actually meaning to too, I was home..

Either that or


I can't remember. I'm sure there was an alley though.


Gold Member
Over a decade ago, I remember seeing people referencing neogaf on other forums.
Eventually, I started lurking a bit. I think I tried to register at one point, but I think gaf had a restriction on gmail accounts for verification.
I considered using my personal email, from the company I was working at, but decided against it.
A few years ago, I noticed that gaf no longer had the same restrictions so I registered and here I am.
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I don't think it was any one particular place. GAF used to get mentioned often as a source in news articles and it was well known as one of the bigger forums where "even some game devs and journalists" post.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
I was looking for a video game forum, in which I was in Mexico and I was in a very good forum, but social networks arrived and it was not the same, as well as the university that needed time.

So I left that forum, there were few people.... I went to another video game forum in Mexico but it was full of vulgar people with lack of education....

Then I was looking for a video game forum and as I found many topics on Neogaf Like the people, I stayed.


Gold Member
Just looking for next gen(PS4/XBO) news and came across this site. A lot of leaks referenced source from gaf so I thought it was natural to go here instead of getting second hand information.


N4G brought me here. GAF used to make the news so one day I applied for an account. 8 months later I was a junior. 300 posts later I was a member.
10 years later I’m still tagless.
Life’s good ma dudes.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I've known about it a long time. I think it used to be called Opa Age or something like that. I joined in December of 2008 so I've been here 15 years. However, I could swore I had an older account predating that one but I don't remember it.

It is still my favorite video game message board. I think I've only been banned for one week once for saying I didn't read the entire post of an OP. I've never had any issues really with administrators or moderators here. So all around it's been mostly comfortable.
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Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Somebody down a dark ally sold me the link to it one night and I’ve been here ever since.
I found the gaming age forum via a random search I think. But as a different user. The account is still here but I forgot the login details.


Joined Apr 21, 2007
Last seen Sep 9, 2016
Before Reddit was what it is today, this site would pop up often, right after GameFaqs when searching for video game strategies and tricks/cheats, news tidbits, insider info, random tips for tech, movie info, etc.
My normal drink coffee and browse the internet included “video game news” search on Google, and I saw some threads and was like wow, these people are idiots just like me 😂, and decided to sign up for an account years later (I just browsed for quite a while at first)


heard about Neogaf online from Youtuber's like Total Biscuit about 10 years ago, i use to browse before signing up and decided to join in 2018.


It was before I joined. Maybe a couple of years. I can't remember how I ended up here but I was seeing a thread go crazy with gifs and I was dying. It was moving so fast kept getting funnier.

Then I was going through a pretty rough spot and alone in my shitty apartment all day. Scraping by on unemployment. I saw the name neogaf dropped somewhere and I was like "oh, that place" and signed up. Took a minute to get approved.

It was right around the shot themselves in the foot post I think. I was it live but can't remember if I was approved or waiting.

I was in a strange mental state at that time and was pretty erratic.

Edit. God damn I am not in the mood to think about that rn. Kinda trippin on that time.
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Just looking for active gaming forums really and this was one of the sites that had the most appealing design. I lurked for a little while and I liked the feel of the community.
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