There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
He is right, and that doesn't make me enjoy them any less. I am not sure why some people who enjoy these movies have to feel offended.
I can kind of see what he means. They are "Movie of The Week". A big deal today, forgotten tomorrow.
I tried watching Guardians of The Galaxy again the other day. Couldn't get through it. I loved it back then, but the buzz is gone.....
He is right, and that doesn't make me enjoy them any less. I am not sure why some people who enjoy these movies have to feel offended.
It's theme park cinema
Seriously though, he's clearly generalizing because there are a handful of Marvel movies that break the mold, but most are little more than theme parks. Most of them even have the same third act, filled with CG fighting that makes me want to fall asleep.
Again with the jealousy claim. The director of Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, etc. is totes jealous of Captain Marvel!Come on, dude. That is in no way a rational thought.
As for getting emotional while watching these films: yes - that's what they are designed to do at those specific moments when the music swells and there is forced sentimentality for character A B or C. Didn't your heart swell when Captain Marvel's mentor guy died? I don't even remember his name but it was oh so sad.
Marvel movies are about spectacle. They try to appeal to the broadest of audiences in order to make money and sell merchandise first and foremost. This is not what "cinema" as an art-form is about.
It's not like you actually need to watch this crap. They are all the same thing, over and overCan't be angry at Scorsese because he makes so many incredible films. All I need to take away from his quote his that he has never finished a comic book film. We don't even know if he understands what an MCU film is in his head. For all we know, the only Marvel movies he has tried to watch is X-Men 1, Raimo Spider-Man 1 and Fantastic Four and then he never bothered again.
Does anyone have the actual question quoted that he was asked?
At the end of the day, he has never watched a full Marvel film so his viewpoint is invalid.
Which generic children's anime are you talking about here? Those themes have been covered a trillion times before in a trillion different movies. What grown adult actually cares about that stuff anymore?It feels like they are missing a lot of the central themes of the movie : Heart, teamwork, never giving up. Etc. The big action pieces are great big their inner demons and personal drama are what make these movies.
I love how you're acting as if these movies are so amazing and complex. Nigga it's fuckin superhero movies and he's an old man. You really think he gives enough of a shit to actually watch them? Dude is 76. I'm sure he knows what he likes.Can't be angry at Scorsese because he makes so many incredible films. All I need to take away from his quote his that he has never finished a comic book film. We don't even know if he understands what an MCU film is in his head. For all we know, the only Marvel movies he has tried to watch is X-Men 1, Raimo Spider-Man 1 and Fantastic Four and then he never bothered again.
I love how you're acting as if these movies are so amazing and complex. Nigga it's fuckin superhero movies and he's an old man. You really think he gives enough of a shit to actually watch them? Dude is 76. I'm sure he knows what he likes.
Not enough to do anything but it does come off as disingenuine and trying to cut down something you csnt argue has gotten BIG. And for many solid reasons.
The Marvel movies arent all homeruns but trying to lessen what theyve accomplished is odd. The same sense stands here as critics that turn their nose at CGI films like Zootopia or Big Hero 6 : It feels like they are missing a lot of the central themes of the movie : Heart, teamwork, never giving up. Etc. The big action pieces are great big their inner demons and personal drama are what make these movies. Iron Man is more the a cool suit of armour.
The Marvel movies arent all homeruns but trying to lessen what theyve accomplished is odd. The same sense stands here as critics that turn their nose at CGI films like Zootopia or Big Hero 6 : It feels like they are missing a lot of the central themes of the movie : Heart, teamwork, never giving up. Etc. The big action pieces are great big their inner demons and personal drama are what make these movies. Iron Man is more the a cool suit of armour.
Punisher War Zone > every MCU filmThe weird thing for me is when Sony/Fox/Universal were all making their separate Marvel films, people weren't hollering how trash they were. And they really were trash. Films like Ghostrider, Daredevil, Elektra, Chris Evan's Fantastic Four and Punisher.
Their quality level is so bad compared to the MCU films. But nowadays people want to jump on the Disney/MCU hate bandwagon.
So weird.
Indeed, while I think there is nothing wrong to enjoy theme parks or fastfood, the insecurity some people have towards their interest baffles me.So are we supposed to pretend now that MCU movies are anything more than mindless big budget trash? I can't do that. They're the junk food of movies, which is fine for what they are, but let's not pretend they're anything but.
Punisher War Zone > every MCU film
Also nobody even liked those movies anyway. They came out and everybody forgot about them. MCU shit started when I was in fucking middle school and I'm almost 30. People have had enough.
Because it's cheesy.I can kind of see what he means. They are "Movie of The Week". A big deal today, forgotten tomorrow.
I tried watching Guardians of The Galaxy again the other day. Couldn't get through it. I loved it back then, but the buzz is gone.....
Freaking out? Is that what you call rational opinions these days? Because his opinion is as dumb as it can get. To say that Marvel movies don't convey emotion is pretty much jealousy or complete stupidity. You may dislike the movies but don't tell someone they should not get emotional when watching these movies.
everything okay buddy?Scorcese ... Cinema must be high Art. Anything else is beneath me. Art is thought provoking! Not entertainment!!
Some movie goers ... Pffft! Whatevs, man. That's just, like, your opinion.
Most of the posters in this thread .... His opinion is the correct one!! Stop enjoying fun things!!
Some posters ... He/you/we all can think whatever we want, and watch whatever we want - it's not hurting anyone.
Other posters ... Members of the Movies-are-just-entertainment Defend Force are Marvel/Disney shills and don't have independent thought.
slugbahr .... Either Scorcese is a pretentious git, or his words are being taken out of context. He is just one person - his take on things isn't going to bother me.
Scorcese ... Cinema must be high Art. Anything else is beneath me. Art is thought provoking! Not entertainment!!
Most of the posters in this thread .... His opinion is the correct one!! Stop enjoying fun things!!
Man, art is expression designed to illicit an emotion. Doing so with a large audience is even more difficult.
Anybody here watch Eighth Grade? I Choked up pretty hard. I didn't get weepy when Spider-Man poofed out in Infinity War, but a lot of kids did. Different audiences and complexities do not define one as art over the other.
Little arrogant to call out Marvel movies like this. Let them do their thing and you keep doing yours, Martin.
thats the funny thing about this all. he is "some old geezer" to these people, not an award winning filmmaker for decades who has personally dug himself into the academic discipline. when i was in college in 1999 i took an intro to film class and one of the materials was a Scorcese film series, the guy knows what the fuck he was talking about.Jeez, some old geezer says he thinks comic book movies are shallow and because he used the wrong words people are reaching for pitchforks. What a joke.
/THREAD.thats the funny thing about this all. he is "some old geezer" to these people, not an award winning filmmaker for decades who has personally dug himself into the academic discipline. when i was in college in 1999 i took an intro to film class and one of the materials was a Scorcese film series, the guy knows what the fuck he was talking about.
it's just in this post-expert, post-objectivism reality where "anything can be art maaaan" and we have flattened all qualities out and democratized everything, yeah, then his opinion means nothing to those people. when you eliminate standards so that everything is special, nothing is.
I said this earlier, I think. They're fine as kids movies but it's when adults go loopy about them where people are okay to get fussy about them. Scorsese being a 76 year old dude and all.
It's difficult to disagree really. They are very entertaining, but they are also transparently an entertainment product that's not meant to be taken too seriously.
Punisher War Zone > every MCU film
Also nobody even liked those movies anyway. They came out and everybody forgot about them. MCU shit started when I was in fucking middle school and I'm almost 30. People have had enough.
How can you agree on something that he has never watched?
I'm assuming you have watched more than 1 MCU movie. Scorsese probably has no idea if he has even watched an MCU movie with how dismissive he is being.
Scorsese's comment comes from a lot of experience which is always valuable but either way, I don't think he has said anything surprising here. He just said it very bluntly which a lot of people can't take these days.thats the funny thing about this all. he is "some old geezer" to these people, not an award winning filmmaker for decades who has personally dug himself into the academic discipline. when i was in college in 1999 i took an intro to film class and one of the materials was a Scorcese film series, the guy knows what the fuck he was talking about.
it's just in this post-expert, post-objectivism reality where "anything can be art maaaan" and we have flattened all qualities out and democratized everything, yeah, then his opinion means nothing to those people. when you eliminate standards so that everything is special, nothing is.
personally i still believe in objective quality, that some art can in fact more palatable than others, and there has been little in any Marvel films i've wanted to hold onto after the movie is over. are there any scenes you could teach in film class? any remarkable shots w good framing? feel like most detail is put into easter eggs and marketing.
How can you not think this? And he did say he did try to watch them, it's not like you have to see all of them to see the pattern, they are all the same, with very few exceptions: Intro action scene with quips, a bit of plot, action scene, more quips, more plot, action scene with quips, villain revelation, ending with quips, and in the end nothing or with at the most very minor changes in the overall story.
It's not exactly meant to make you think or feel very profoundly about anything, it's not art, it's an entertainment product and a very successful one at that.
Hw much MCU crap does he have to endure before he is allowed an opinion?How can you agree on something that he has never watched?
I'm assuming you have watched more than 1 MCU movie. Scorsese probably has no idea if he has even watched an MCU movie with how dismissive he is being.
Hw much MCU crap does he have to endure before he is allowed an opinion?
A good one? Is that slang for “predictable summer blockbuster with big explosions and sarcastic dialogue?”At least a single full film. One of the good ones.
It's still art.
Comic books are art.
Dancing no matter what style is art.
Novels are an art form.
A 4 year old painting is art.
It doesn't matter what style or genre a film is, it's still art. Troma films are art.
thats the funny thing about this all. he is "some old geezer" to these people, not an award winning filmmaker for decades who has personally dug himself into the academic discipline. when i was in college in 1999 i took an intro to film class and one of the materials was a Scorcese film series, the guy knows what the fuck he was talking about.
it's just in this post-expert, post-objectivism reality where "anything can be art maaaan" and we have flattened all qualities out and democratized everything, yeah, then his opinion means nothing to those people. when you eliminate standards so that everything is special, nothing is