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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Dir. Wright, Cera, Kendrick, Evans, Schwartzman)

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wwm0nkey said:
Guys prepare for a new change of pants, [Adult Swim] is thinking of making a series of Scott Pilgrim due to high demand :D
Would they keep the same voices?

They should at least keep the same girls for Kim, Envy, and Julie.


wwm0nkey said:
Guys prepare for a new change of pants, [Adult Swim] is thinking of making a series of Scott Pilgrim due to high demand :D
Meh. After watching the trailer they put up, I'm not really interested. The animation looked very janky. The humour also felt a little flat, for some reason.

Cautiously optimistic, personally.


XiaNaphryz said:
Would they keep the same voices?

They should at least keep the same girls for Kim, Envy, and Julie?
I have no idea, I hope so though.

Wonder if they will upgrade the animation though personally


Strap on your hooker ...
wwm0nkey said:
Wonder if they will upgrade the animation though personally
I'm sure they would. The short was very, very basic recreations of the comic.

I hope it happens. The movie's alright as its own thing but it'd be nice to have a more literal adaptation.
soultron said:
Meh. After watching the trailer they put up, I'm not really interested. The animation looked very janky. The humour also felt a little flat, for some reason.

Cautiously optimistic, personally.
Did you watch the actual short or just the trailer? The full short is up on their site*; check it out! It's good.

*last time I checked a few days ago


Shig said:
I'm sure they would. The short was very, very basic recreations of the comic.

I hope it happens. The movie's alright as its own thing but it'd be nice to have a more literal adaptation.
Wasn't the short also made in less than a month as well?


I just saw the film for a second time, and this time I saw it with three other people, one who already saw it, one who is into these sorts of things, and the dude's girlfriend. The three of us totally loved it, and for the two of us who already saw it, it reinforced what a great movie it was. However, the lady didn't like it very much at all. Honestly, I think it's mostly because she kinda went into it not wanting to like it; she wasn't really down to see it much in the first place. She said she liked the comedy and the film making, but the love story irked her. And to be honest, I can totally see where she's coming from; the entire movie they build up to Knives, and at the end they go with Ramona. For the movie, they really should have stuck to their guns and gone with Knives at the end. It just makes sense.

Edit - Well, at least it makes sense for people who don't want to look a bit deeper into the meaning of Scott going with Ramon, as posted below. My friend certainly didn't, and it totally diminished her enjoyment of the movie.


Crossposting some analysis re the Love Story in both the film and the comics:

ChopperDave on the Penny-Arcade forums said:
Yeah. Wright and O'Malley have both said that while the books and movie have different arcs, they both arrive at similar conclusions. And they are incredibly similar in spirit, which is really what matters.

I think once I realized that the movie focuses on a different conflict than the books I was able to appreciate it more.

In the books:

Ramona's exes, as baggage, are never really a big issue for Scott. In fact, Scott seems to revel in the fighting, tackling each ex-boyfriend fight head-on and without question. It's in the day-to-day, mundane relationship stuff that he faces his true challenges and grows as a character. It's pretty apparent that Scott actually uses the ex-boyfriend fights as a crutch, and wouldn't really know how to handle his relationship with Ramona without them.

Because the comics take place over a year, they have more time to focus on the ups and downs of Scott and Ramona's relationship. You also get to see Scott make a few significant developments. He pulls out of the "mourning" stage precipitated by his ex-college girlfriend and enters into an adult relationship (vol. 1 and 2), gets over his college ex-girlfriend and some of the confidence issues she inspired (vol. 3), pulls his life together and gets over his fear of telling Ramona he loves her (vol. 4), and finally, learns to accept the mistakes of his past so that he can learn from them and grow as a person (vol. 5 + 6). Ramona goes through a similar arc throughout the series.

At the end of the day, Scott learns that in order to have a successful, adult relationship with a real person, he has to get over his childish fight-the-bad-guys-and-win-the-girl attitude. The only way he can truly love Ramona is if he accepts her faults and more importantly, his own.
In the movie:

The exes are a huge issue for Scott. Thanks to Envy, Scott doesn't want to get into a real, adult relationship where there is baggage and fights -- which is why he dates Knives, who has no relationship history and worships him. So when he meets Ramona, he's torn between the "easy" option of dating a safe, baggage-free girl or the "hard" option of dating the girl of his dreams, who has tons of baggage.

Here, the character development is about self-respect. Scott first needs to get over Envy, who "kicked his heart's ass" and sent him spiraling into the non-life he currently enjoys. Then he learns that to be in a real, adult relationship with Ramona, he needs to accept that she has baggage and not to run away from it back to the easy option (Knives).

Finally, he learns that just because Ramona is the girl of his dreams and he gets along with her doesn't mean that he's in love with her. That attitude is juvenile, and is what got him into trouble with Envy and Knives. He also realizes that he hasn't been fighting Ramona's baggage in order to "win" her love (also a childish notion); he's been fighting it because that's just what people in adult relationships do. This is why the Power of Self-Respect is so much stronger than the Power of "Love," which Gideon shatters easily.

At the end of the day, Scott learns that being compatible with someone =/ being in love with them, and that you can't win a girl's heart in the same way that you win the princess in Super Mario. In order to have a successful, adult relationship with a real person, he has to work at it -- and that's OK.

The big difference is that in the books, Scott has to get over himself in order to grow as a person and not make the same mistakes with Ramona that he did with his previous girlfriends. In the film, Scott has to get over himself in order to pull his life together and continue dating Ramona past the honeymoon stage.

The main theme is essentially the same, though: adult relationships take work, and Scott has to grow past his childish, self-centered approach to them before he can make things work with Ramona.

I liked that analysis
soultron said:
Make sure you play with a friend. Fortunately (IMO, or unfortunate if you don't have friends who like beat-em-ups) it's only local co-op. Being able to high five someone when they revive you is awesome.

Seriously though, the game is only balanced for a minimum of 2 players. That's my one complaint. You will get spanked even on the lowest difficulty, initially because of low stats/level, if you decide to go it alone.
Man, you weren't f'n kidding. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have constant 1 vs 5 fights where the enemies continually block?

It's too bad, because I was looking forward to the game, but it's just not fun to play single player.


Mike Works said:
Man, you weren't f'n kidding. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have constant 1 vs 5 fights where the enemies continually block?

It's too bad, because I was looking forward to the game, but it's just not fun to play single player.
It's certainly doable in 1P, but you really need to level and buy the proper items to max your stats. As you level, you gain moves that allow you to break blocks with dashing hits, hit faster with weapons, etc.


Unconfirmed Member
wwm0nkey said:
Guys prepare for a new change of pants, [Adult Swim] is thinking of making a series of Scott Pilgrim due to high demand :D
If this is true, it had better have much better animation than the short. Oh, and Plumtree's Scott Pilgrim as the OP!
The books could easily fill a cartoon if the pacing were to be much slower than that short. Actually, that's my biggest want for a Scott Pilgrim series: don't rush! It doesn't need to be super fast paced like the film. I'd prefer if the direction felt more level for the most part, and only switching to crazy mode for some of the fights.

Also: new voice actors, please.
How on earth would they pace it? There's not enough material in each book to fill its own 2-hour movie, so they sure as shit couldn't do each book as one season. Would the show be like three seasons long? Would they be full 25/30-minute shows or would they be 10/15-minute mini things?

I'd think if they did 25/30-minute episodes, each book could get 2-3 episodes each, and that'd be ~15 episodes, which sounds about right for an Adult Swim series to me. That way each book would get about an hour to an hour and a half, it could cover EVERYTHING, and they wouldn't need to stretch it out with any kind of filler bullshit to make it span multiple seasons.


Unconfirmed Member
WordAssassin said:
I'd think if they did 25/30-minute episodes, each book could get 2-3 episodes each, and that'd be ~15 episodes, which sounds about right for an Adult Swim series to me. That way each book would get about an hour to an hour and a half, it could cover EVERYTHING, and they wouldn't need to stretch it out with any kind of filler bullshit to make it span multiple seasons.
That's what I'm hoping for.

I'm not convinced this is even going to pan out, though. Where's the source?


WordAssassin said:
How on earth would they pace it? There's not enough material in each book to fill its own 2-hour movie, so they sure as shit couldn't do each book as one season. Would the show be like three seasons long? Would they be full 25/30-minute shows or would they be 10/15-minute mini things?

I'd think if they did 25/30-minute episodes, each book could get 2-3 episodes each, and that'd be ~15 episodes, which sounds about right for an Adult Swim series to me. That way each book would get about an hour to an hour and a half, it could cover EVERYTHING, and they wouldn't need to stretch it out with any kind of filler bullshit to make it span multiple seasons.

Sounds good.

(Even though I would love some Brian O'Malley written filler bullshit.)
WordAssassin said:
That's not it. There's enough music from the film to make a third album. Edgar Wright has talked about it several times now, saying if the OST and score continue to sell as well as they have, they'll release a new album. There were 8-10 Sex Bob-Omb songs written for the movie, more chip-tunes versions of them, and a third Crash and the Boys song too, and that's just the stuff he's openly talked about including on it.

That's great news. Beck wrote 21 Sex Bob-Omb songs for the movie, only 4 were chosen for the film. One of those tracks, Gasoline Eyes, is floating around online, and I've been looking for it.

On a semi-related note: It blows my mind Beck wrote 21 songs in 72 hours for this film.
-ImaginaryInsider said:
That's great news. Beck wrote 21 Sex Bob-Omb songs for the movie, only 4 were chosen for the film. One of those tracks, Gasoline Eyes, is floating around online, and I've been looking for it.

On a semi-related note: It blows my mind Beck wrote 21 songs in 72 hours for this film.

But did Sex Bob-Omb play the songs? Beck is cool and all, but I much prefer the Sex Bob-Omb versions of all the songs on the Soundtrack.
WordAssassin said:

discohiro said:
It was during a bump on Adult Swim this past Sunday. It featured an AS.com message board poster asking Adult Swim to make the short into a series, then (rather than a typical response from AS) had follow-up posts from the same thread with other members agreeing. When the bump ended, rather than the typical [adult swim] signoff, it said "[hmmmm]."

EDIT: I somehow missed wwm0nkey's post completely. Sorry!


_dementia said:
Wow, animated scott pilgrim would have been rad. I liked to voice talent in the AS short.
Im still shocked that Micheal Cera can pull off Scott's voice that well

EDIT: Also you mean it WILL be rad right :D
just got back from the film after much conversation here about it.

not really sure how I feel about it. it was...interesting and unique.

edit: oh, and I too was the only person in the theater.
reading over the last few pages of the thread...should I have read the comics first? or do I really need to enjoy rock?

I thought it was a moderately enjoyable movie with unique styling and humorous commentaries about certain social communities, attitudes and lifestyles...and enjoyable acting. cute love story. I did appreciate all the retro video game music too. Knives was cute as a button, btw. shame on him for punking her life. :lol

still....I don't get the "zomg best movie of the year!" comments. so I feel like there must be a lot I'm missing outside of the movie. halp!


Dreams-Visions said:
still....I don't get the "zomg best movie of the year!" comments. so I feel like there must be a lot I'm missing outside of the movie. halp!
I don't think it was the best movie of the year
but I definitely think it was the most fun movie of the year.
Dreams-Visions said:
cool. what made it fun for you?

I think the overall energy of the thing makes it fun. The genuinely good humor, the best/most original fight scenes I've scene in a Hollywood movie in years, the awesome music both in the score and for the bands which were put to use excellently, and just the overall style. I can't think of one other movie that feels like this one or that you could even compare it to which is crazy rare these days. The closest I can think of is Speed Racer but even that is apples to oranges. Naturally, the more stylistic you get, the more some people aren't going to be in to it which is why I can understand some people not loving it (or Speed Racer for that matter) but I think the style makes it more fun. I think I'm rambling now...


Dreams-Visions said:
cool. what made it fun for you?
GuitarAtomik is right about the overall energy definitely increasing the enjoyment of the film. Personally, from start to finish it just seemed like a high energy film that never really let up or slowed down. The characters were awesome and I loved the visuals. While the visuals don't really compare to Speed Racer, it is the closest thing I can think of to compare it to. The soundtrack also was extremely well done. I've been listening to the OST over and over since seeing the movie.

Scott, Knives, and Wallace were just awesome characters to watch. Some may have been turned off by the video game references and style but personally it just made me want to see Edgar Wright make a video game movie. I just had so much fun watching it the first as well as second time seeing it in the theaters.

edit: and it is too bad the film has done so poorly in the cinemas purely because seeing it at midnight on release was great with an audience that really appreciated the movie


God damn it.

I had arranged to see this tomorrow with friends, and now everyone has pulled out. Sounds like some of them want to see it next week, but fuck, I'm tempted to just go on my own tomorrow.

Is it still sad to go to the cinema on your own?


New poster right before the UK premiere:

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